27 States Where Nurse Practitioners Can Own A Medical Spa
Written By:
Kasee Wiesen
Kasee Wiesen DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Kasee Wiesen is a practicing family nurse practitioner. Her nursing background includes emergency medicine, pediatrics and peri-op. She started her health career as a nurse’s aid while pursuing her bachelor’s in nursing degree in a hospital setting. Education is a passion of Kasee’s, and after working as a BSN prepared nursed, she obtained in master’s in nursing education and began teaching adjunct for a local university. Read Full Bio »» DNP, APRN, FNP-C
The aesthetics industry is booming and expected to grow over the next decade. More and more people are seeking non-invasive, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to meet their needs. This may include Botox, lip fillers, chemical skin feels, and eyelash extensions.
And while the demand is apparent, there is an expected need to increase the availability of these services over the next 10 years. Nurse practitioners are an excellent solution to help meet this need, but what states can nurse practitioners own a medical spa?
Below is a list of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa.
Can Nurse Practitioners Own a Medical Spa?
The education a nurse practitioner completes provides them with the skills and knowledge needed to own a medical spa. However, each state has its own rules and regulations regarding the scope of practice for the NP, which dictates whether a nurse practitioner can own a medical spa. And as of September 2023, there are 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa.
Can Nurse Practitioners Own a Medical Spa in All States?
No, nurse practitioners cannot own a medical spa in all states. This is determined by each state’s scope of practice for the NP, and currently, only 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa.
In How Many States Can Nurse Practitioners Own a Medical Spa?
As of September 2023, there are 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa.
Why Did States Start Allowing Nurse Practitioners to Own a Medical Spa?
More and more people are seeking treatments that medical spas offer—including botox, facials and chemical peels, body sculpting, and face tightening procedures. This is, in turn, leading to an increase in demand. From 2018 to 2022, there were
3,410 new medical spas; since its beginning, it has grown to a 15 billion dollar industry.
While there is an increase in demand for medical spa services, there is a predicted
physician shortage of between 37,800 and 124,000 physicians by 2034 in specialty and primary care. Therefore, over the past 40 years, nurse states have started to allow NPs to practice independently and own their practice, including medical spas, to help meet the population's needs.
How Much Does It Cost Nurse Practitioners to Start Their Own Medical Spa?
Opening a medical spa is not cheap—with the average cost being $19,267 but it can range from $62 to $35,923. This cost can be even higher if you are looking at opening a larger, more luxurious medical spa, which can range from $700,000 to $1,000,000.
These numbers factor in many aspects that impact the cost of opening a medical spa, including permits, rent, software, and marketing. It also includes necessary certifications, training, equipment, and a website.
How Long Does It Take Nurse Practitioners to Start Their Own Medical Spa?
The time an NP takes to own their medical spa will vary state by state. Some states have no specific rules for when an NP can open their practice, while others require a specified number of supervised hours or years of experience before owning their practice.
3 Main Advantages of Working in a State Where Nurse Practitioners Can Own a Medical Spa
Working in a state where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa has many advantages. Below, in no particular order, are three of these advantages.
Full autonomy in your practice.
Greater job satisfaction.
High-patient satisfaction.
What are the States Where Nurse Practitioners Can Own a Medical Spa?
Listed below in alphabetical order as per the
American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the following are the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa as of September 2023.
STATE #1: Alaska
Alaska is one of the states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. NPs in Alaska are granted full practice authority, allowing them to practice independently from a physician or direct supervision from a healthcare provider. Therefore, NPs in Alaska can own a medical spa.
STATE #2: Arizona
Arizona is another one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. The state has granted NPs full practice authority, which allows the NPs to practice independently of a physician and own their practice.
STATE #3: Colorado
NPs can open their practice, including a medical spa, in Colorado. There are some rules, though, before the NP can open their practice. This includes completing 750 hours of experience in an agreement with a physician or APRN mentor. Once these hours are completed, the NP can practice independently and open their own practice if desired.
STATE #4: Connecticut
Connecticut nurse practitioners are granted full practice authority, meaning they can open their practice. However, NPs must collaborate with a physician for at least three years and not less than 2,000 hours before they can open their medical spa. To maintain an active RN and NP license, you must complete fifty continuing education hours every two years.
STATE #5: Delaware
Nurse practitioners in Delaware can pursue their dreams of owning their practice, including ownership of a medical spa. This is because NPs are granted full practice authority and can fully utilize their degree. Continuing education hours may vary for each provider; therefore, contact the Delaware State Board of Nursing for specifics.
STATE #6: Hawaii
Hawaii is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. This is an excellent opportunity as it can increase a person’s flexibility, creating a better workplace balance and job satisfaction. Thirty contact hours must be completed every two years to maintain an active NP and RN license.
STATE #7: Idaho
NPs in Idaho have been granted full practice authority. This allows the NP to utilize their degree to the fullest and practice independently from a physician or collaborating healthcare provider—or, in other words, open their own practice, including a medical spa.
STATE #8: Iowa
Iowa is one of the states where nurse practitioners can open a medical spa. This is due to their scope of practice, which allows them to assess, diagnose, and treat patients without direct supervision or collaboration with a physician.
STATE #9: Kansas
Kansas grants nurse practitioners full practice authority, which allows them to practice independently and own their own practice, including medical spa. Thirty continuing education hours must be completed every two years to maintain an active NP and RN license.
STATE #10: Maine
Maine is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners have full practice authority, allowing them to practice independently. Before they can do this, they must first practice for at least 24 months under the supervision of a licensed physician or NP, or they must be employed by a clinic or hospital that has a medical director who is a licensed physician. Once completed, the NP can practice independently and own their medical spa.
STATE #11: Maryland
Maryland is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. Before doing this, they must declare 18 months of mentorship with a certified NP or physician. Once this mentorship is completed, they can assess, diagnose, and treat patients independently.
STATE #12: Massachusetts
Massachusetts grants nurse practitioners full practice authority, allowing them to open and own their medical spa. But, before nurse practitioners can open their medical spa, they must practice with a qualifying supervising NP or physician for two years. There may be opportunities for exemption for equivalent nursing experience.
STATE #13: Minnesota
Minnesota is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. Before the NP can own their medical spa, Minnesota requires NPs to complete a minimum of 2,080 hours in a collaborative agreement with a physician or NP. A minimum of 24 continuing education hours must be completed every two years to maintain an active RN and NP license.
STATE #14: Montana
In Montana, nurse practitioners have been granted full practice authority, allowing them to practice independently of a physician or supervising NP. In other words, NPs in Montana can own a medical spa. To maintain good standing with their RN and NP license, the NP must complete 24 continuing education hours every two years.
STATE #15: Nebraska
Nebraska is one of the states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. However, before they can independently own a medical spa, they must practice for 2,000 hours under the supervision of a supervising provider.
STATE #16: Nevada
Nevada grants nurse practitioners full practice authority, allowing them to practice independently and own their practice. There are some stipulations, specifically regarding prescribing schedule II controlled substances. Before the NP can prescribe this class of medications, they must complete 2,000 hours or two years of clinical experience, or the NP must prescribe according to a protocol approved by a collaborating physician.
STATE #17: New Hampshire
NPs in New Hampshire are granted full practice authority, which allows them to practice independently, including ownership of a medical spa. This allows the NP to utilize their degree to the fullest, creating an excellent work-life balance and increased job satisfaction.
STATE #18: New Mexico
New Mexico is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can open a medical spa. This allows the NP to practice independently from a physician supervising the NP and the opportunity to own a medical spa. To maintain active status with their NP and RN license, the NP must complete 50 continuing education hours every two years.
STATE #19: New York
New York is one of the states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. Before this can be achieved, the NP must complete 3,600 practice hours in a written practice agreement and written practice protocols with a collaborating physician. Once this is completed, the NP can independently own a medical spa.
STATE #20: North Dakota
Nurse practitioners in North Dakota can practice independently of a physician or supervising NP, allowing them to own a medical spa. To maintain good standing with their license, the NP must complete fifteen continuing education hours every two years in pharmacology to maintain prescriptive authority.
STATE #21: Oregon
Oregon is another state where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. This is because they are granted full practice authority, which allows them to practice independently from a physician or supervising NP.
STATE #22: Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a state where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa. Their scope of practice is full practice authority, allowing them to assess, diagnose, and treat patients without collaborating with a licensed physician or NP.
STATE #23: South Dakota
South Dakota is one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can open a medical spa. However, before they can, they must practice for 1,040 hours under a written collaborative agreement with a physician, NP, or certified midwife.
STATE #24: Utah
Utah is another one of the 27 states where nurse practitioners can start their own medical spa due to being able to practice independently without a collaborative agreement with a physician or nurse practitioner.
STATE #25: Vermont
In Vermont, nurse practitioners can own their practice or medical spa. However, before they can practice independently, they must have 24 months and 2,400 hours of active practice in a collaborative agreement with a licensed physician or NP.
STATE #26: Washington
Nurse practitioners in Washington have full practice authority. This allows them to utilize their NP degree and own a medical spa fully. To maintain good standing with the RN and NP license, they must complete thirty continuing education hours every two years, and for NPs with prescriptive authority, an additional 15 hours are required.
STATE #27: Wyoming
Full practice authority is granted to NPs who live and work in Wyoming. This allows them to own their practice or medical spa, creating greater job satisfaction and work-life balance.
My Final Thoughts
Are you now able to answer what are the states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa? While there are currently only 27 states where nurse practitioners can own a medical spa, I expect that number to increase over the next several years. The medical spa industry is booming, and the predicted physician shortage further supports the need for more states to grant full practice authority to nurse practitioners.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert
1. What Were The First Few States To Allow Nurse Practitioners To Own A Medical Spa?
Nurse practitioners could practice independently of a physician in
4 states in the 1980s. These four states are Alaska, New Hampshire, Oregon and Washington.
2. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Any State?
No—nurse practitioners can only own a medical spa in states that grant the NP full practice authority.
3. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In California?
No. Nurse practitioners in California cannot own their medical spa in California due to restrictions to NP practice that are in place.
4. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Florida?
No. The scope of practice for NPs in Florida is restricted. Therefore, NPs cannot own a medical spa in Florida.
5. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Texas?
No. In Texas, nurse practitioners cannot own a medical spa or practice independently. This is due to the scope of practice for the NP in Texas being restricted.
6. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In New York?
Yes. NPs in New York can own a medical spa.
7. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Pennsylvania?
No. Nurse practitioners cannot own a medical spa in Pennsylvania. The scope of practice for NPs in Pennsylvania is reduced practice, meaning you must have a career-long collaborative agreement with another healthcare provider, or there are limits on other areas of the NP practice.
8. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Georgia?
No. Nurse practitioners in Georgia can not own a medical spa. This is due to the restricted scope of practice for NPs in Georgia.
9. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Massachusetts?
Yes. Nurse practitioners in Massachusetts can own a medical spa.
10. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Illinois?
No. The scope of practice for NPs in Illinois is reduced. Therefore, they cannot own a medal spa.
11. Can Nurse Practitioners Own A Medical Spa In Ohio?
No. In Ohio, nurse practitioners cannot own a medical spa. This is due to their scope of practice being reduced, which leads to limitations being in place.
Kasee Wiesen DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Kasee Wiesen is a practicing family nurse practitioner. Her nursing background includes emergency medicine, pediatrics and peri-op. Education is a passion of Kasee’s, and she has taught BSN, RN-BSN and DNP students, and has enjoyed every moment of it!