Neonatal Nurse Salary By State – (2024 Figures)

Written By: Darby FaubionDarby Faubion RN, BSN, MBA

Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Darby lives in Louisiana and loves exploring the state’s rich culture and history. Darby has a passion for caring for veterans and a special interest in those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. In her quest to make a difference for veterans, she founded a non-profit called “Operation Battle Buddy.” Read Full Bio »»

Are you a nurse who loves taking care of babies? Do you have a special interest in critical care or neonatal nursing? Perhaps you thought of becoming a neonatal nurse but need more information. You may wonder, “How much does a neonatal nurse make?” With a nationwide shortage of nurses in every specialty, you may be interested in knowing what neonatal nurses make where you live.

In this article, I will provide you with information about the neonatal nurse salary in 2024 in each state. If you have ever considered moving to another state, this guide may help you find a destination that offers the compensation you want while doing a job you love.

Is There a High Demand for Neonatal Nurses?

Neonatal Intensive Care Units provide care to more than 300,000 infants each year, and that number continues to rise. According to the National Institutes of Health, NICU admission rates increased by more than 37% between 2008 and 2018. In 2021, even more newborns were admitted to Level II and Level III NICUs than in the previous year. Most babies admitted to neonatal care are preterm, have low birth weights, or have some type of congenital birth defect. Whatever their health problems, the increased number of babies requiring neonatal care means there is a high demand for qualified neonatal nurses.

Where Do Neonatal Nurses Work?

The most common places for neonatal nurses to work are in hospitals with Level 2 or Level 3 nursery units. Level 2 neonatal units provide care to neonates with less acute issues, and Level 3 neonatal units provide care for critically ill infants. In some cases, neonatal nurses work in labor and delivery wards or birthing centers. They may also work in community health settings or for home health agencies, providing follow-up care for high-risk neonates.

What is the Typical Work Schedule for Neonatal Nurses?

Many neonatal nurses work in Neonatal Intensive Care Units where 12-hour shifts are common. Although schedules may vary, longer shifts are favorable as they create opportunities for consistent care. Neonatal nurses who work for home health agencies or community health clinics may work more typical office hours, as the care they provide is generally follow-up care to provide education and monitor the neonate’s progress after discharge from inpatient care.

What is the Starting Salary of a New Grad Neonatal Nurse?

If you are just now beginning your nursing career and want to specialize as a neonatal nurse, you may wonder, “What is the starting salary of a neonatal nurse?” New graduates earn an excellent income. The starting salary of a neonatal nurse is approximately $77,270 annually. This pay is equal to $37.15 per hour, $1,486 per week, or $6,440 per month.

Starting Neonatal Nurse Salary

What is the Average Salary of a Neonatal Nurse With Experience?

As you gain experience, your earning potential increases, which may leave you wondering, “What is the average salary of a neonatal nurse?” The average neonatal nurse salary is $112,290 per year. This pay breaks to equal $53.99 per hour, $2,159 per week, or $9,360 per month.

Average Neonatal Nurse Salary

How Much Does the Neonatal Nurse Salary Grow by Years of Experience?

Although the average neonatal nurse salary is quite generous, that is not the most you can earn in this nursing specialization. Your income will likely see the most increases with every five to ten years of experience you gain. For example, the entry-level salary for neonatal nurses is $77,270. With just one to four years of experience, you can earn $84,120 per year. After working 10 to 19 years, you can see an increase of more than $40,000 yearly, earning approximately $127,540 annually. The most experienced neonatal nurses earn around $163,240 per year.

Level of ExperienceHourlyWeeklyMonthlyAnnual
1-4 Years of Experience$40.44$1,618$7,010$84,120
5-9 Years of Experience$49.26$1,970$8,540$102,460
10-19 Years of Experience$61.32$2,453$10,630$127,540
20 Years or More Experience$78.48$3,139$13,600$163,240

What is the Average Annual Compensation (Salary + Benefits) for Neonatal Nurses?

Another factor to consider when seeking employment is the type of benefits you will receive. Healthcare employers usually offer benefits packages that include perks such as paid sick or annual leave, insurance, retirement and savings options, or supplemental pay. Benefits can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, which makes your total salary and benefits quite appealing.

Neonatal nurses working in private industries earn an average neonatal nurse salary of $112,270 but also receive benefits worth around $46,978, which makes their total salary and benefits $159,248. On the other hand, if you work for state or local government, you could earn more. Neonatal nurses in these settings earn approximately $112,240 per year but have benefits worth $68,915, on average, making total compensation $181,355.

ComponentPrivate IndustryState and Local Government
Paid Leave$11,944$13,239
Supplemental Pay$5,892$1,814
Retirement and Savings$5,414$23,576
Legally Required$11,944$9,793
Total Benefits$46,978$68,915
Average Annual Salary$112,270$112,440
Total Compensation$159,248$181,355

Neonatal Nurse vs. All Other Occupations: Who Earns More?

When you compare neonatal nurse salaries to other occupations, the difference is quite impressive. Neonatal nurses earn approximately $50,390 more per year than all other occupations, a difference of 81.41%!

Neonatal NurseAll OccupationsDifference

Neonatal Nurse vs. Similar Nursing Jobs: Who Earns More?

Compared to 21 similar nursing jobs, the average neonatal nurse salary ranks highest. Geriatric, Orthopedic, ICU, and Cardiology nurses rank in the top five with annual salaries ranging from $104,190 to $109,970. OB/GYN, Hospice, and Surgical Nurses rank in the middle, with pay between $95,320 and $97,270. Forensic, Public Health, and School nurses rank on the lower end of salaries, earning between $82,570 and $86,360.

RankJob TitleAverage
Annual Salary
1Neonatal Nurse$112,290$00.00%
2Geriatric Nurse$109,970+$2,320+2.11%
3Orthopedic Nurse$108,080+$4,210+3.90%
4ICU Nurse$105,680+$6,610+6.25%
5Cardiac Nurse$104,190+$8,100+7.77%
6Radiology Nurse$103,150+$9,140+8.86%
7Oncology Nurse$102,160+$10,130+9.92%
8ER Nurse$101,340+$10,950+10.81%
9Aesthetic Nurse$100,240+$12,050+12.02%
10Psychiatric Nurse$98,890+$13,400+13.55%
11OB/GYN Nurse$97,270+$15,020+15.44%
12Hospice Nurse$96,570+$15,720+16.28%
13Surgical Nurse$95,320+$16,970+17.80%
14Labor and Delivery Nurse$94,170+$18,120+19.24%
15Dermatology Nurse$93,950+$18,340+19.52%
16Flight Nurse$94,210+$18,080+19.19%
17Occupational Health Nurse$89,180+$23,110+25.91%
18Dialysis Nurse$88,060+$24,230+27.52%
19Pediatric Nurse$87,720+$24,570+28.01%
20Forensic Nurse$86,360+$25,930+30.03%
21Public Health Nurse$84,280+$28,010+33.23%
22School Nurse$82,570+$29,720+35.99%

Neonatal Nurse vs. Other Healthcare Jobs: Who Earns More?

Among 20 of the top-paying healthcare jobs, neonatal nurses rank #5. The average neonatal nurse salary is less than the average salary for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurse Midwives, who earn between $122,450 and $205,770. Neonatal nurses earn a difference of 14.19% to 246.15% more than other healthcare jobs, including Radiation Therapists, Dental Hygienists, Nurse Educators, LPNs, and Certified Nursing Assistants. Those healthcare professionals earn salaries between $32,440 and $98,340 per year.

RankJob TitleAverage
Annual Salary
1Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist$205,770-$93,480-45.43%
2Physician Assistant$125,270-$12,980-10.36%
3Nurse Practitioner$124,680-$12,390-9.94%
4Nurse Midwife$122,450-$10,160-8.30%
5Neonatal Nurse$112,290$00.00%
6Radiation Therapist$98,340+$13,950+14.19%
7Occupational Therapist$92,800+$19,490+21.00%
8Speech-Language Pathologist$89,460+$22,830+25.52%
9Dental Hygienist$84,860+$27,430+32.32%
10Diagnostic Medical Sonographer$84,410+$27,880+33.03%
11Nurse Educator$84,180+$28,110+33.39%
12Respiratory Therapist$74,310+$37,980+51.11%
13Radiologic Technologist and Technician$70,240+$42,050+59.87%
14Dietitian and Nutritionist$69,350+$42,940+61.92%
15Cardiovascular Technologist and Technician$65,490+$46,800+71.46%
16Physical Therapist Assistant$64,510+$47,780+74.07%
17Licensed Practical/Licensed Vocational Nurse$55,860+$56,430+101.02%
18Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic$45,000+$67,290+149.53%
19Medical Assistant$40,700+$71,590+175.90%
20Certified Nursing Assistant$32,440+$79,850+246.15%

What is the Average Neonatal Nurse Salary by State?

(Below, you will find information about the average Neonatal Nurse salary by state in 2024.)

1. Alabama:

Neonatal nurses in Alabama earn an average of 84,410 annually. This salary is equal to $40.58 hourly, $1,623 per week, or $7,034 per month.


2. Alaska:

In Alaska, neonatal nurses earn some of the highest wages, with an annual income of approximately $130,330. This pay breaks down to equal $62.66 per hour, $2,506 per week, or $10,860 per month.


3. Arizona:

The salary for neonatal nurses in Arizona is $109,430 per year, equivalent to $52.61 per hour, $2,104 per week, or $9,119 per month.


4. Arkansas:

Arkansas neonatal nurses earn an average of $40.35 per hour, which is equal to $1,614 per week, $6,994 per month, or $83,930 per year.


5. California:

The average neonatal nurse salary in California is an impressive $168,210 per year! This salary is equal to $80.87 per hour, which is equivalent to $3,235 per week or $14,017 per month.


6. Colorado:

The salary for neonatal nurses in Colorado is $109,240 per year, on average, which is equal to $9,103 per month, $2,101 per week, or $52.52 per hour.


7. Connecticut:

Neonatal nurses in Connecticut earn approximately $57.17 per hour, $2,287 per week, or $9,909 per month. This pay comes to an average annual salary of $118,910.


8. Delaware:

In Delaware, neonatal nurses earn an average of $107,260 per year, which is equal to $8,939 per month, $2,063 per week, or $51.57 per hour.


9. Florida:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Florida is $48.47 per hour, $1,939 per week, or $8,400 per month. This pay comes to an average income of $100,810 per year.


10. Georgia:

The yearly salary of a neonatal nurse in Georgia averages $107,460. This pay is equal to $8,955 per month, $2,067 per week, or $51.66 per hour.


11. Hawaii:

Neonatal nurses in Hawaii earn an average of $68.67 per hour, which is equal to $2,747 per week, $11,902 per month, or $142,830 per year.


12. Idaho:

Idaho neonatal nurses make an average of $99,170 annually. This salary is equivalent to $47.68 per hour, $1,907 per week, or $8,264 per month.


13. Illinois:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Illinois is $103,720 per year. This pay is equal to an hourly wage of $49.87, which is equivalent to $1,995 per week or $8,643 per month.


14. Indiana:

The salary of a neonatal nurse in Indiana averages $95,350 per year. This income is equal to $45.84 per hour, $1,834 per week, or $7,945 per month.


15. Iowa:

In Iowa, neonatal nurses earn an average of $42.07 per hour, $1,683 per week, $7,292 per month, or $87,510 per year.


16. Kansas:

Neonatal nurses in Kansas earn approximately $90,820 annually. This salary is the equivalent of $7,568 per month, $1,747 per week, or $43.66 per hour.


17. Kentucky:

The average annual salary for neonatal nurses in Kentucky is $97,920, which breaks down to $ 8,160 per month, $1,883 per week, or $47.08 per hour.


18. Louisiana:

Louisiana neonatal nurses make an average of $46.95 per hour, $1,842 per week, $7,981 per month, or $95,660 per year.


19. Maine:

In Maine, neonatal nurses earn $97,660 per year, on average. This salary is equal to $46.95 per hour, $1,878 per week, or $8,138 per month.


20. Maryland:

The salary for neonatal nurses in Maryland is $53.37 per hour, $2,135 per week, or $9,250 per month. This pay is equal to $111,000 annually.


21. Massachusetts:

The yearly average neonatal nurse salary in Massachusetts is $131,390. This pay breaks down to $63.17 per hour, $2,527 per week, or $10,949 per month.


22. Michigan:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Michigan is $48.92 per hour, $1,957 per week, or $8,480 per month. This pay equals $101,760 per year.


23. Minnesota:

The salary of a neonatal nurse in Minnesota is approximately $112,100 per year, which is equivalent to $53.89 per hour, $2,156 per week, or $9,341 per month.


24. Mississippi:

In Mississippi, neonatal nurses earn an average of $41.20 per hour, $1,648 per week, or $7,141 per month. This pay is equal to $85,700 per year.


25. Missouri:

The salary of a neonatal nurse in Missouri is $90,650 per year, on average. This yearly salary equals $7,554 per month, $1,743 per week, or $43.58 per hour.


26. Montana:

Neonatal nurses in Montana make approximately $47.52 per hour, $1,901 per week, or $89,236 per month, the equivalent of $98,840 per year.


27. Nebraska:

The average salary of neonatal nurses in Nebraska is $92,740 per year. This pay breaks down to $7,728 per month, $1,784 per week, or $44.59 per hour.


28. Nevada:

Nevada neonatal nurses earn an average of $58.41 per hour, $2,337 per week, or $10,125 per month, which equals $121,500 per year.


29. New Hampshire:

In New Hampshire, neonatal nurses make approximately $105,240 per year. This yearly wage breaks down to $50.60 per hour, $2,024 per week, or $8,770 per month.


30. New Jersey:

The annual salary of a neonatal nurse in New Jersey averages $121,950. The yearly salary is equal to a monthly wage of $10,162, a weekly wage of $2,345, or an hourly wage of $58.63.


31. New Mexico:

Neonatal nurses in New Mexico earn an average of $51.90 per hour, $2,076 per week, $8,996 per month, or $107,960 annually.


32. New York:

The average neonatal nurse salary in New York is $126,320. This annual salary is equivalent to $60.73 per hour, $2,429 per week, or $10,526 per month.


33. North Carolina:

The average neonatal nurse salary in North Carolina is $46.96 per hour, $1,878 per week, or $8,139 per month. This pay adds up to $97,670 annually.


34. North Dakota:

In North Dakota, neonatal nurses earn an average of $45.49 per hour. These wages are equal to $1,820 per week, $7,995 per month, or $94,620 per year.


35. Ohio:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Ohio per year is $98,970. This yearly salary breaks down to $8,247 per month, $1,903 per week, or $47.56 per hour.


36. Oklahoma:

Neonatal nurses who work in Oklahoma make approximately $46.65 per hour, which is equal to $1,866 per week, $8,086 per month, or $97,040 per year.


37. Oregon:

In Oregon, neonatal nurses earn a generous annual salary averaging $134,490. This yearly pay is equivalent to a monthly income of $11,207, a weekly income of $2,586, or an hourly income of $64.66.


38. Pennsylvania:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Pennsylvania is $48.90 per hour, $ 1,956 per week, or $8,476 per month, which equals $101,720 per year.


39. Rhode Island:

Rhode Island neonatal nurses make an average of $111,330 annually. This pay is equal to $53.52 per hour or $2,141 per week, or $9,277 per month.


40. South Carolina:

In South Carolina, neonatal nurses earn $45.08 per hour, on average, which is the same as $7,814 per month, $1,803 per week, or $93,770 per year.


41. South Dakota:

South Dakota neonatal nurses make an average of $81,370 annually. This yearly pay is equal to $$6,780 per month, $1,565 per week, or $39.12 per hour.


42. Tennessee:

The salary for neonatal nurses in Tennessee is $91,440, the equivalent of $43.96 per hour, $1,758 per week, or $7,620 per month.


43. Texas:

The average neonatal nurse salary in Texas is $106,370, which equals $51.14 per hour, $2,046 per week, or $8,864 per month.


44. Utah:

In Utah, neonatal nurses earn an average of $96,380 annually. This yearly salary is equal to $46.34 per hour, $1,853 per week, and $8,031 per month.


45. Vermont:

Neonatal nurses living and working in Vermont make approximately $100,910 each year. This salary is the equivalent of $48.51 per hour, $1,941 per week, or $8,409 per month.


46. Virginia:

The salary of a neonatal nurse in Virginia is $49.65 per hour, $1,986 per week, or $8,605 per month, on average. This pay comes to an average annual salary of $103,270.


47. Washington:

The average salary for neonatal nurses in Washington is $128,260. This yearly wage breaks down to equal $61.66 per hour, $2,467 per week, or $10,688 per month.


48. West Virginia:

In West Virginia, neonatal nurses make $43.81 per hour, $1,752 per week, or $7,593 per month, equaling a yearly salary of approximately $91,120.


49. Wisconsin:

The salary for neonatal nurses in Wisconsin is $102,190 per year, on average. The annual wage is the equivalent of $49.13 per hour, $1,965 per week, or $8,515 per month.


50. Wyoming:

Neonatal nurses in Wyoming earn $49.13 per hour, which is equal to $1,965 per week, $8,516 per month, or $102,200 per year.


What is the Average Neonatal Nurse Salary by City?

In addition to years of experience impacting your earning potential, where you live has a lot to do with the kind of money you will earn. Neonatal nurse salaries vary widely in cities across the country, with some cities paying in the low $80,000s and others paying more than $200,000 per year.

Cities that are densely populated, have an increased need for neonatal nurses, or where the cost of living is higher typically pay higher than cities with a smaller population and less expensive living costs. For example, Huntsville, Alabama; Des Moines, Iowa; Wichita, Kansas; and Little Rock, Arkansas, are among the lowest-paying cities in the U.S. for neonatal nurses. In these cities, neonatal nurses make between $83,940 and $90,480 annually. The cities that pay the highest wages are all located in California. The top cities, including Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland, pay salaries between $183,210 and $207,850.

Albuquerque, NM$52.91$2,117$110,060
Anaheim, CA$76.02$3,041$158,130
Anchorage, AK$62.56$2,503$130,130
Arlington, TX$53.28$2,131$110,830
Atlanta, GA$54.75$2,190$113,880
Aurora, CO$53.25$2,130$110,750
Austin, TX$52.60$2,104$109,400
Bakersfield, CA$71.67$2,867$149,080
Baltimore, MD$54.29$2,172$112,920
Baton Rouge, LA$45.04$1,802$93,690
Boise, ID$49.27$1,971$102,490
Boston, MA$64.88$2,595$134,960
Buffalo, NY$52.41$2,097$109,020
Cape Coral, FL$47.98$1,919$99,800
Charlotte, NC$48.24$1,929$100,330
Chicago, IL$51.71$2,068$107,560
Cincinnati, OH$48.97$1,959$101,860
Cleveland, OH$49.14$1,966$102,210
Colorado Springs, CO$50.19$2,008$104,390
Columbus, GA$43.61$1,744$90,700
Columbus, OH$48.95$1,958$101,810
Corpus Christi, TX$46.73$1,869$97,200
Dallas, TX$53.28$2,131$110,830
Denver, CO$53.25$2,130$110,750
Des Moines, IA$43.10$1,724$89,650
Detroit, MI$49.74$1,989$103,450
El Paso, TX$45.87$1,835$95,410
Fayetteville, NC$48.32$1,933$100,510
Fort Wayne, IN$44.42$1,777$92,400
Fort Worth, TX$53.28$2,131$110,830
Fresno, CA$74.83$2,993$155,640
Greensboro, NC$48.68$1,947$101,250
Henderson, NV$59.25$2,370$123,230
Honolulu, HI$69.87$2,795$145,330
Houston, TX$53.91$2,156$112,130
Huntsville, AL$40.36$1,614$83,940
Indianapolis, IN$48.79$1,952$101,490
Jacksonville, FL$47.61$1,904$99,020
Jersey City, NJ$63.60$2,544$132,290
Kansas City, MO$46.45$1,858$96,610
Laredo, TX$46.33$1,853$96,370
Las Vegas, NV$59.25$2,370$123,230
Lexington, KY$47.13$1,885$98,030
Lincoln, NE$44.81$1,792$93,200
Little Rock, AR$43.50$1,740$90,480
Long Beach, CA$76.02$3,041$158,130
Los Angeles, CA$76.02$3,041$158,130
Louisville, KY$49.30$1,972$102,540
Lubbock, TX$47.13$1,885$98,030
Madison, WI$52.31$2,092$108,800
Memphis, TN$45.15$1,806$93,920
Mesa, AZ$53.01$2,121$110,270
Miami, FL$49.62$1,985$103,210
Milwaukee, WI$49.76$1,990$103,500
Minneapolis, MN$55.91$2,237$116,300
Modesto, CA$84.01$3,360$174,740
Nashville, TN$46.85$1,874$97,440
New Orleans, LA$48.17$1,927$100,190
New York, NY$63.60$2,544$132,290
Newark, NJ$63.60$2,544$132,290
Norfolk, VA$48.19$1,928$100,230
North Las Vegas, NV$59.25$2,370$123,230
Oakland, CA$99.93$3,997$207,850
Oklahoma City, OK$46.91$1,877$97,580
Omaha, NE$45.64$1,826$94,930
Orlando, FL$47.99$1,919$99,810
Philadelphia, PA$53.27$2,131$110,800
Phoenix, AZ$53.01$2,121$110,270
Pittsburgh, PA$46.24$1,849$96,170
Port St. Lucie, FL$46.84$1,874$97,430
Portland, OR$67.69$2,708$140,800
Raleigh, NC$47.72$1,909$99,250
Reno, NV$56.58$2,263$117,690
Richmond, VA$50.14$2,006$104,290
Riverside, CA$73.67$2,947$153,240
Rochester, NY$50.88$2,035$105,820
Sacramento, CA$88.08$3,523$183,210
Saint Paul, MN$55.91$2,237$116,300
Salt Lake City, UT$48.14$1,926$100,130
San Antonio, TX$50.37$2,015$104,760
San Bernardino, CA$73.67$2,947$153,240
San Diego, CA$71.47$2,859$148,650
San Francisco, CA$99.93$3,997$207,850
San Jose, CA$97.05$3,882$201,870
Scottsdale, AZ$53.01$2,121$110,270
Seattle, WA$64.01$2,560$133,140
Spokane, WA$59.49$2,380$123,740
St. Louis, MO$45.59$1,824$94,830
St. Petersburg, FL$48.47$1,939$100,820
Stockton, CA$79.07$3,163$164,470
Tacoma, WA$64.01$2,560$133,140
Tampa, FL$48.47$1,939$100,820
Toledo, OH$46.42$1,857$96,550
Tucson, AZ$50.70$2,028$105,450
Tulsa, OK$48.35$1,934$100,560
Virginia Beach, VA$48.19$1,928$100,230
Washington, DC$56.28$2,251$117,070
Wichita, KS$41.73$1,669$86,790
Winston-Salem, NC$48.66$1,946$101,210
Worcester, MA$59.77$2,391$124,330

What are the Highest-Paying Workplaces for Neonatal Nurses?

Neonatal nurses earn excellent incomes compared to other professions. The highest-paying salary of a neonatal nurse is usually offered in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) or Flight Nursing positions. Of course, neonatal nurses with experience can negotiate higher wages, even if they do not work in one of the highest-paying settings.

What are the Highest-Paying States for Neonatal Nurses?

The states where you will find the highest-paid neonatal nurses are Connecticut, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Alaska, Massachusetts, Oregon, Hawaii, and California. In these states, neonatal nurse salaries range from $118,910 to $168,210.

RankHighest Paying States
StateAverage Annual Salary
7New York$126,320
8New Jersey$121,950

What are the Highest-Paying Cities for Neonatal Nurses?

The highest-paid neonatal nurses by city in the U.S. are all located in California. The top ten salaries are offered in Fresno, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, Stockton, Modesto, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland. Neonatal nurses in these cities earn between $155,640 and $207,850.

RankHighest Paying Cities
CityAverage Annual Salary
1Oakland, CA$207,850
2San Francisco, CA$207,850
3San Jose, CA$201,870
4Sacramento, CA$183,210
5Modesto, CA$174,740
6Stockton, CA$164,470
7Anaheim, CA$158,130
8Long Beach, CA$158,130
9Los Angeles, CA$158,130
10Fresno, CA$155,640

What is the Future Outlook for Neonatal Nurse Salaries?

The job outlook for neonatal nurses is promising. The March of Dimes reports preterm births increased from 6.5% to 10.5% from 2020 to 2021. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that registered nurses, including neonatal nurses, will see an increase in job opportunities of at least six percent between 2022 and 2032. The projected growth includes an average of 193,100 RN job openings each year.

Bonus! 4 Ways Neonatal Nurses Can Maximize Their Salary

Even the most successful neonatal nurses can find ways to maximize their income and increase earning potential. The following are four ways neonatal nurses can maximize their salary.

WAY #1: Earn a Higher Degree

One sure way to maximize earning potential as a neonatal nurse is to earn a higher degree. If you are a registered nurse with an associate degree, you could consider earning your bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or even a doctorate in nursing. The higher your degree, the broader your scope of practice, which impacts earning potential.

WAY #2: Pursue Neonatal Nursing Certifications

Another excellent way to increase your neonatal nurse salary is to become a certified neonatal nurse. Earning a certification is a great way to show prospective or current employers your expertise and experience. Employers look for candidates dedicated to their specialty and often do not mind compensating them. So, earning a neonatal nurse certification can help maximize your earnings.

WAY #3: Consider Working as a Travel Neonatal Nurse

Travel nursing has become a popular way for nurses to have a great career and earn an excellent income. As a neonatal travel nurse, you will work for healthcare facilities experiencing a shortage of neonatal nurses. When you become a neonatal travel nurse, you will not only maximize your earning potential, but you can also travel the country or the world!

WAY #4: You Can Become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

One of the best ways to maximize your earnings as a neonatal nurse is to earn a graduate degree and become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. As an NNP, you not only have much higher earning potential, but your scope of practice will be broader.

My Final Thoughts

If you are a nurse desiring to care for critically ill newborns and their families, you may have considered becoming a neonatal nurse. Among the many factors to consider, one question, prospective neonatal nurses ask is, “How much does a neonatal nurse make?”

In this article, I shared the neonatal nurse salary in 2024 by giving you a state-by-state list of neonatal nurse salaries. You also discovered which settings pay the highest neonatal nurse salaries and learned ways to maximize your income. With excellent income potential and a positive job outlook, there is no better time to pursue your dream of becoming a neonatal nurse.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert

1. On Average, How Much Do Neonatal Nurses Make Per Hour?

The average neonatal nurse salary per hour is $53.99.

Salary Per Hour

2. On Average, How Much Do Neonatal Nurses Make Per Week?

On average, neonatal nurses make $2,159 per week.

Salary Per Week

3. On Average, How Much Do Neonatal Nurses Make Per Month?

The average monthly salary for neonatal nurses in the U.S. is $9,360.

Salary Per Month

4. On Average, How Much Do Neonatal Nurses Make Per Year?

The average neonatal nurse salary per year is $112,290.

Salary Per Year

5. What States In The Northeast Pay The Highest Salaries For Neonatal Nurses?

Massachusetts and New York pay the highest salaries for neonatal nurses in the Northeast. Neonatal nurse salaries in these states are $131,390 and $126,320, respectively.

StateAnnual Salary
New York$126,320

6. What States In The Midwest Pay The Highest Salaries For Neonatal Nurses?

The two Midwest states that pay neonatal nurses the most are Illinois and Minnesota, where neonatal nurses earn $103,720 and $112,100.

StateAnnual Salary

7. What States In The Southeast Pay The Highest Salaries For Neonatal Nurses?

The southeast states that pay the highest neonatal nurse salaries are Virginia and Georgia. In Virginia, neonatal nurses make $103,270 annually, and in Georgia, they earn $107,460 per year.

StateAnnual Salary

8. What States In The Southwest Pay The Highest Salaries For Neonatal Nurses?

New Mexico and Arizona pay neonatal nurses $107,960 and $109,430, respectively, the highest salaries among the southwest states.

StateAnnual Salary
New Mexico$107,960

9. What States In The Western Region Pay The Highest Salaries For Neonatal Nurses?

In the western region, California and Hawaii pay the highest neonatal nurse salaries. California neonatal nurses make $168,210, and Hawaii neonatal nurses make $142,830.

StateAnnual Salary

Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Her work history includes clinical experience in pediatrics, mental health, addiction and behavioral disorders, geriatrics, wound management, and communicable disease. Darby has worked in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health and hospice agencies. Darby also has experience as a nursing and allied health educator at both community college and university levels. Her love for nursing and nursing education led to her becoming a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach.