Nurse Practitioner Job Openings By State (HIGHEST TO LOWEST) – 2024
Written By:
Kasee Wiesen
Kasee Wiesen DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Kasee Wiesen is a practicing family nurse practitioner. Her nursing background includes emergency medicine, pediatrics and peri-op. She started her health career as a nurse’s aid while pursuing her bachelor’s in nursing degree in a hospital setting. Education is a passion of Kasee’s, and after working as a BSN prepared nursed, she obtained in master’s in nursing education and began teaching adjunct for a local university. Read Full Bio »» DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Nurse practitioners are in demand. The number of advanced providers, including nurse practitioners, is expected to be 38% between 2022 and 2032, which is considered much faster than average. This is approximately 123,600 more jobs. This growth is excellent for nurse practitioners as it provides more opportunities and settings for the NP to care for patients.
So, how many nurse practitioner job openings are in your state? Below, you will find the nurse practitioner job openings by state in 2024.
What are the Total Number of Annual Job Openings for Nurse Practitioners in the United States?
From 2022 to 2032, the job market for nurse practitioners will grow by
38%, which is higher than average. Currently, in the United States, annually there are 26,300 job openings for nurse practitioners, which includes 11,860 new jobs and 14,440 replacement jobs, indicating the need for nurse practitioners.
New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
11,860 | 14,440 | 26,300 |
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) |
Which Industries Have the Most Number of Nurse Practitioner Job Openings Being Created?
Nurse practitioners are in demand. There is a growing need due to the predicted physician shortage and the aging population. Below are the
five healthcare industries that employ the most nurse practitioners and expect to demonstrate the most growth over the next 5-10 years.
1. Offices of Physicians
Physicians' offices employ the most nurse practitioners. Currently, 122,830 nurse practitioners work in a physician's office, or almost 4.5% of practicing NPs.
2. General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
General medical and surgical hospitals come in second for employing the most nurse practitioners. While they come in second, the number of NPs employed within this setting is over 50% less than physician offices—at 58,080 nurse practitioners.
3. Outpatient Care Centers
Outpatient care centers currently employ 23,760 nurse practitioners.
4. Offices of Other Health Practitioners
Offices of other health practitioners currently employ 10,950 nurse practitioners. These include other NP-run offices, medical spas, and even chiropractic or audiologist clinics.
5. Home Health Care Services
Home health care services come in 5th for employing the most nurse practitioners. There are currently 2,100 nurse practitioners working in this setting, and it will be interesting to see how this number grows. I have seen growth over the last five years of NPs providing home health care services, whether as a primary care provider, performing Medicare wellness checks, or even providing wound care.
Annual Nurse Practitioner Openings vs. Annual Job Openings for Other Nursing Occupations
Nurse practitioners rank number 4 regarding annual job openings in the various nursing fields, while nurse anesthetists and nurse midwives rank 6 and 7. The job in nursing that ranks highest for the number of annual job openings is a registered nurse, with 193,100 annual job openings.
Rank | Job Title | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Number of Annual Job Openings |
1 | Registered Nurse | 17,740 | 175,360 | 193,100 |
2 | Nursing Assistant | 5,650 | 196,750 | 202,400 |
3 | Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurse | 3,490 | 50,910 | 54,400 |
4 | Nurse Practitioner | 11,860 | 14,440 | 26,300 |
5 | Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary | 1,560 | 7,240 | 8,800 |
6 | Nurse Anesthetist | 440 | 2,060 | 2,500 |
7 | Nurse Midwife | 50 | 350 | 400 |
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) |
Annual Nurse Practitioner Openings vs. Annual Job Openings for Other Similar Healthcare Occupations
On the other hand, while NPs ranked 4 regarding the highest annual job openings in nursing, they rank number one compared to other similar healthcare occupations such as physical therapists, dentists, and audiologists.
Rank | Job Title | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Number of Annual Job Openings |
1 | Nurse Practitioner | 11,860 | 14,440 | 26,300 |
2 | Physical Therapist | 3,730 | 10,170 | 13,900 |
3 | Speech-Language Pathologist | 3,310 | 9,890 | 13,200 |
4 | Physician Assistant | 3,930 | 8,270 | 12,200 |
5 | Pharmacist | 870 | 12,530 | 13,400 |
6 | Occupational Therapist | 1,600 | 8,000 | 9,600 |
7 | Dentist | 680 | 4,420 | 5,100 |
8 | Veterinarian | 1,770 | 3,230 | 5,000 |
9 | Chiropractor | 480 | 2,120 | 2,600 |
10 | Optometrist | 390 | 1,310 | 1,700 |
11 | Podiatrist | 10 | 290 | 300 |
12 | Audiologist | 150 | 750 | 900 |
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) |
What are the Annual Job Openings for Nurse Practitioners in Your State?
(Based on the latest annual nurse practitioner job openings from, we have listed all 50 states in the order of highest to lowest annual NP job openings.)
STATE #1: California
California has the highest number of job openings compared to the other 50 states, which should not be a surprise because California has the
highest state population. There are 2,120 nurse practitioner job openings in California, which includes 960 new jobs and 1,1600 replacement jobs. And overall, the current employment of NPs in California is 19,130.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
19,130 | 960 | 1,160 | 2,120 |
STATE #2: New York
There are 2,060 annual nurse practitioner job openings in New York, which should not come as a surprise since they are the
most populated city in the United States. This number includes 939 new jobs and 1,124 replacement jobs. The current employment of nurse practitioners in New York is 17,670.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
17,670 | 936 | 1,124 | 2,060 |
STATE #3: Texas
Texas currently employs 18,820 nurse practitioners. This is a significant number of nurse practitioners compared to other states, but it should also not be surprising since Texas is the 2nd most populated state in the United States. There are 2,010 nurse practitioner openings in Texas, which includes 978 new jobs and 1,032 replacement jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
18,820 | 978 | 1,032 | 2,010 |
STATE #4: Florida
There are 1,910 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Florida, including 954 new jobs and 956 replacement jobs. Currently, 18,530 NPs are employed in Florida in various settings.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
18,530 | 954 | 956 | 1,910 |
STATE #5: Georgia
There are currently 8,110 nurse practitioners employed, with 1,250 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Georgia. Of these annual job openings, 647 are new NP jobs, and 603 are replacement jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
8,110 | 647 | 603 | 1,250 |
STATE #6: Ohio
There are 1,100 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Ohio, which include 469 new NP jobs and 631 replacement jobs. The current employment of NPs across all healthcare fields in Ohio is 10,730.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
10,730 | 469 | 631 | 1,100 |
STATE #7: Tennessee
In Tennessee, there are 13,060 nurse practitioners employed in various inpatient and outpatient settings. In addition to the current employment, there are 1,020 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Tennessee, with 552 replacement jobs and 468 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
13,060 | 468 | 552 | 1,020 |
STATE #8: Arizona
There are 910 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Arizona, which includes 399 replacement jobs and 511 new jobs. There are currently 6,240 nurse practitioners employed in Arizona.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
6,240 | 511 | 399 | 910 |
STATE #9: Illinois
Illinois currently employs 7,990 nurse practitioners throughout the state. In addition, there are 900 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Illinois. Of these job openings, 533 are replacement jobs, and 367 are new jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,990 | 367 | 533 | 900 |
STATE #10: Massachusetts
There are 890 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Massachusetts, which include 487 replacement NP jobs and 403 new NP jobs. Massachusetts currently employs 7,190 nurse practitioners.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,190 | 403 | 487 | 890 |
STATE #11: New Jersey
There are 800 annual nurse practitioner job openings in New Jersey, with 377 new jobs and 423 new ones. Currently, there are 6,640 nurse practitioners employed in New Jersey.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
6,640 | 377 | 423 | 800 |
STATE #12: Virginia
There are 740 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Virginia, comprising 401 replacement jobs and 399 new NP jobs. Currently, there are 7,040 NPs employed in Virginia.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,040 | 339 | 401 | 740 |
STATE #13: Indiana
There are currently 6,480 nurse practitioners employed and 720 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Indiana. Of these job openings, 322 are new NP jobs, and 398 are replacement jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
6,480 | 322 | 398 | 720 |
STATE #14: Missouri
There are 720 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Missouri, and currently, 7,290 NPs are employed. The job openings include 417 replacement jobs and 303 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,290 | 303 | 417 | 720 |
STATE #15: North Carolina
There are 690 annual nurse practitioner job openings in North Carolina, with 313 new NP jobs and 377 replacement jobs. In North Carolina, there are currently 8,040 nurse practitioners employed in various settings.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
8,040 | 313 | 377 | 690 |
STATE #16: Washington
There are 690 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Washington; of those, 210 are new NP jobs, and 480 are replacement jobs. Currently, Washington employs 4,150 NPs throughout the state.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,150 | 210 | 480 | 690 |
STATE #17: Michigan
There are 590 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Michigan. Of these openings, 330 are replacement jobs, and 260 are new NP jobs. The current employment of nurse practitioners in Michigan is 7,250.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,250 | 260 | 330 | 590 |
STATE #18: Pennsylvania
There are 580 annual nurse practitioner job openings in Pennsylvania. Of those 580, 203 are new NP jobs, and 377 are replacement jobs. Currently, Pennsylvania employs 7,560 NPs in various settings.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
7,560 | 203 | 377 | 580 |
STATE #19: Kentucky
Kentucky currently employs 4,520 nurse practitioners in a variety of settings. And there are 540 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Kentucky, which includes 296 replacement jobs and 244 new jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,520 | 244 | 296 | 540 |
STATE #20: Wisconsin
Currently, there are 4,790 nurse practitioners employed throughout Wisconsin. In addition, Wisconsin has 500 annual job openings for nurse practitioners, including 310 replacement jobs and 190 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,790 | 190 | 310 | 500 |
STATE #21: Alabama
There are 490 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Alabama. These openings include 272 replacement jobs and 218 new NP jobs. There are currently 4,390 nurse practitioners employed throughout Alabama.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,390 | 218 | 272 | 490 |
STATE #22: Minnesota
Minnesota currently employs 5,300 nurse practitioners in various settings throughout the state. Additionally, there are 450 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Minnesota, which includes 188 new NP jobs and 262 replacement jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
5,300 | 188 | 262 | 450 |
STATE #23: Maryland
Currently, Maryland employs 4,170 nurse practitioners. There are 420 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Maryland, and the openings consist of 155 new NP jobs and 265 NP replacement jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,170 | 155 | 265 | 420 |
STATE #24: South Carolina
There are 350 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in South Carolina, and currently employs 3,960 nurse practitioners. The job openings consist of 191 replacement jobs and 159 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
3,960 | 159 | 191 | 350 |
STATE #25: Arkansas
There are 340 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Arkansas, which includes 189 replacement jobs and 151 new NP jobs. There are currently 2,970 nurse practitioners employed throughout Arkansas.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
2,970 | 151 | 189 | 340 |
STATE #26: Mississippi
There are currently 4,000 nurse practitioners employed throughout Mississippi. Furthermore, there are 330 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Mississippi, with 222 Replacement
Jobs and 108 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,000 | 108 | 222 | 330 |
STATE #27: Connecticut
There are 320 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Connecticut, 136 new NP jobs, and 184 Replacement
Jobs. Currently, there are 2,910 nurse practitioners employed throughout Connecticut.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
2,910 | 136 | 184 | 320 |
STATE #28: Louisiana
Louisiana currently employs 4,280 nurse practitioners throughout the state in various settings. They also have 320 annual job openings, which include 121 new NP jobs and 199 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
4,280 | 121 | 199 | 320 |
STATE #29: Colorado
There are 300 annual job openings for nurse practitioners in Colorado, which includes 126 new jobs and 174 Replacement Jobs. There are currently 3,630 nurse practitioners employed in Colorado.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
3,630 | 126 | 174 | 300 |
STATE #30: Kansas
In Kansas, there are 300 annual nurse practitioner job openings; 123 are new NP jobs, and 177 are replacement NP jobs. Currently, Kansas employs 3,070 nurse practitioners.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
3,070 | 123 | 177 | 300 |
STATE #31: Oregon
In Oregon, there are 1,880 nurse practitioners currently employed. Moreover, there are 300 annual job openings, which consist of 146 new NP jobs and 154 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,880 | 146 | 154 | 300 |
STATE #32: Utah
There are 290 annual job openings in Utah consisting of 137 new NP jobs and 153 Replacement Jobs. Utah currently employs 2,740 nurse practitioners across the state.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
2,740 | 137 | 153 | 290 |
STATE #33: Iowa
In Iowa, there are 2,610 nurse practitioners employed with 260 annual job openings. The job openings include 118 new NP jobs and 142 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
2,610 | 118 | 142 | 260 |
STATE #34: Oklahoma
Currently, in Oklahoma, there are 2,700 nurse practitioners employed. The number of annual job openings in Oklahoma is 240, comprising 102 new NP jobs and 138 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
2,700 | 102 | 138 | 240 |
STATE #35: West Virginia
West Virginia has 180 annual job openings, including 92 new NP jobs and 88 Replacement Jobs—making it one of the few states where the number of new jobs outnumbers the number of Replacement Jobs. West Virginia has 1,640 nurse practitioners working across the state in various settings.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,640 | 92 | 88 | 180 |
STATE #36: Nebraska
Nebraska employs 1,610 nurse practitioners and has 170 annual job openings. The job openings comprise 67 new jobs and 103 replacement NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,610 | 67 | 103 | 170 |
STATE #37: Nevada
Currently, Nevada employs 1,800 nurse practitioners. There are also 170 annual job openings, including 81 new NP jobs and 89 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,800 | 81 | 89 | 170 |
STATE #38: Maine
Maine has 150 annual job openings comprising 55 new jobs and 95 Replacement Jobs. There are currently 1,300 NPs employed throughout Maine in various settings.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,300 | 55 | 95 | 150 |
STATE #39: New Hampshire
New Hampshire currently employs 1,510 nurse practitioners and has 140 annual job openings. These job openings consist of 64 new NP jobs and 76 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,510 | 64 | 76 | 140 |
STATE #40: New Mexico
There are 140 annual job openings in New Mexico, with 64 of those openings being new NP jobs and 76 being Replacement Jobs. New Mexico currently employs 1,650 nurse practitioners.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,650 | 64 | 76 | 140 |
STATE #41: Delaware
The Current Employment of nurse practitioners in Delaware is 990. There are an expected 90 annual job openings, which include 42 new NP jobs and 48 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
990 | 42 | 48 | 90 |
STATE #42: North Dakota
North Dakota employs 570 nurse practitioners and has 90 annual job openings. These job openings include 40 new NP jobs and 50 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
570 | 40 | 50 | 90 |
STATE #43: Montana
In Montana, there are 80 annual NP job openings, comprising 36 new NP jobs and 44 replacement NP jobs. Montana currently employs 730 NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
730 | 36 | 44 | 80 |
STATE #44: Rhode Island
Rhode Island currently employs 1,390 nurse practitioners in various settings throughout the state. There are 80 annual job openings, including 20 new NP jobs and 60 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,390 | 20 | 60 | 80 |
STATE #45: South Dakota
South Dakota has 70 annual nurse practitioner job openings comprised of 34 new NP jobs and 36 Replacement
Jobs. South Dakota currently employs 810 nurse practitioners in various settings across the state.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
810 | 34 | 36 | 70 |
STATE #46: Idaho
Idaho employs 1,170 nurse practitioners, and there are 60 annual NP job openings. The job openings include 17 new NP jobs and 43 Replacement Jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
1,170 | 17 | 43 | 60 |
STATE #47: Vermont
In Vermont, there are 60 annual job openings for nurse practitioners. These job openings include 34 replacement NP jobs and 26 new NP jobs. There are 800 nurse practitioners currently employed in Vermont.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
800 | 26 | 34 | 60 |
STATE #48: Hawaii
Hawaii has 50 annual job openings for nurse practitioners, which include 21 new NP jobs and 29 Replacement Jobs. The Current Employment of nurse practitioners in Hawaii is 530.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
530 | 21 | 29 | 50 |
STATE #49: Wyoming
Wyoming has 460 nurse practitioners employed with 40 annual job openings. The job openings include 21 Replacement Jobs and 19 new NP jobs.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
460 | 19 | 21 | 40 |
STATE #50: Alaska
Lastly, Alaska has the fewest job openings, with 30 annual job openings for nurse practitioners. This includes five new NP jobs and 25 Replacement Jobs. Alaska currently has 680 nurse practitioners employed throughout the state.
Current Employment | New Jobs | Replacement Jobs | Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
680 | 5 | 25 | 30 |
My Final Thoughts
After reading the above information I am sure now you can answer how many nurse practitioner job openings are there in your state?
As you can see above, the nurse practitioner job openings by state in 2024 demonstrate ongoing growth, and the overall field is expected to
grow over the next ten years. This growth will be needed to ensure we meet the healthcare needs of the population in all healthcare settings.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered
California has the highest annual job openings for nurse practitioners at 2,120 jobs.
Alaska has the lowest annual job openings for nurse practitioners at 30.
Job openings vary across the states. The five states with the highest job openings include California, New York, Texas, Florida, and Georgia. The five states with the lowest annual job openings for NPs include Alaska, Wyoming, Hawaii, Idaho, and Vermont.
Rank | Highest Job Openings | Lowest Job Openings |
State | Annual | State | Annual |
1 | California | 2,120 | Alaska | 30 |
2 | New York | 2,060 | Wyoming | 40 |
3 | Texas | 2,010 | Hawaii | 50 |
4 | Florida | 1,910 | Idaho | 60 |
5 | Georgia | 1,250 | Vermont | 60 |
New York has the highest annual job openings for NPs in the northeast region, and Vermont has the lowest.
In the Southeast region, Florida has the highest annual job openings for NPs, and West Virginia has the lowest.
Florida | 1,910 |
West Virginia | 180 |
In the Midwest, Ohio has the highest annual job openings for NPs, and South Dakota has the lowest yearly job openings.
Texas has the highest annual job openings for nurse practitioners in the southwest region, and New Mexico has the fewest.
California has the highest annual job openings in the western region, and Alaska has the least.
Kasee Wiesen DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Kasee Wiesen is a practicing family nurse practitioner. Her nursing background includes emergency medicine, pediatrics and peri-op. Education is a passion of Kasee’s, and she has taught BSN, RN-BSN and DNP students, and has enjoyed every moment of it!