15 Best Nursing Jobs for Introverts (Low Stress & High-Paying)
Written By:
Donna Reese
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »» MSN, RN, CSN
Are you happiest working in small groups or even by yourself? if so, you may be an introvert who thrives best in a nursing job where you do not need to interface with many people.
If a job that requires much interaction causes you stress you may wonder, “What are the best nursing jobs for introverts?” I am pleased to inform you that there are jobs that are low-stress for nurses who have introverted tendencies.
Here I highlight the 15 best nursing jobs for introverts that also pay well. After reading this article, your eyes may be opened to new job possibilities that suit your psyche for a happier nursing career.
What are the Best Nursing Jobs for Introverts?
(The following are the 15 Best Nursing Jobs for Introverts that are also low-stress and high paying.)
JOB #1: Private Duty
About The Job:
As a private duty nurse, you are responsible for all medical care for a single patient during your shift. Duties may include administering medication, treatment modalities, feeding, safety monitoring, and hygiene/bathing.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Private duty work may be one of the best nursing jobs for introverts as you are not responsible for multiple patients daily. That fact makes the job lower stress.
The environment is usually secluded, such as in a private home. Although it is possible to “private” in a hospital or long-term care facility, you can pick and choose your assignments to fit your comfort level.
Additionally, it is likely that you are not in frequent contact with other staff members which can be a relief for those who do not relish social interaction.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Private duty nurses can be ADN or BSN nurses with 1-2 years of clinical care experience.
New grad nurses may be hired on occasion in this role, although this level of independence is best backed by hospital experience and honed decision-making skills.
Potential Earnings:
Private duty nurses make an average yearly salary of $73,917.
About The Job:
Nursing jobs in the hospital ICU involve treating medically complex patients who are severely injured or ill.
ICU nurses must carefully monitor a patient’s health, many times utilizing technology such as ventilators, heart monitors, O2 set-ups, and numerous IVs and “lines”.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Patients in the ICU may be comatose and family visits are limited. A patient’s status can deteriorate quickly and require much medical care therefore, ICU nurses may only have 1 or 2 patients per shift.
Patient education is typically reserved for the time after the patient is not as acute and transfers to a less intensive unit.
Requirements to Get this Job:
ICU nurses need to be able to handle challenging and medically intensive cases. Technological acumen is necessary as well as a quick mind that can thoroughly assess their patients and anticipate any complications.
It is for this reason, that hospitals prefer nurses with a few years clinical experience to work in the ICU. However, hospitals do hire BSN new grads for this role, if they have difficulty finding seasoned candidates.
Potential Earnings:
ICU nurses earn a high-paying salary which averages $118,725/year.
JOB #3: School Nurse
About The Job:
As a school nurse, I can attest that this role is one of the best nursing jobs for introverted personalities.
Duties as a school nurse include medication administration, sick and injury treatment, and care for medically complex children such as those requiring tube feeding, catheterizations, and diabetic testing and treatment.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Commonly, school nurses work independently as they are the only medical team members in a school. Yes, you see children all day long, however, you do not have colleagues in the health clinic to chat with or ask advice. You can feel isolated from adult contact if you enjoy this type of interaction. However, introverts (who enjoy kids) may relish the freedom from adult conversation in this role.
Requirements to Get this Job:
State and school districts vary on the requirements of a school nurse. Refer to your state and school district site for school nurse
qualifications. Due to the independent nature of this job, you need to have 1-2 years of nursing experience.
Potential Earnings:
The average salary for a school nurse is $67,035/year. School nurse pay differs from state to state. Typically, those with higher education requirements offer better compensation.
JOB #4: Telemedicine
About The Job:
Nurses working in a telemedicine job commonly work from home. Telemedicine nurses care for their patients via Zoom or telephone.
Telehealth nurses can work in all areas of medicine and health specialty areas. Duties may include health assessments, patient counseling, pre-and post-op and admission follow-up, and patient scheduling and referrals.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Working from home is a favorite for introverts who do not require daily interaction with colleagues. In addition, patient care is hands-off in telemedicine. In this capacity, you have more control of your schedule, making the job a bit
less stressful than in-person environments.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Telehealth nurses need to have an ADN or BSN. Importantly, nurses in this job must have 1-2 years of recent clinical nursing experience due to the independent nature of the job.
Potential Earnings:
$92,525 is what the average telehealth RN makes per year.
JOB #5: Online Nurse Educator
About The Job:
Nurse educators teach prospective nurses about clinical skills, disease, injury, wellness, nutrition, professionalism in nursing, communication, pathophysiology, how to research, psychology, ethical issues, and much more related to all aspects of nursing.
Online nurse educators virtually teach all of the above through online classes offered by the nursing school.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Nurses who want to utilize their medical expertise and knowledge but are not thrilled about direct patient care or in-person interaction should enjoy an online teaching job.
Since this role can be accomplished at home, introvert RNs should feel at ease in their own environment.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Nurses who want to teach online classes need to possess a BSN at a minimum. Mostly, teaching positions require an
MSN or DNP. The rule of thumb is that an educator needs to possess a degree that is one level higher than those they teach.
Some teaching jobs require clinical experience.
Potential Earnings:
Online nursing instructors earn $71,124 on average/year.
JOB #6: Home Health
About The Job:
Working in home health is definitely one of the best nursing jobs for introvert types who still want to provide direct patient care. In this position, RNs are assigned several patients a day to provide in-home care for a specific condition. Visits are typically 1 hour with travel and documentation factored into the schedule.
Home health care can include new moms and infants through the frail elderly and those in hospice.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
In this role, you work one-on-one with patients and do not have the stress of many patients needing you at the same time. In addition, you do not interface with other health staff regularly.
Requirements to Get this Job:
RNs who work in home health need to have an ADN or BSN.
Home health nurses need to work independently, thus a few years of recent direct care experience is necessary.
Potential Earnings:
Home health nurses earn an average yearly salary of $101,717.
JOB #7: Forensics
About The Job:
As one of the best nursing jobs for introverts, forensic nursing is a fascinating alternative to traditional nursing work. Forensic nurses work with coroners to help investigate and examine homicide victims or those who have been assaulted or abused.
This job may involve collecting evidence, offering intervention services, providing expert witness testimony, and providing medical care (in certain instances).
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
If communicating with people frequently stresses you out, this role may be perfect for you as many of your patients are deceased. The pace is typically careful and methodical with limited interaction with others.
Requirements to Get this Job:
A BSN is required for a forensics nursing job. Many nurses go on to obtain their
MSN in forensic nursing. If you do not have a formal degree in forensics nursing, you will need to get
certified in this specialty.
Forensic nurses need to have prior clinical experience with strong assessment skills. Due to the sensitive nature of the work, a psych nursing background is a plus.
Potential Earnings:
The average
salary for a forensics nurse is $133,228/year.
JOB #8: Informatics
About The Job:
Nurses who work in informatics meld their medical knowledge with technological acumen to create programs and software to improve patient outcomes.
Nurses in informatics can work in hospitals, universities, or the private medical industry.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
A job in informatics is considered to be one of the best nursing jobs for introverted people due to the independent technical/analytical nature of the job.
As a nurse informaticist, you work primarily with a computer and a limited number of folks who most likely are similar-minded to you. There is virtually no hands-on patient care. Although there may be opportunity to go to the floors and do some staff teaching regarding programs, some introverted nurses may choose to do this task virtually.
Requirements to Get this Job:
A BSN is a minimal requirement for a nursing job in informatics. Many nurses hold a master’s degree in nursing or other studies. It is required that nurses obtain an informatics
certificate to work in this role.
Potential Earnings:
Informatics nurses earn $98,409 annually on average.
JOB #9: Case Manager
About The Job:
Nurses who work as case managers can be employed by insurance companies, hospitals, HMOs, and Medicare. In this role, nurses are assigned to a caseload of patients to assist them in successfully navigating the complexities of the healthcare system.
Duties may include devising treatment plans, supporting the patient in their care, patient education, financial guidance about their medical bills, making referrals, and serving as a liaison between the care team.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Case managers rarely see patients in person. Introverts can be relieved to know that much of this job is conducted virtually. Although some shy nurses are uncomfortable making phone calls, most feel at ease with virtual jobs.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Nurses need to earn an ADN or BSN degree to become case managers. Nurses then need to gain some clinical experience. Many employers require that a case manager be
certified as a nurse case manager.
Potential Earnings:
RN case managers make an average yearly salary of $98,869.
JOB #10: Research
About The Job:
Working in research is clearly one of the best nursing jobs for introverts. In this capacity, you spend a great deal of work time alone or with a very limited group of colleagues.
Nurse researchers may prepare questionnaires, gather samples, interview patients, analyze research, summarize data, and apply for grants. You may be employed by pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, research groups, hospitals, or universities.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Research involves much quiet contemplation and independent work. Although you may screen patients and take samples, the task does not involve large groups of people.
More so of late, patient interviews are conducted virtually.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Nursing jobs in research require a minimum of a BSN, with many nurses holding an MSN or DNP. A background in education and a
certification as a clinical nurse researcher is a plus. A minimum of 2 years of clinical experience is typically required.
Potential Earnings:
Clinical research nurses earn a salary of $95,345 annually on average.
JOB #11: OR
About The Job:
Nurses who work in the operating room serve as either a scrub nurse or circulating nurse. Scrub nurses are responsible for the surgical instruments, including passing them to the surgeons when needed.
Circulating nurses are in charge of the operating room, assisting where needed to ensure a comfortable and safe environment, smooth surgery, and successful outcome for patients.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Nurses who work in the OR are rarely expected to talk beyond a few essential words. Although some may choose to chat with the staff during a surgery, it is not necessary.
Since many surgeries are routine, OR nursing can be a lower-stress job in general. You have one patient with one goal (to do the surgery), thus your pace is more methodical than hectic.
Requirements to Get this Job:
You will need an ADN or BSN for OR nursing.
Potential Earnings:
Operating room nurses make $129,668 per year on average.
About The Job:
Neonatal intensive care nurses work with newborn babies who are ill. Duties typically include feeding, bathing, and administering medication and treatments. Astute physical assessment and monitoring are essential as the health of these fragile little ones can worsen quickly.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
NICU jobs can be one of the best nursing jobs for introvert RNs since they are lower stress due to the subdued atmosphere and limited patient assignments.
Introverts will enjoy working with infants that need their constant attention since it is rare these interactions are frantic. Patient-to-nurse ratios are reasonable with days when the census is quite low.
Visitors and extra staff are scarce with the exception of some parents who require at times one-on-one patient education from their baby's nurse.
Requirements to Get this Job:
NICU nurses can be either BSN or ADN nurses. New graduate RNs can apply for this position.
Potential Earnings:
Nurses working in NICU make an average yearly wage of $128,211.
JOB #13: Per Diem/Float Nurse
About The Job:
Nurses who work as a float or per diem nurse do not have a permanent assignment. They work in hospitals with new assignments as the employer deems necessary.
Float nurses are employed by one entity while per diem nurses can work in different locales if they go through an
agency. In this role, you perform hands-on patient care in a variety of units and specialty areas.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Per diem/float nurses may agree that this avenue of income is one of the best nursing jobs for introverts.
In this role, nurses need to adapt quickly to new environments. However, being able to do your job without being a part of the inside drama may be welcomed by introverts. You come to work, care for patients, and go home.
If you enjoy patient contact but shy away from socialization on the unit, per diem nursing may be your forte.
Requirements to Get this Job:
Per diem/float nurses can be ADN or BSN nurses. Although new graduates may be hired in this role, it is advisable to have some clinical experience first.
Potential Earnings:
Per diem/float RNs earn $86,479 annually on average.
JOB #14: Utilization Review
About The Job:
Utilization review (UR) nurses work with insurance companies and hospitals to ensure that hospital stays and charges are necessary, related, and reasonable.
UR nurses review bills, screen admissions and negotiate charges for all bills related to their clients. Additionally, UR nurses review the need for durable medical equipment, rehabilitation stays, therapy, and medication.
In this role, you work in an office and spend much time on a computer or the phone.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
There is no hands-on patient care in this role and your work environment is somewhat solitary. You may be on the phone and will need some assertive expertise, however, there is very little face-to-face interaction in this job.
You may have the option to work remotely or hybrid which helps to create a low-stress work environment.
Requirements to Get this Job:
A UR nurse can be either an ADN or BSN nurse. You will need to have at least 2 years of hospital nursing experience.
Potential Earnings:
A utilization review nurse makes $87,946/year on average.
JOB #15: Night Shift
About The Job:
All inpatient nursing units require night shift coverage. Nurses may be required to work nights on occasion as part of their employment.
However, some nurses chose a permanent night shift option. The nursing care is similar to other shifts, however, the majority of patients are asleep. Thus nursing care is limited to the most essential needs so that patients can get some rest. Physicians do not make rounds and surgery, therapy, and meals are reserved for days.
Why this is a Great Job for Introverts:
Nurses who work night shift have a reputation as introverts. This may be true as RNs who work nights have the least interaction with patients, families, and staff.
Requirements to Get this Job:
The requirements for a night shift nurse are the same as any other shift. However, night shift nurses do need to be able to make independent decisions as there is rarely any administration or upper management in the building at this time.
Potential Earnings:
The average RN salary is $87,868. Night shift nurses can expect to make more than the average wage due to a shift differential which is typically about 15%.
My Final Thoughts
So what are the best nursing jobs for introverts? I would say that a nursing job where you feel comfortable and generally less stressed is ideal for nurses who are a bit shy. And if you can make good money at a position that fits you well, you may have hit the jackpot.
Nursing is for all personality types. The wide variety of jobs, opportunities with good pay, and ability to change roles can lead to an ideal fit for our individual dispositions. Working in an environment that suits your psyche can be the deciding factor on whether you love or hate your job.
I hope that the 15 Best Nursing Jobs for Introverts I covered in this article has given you some hope that you can find the perfect job for your reserved nature. There are plenty out there!
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.