Why is Nursing School Hard – (25 Biggest Challenges & How to Overcome)
Written By:
Darby Faubion
Darby Faubion RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Darby lives in Louisiana and loves exploring the state’s rich culture and history. Darby has a passion for caring for veterans and a special interest in those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. In her quest to make a difference for veterans, she founded a non-profit called “Operation Battle Buddy.” Read Full Bio »» RN, BSN, MBA
Are you interested in a nursing career but do not know where to begin? Have you considered different nursing programs but wondered, “Is nursing school hard?” and “Why is nursing school hard?” It is natural to wonder what to expect before enrolling in a degree program.
Although there are several types of nursing programs, in this article, I will share information about the 25 biggest challenges you will face in nursing school and how to overcome them as they relate to undergraduate registered nursing programs. As you read on, you will not only learn about the challenges and how to overcome them but also find answers to some frequently asked questions about nursing school.
Is Nursing School Hard?
Without a doubt, nursing school is hard, but anything worth having is worth working hard to accomplish, right? Some students excel in one subject while other students may struggle in the same subject. The most important thing is to determine if becoming a nurse is something you want to do. If it is, then pursue that goal with everything in you. You can overcome the challenges that make nursing school hard and succeed in becoming a licensed nurse.
On a Scale of 1 to 10 How Hard is Nursing School?
As a nursing student, licensed nurse, and nursing instructor, I can tell you that nursing school is hard. It has been many years since I was a nursing student. If you had asked me when I first began nursing school to rate nursing school on a difficulty scale, I would probably have said a 9 or 10. Since my first nursing program, I have learned study strategies and ways to overcome some of the difficulties of nursing school. Also, since graduating with my first nursing degree, I have had many roles in the nursing industry.
The measure of how difficult nursing school is truly independent, and because each student has different strengths and weaknesses, measuring the difficulty of nursing school on any one scale is not possible. Some subjects that are easy for you may be harder for other students, and vice versa. The most important thing to remember is that even when you face difficulty in classes, with determination and hard work, you can work through the challenges and succeed!
Is Nursing School Harder Than Other Healthcare Degrees?
Nursing school is harder than some other healthcare degrees, but not all of them. For example, programs such as medical office assistant, dental assistant, or certified nursing assistant are easier programs to complete. Conversely, medical school, physician assistant school, and nurse practitioner school are more difficult than nursing school.
Why is Nursing School Hard?
(The following are the 25 biggest challenges you will face in Nursing school and ways you can successfully overcome them.)
CHALLENGE #1: Finding the Right Program
About the Challenge:
One of the biggest challenges that make nursing school hard begins before you ever enroll: finding the program that is right for you. If you have been planning to go to nursing school for some time, you may have already begun the search for a program. Even if you are just beginning your journey, you can make the process easier.
How to Overcome:
The first step is to determine how quickly you want to become a nurse. For example, associate degree nursing programs can take two to three years, and bachelor’s nursing degree programs take four or five years, depending on whether you enroll part-time or full-time.
Once you decide which degree you want to pursue, ADN or BSN, you can then begin researching nursing schools to see which ones offer the programs you want. Check out each school’s website and review the nursing program’s page. Look at program goals and expected student outcomes to identify programs that align with your values and personal and professional goals.
CHALLENGE #2: Getting Accepted into a Program
About the Challenge:
Sometimes, getting into nursing school is hard. The size of a school, the number of faculty, and the availability of clinical sites and preceptors are all factors that determine how many students can be admitted to each new class. If admission is limited, getting accepted can be a challenge.
How to Overcome:
There are several things you can do to help overcome the challenge of getting accepted into a nursing program. First, do not limit yourself to applying to only one program. Instead, find three or four schools that interest you and consider applying to each of them.
Verify the admission criteria for each school or program where you plan to apply and determine if you meet each school's requirements. Follow the instructions for applying carefully. Be sure to turn in your application and all supporting documentation before the deadline. Consider attending workshops or open house opportunities offered at the schools, as these give you an opportunity to meet faculty and staff. Finally, about two weeks after the application deadline, call to follow up on your application.
CHALLENGE #3: Paying for Your Degree
About the Challenge:
It is really no secret that nursing school can be expensive. The worry of balancing hectic classes and clinical schedules is tough enough, but when you add the frustration of juggling bills and school expenses can become overwhelming.
How to Overcome:
Nursing school is hard, but there are some things you can do to help ease the burden. One of those things is to make financial plans for your degree early. Begin by filling out a
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application will be used to determine if you qualify for federally funded grants or loans. A few perks of federal student loans are that the interest rate is generally lower than traditional loans, and repayment can be deferred until after you complete your degree. There are also numerous
grants and scholarships available to nursing students from various sources.
If I could give you a word of personal advice, I would suggest taking advantage of as many grant and scholarship opportunities as possible first. Then, if you still need money to help offset school expenses, consider a student loan. Because grants and scholarships do not have to be repaid, you can earn your degree with little to no out-of-pocket expenses.
CHALLENGE #4: Rigorous Curriculum Plans
About the Challenge:
Another thing that makes nursing school hard is the curriculum. In undergraduate nursing programs, you will begin by learning medical terminology, introductory anatomy, physiology, psychology, nutrition, biology, and microbiology. Although you can memorize some things, such as abbreviations or normal lab values, not all subjects are that easy. In nursing school, you must gain a comprehensive understanding of foundational information before you can learn to identify abnormalities in patients.
How to Overcome:
It is normal to worry about grades and struggle with some content, but you can overcome the challenges of dealing with a
rigorous nursing school curriculum. I remember when I was a nursing student (MANY years ago), I thought I had to retain every morsel of information my teachers presented in class if I was going to succeed. It took some time for me to understand that nursing school requires us to first build a foundation of basic knowledge and then build upon that to create a broader knowledge base.
My advice for dealing with a rigorous curriculum is to pace yourself. Do your best to be present for every class so you can ask questions and get clarification on anything you do not understand. Find other students who work hard and want to succeed and develop a peer study group. It is amazing the clarity that you can get from others when you share ideas and break down information together. Finally, utilize your instructors and academic advisors. Their job is to teach you, and their desire is to see you succeed!
CHALLENGE #5: Deciding Whether to Live On-Campus or Commute
About the Challenge:
There are several things to consider when deciding whether to live on-campus or remain at home and commute to and from school. There are also advantages and disadvantages to both options. For some students, the decision of whether to live on campus or commute to nursing school is hard.
How to Overcome:
Deciding which option is best for you requires careful consideration. You should think about things such as the distance from your home to the school, how many days per week you must be at school and the difference between the cost of living on campus and remaining at your current residence. For many prospective students, especially younger students, living at home with parents and commuting to school is much cheaper than the cost of dormitory or apartment living. Each student's financial and living situation is different, so make a list of the pros and cons and make a decision based on your unique needs.
CHALLENGE #6: Some Lectures Are Grueling!
About the Challenge:
Let us face it; one of the main things that make nursing school hard is having to sit through boring or grueling lectures. If a topic is hard to understand or something that simply does not interest you, it can make it even more difficult to endure.
How to Overcome:
Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is push through when lectures are tough or uninteresting. Accredited nursing programs must present designated content to meet accrediting standards, and sometimes you just have to tough through it. This situation is one of those times when having study partners may come in handy.
CHALLENGE #7: Learning How to Address Everyone Feeling Like You Have the Answers to Their Health Problems
About the Challenge:
Deciding to become a nurse is exciting. There are so many things you can do with your degree and endless options for jobs or career paths. One thing that can be frustrating, though, is that when people find out you are in nursing school, they often seem to think you know everything there is to know about health and that you can help them with their health problems. Nursing students often find it difficult to explain to others that their professional knowledge does not mean they have the right to diagnose or suggest treatments. For me, this challenge was especially true when it came to my family and closest friends.
How to Overcome:
It can feel flattering to know that people look to you for advice, but as a nursing student, it is important to know your boundaries and not cross them. When people come to you for medical advice, you must be careful to advise them to seek medical care from their physician. I know this may seem a bit of a “far stretch” when talking about nursing school challenges, but it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of learning new things and wanting to share what you know with others. Even if your intentions are innocent, giving wrong advice could lead to legal issues, especially if the person you advise becomes physically worse or suffers injury or death.
CHALLENGE #8: Long Hours of Studying
About the Challenge:
One of the main reasons nursing school is hard is the time and effort it takes to study and learn the required content. On average, nursing students should plan to spend at least three hours per week dedicated to each credit hour for which they are enrolled. For example, if you are enrolled in 10 credit hours for one semester, you should prepare to spend at least 30 hours per week studying and completing schoolwork and assignments.
How to Overcome:
Successful nursing students know there really is no way to get out of studying. However, you can implement measures to make studying easier. One thing I always like to advise students to do is to break the content down into small, mentally digestible chunks of information. Breaking down content into small sections makes it easier to retain information and build upon your knowledge base over time instead of trying to cram large amounts of information at once.
CHALLENGE #9: Simulation Labs Can Make You Feel like a “Fish Out of Water”
About the Challenge:
In nursing school, before you go to clinicals, you will experience hands-on clinical labs, also known as simulation lab experiences. This part of the program is where you will learn assessment and other vital skills, such as starting IVs, placing and removing urinary catheters, giving medicine through G-tubes, and much more. Labs can feel like a challenge, especially at first, because mannequins and your classmates will be your “patients.”
How to Overcome:
To overcome this challenge, you must see it for what it is, a learning experience designed to help you succeed. The great thing about learning in simulation labs is that you are in a controlled, safe, instructor-supervised environment. Instead of looking at it as an awkward or uncomfortable situation, take advantage of the opportunity to learn with your peers and prepare for clinicals and independent practice.
CHALLENGE #10: Difficulty Managing the Mental Challenges
About the Challenge:
Another thing that makes nursing school hard is the weight of the mental challenges. You will be faced with heavy course content, long hours of studying, and often unpredictable clinical schedules. It is no wonder that nursing school can leave you feeling
mentally drained and exhausted!
How to Overcome:
It is important to understand that all nursing students and nurses experience times when the mental and emotional demands of school or work begin to feel overwhelming. To overcome this challenge, you must first learn to identify your own reactions to stress or anxiety. Then, find ways to allow yourself to decompress. For nursing students, it is especially important to learn ways of self-identifying stressors and your reactions to them. Talk with your instructors and preceptors and ask for guidance in handling tough situations that make you feel mentally challenged or overwhelmed. Remember, everyone experiences times of feeling mentally or emotionally tired and needing a break. Do not be hard on yourself.
CHALLENGE #11: Clinicals Can Be Tough!
About the Challenge:
Nursing school clinicals can be an exciting time. In clinicals, you finally have the opportunity to apply the theories you learned in the classroom to direct patient care. This can also be an overwhelming time for nursing students. Because clinical practicums require you to draw from your classroom and laboratory experiences and begin to think as a nurse, this is one thing that makes nursing school hard. During clinicals, you will care for patients with various health issues across the lifespan.
How to Overcome:
As a nursing and allied health instructor, I can tell you that the best way to overcome this challenge is to take advantage of every learning opportunity your clinicals provide. Look to your instructors and preceptors for advice or guidance. Even when it may not feel like it, the nursing faculty want you to succeed. Trust their experience, and do not be afraid to ask questions or get help if you feel unsure or overwhelmed.
CHALLENGE #12: Coming to the Realization that You Will Never Be the “Perfect Nurse”
About the Challenge:
When you begin nursing school, you will undoubtedly have high expectations for yourself and want to accomplish remarkable things, which is good. I remember when I began my journey to becoming a nurse. I thought of all the things I had seen and experienced as a patient and had tons of ideas of how I would be the best nurse any patient could have. While that is a good aspiration, and we should all strive to be excellent nurses, giving our best to our patients, it is equally as important to understand that there will be times when you mess up and feel like a failure.
How to Overcome:
Nursing school is hard, so there is no need to make it harder on yourself by setting unrealistic expectations. Set goals for things you want to accomplish and think of the kind of nurse you want to become. Then work toward becoming that nurse. However, you must also allow yourself the opportunity to "fall on your face" and make mistakes. None of us is perfect, and no one should expect you to be... including you!
CHALLENGE #13: Feeling Cut-Off from Family and Friends
About the Challenge:
Even the most close-knit families and friendships can feel a strain when you are in nursing school. The time you spend studying, working on projects, or in clinicals is time you could be spending with family and friends. It can leave you feeling cut off from those most important to you.
How to Overcome:
Nursing school is hard without having to deal with the feeling of missing the people whose company and relationships you value. At times, you may feel there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need and want to do. One of my friends has a little saying he says all the time, "Take time to make time." Although nursing school is demanding, it is still essential for you to take the time to spend with people you value. You may not be able to take a long vacation or even a few days, depending on where you are in the program. However, a weekend brunch or movie break will do wonders for your mental health. Remember, take time to make time!
CHALLENGE #14: Forget Memorization... You Must LEARN the Content!
About the Challenge:
Success in nursing school requires developing a new depth of understanding of many topics. Although some things, like medical abbreviations, can be memorized, other content cannot (or should not). Nursing is an ever-evolving field that requires continuous learning. As such, simply memorizing facts or information to help pass a test and move on could prove detrimental to your success.
How to Overcome:
Instead of attempting to memorize content, you must develop an understanding of what you are taught. When you understand the information presented to you, it is easier to apply it to real patient scenarios. Simply memorizing information does not allow you to think of things in the “big picture.” One of the best tips for learning content is to think of information in terms of action. For example, if you grasp how the body functions normally, it will be easier for you to identify abnormalities occurring in a patient’s physiology. Ask yourself questions like, “How is this information relevant to the symptoms my patient is reporting?” or “Which of my past patient care experiences are similar to this one, and how can I apply those principles to patient care now?”
CHALLENGE #15: Figuring Out Your Learning Style
About the Challenge:
Everyone has a
learning style that is easier for them. For instance, I am a visual learner. If I can write notes, highlight important facts, work on graphs, or make lists, it is easier for me to retain information. Other people are more audio learners, meaning that hearing things makes it easier to grasp information. If you are unsure which learning style fits you, it can make nursing school hard to navigate.
How to Overcome:
If you do not know which learning style you favor, you may need to try a few different options. Some instructors allow students to record lectures; others have prerecorded lectures that you can access anytime. Take the time to go back and listen to lessons to see if it helps you retain information. Buy colored highlighters to mark important content in your textbooks or notes. Practice is the best way to find your best learning style. Once you determine what works best for you, be consistent!
CHALLENGE #16: Being Totally Mortified When It Comes to Patient Care
About the Challenge:
If you do not have patient care experience, the thought of providing in-person patient care can leave you feeling terrified, to say the least. You can laugh if you want, but my first day of clinicals was a NIGHTMARE! My first patient was an elderly man who seemed mad at the world. He did not care that it was my first day of clinicals and had no idea how scared I was that I was going to fail. We seemed to play tug of war for the bed sheets as I tried to make an occupied bed with him in it. He hit me and screamed at me. What I really wanted to do was cry and quit, BUT I did not. Today, I am thankful for that experience because it helped me help students later in my career.
How to Overcome:
The truth about patient care is that it can be scary sometimes, and that is one of the things that makes nursing school hard. Not all patients have easy open-and-shut cases where you give them meds or put a bandage on a wound and send them home. Some have serious illnesses or diseases, and, as a nursing student, you may be afraid of messing up or making poor decisions. Guess what? ALL nurses, even experienced nurses, feel anxious or scared like that at times.
The only way to overcome this challenge is to keep pressing forward. If you are worried about an assignment or feel unsure about a skill, look to your instructors and preceptors for guidance until you become more comfortable. The more you apply yourself to your work, the easier things get.
CHALLENGE #17: Learning Your Role as a Patient Advocate
About the Challenge:
From the time we are children, we learn the importance of standing up for others, especially those in need or the less fortunate. This concept takes on a whole new meaning in nursing. In nursing school, you will learn the importance of patient advocacy and how to implement measures to be an advocate. In nursing school, it can be difficult to identify and step into your new role, especially advocacy. You may feel like you do not have enough education or experience to speak up about a patient’s situation or what you believe are important issues, but if you have the right attitude and approach, you do.
How to Overcome:
Patient advocacy is the sum of all the actions nurses take to uphold the rights of patients in their care. All nurses, regardless of degree level or specialty field, are patient advocates. Being a patient advocate may involve helping patients and their loved ones navigate the healthcare system, taking steps to promote patient safety, encouraging patient autonomy/independence, or providing education. As a nursing student, you will learn to advocate for patients by watching experienced nurses, preceptors, and your instructors. Ask questions and try to be involved in team collaboration as much as you are allowed while in school. As your clinical reasoning, decision-making, and critical judgment skills improve, the more comfortable and competent you will become as a patient advocate...Even though nursing school is hard, do not give up!
CHALLENGE #18: Self Care? Are you kidding me?
About the Challenge:
Nursing school seems like an endless cycle of lectures, notecards, clinicals, tests, and exhaustion. Trying to keep up with all your school responsibilities and
practicing self-care while in nursing school is hard. In addition to late-night study sessions, early morning clinical assignments, and other school-related responsibilities, you may have a job or family you must juggle into the mix. Quite frankly, it can be exhausting. Nevertheless, no matter how much work there is to accomplish, if there is anything you can do for yourself that will have a true, long-lasting impact, it is to practice self-care.
How to Overcome:
I must admit that, even after all my years of experience in nursing, I still have to be intentional about self-care. As a writer and educator, I try so hard to put together as much quality content for readers like you as possible while helping develop new writers for our awesome company. At times, I find that I push myself to the limit of exhaustion because I want everything to be perfect (which is not a bad quality, I might add!) However, my experience also reminds me that if I do not practice self-care, I cannot be an effective team member or leader. The same applies to nursing school.
Learning to practice self-care is a matter of discipline and knowing when it is time to “hit the pause button” on life. Implementing self-care practices includes doing things like eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, and getting plenty of rest and sleep. Doing simple things like lighting some candles and soaking in a bubble bath, going for a short walk, or reading a book are a few things you can do to relax and unwind. You will find when you implement self-care practices, it will become easier to focus and can help improve your chances of success in nursing school.
CHALLENGE #19: Realizing Your Patients Will Die
About the Challenge:
One of the most difficult things to accept and that makes nursing school hard is when you realize, despite your best efforts, some of your patients will die. As nurses, it is in our nature to help heal. In nursing school, your focus will be on understanding normal body processes so you can recognize and address deviations from the norm. Unfortunately, part of addressing abnormal issues is preparing for patients to die.
How to Overcome:
Our jobs as nurses are not always to heal, although we wish they were. Sometimes our job is to ease patients in their transition between life and death and to be a source of support and care for patients and their loved ones. I have more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry, and as much as I would love to tell you that the death of patients gets easier, that is not entirely true. There are times when patients who have been sick or in chronic pain for extended periods actually look forward to the end of their suffering.
Perhaps the only way to overcome the challenge of losing our patients is to realize that death is inevitable for everyone. Learn to be a present support for your patients and their loved ones and remember that knowing you are there is often the best support you can give to them.
CHALLENGE #20: Learning to Manage Time Wisely
About the Challenge:
Nursing school takes a significant time commitment. Even when you are not in the classroom or clinical, chances are you will be studying and completing assignments or projects. One of the most challenging things that make nursing school hard is learning to manage and make effective use of your time every day.
How to Overcome:
The best thing you can do when it comes to learning to manage your time wisely is to create a schedule and stick with it. Get a planner to keep up with important dates, like when tests or projects are due, and to keep up with clinical assignments. Whether you use a paper or digital planner, having one can help you get and stay organized. There are several sources for nursing planners that you can buy on
Etsy, and
Erin Condren (to name a few). Also, there are awesome
digital planners you can download, many for free.
CHALLENGE #21: Deciding Whether to Continue Working While Pursuing Your Degree
About the Challenge:
Depending on whether you go to school part-time or full-time, your ability to continue working your job could be affected. Although some nursing students work while enrolled, keeping a job while in nursing school is hard, especially if
you need to work full-time.
How to Overcome:
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer as to whether you should work while in nursing school. The decision is yours and is one that should be considered carefully. To make the decision less challenging, make a list to compare what is coming in and going out as far as your finances are concerned. Factor in the cost of school and whether you have financial aid options to help pay for your degree. Finally, talk to your employer and your academic advisor to determine if there are options to make your work and school schedules work together.
CHALLENGE #22: An Inability to Prioritize Responsibilities
About the Challenge:
Being a good nurse requires the ability to make critical decisions, including prioritizing work. One of the biggest challenges nursing students face is learning to prioritize patient care and school-related work. If you struggle with prioritizing the things you need to accomplish, you will likely find nursing school hard.
How to Overcome:
If prioritization is not your strongest skill, do not worry! You can learn to prioritize. In fact, your curriculum will include activities to help you learn to prioritize tasks and patient care. Take your time and learn from faculty and preceptors. Ask questions about how to choose which patients and tasks demand higher priority. Do not be afraid to ask for help until you get comfortable establishing priorities for work.
CHALLENGE #23: Learning to NOT Take Things Personally
About the Challenge:
One of the most important lessons nursing students must learn is that everything is not a personal attack. Patients have bad days. Your co-workers, peers, and supervisors have bad days. Family members are afraid about potential outcomes for their loved ones. When emotions are high, it can become easy to feel like you are being personally attacked.
I hate to admit it, but I can be a very emotional person... Not an out-of-control emotional person, but someone who overthinks things. If I am not careful, I can let the worry that comes with overthinking things make me anxious. When that happens, everything feels personal, even if I know it is not. If you understand that feeling, then you know that taking things personally can be challenging to overcome. BUT YOU CAN DO IT!
How to Overcome:
The easiest way to overcome this challenge is to take a step back and try to look at the “big picture.” What has happened to make you feel personally attacked? Is the anxiety your patient or their loved one is feeling so overwhelming that it leaves you feeling as though they think you are not giving it your all? Is tension at work or home spilling over into the way you view situations?
It is normal to feel overwhelmed and to even feel things are more personal than they may be in reality. What is important, though, is to recognize these situations for what they are and work through them. Talk to your supervisor, instructor, or preceptor and get their advice if the situation becomes too much for you to handle alone. Remember, you are not in this alone!
CHALLENGE #24: Lack of Family Support
About the Challenge:
In an ideal world, families are excited when we make decisions to earn a degree or climb the professional ladder. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Whether you do not have family close enough to offer help or support or your family feels this is not the best decision for you, it can cause going to nursing school to be challenging.
How to Overcome:
Not having support while going to nursing school is hard, but it is possible. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel you must pursue your degree on your own, without family support, do not give up! Lean on classmates and friends. Join student support organizations and get involved in their activities. If you want to be a nurse badly enough, you can accomplish your goal!
About the Challenge:
As if classes, assignments, tests, and clinicals were not enough, you must also prepare to take the licensing exam while still in nursing school. No matter how well you do in nursing school, you must take and pass the
National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses to become licensed and begin practicing as a registered nurse.
How to Overcome:
My best tip for overcoming this challenge?? Trust the process and get through it! Nursing school is hard, and the
NCLEX-RN is hard. However, if you work hard in school and make it through, you can also succeed on the NCLEX-RN. Most nursing schools include NCLEX prep as part of the curriculum. You can also purchase NCLEX study guides and books and
find practice tests on the NCSBN website.
My Final Thoughts
Before choosing and enrolling in a nursing program, it is natural to wonder, “Is nursing school hard?” and “Why is nursing school hard?” In this article, I shared the 25 biggest challenges you will face in nursing school and how to overcome them. If becoming a registered nurse is truly your dream, being aware of potential challenges and preparing to overcome them is essential. You can take the examples featured in this article to help you move forward, face challenges, and succeed in becoming a nurse!
Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert
1. How Long Does Nursing School Take?
Undergraduate nursing programs typically take between two and five years to complete. The time it takes you to graduate will be determined by whether you pursue an associate's or bachelor's degree and if you enroll part-time or full-time.
2. Is It Normal To Struggle In Nursing School?
Nursing school is hard, and it is normal for students to struggle at times. However, with persistence, dedication to your studies, and by reaching out to instructors and preceptors for guidance, you can overcome your struggles and succeed!
3. Is It Very Hard For An Average Student To Pass Nursing School?
Nursing school is hard, regardless of your academic history or abilities. However, students from various backgrounds
pass nursing school and go on to become exceptional nurses. If you want to become a nurse badly enough, keep pressing forward. Ask for help when you need it, and never give up!
4. Which Year Of Nursing School Is The Hardest?
It is really a matter of opinion. The first year of nursing school is hard because you are starting with little or no nursing knowledge and building a base upon which everything else you learn will be built. On the other hand, many students feel the final year of the nursing program is the most difficult because this is the period during which you have greater clinical responsibilities and are preparing to take your licensure exam (NCLEX-RN).
As a nursing instructor, I found that many nursing students struggled most with pharmacology, pathophysiology, and microbiology.
6. How Many Hours Do I Need To Study In Nursing School?
Academic advisors typically suggest that nursing students spend at least three hours per week dedicated to studying for each credit for which they are registered. For instance, if you enroll in nine credit hours for a semester, you should plan to spend at least 27 hours per week studying.
7. Is It Hard To Work During Nursing School?
Many students find that working during nursing school is hard. However, it is not impossible. If you feel you need to work while in nursing school, take the time to counsel with both your academic advisor and employer to see which options you have for making your schedules work.
8. What Percent Of Nursing Students Drop Out?
The National League for Nurses reports approximately 20% of nursing students drop out.
9. Is It Common To Fail Nursing School?
Failure in nursing school is hard to accept, but it is a common occurrence. However, before you let the risk of failure deter you from beginning a program, it is important to understand that one person’s failure does not mean you cannot succeed. If you come to a place in nursing school where you are struggling, talk to your advisors and try to regroup so you can improve your chances of success.
10. What Next After Failing Nursing School?
It is up to you what happens after failing nursing school. As a nurse and healthcare instructor, I suggest taking time to think about your professional goals and dreams. Then look at the reasons you failed. Were you ill? Did you experience a change in family dynamics that impacted your ability to focus on school? If you feel nursing is no longer the path you want to pursue, move on. However, if you want to become a nurse, get up and try again!
11. Is Nursing School Harder Than Med School?
Nursing school is harder than medical school. The main reason for the difference in the difficulty of the two types of schools is the volume of content that you must learn.
12. Is Nursing School Harder Than PA School?
PA school is generally harder than nursing school. Physician assistant school covers a broader range of medical topics than nursing school and features more intense clinical requirements.
13. Is Nursing School Harder Than Physical Therapy School?
Physical therapy school is typically considered more difficult than nursing school.
14. Is Nursing School Harder Than Respiratory Therapy School?
Nursing school is less challenging than respiratory therapy school, according to most sources. The main reason tends to be that respiratory therapists must have more in-depth knowledge and expertise relevant to cardiopulmonary disorders, while nursing involves knowledge of the overall well-being of patients.
15. Is Nursing School Harder Than Radiology Tech School?
Nursing school is harder than radiology tech school. Nursing students complete more clinical practicum hours and have a deeper understanding of pharmacology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology.
16. Is Nursing School Harder Than Surgical Tech School?
Nursing school is much harder than surgical tech school.
17. Is Nursing School Harder Than Sonography School?
Sonography school is more difficult than nursing school. The programs require more clinical hours, tests, and in-depth knowledge to graduate.
18. Is Nursing School Harder Than Dental Hygiene School?
Nursing school is considered harder than dental hygiene school. Dental hygienists focus on oral care and work under the direct supervision of a dentist. Nurses provide whole-patient care and may work in some autonomous positions.
Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).