7 Effective Tips To Stay Organized As A New Nurse

Written By: Darby FaubionDarby Faubion RN, BSN, MBA

Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Darby lives in Louisiana and loves exploring the state’s rich culture and history. Darby has a passion for caring for veterans and a special interest in those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. In her quest to make a difference for veterans, she founded a non-profit called “Operation Battle Buddy.” Read Full Bio »»

Beginning your career as a new nurse is an exciting time. With many things to consider, finding ways to transition to your role and make work go as smoothly as possible is important. One way to do that is to be well organized. If you have thought of things you must do to prepare for your new role, you may have wondered, "Why is being organized important, and what are effective tips for staying organized as a new nurse?”

Being organized helps enhance efficiency and reduces work-related stress, making it possible for you to focus on the thing that truly matters: providing high-quality patient care. In this article, I will share 7 effective tips to stay organized as a new nurse. By implementing these simple tips, you can develop good organizational habits early on and use them to help you thrive in your career as a nurse.

What Are Effective Tips For Staying Organized As A New Nurse?

(The following are the 7 effective tips to stay organized as a new nurse.)

TIP #1: Arrive Early for Your Shift

One of the best and easiest tips for staying organized as a new nurse is to arrive early for work. Arriving to work early allows you to scope out which hall or unit you will be working in. It also gives you time to get end-of-shift reports from the nurses who are working off and time to organize your workspace. It may surprise you how much more well-prepared you feel to begin work by arriving just 15 or 20 minutes before your shift begins!

TIP #2: Prioritize Tasks

Prioritizing tasks is essential for any nurse, but it is especially important if you are a new nurse. As you get reports from the nurses leaving their shifts, make note of any patients who need immediate attention. Take care of the most urgent patient needs first. Then, move on to less acute care. Be aware that some patients’ needs may change throughout your day. So, it is important to be prepared to adjust your schedule or list of priorities as the day goes on.

TIP #3: Delegate Tasks When Appropriate

As a registered nurse, you have many responsibilities. Delegating tasks is an excellent tip to stay organized as a new nurse. After getting a report on your patients and prioritizing care, consider which tasks are appropriate to delegate to nursing assistants or other team members. By delegating tasks, you can manage your workload more efficiently while ensuring all patients receive the right care within a reasonable time and that it is provided by appropriately trained staff.

TIP #4: Utilize Technology

When I began my nursing career, we used paper charts and handwritten report sheets. Now, we live in a world filled with technological advances. Today, nurses leverage technology to stay organized and enhance efficiency in their work. Mobile apps and digital tools can help manage your schedule, track patient progress, and set reminders for important patient care tasks. By utilizing technology in your daily routine, you can improve the way you prioritize tasks, have enhanced communication with your team, and provide better quality of care to your patients.

TIP #5: Use Daily Report Sheets

Early in my nursing career, one of my favorite jobs was as a nurse at a long-term care facility. When I first began working, the facility did not have a system for using daily report sheets. So, some of the other nurses and I created one. If your facility has a report sheet to use, that is great, but if it does not, you can always create one of your own. The report sheets we created were individualized to each hall of the facility. We created a place to write about important events that happened during our shift, such as medication changes, falls or injuries, and any changes in the resident's status. Daily report sheets do not have to be complicated. In fact, even in their simplest form, using them is a great tip to stay organized as a new nurse!

TIP #6: Keep Essential Tools and Supplies on Hand

For me, nothing is more frustrating than going into a patient's room to provide care and realizing I do not have the tools I need. I learned early on in my clinical nursing career that one of the best ways to stay organized is to gather essential tools and supplies beforehand. Stock your pockets and nursing bag with necessary supplies like scissors, tape, alcohol pads, pens, and a notepad. Decide which supplies you need based on where you work and replenish your stock frequently. Keeping essential items on hand helps you stay organized and saves time throughout the day.

TIP #7: Avoid Multitasking

When I first began my nursing career, I remember thinking I had so many things to do, and I figured multitasking was the best way to get things done. I soon learned that it is much better to prioritize tasks and handle them one at a time instead of multitasking. In fact, one of the best tips to stay organized as a new nurse I can give you is to avoid multitasking.

When nurses attempt to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, it causes divided attention, which increases the chance of missing critical patient information and making mistakes in care. By focusing on one task at a time, you can ensure you are fully present for your patients and that you provide accurate, thorough care of the highest quality. You will also find that it is easier to stay organized and on track with everything you need to accomplish in your day when you avoid multitasking.

My Final Thoughts

Being organized as a new nurse is essential for maintaining personal and professional well-being and providing quality patient care. If you want to navigate the demanding role of a new nurse, it is important to ask, "What are effective tips for staying organized as a new nurse?" In this article, you learned 7 effective tips to stay organized as a new nurse. From simple steps like arriving at work early and keeping essentials on hand to prioritizing and delegating tasks, you can stay organized and productive with careful planning.

List Of Sources Used For This Article

1. “The ABCs of Nursing Prioritization” (Marymount University)
2. “National Guidelines for Nursing Delegation” (American Nurses Association)
3. “6 Apps Every Nurse Needs” (Northeastern State University)

Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Her work history includes clinical experience in pediatrics, mental health, addiction and behavioral disorders, geriatrics, wound management, and communicable disease. Darby has worked in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health and hospice agencies. Darby also has experience as a nursing and allied health educator at both community college and university levels. Her love for nursing and nursing education led to her becoming a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach.