25 Best High-Paying Side Hustles For Nurses (How to Start + Earnings)
Written By:
Donna Reese
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »» MSN, RN, CSN
Working a side job as a nurse can be a terrific means to earn extra money. In addition, a secondary job can be a great way to try out unique and different nursing and non-clinical roles.
A nurse's side hustle can be a spin-off of a hobby, passion, or your current job. It can be a creative and out-of-the-box job idea or a simple modification of what you are already doing. In this capacity, you can be hired as a part-time worker or start your own small business.
So now that you know what a side hustle is, you may ask, “What are the best high-paying side hustles for nurses?” After all, you might as well earn great pay when branching out to work an extra job. Here, I offer an array of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses- 25, to be exact. These intriguing ideas may whet your appetite to consider a secondary gig.
You may be surprised to learn that many nurses keep their day jobs and work secondary gigs in their spare time. Who knows? Perhaps an interesting extra niche job may be just what you need to keep you fresh and happy.
What are the Best High-Paying Side Hustles for Nurses?
(The following are the 25 best high-paying side hustles for nurses.)
Side Hustle #1: Home Health
About The Hustle:
Working as a
home health (HH) nurse does not have to be a full-time position. I have worked for home health agencies for extra money while keeping a full-time nursing job elsewhere.
The beauty of working in some home health positions is that you can pick and choose your hours while earning top nurse pay. I have worked weekend-only home health gigs. In addition, I have agreed to take local cases in the evenings on some occasions. At times, I have had only one patient for my assignment who happened to live close to my home. I could conveniently do my local visit after feeding my family supper.
Visits typically take one hour, with some paperwork afterward. Once you are oriented and established with an agency, you should have more flexibility with your scheduling appointments to suit your needs. If it is clear from the start that you need this position to be very flexible, you should be able to work in visits around your day job and personal schedule. Great pay and this flexibility are why working in home health can be one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
if you want to land a side job in HH, update your resume to include an
objective that states your goal to work in home health. Check out your local home health agencies and send your resume with a cover letter. Your cover letter should state that you seek an HH position to augment your current job.
Then, follow up with an email or phone call if you do not receive a response. However, an agency will likely jump at the chance to have you on board, even with your non-traditional scheduling needs.
Training is available and part of the onboarding process.
Potential Earnings:
Working as a clinical nurse in areas such as home health is still one of the best avenues to high compensation. As an RN in a home health job, you can expect an average hourly wage of $49 per ZipRecruiter.
Side Hustle #2: Private Duty
About The Hustle:
As a private duty nurse, you can work for an agency. However, you can also venture out independently as a freelance private-duty nurse. In this side hustle for nurses, you will care for one individual in their home for an entire shift (or partial shift, if needed). At times, you may do private duty nursing in assisted care or even a hospital.
One of my first private duty jobs was a psych nursing role for a gentleman in a hospital who had tried to commit suicide and was recovering from a severe self-inflicted injury. The family and hospital wanted a constant set of knowledgeable eyes on this patient while he received medical and psychiatric services.
As a private duty nurse, your duties will be assessment, patient (and family) education, medication monitoring and administration, blood draws, IV therapy, an array of treatments, coordination of care, addressing safety issues, and care planning.
You will be working alone, so you will need to possess excellent independent assessment skills. It is best to have a few years of experience as a nurse when working on private cases.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
The easiest route to working this side hustle is to work part-time for an agency. You can work your hours and not worry about the logistics of the job between your shifts.
Being an independent private duty nurse as a
small business owner may take more effort initially. You will need to set up a simple business and market your services. With the help of a business attorney, this process is not overly complex.
If going solo, you will need basic nursing tools such as a stethoscope, BP monitor, pulse oximeter, and glucometer.
Potential Earnings:
ZipRecruiter indicates that a private duty RN makes an average of $36/hour.
Side Hustle #3: Healthy Meal Service
About The Hustle:
Do you like to cook? Then fortunately for you, there are a lot of people who do not enjoy or have time for this essential daily task. Owning a healthy meal delivery service is a different twist for nurse side jobs. However, some of the most lucrative and fun side hustles for nurses don’t have to be in nursing.
Pursuing a non-nursing side job may be a new concept for many. After all, we are trained and work as nurses. But there is a good chance that you have other passions and talents besides nursing. Cooking is one simple side job idea that may be within your wheelhouse. You can add a nursing twist to this venture by marketing your product as nurse-approved nutrition.
In this role, you must research, prep, and deliver meals to local consumers. You can deliver to businesses and homes.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
If you want to do this hustle correctly, you should start with a
business plan. Use this plan as a map to guide you toward a successful meal service venture. Since it is a side hustle, there is no need to go overboard with your plan, but you will still need to ensure you have the business legalities covered.
Of course, you will need cooking, prep, and storage space for your venture. Working out of your home will keep overhead low.
Marketing can be as simple as printing flyers and developing a Facebook page and a website advertising your meal service. You may need some legwork to post flyers in community areas such as gyms, coffee shops, and businesses.
Don’t be surprised if your healthy meal service grows and becomes your full-time job. Successful side hustles have a way of taking over primary jobs as you discover the benefits of owning a business.
Potential Earnings:
Step-By-Step Business indicates that profits for a
healthy meal business can range from 36,000 to $47,000 if working full-time at this endeavor. If operating out of your home, you can expect higher profits than renting a kitchen space.
Side Hustle #4: Work Per Diem
About The Hustle:
Working extra shifts is a simple way to earn extra money. You are already doing what you know best and can easily control your work hours.
Although you can take on extra shifts at your current job, there are other avenues for per diem work that will offer a fresh workplace. This break from your day job can help to bring back some of your nursing mojo.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
The most straightforward way to work per diem is to sign up with a per diem agency such as
Incredible Health. This process is as simple as registering your information with an agency, and then hospitals contact you about high-paying jobs. You do not have to send numerous resumes, make calls, or travel long distances. Job offers will come to you.
Potential Earnings:
Per diem nurses make top dollars; thus, this avenue is one the best high-paying side hustles for nurses. Depending on your specialty, you can earn upwards of $70/hour, with the average being $42 per ZipRecruiter.
Side Hustle #5: Traveler
About The Hustle:
Do you have an excess of vacation time with no plans to take some R and R? If so, short-term travel nurse contracts may be an answer to extra income. Along the way, you can take in a little of the vacation vibe as you travel to new lands.
Most of us know you can make a lot of money as a travel nurse. But are you aware that you can work as little as 2 weeks as a
short-term traveler? Although such a brief assignment is not common, there is a need for travel nurses to fill limited-time vacancies.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
By surveying reputable travel nurse agencies, you can determine if they offer short-term contracts. Once you have located a desirable agency, you must go through the agency's required steps to
become a travel nurse. This typically involves having a current nursing license and BLS certification and filling out paperwork.
If your assignment is a considerable distance from your house, you will need to rent a room or apartment for your stay. The travel nurse agency will help you with this step.
Potential Earnings:
Short-term travel nurse contracts typically fill a critical need. This demand sometimes equates to a possible bonus and excellent pay. According to ZipRecruiter, travel nurses make an average hourly wage of $49. However, this number may be conservative as demand dictates pay in this industry. Overall, traveling in your off time is still one of the most lucrative side hustles for nurses.
Side Hustle #6: Retail Sales
About The Hustle:
With personnel shortages everywhere, stores and retail shops are willing to pay salespersons a decent rate. Plus, many desperately need friendly, hardworking cashiers and salespeople.
You may have never considered working outside your profession. After all, we can make a good wage as nurses, so why stray outside of the healthcare circle? However, many of us enjoy a break from nursing and crave a job that is unique and non-stressful.
Working in retail sales can be a refreshing break away from the life and death-related climate we experience as nurses. Chatting with customers about soothing topics, such as which pair of gloves Aunt Edna may prefer, can be a welcome change in the job environment for a nurse.
In this role, you may stock items, assist shoppers in finding items, and ring up sales.
So, if you want extra cash, why not work in retail sales for the pre-holiday season? Plus, receiving an employee store discount is a great way to get started on your gift shopping list!
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Applying to your local stores for a sales job has never been easier. Many offer “hiring events” where you are interviewed and hired on the spot. If you miss the event, most larger store websites have an easy “apply online” button.
If you are seeking a boutique job, stop in and ask to speak with a manager. Once they meet you and find out you are a nurse, you will likely be offered a job quickly. As a professional in the people business, you are a rare find for many employers.
Potential Earnings:
Most sales jobs in retail clothing advertise a starting rate between $15 to $18 per hour. This rate is even higher in some cities. In addition, many retail jobs include bonuses for sales (which may come quickly during the holiday shopping season) along with generous employee discounts.
Side Hustle #7: Write
About The Hustle:
Writing is probably the most flexible and convenient of all the side hustles for nurses. You can write about a variety of health and nursing topics, most of which you are familiar with. As an expert in your field, you can enlighten other nurses by writing CE courses, textbooks, and blogs to help educate them in your area of expertise.
Nurses can also write for nursing journals, health and medical sites, and healthcare product companies. The list of writing possibilities for nurses is extensive. One big bonus as a nurse writer is that you can write when and where you want and for whom you wish. That is why writing as a side hustle perfectly complements our schedule.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Many nurses are naturally talented at writing. Writing often involves extensive medical research, a skill most of us have mastered in nursing school. If you possess these 2 attributes, you are on your way to being a nurse writer.
The nuts and bolts of writing as a side niche may be a bit more foreign for many nurses. It was for me, at least. I knew nothing about setting up a business as a nurse writer. Fortunately, many experienced nurse writers are willing to share their expertise. These successful wordsmiths have written books and offer courses outlining the steps to becoming a nurse writer. There are even podcasts and nurse-writer societies to teach you the essentials of writing.
And don’t worry if your grammar and punctuation skills are not perfect. Computer programs such as
Grammarly and Hemingway will help to correct the most obvious errors. Most publications have editors who will polish up the final copy of your work.
Potential Earnings:
Nurse writers are typically paid per word, article, or CE course. There is a wide variety in pay for writers, ranging from .10 cents per word to $1 per word.
Side Hustle #8: Podcasting
About The Hustle:
Podcasts are emerging as a popular means of entertainment and education. As we scroll on our phones, podcasts regularly pop up in our feeds. As nurses, we enjoy content from nurse podcasters who make us laugh, teach us new skills, or inspire us to be our best selves.
You can become a nurse podcaster if you like making videos and speaking in front of a camera. Topics can be as varied as the nurses who present this content. You can podcast for nursing (and other) sites or freelance independently.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Once you have an idea for a podcast, make sure that you have enough content to discuss to make it the length you desire. If you plan a series, outline numerous topics for future podcasts. Choose a name for your podcast and run it through a
name checker to ensure you are not pirating another podcast title.
You will need a computer with a good camera and an excellent microphone. Ensure you shoot a podcast in an area without an overly distracting background with good lighting.
Next, consider a platform to air your podcast.
Podcast hosting platforms can be free or for a fee. You will have to research which platform is best for your podcast.
Figuring out how to make money with your podcast can be a bit tricky. However, there are numerous avenues to
monetize your podcast. One of the main ways to earn with podcasting is by selling advertising to display on your site. In addition, you can ask for donations, recruit sponsors, and find partnerships.
Potential Earnings:
Podcasting pay can be unpredictable. Needless to say, some folks make big money in podcasting. However, many others barely make a cent. Podcasters typically
make money as they become more popular. This process takes time. The payoff is so broad that you may
make a few hundred to a million dollars!
Although podcasting can be one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses, don’t expect instant results. You will need to stay in this venture for the long run to realize returns for your hard work. However, podcasting can be fun, so you will have a great time while waiting for that financial reward!
Side Hustle #9: Speaker
About The Hustle:
Nurses can speak on a variety of topics. If you have some funny nursing stories, inspiring words, or an educational technique or topic to share, you may have what it takes to be a nurse speaker. Nursing conferences, university classes, and community engagements seek quality speakers.
Of course, it helps if you are verbally gifted with an engaging personality to ensure that your audience is enraptured with your talk. Nothing is more satisfying for a speaker than seeing smiles in the audience, shaking heads as light bulbs go off with aha moments, or hearing laughter after your punchlines. Some nurses thrive in this environment.
One significant aspect of speaking as a side hustle is that you do not have to commit to a regular schedule. If you want to accept only one speaking engagement to earn some extra cash to buy a new sofa or a bike for your kid, everyone is happy with your decision. It is a win-win.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Many nurse speakers have their own ideas for content. However, some gear their speech to the needs of their client. It is helpful to join a
speakers bureau or booking agency to market yourself as a nurse speaker.
You should have a professional headshot picture and develop a website and portfolio for your speaking persona.
Potential Earnings:
The more you speak and become popular in this arena, the more you can charge for each engagement. Once you have developed a reputation as a speaker, you are on the way to working in one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses. Popular nurse speakers can earn up to $4000 per engagement. However, when starting, it is customary to charge a lesser fee of between $200 and $500 per engagement.
Side Hustle #10: ElderCare
About The Hustle:
There is a growing demand for eldercare. Nurses can help to fill this need. A side hustle for nurses concentrating on senior healthcare may be the perfect solution.
As the last baby boomers soon reach 65, this generation is approaching the peak burden on our health system. This
critical healthcare trend requires innovative ideas to meet the needs of an already overburdened medical system.
Numerous side job possibilities exist in eldercare. You can assist seniors in your community as an independent nurse or accept a part-time job in eldercare.
Recently, I had the opportunity to assist senior neighbors and community members in different ways. For example, I have one neighbor who had a stroke and is unable to talk. I visit him weekly to take care of his phone calls, make appointments, pour his pillbox, and navigate complex medical paperwork.
Another instance is an older woman on my street who had a stroke and was recently discharged home. She needed a gap nurse to fill in until home health could be established. I was there to assist her in getting settled, safe, and comfortable before the agency nurse could take over.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Home health and private duty agencies would gladly employ you part-time as a senior care nurse. However, independent opportunities such as those I have experienced tend to come our way if we open our eyes and put out feelers.
Community Facebook pages are a great pipeline to the medical needs in your area. You can answer ads of those seeking help with their senior loved ones.
I tend to stick to people I know personally and still have had a steady part-time stream of clients just from my small circle.
Potential Earnings:
If you work for an agency in elder care, you can expect to make the average RN wage, which is $42.24 (ZipRecruiter). As a freelance elder care nurse, you can charge whatever you want. I typically charge according to the financial status of my clients, with some paying me what they can afford.
Side Hustle #11: Pet Sitter
About The Hustle:
Are you an animal lover? Most areas have an urgent need for pet sitters and dog walkers. I see ads on our local community pages daily seeking pet sitters. What better way to shake off the stress from your day nursing job than to be paid for some pet therapy?
As a pet sitter, owners may ask you to stay in their homes or drop in to tend their animals throughout the day. You may be tasked with regular visits to little Fluffy at home to feed and love on.
On the other hand, owners may ask you to stay with Waldo and Rover to provide in-home care while their owners are in Aruba. If you are going to be on-site, you will likely be charged with home-sitting duties also such as bringing in the mail and watering the lawn, etc.
As a nurse, you are a trusted professional. People tend to feel comfortable leaving their pets with a nurse as our profession has a proven record of excellent care. In addition, as nurses, we are attuned to signs of illness and injury (that transfer to animals), which pet owners appreciate.
I have 5 friends who regularly dog walk and pet-sit. Two are retired, but the other 3 insert their pet-sitting duties around their nursing job. They all have a steady clientele, and they LOVE this job! Some assignments are dog walking only, while others involve total care when their “parents” are on vacation. Much of their work is repeat clientele with ongoing pet-sitting needs or daily walking.
Although most of this group pet sit year-round, one friend only accepts in-home pet-sitting jobs for extra cash when a financial need arises. This arrangement suits her best as she has a busy day job and family life.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
By printing flyers and business cards, you may be able to attract local pet owners to your service. Distribute them freely at gyms, coffee shops, community centers, and businesses. Create a fun website for reference and add testimonials of happy customers.
Peruse your local community group for requests for pet sitters. However, word-of-mouth and repeat customers are your best avenue to success. Be sure to mention that you are a nurse as your reputation for caring, professionalism and medical expertise is a plus for this side hustle.
Some pet sitters purchase insurance for their venture, but many do not.
Potential Earnings:
As one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses who are animal lovers, the average
pay for a one-hour visit is $32 (Petful). Overnight pet-sitting charges are typically between $75-$85 per day.
Side Hustle #12: Tutor Nursing Students
About The Hustle:
Remember your nursing school struggles? Many nursing students experience challenges in keeping up with their studies and grasping more complex concepts necessary to graduate. If you were an ace nursing student or possess exceptional skills in any nursing curriculum subject, you may want to consider tutoring nursing students. Nursing students (and their parents) are willing to pay for tutoring services to ensure
Don’t forget
NCLEX exam prep, too which is a popular moneymaker for tutors.
You can offer private or group tutoring sessions online or in person for a particular subject or in general.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
If you are close to a university with a nursing program, near a practical nurse school, or possess a computer with a zoom camera, you can easily get started on this part-time hustle.
If you live near a nursing school, you should talk with an administrator to offer your services. Print flyers and distribute them on bulletin boards in areas where nursing students congregate. Be sure to prepare a webpage for reference, offering your services and pricing.
You can work part-time as a tutor from an established tutoring group. You can also reach students from afar by establishing an online nursing tutor business such as
If you plan to start a tutoring business, it is best to consult a business attorney for the legalities of this type of venture. Owning a nursing student tutoring business is one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses that can take off quickly. The demand for this service has never been greater.
Potential Earnings:
It is common to charge $120-$150 for a 90-minute one-on-one tutoring session. Group sessions are a little cheaper. However, you will profit from numerous student tuitions simultaneously.
Many students sign up for a monthly membership for a reduced price. Repeat and long-term customers will provide a steady income without needing to market your services as much.
Side Hustle #13: Teach a Language
About The Hustle:
You can make money with teaching opportunities other than nursing. For example, teaching English to ESL adult students is an option.
Foreign countries such as China frequently seek “tutors” in English. You don’t have to be a teacher for this option. International students (and their parents) are mainly looking for a proficient English-speaking person to converse with regularly to acclimate them better to the language.
Spanish is another language that is in demand for tutoring. If Spanish is your first language, your services will be at the top of the list. There are even medical Spanish/English tutoring opportunities that you may be able to tap into.
The majority of language instruction opportunities are online.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
There are local agencies that cater to foreign immigrants and refugees. You may want to start here to see if there is a need for your services. Beware that many times, these jobs are volunteer. However, this avenue may be a great way to get your feet wet and learn from others in the profession.
It is more popular and profitable to sign on as a tutor with an online language tutoring agency. Your advanced education as a nurse will be a selling point for employment in this side hustle.
Potential Earnings:
Although you can set your own rate, most tutors charge up to $30/hour to teach a
foreign language.
Side Hustle #14: Delivery
About The Hustle:
Dependable delivery people are in demand. Nurses top the list of dependable workers. We know how to organize our time and typically follow through with an assignment. Businesses will be ecstatic to hire a delivery person with the work ethic of a nurse!
Nurses sometimes choose to work a second job with minimal stress. Peacefully delivering flowers or pet food may be just what we are looking for.
You can pick up delivery gigs easily. Amazon, Home Depot, Papa John's Pizza, Doordash, and flower shops are just a few options for a part-time delivery person. You will use your own car or a store-owned vehicle for jobs.
Tips may vary. You are more likely to receive a tip for food vs a retail item delivery.
This side hustle for nurses is a flexible and quick hire option that can be seasonal or year-round.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
For most delivery jobs, there is an easy sign-up online that you can quickly fill out. You should get hired within a few days and be able to start immediately. You must have a valid driver’s license and auto insurance coverage.
Potential Earnings:
Earnings as a delivery person can be variable. Tips can make a big impact on your overall earnings. One example from Indeed.com informs us that Doordash delivery drivers are paid $18.31 per hour on average.
Side Hustle #15: Temp Service
About The Hustle:
If you are looking for short-term side gigs, temp service work may be able to accommodate your non-traditional nurse schedule. You may have skills that potential employers can utilize. Can you type, file, or do bookkeeping? Although temp agencies have all sorts of positions, clerical skills are particularly in demand. Temp agencies will take an inventory of your skills and try to match you up with an employer to fill a position for a short time.
You may be surprised that you have many transferrable nursing skills that are valued at a temp agency. Typing, computer skills, professionalism, and an outstanding work ethic will surely help propel your application to the top of the pile.
You can let the agency know your desired work hours in this capacity, and they will try to match you up with temporary employment.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Typically, there are numerous temp agencies in an area. You may sign up with multiple agencies or find one that suits you best. There are also online agencies that find work across the country.
Update your resume to include non-nursing skills that may be employable through a temp agency. For example, highlight your organizational and computer skills. You may email your resume and application or contact a temp agency for a personalized conversation. Either way, you are bound to get an interview, and assignments should start coming your way.
Potential Earnings:
Temp agency pay depends on your skills, the job, and the employer. As a temp, you can earn wages ranging from minimum wage to pay similar to that of a nurse.
Side Hustle #16: Paid Medical Surveys and Research
About The Hustle:
Taking part in medical surveys and research is a unique avenue for extra money. Do you happen to have a medical condition or take a medication that is being researched? Is there a research hospital or lab in your area looking for a particular demographic being studied? Are you willing to test products for study? Online surveys, giving blood for analysis, and physical assessments for research can all pay.
Nurses are especially valued as paid survey and research participants. Having the medical knowledge to accurately detail responses and input to questions can make all the difference for quality studies.
I happened to have a medical condition that was rare and was able to tap into paid research for my input on my condition and treatment. Once I participated in one study, other invitations to participate in studies seemed to come out of the woodwork, and voila- I had a new side gig!
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
You can google
paid studies, research, and online surveys to see if you can participate. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, google paid research and studies pertaining to those topics. Once you sign up, someone from the team will contact you via email or phone with further details.
Potential Earnings:
Pay for participating in studies and surveys vary greatly. For example, you can earn $10 per survey or $150 per session for a medical study.
Side Hustle #17: Administer Immunizations
About The Hustle:
Many nurses were tasked with administering COVID vaccines during the pandemic. Although the demand for vaccine nurses has lessened post-pandemic, part-time nursing gigs for immunization administration are still available.
As a vaccine nurse, you may work in stores, pharmacies, community centers, and senior living facilities. In this role, you ask patients a few screening questions or have them fill out a survey. You will administer the vaccine and complete any necessary paperwork.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
You can peruse job sites to find vaccine nurse jobs. Many are part-time or temporary. Although pharmacists now administer vaccines at most drug stores, some pharmacies still seek nurses for this task. Staffing groups, home health agencies, senior centers, and temp agencies may also hire vaccine nurses.
Potential Earnings:
ZipRecruiter lists the average pay for a vaccine nurse as $39/hour.
Side Hustle #18: Telehealth
About The Hustle:
Working from home in a telehealth position is among the best high-paying side hustles for nurses. In this capacity, you can fill your off days, weekends, and free hours with a high-paying nursing job conveniently located in your home. Here, you take your current nursing expertise to care for patients via phone or Zoom calls. Primary care, specialty practices and home health agencies seek telehealth nurses for part-time work.
There are many
pros to telehealth nursing, such as convenience. Once you get on board with this gig, you may love the change of environment so much that you might consider switching to telehealth nursing for your primary job.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
You can find many telehealth positions on employment sites such as Indeed. Nursing
job boards cater specifically to our profession and are an excellent resource for part-time employment, such as telehealth. In addition, you may want to sign up with a nurse recruiter to assist you in finding the perfect side job in this field.
Potential Earnings:
Telehealth pay can differ depending on the type of nursing that you choose. However, on average, an RN working in telehealth makes $44/hr. (ZipRecruiter).
Side Hustle #19: Adjunct Professor
About The Hustle:
It is relatively common for nurses to work as adjunct professors as a side job. This trend is even more so now that many classes are online. You can record a lecture ahead of time and post office hours for your free time. Grading and paperwork can be done when you choose.
Adjunct professors can teach several courses or just one at a time. If working full-time elsewhere, this arrangement can work out well due to the flexibility as an
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
For most adjunct professor jobs, you will need a master’s degree in nursing. However, for LPN and ADN classes, you may be able to get by with a BSN only.
Getting hired in an educator role many times demands an outstanding resume with sterling qualifications. Thus, applying for a teaching position may require time and effort. Carefully craft a suitable
cover letter and resume for this position. Complete the application thoroughly and provide
letters of recommendation.
After applying for a teaching position, it may take a while to hear back from the school. Don’t give up. If necessary, follow up via email or phone to express your interest in an adjunct professor position.
Potential Earnings:
Nursing professors are in great demand. However, pay does not always reflect this demand. Adjunct nursing professors make an average hourly wage of $40.50 (ZipRecruiter).
Side Hustle #20: Rent Out Space
About The Hustle:
Do you have an extra bay in your garage that you are not using? An empty shed? How about a pool? There is money to be made renting out your space in various ways. Plus, renting out a space can easily fit into a busy nurse’s lifestyle.
Do you have a room to rent? With the high cost of housing, rooms for rent are going at almost the same price as a whole apartment! Additionally, outdoor enthusiasts may seek a spot to store their campers. Typically, any outside area will do for this type of storage rental. I also have friends who make money renting out their garages and another who charges for her pool use.
Some folks even rent out their cars and trucks!
If you want to rent out a room or an apartment, being a nurse landlord is a huge draw for travel nurses. Travel nurse agencies offer a generous housing
stipend. Thus, travelers are willing to pay well for safe and clean accommodations while on assignment.
If you are not looking for a long-term commitment for rental but need cash, you may want to consider renting out your home temporarily as an Airbnb. If you live near a beach, ski resort, amusement park, beautiful mountains, or recreational area, your place may be especially in demand. You may even include nurses’ special touch such as a welcome basket with first aid supplies such as suntan lotion, bug spray, and a contact list of local medical centers!
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
This is one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses that barely requires any effort but can reap ongoing financial rewards. Simply clean out a space and then advertise your rental.
For advertising, take advantage of free social media such as Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Airbnb has its own listing. If you are considering renting to a travel nurse, you can check with several travel sites to see if you can get on their list of reputable rentals.
You will need insurance coverage and a rental agreement depending on the space you rent. You may want to check with a business attorney to make sure that you are legally covered in case of an incident.
Potential Earnings:
The earnings from renting your stuff will depend on what you rent and how long. For example, you can rent a shed for $20 a month or a room for $1200 in some areas.
Side Hustle #21: Sell Your Stuff
About The Hustle:
Purging your unwanted items can be a great feeling and generate an unexpected cash bonus.
Working in chaotic and stressful nursing environments daily can wear us down. For some nurses, decluttering unwanted items can be cathartic and help to reduce stress. A pleasant home environment can help balance the mayhem we deal with at work. As you experience this cleansing energy, you will make a little money along the way.
You can take this one step further by selling other people discards, yard sale finds, and close-outs. You may even stumble upon some valuable treasures in the give-away bin. Sometimes, people just want an easy fix to get rid of items when cleaning out their attics and basements. They are happy for you to haul away their junk for free.
Some nurses get excited about discarded bounty that can turn into cash. It is their version of shop therapy. For instance, a colleague takes selling junk to the next level. She finds in-demand close-out deals and resells the items for full price on e-Bay.
Another buddy has an eye for valuables and antiques and resells yard sale finds for a (much) higher antique market price.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
You just need some extra time to get started in this side hustle. Having an eye for a great deal, antique, or treasure will serve you well in this endeavor. After you sort through your discards, you can yard sale your stuff or sell on eBay or Marketplace.
If you are handy or crafty, you can give the item new life by fixing it or repurposing it. Then, sell it on Pinterest for an increased profit. Facebook Marketplace is another great spot to sell items. Furniture and large items can go on Craigslist.
If you are passionate about repurposing items, you can make cheerful business cards reflecting your nursing profession. It would be fun for your business card to have a nurse theme using words such as restoring and healing (of your items).
Potential Earnings:
Selling stuff can lead to extra cash. The amount will vary according to what you are selling. You can make $100 to thousands of dollars selling unwanted items.
Side Hustle #22: Organizer
About The Hustle:
Are you great at organizing spaces and things? If so, you can help people who are less inclined to organization. Most nurses have learned to be organized and tidy at work. Our day generally runs smoother if we first systematically arrange our tasks and workspaces.
Sorting through and establishing neat and tidy spaces in garages, basements, cupboards, closets, and attics can be a full-time business. However, this is one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses that can be a great part-time gig. Plus, this side job will scratch your organizational itch and make others feel good.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Developing a website, brochures, and business cards will help to advertise your “organizer” business. However, this step is not always necessary. Capture a few successful organizational projects in pictures. Then, advertise on your local Facebook community sites and display a photo or 2 to legitimize your venture. These pictures can even be from your own home organizational projects. Friends, family, and colleagues are likely to be your best customers!
As a nurse, you can advertise the emotional benefits of feeling decluttered and organized. You can combine your wellness background and organization business to bring a Zen feel to your client’s space. Surprise your client with a little gift basket filled with aroma therapy to add a special therapeutic touch to your finished project!
Potential Earnings:
I have a friend who is pursuing organizing as a side job. She charges per project, which seems to be the norm in this work. She makes sure that she is getting at least $25-$35 per hour overall.
Side Hustle #23: House Cleaning
About The Hustle:
House cleaning is one of the best high-paying side hustles for nurses who like to clean. Many people need a dependable house cleaner. I see requests for cleaning people daily on my local community Facebook groups.
Nurses are experts in cleanliness and germ control. You can use this basic nursing knowledge to your advantage as you market your business and speak to clients. Additionally, many people are leery of having strangers clean their homes. Since nursing is the #1 trusted profession, your side cleaning business should have an advantage over others based on your background.
You can do cleaning jobs for individuals who need regular cleaning, businesses, or short-term jobs such as window cleaning. Often, you can first visit the potential job and determine your clients’ needs and then return another day to complete the actual work. This way, you can vet a potential client and job and decide if it suits you.
If you have established clients (and do a good job), you should have a steady income from this side job.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
You can tap into an established cleaning business as an employee or start your own business. Starting a small cleaning business can be quite simple.
Unless you are just cleaning for a friend or family member, you should carry insurance for this work. Gather basic cleaning supplies, although most jobs will supply the essentials for cleaning their establishments.
Advertise on your local Facebook community and job groups. A business card is handy to give out to clients and potential customers. Keep an eye out for ads seeking a cleaning person. It should not be hard to land your first clients.
Potential Earnings:
Cleaning can be a lucrative side venture. You can charge per hour or job. Most cleaning people charge at least $50 per hour. You may be surprised to learn that you earn more cleaning homes than a nurse!
Side Hustle #24: Camp Nursing
About The Hustle:
If you have an extra week to spare and like a change of pace and kids, consider camp nursing to earn extra money. This side hustle for nurses can be a lot of fun. Choose an assignment in your area of expertise or stretch your knowledge in a new nursing field.
As a
camp nurse, you typically stay over at the camp for a week (or longer) with an organized group of children or teens. There are camp counselors and directors who manage the day-to-day recreational activities for the children. Your job is to take care of injuries, care for sick campers, and dispense medication. You may be asked to perform other duties if your job is slow. Once, as a camp nurse, I had fun teaching archery to kids.
You may have your own sleeping quarters and a clinic area to dispense medication and see sick kids. Some clinics are elaborate, and others may be a corner in the mess hall. There also are day camps where you can leave at the end of the day.
Having worked at many different types of camps, I can attest to a wide variety of nursing experiences. You never know what will happen as a camp nurse. It is best to not have a lot of expectations, as each adventure is vastly different.
As a nurse at a Girl Scout horse camp, I slept in a corner of the cavernous mess hall (all by myself) with my nursing supplies and walkie-talkie at my bedside. For this particular assignment, I assumed that it might be
less stressful than some of my other camp jobs. However, with horses involved, many injuries were severe, necessitating ambulance calls for transport.
On the other hand, working at a ventilator camp for children with complex medical issues turned out to be an enjoyable time, caring for sweet children without any complications.
Due to the unexpected nature of camp nursing, once you find an assignment you enjoy, you may want to return year after year.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Camp nurses are needed everywhere and, especially in the summer. When you Google camp nursing jobs, you will find many opportunities. I had a friend who liked to ski, so she googled camp nursing jobs near prime ski areas. She landed a 2-week assignment near a ski slope and could take in a little downhill snow fun between shifts.
Potential Earnings:
The earnings for camp nursing jobs vary. Some may even want you to donate your time. However, per ZipRecruiter, a typical camp nurse’s pay averages $35/hour.
Side Hustle #25: Uber/Lyft Driver
About The Hustle:
As a nurse, it may be tricky to work in side gigs around our schedules.
However, driving for Uber or Lyft is a flexible side hustle for nurses. You can dictate which hours you want to drive. Many times, you are free to choose which areas you want to provide transportation in this role. In this capacity, you will need to use your own vehicle.
I have a nurse friend who is an Uber driver. She works 8-4:30 as a school nurse during the week. On Friday and Saturday evenings, she trades her stethoscope for her Uber driver badge to transport folks to and from the local wineries. She has a booming business and many happy clients. She has 5 kids, so her big “mom” van is a hit for large parties of revelers.
How To Get Started With This Hustle:
Do you have a car and an unencumbered driver's license? If so,
Uber will do the rest to help you get started driving for money. Compare Uber and
Lyft to see which company best suits your needs.
My Uber-driving nurse friend enjoys meeting new people. She caters to her customers by providing extra creature comforts for the ride. A client may find hand cream, tissues, bottled water, and local tourist attraction brochures in the backseat. With her sparkling personality and special touches, she makes fabulous tips.
Potential Earnings:
Driving can have its slow times punctuated with brisk business. Working part-time, you can choose to drive during peak hours to ensure maximum earnings. Uber drivers
make between $15 and $50 per hour.
My Final Thoughts
As you can see from this article on the best high-paying side hustles for nurses, not all secondary jobs have to be in nursing. You can spread your wings to tap into some of your other passions and talents or venture into a new area of nursing for cash. Working an extra job does not have to be drudgery but instead can be fun and stimulating.
Now that I have answered, “What are the best high-paying side hustles for nurses?” you may be excited to pursue a unique and different means of making a little extra money. Do you see yourself in any of these side hustles? You may have other stimulating ideas now that your brain has been tuned to a new way of thinking about side jobs. Regardless, the sky is the limit for nurse side hustle ideas. Interesting ventures and extra cash are in your future!
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.