7 Best Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs – 2024

Written By: Darby Faubion BSN, RN

Are you a registered nurse who holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and are interested in a research role? Have you considered going back to school but do not know which program to choose to help you realize your dream? Perhaps the only thing that has kept you from moving forward with your education is that you do not want to return to campus life. If that sounds like you, an online DNP to Ph.D. in nursing bridge program is an excellent option!

Maybe you considered earning a Ph.D. online but wondered, “What are the best online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs?" I will answer that question and others throughout this article. As you continue reading, I will tell you about the 7 best online DNP to Ph.D. in nursing bridge programs for 2024. You will learn about program goals, advantages and disadvantages, and other program-specific information. You will also find information about income potential, job opportunities, and job outlook. All this information will help you decide if pursuing your degree through DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs is a path you wish to pursue.

What Exactly is the Goal of an Online DNP to Ph.D. in Nursing Bridge Program?

The goal of the best online DNP to Ph.D. in nursing bridge programs is to prepare students for professional roles as educators, researchers, and innovators. These programs help DNPs transition from clinical practice into more research-based roles. Students learn how to objectively review information, synthesize data, and form logical solutions.

5 Most Important Skills and Abilities You Will Gain in an Online DNP to Ph.D. in Nursing Bridge Program

When you pursue your degree through online DNP to Ph.D. in nursing bridge programs, you will acquire several skills and abilities. These advanced skills can be used in a broad range of roles. The following are five of the most important skills and abilities you will gain in these programs.

1. You will learn to be a mentor with extensive knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of nursing professionals:

One of the greatest things about earning a Ph.D. in nursing is you will learn what it means to mentor others. Whether you hope to become a nurse educator, a researcher, or fill another role, DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs will prepare you to mentor students and other healthcare professionals. Your knowledge, skills, and willingness to teach others can impact individuals, communities, populations, and the nursing profession.

2. You will learn to use evidence-based practice in research:

DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs will teach you to use evidence-based practice to analyze and translate scientific evidence and use your findings along with your clinical experience to promote nursing research.

3. You will gain an understanding of mixed methods research methodologies and their application in nursing and healthcare:

Research methodologies include three research paradigms: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. You will learn to conduct research by collecting and analyzing data, integrating your findings, and drawing inferences using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches.

4. You will develop advanced critical thinking skills:

As a nurse with a DNP, you already know the importance of critical thinking in nursing. In online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, you will take critical thinking to a more advanced level. You will learn to look at the bigger picture and see beyond the what and how of important health issues to learn the why, which is crucial when searching for solutions to health-related issues.

5. You will learn to use statistics to identify patterns in research and promote improved patient, population, and professional outcomes:

In online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, you will learn to use data sheets, frequency charts, and other statistical tools to track and analyze patterns relevant to research. Your findings will be helpful in improving the outcomes of individual patients and populations and in advancing the nursing profession.

5 Main Advantages of Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs

Earning your degree through DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs comes with many advantages. The following are some of the main advantages of pursuing your degree through one of these programs.

1. You can use your knowledge and experience to influence future generations of nurses and researchers:

Graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs have both clinical (DNP) and non-clinical (Ph.D.) nursing degrees. With your knowledge, skills, and credentials, you will be perfectly positioned to teach nursing students and impact generations of nurses for years to come. Additionally, your knowledge of clinical nursing combined with your new experiences in research means you can mentor and impact the role other researchers play in healthcare.

2. You will be highly regarded as an expert in the nursing field:

Graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs are considered experts in the field of nursing. Employers in top healthcare organizations and research centers look for candidates with the level of education, knowledge, and skills you will attain, which means you will be an excellent candidate for sought-after jobs in research, academia, and other specialty areas.

3. You can address complex health issues for diverse populations:

A Ph.D. in nursing is a research-focused degree. One of the advantages of pursuing this degree is that you can utilize your training to study health-related issues as they affect diverse patient populations. You can then take what you learn and advocate for changes or advancement in the ways these issues are addressed.

4. You can help people in a non-clinical role:

If you love caring for others, promoting health agendas, and finding solutions to problems, DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs can help you make that happen. With a Ph.D. in nursing, you can conduct research, lobby for change relevant to healthcare, and educate others. Each of these roles allows you to help others without having to work in a clinical role. Keep in mind that, although the Ph.D. is a non-clinical role, it does not void your DNP degree, which is clinically focused. That means you can still work in a clinical role if you choose to do so.

5. You can pursue advanced leadership positions in diverse settings:

When you graduate from a DNP to Ph.D. online bridge program, you will have a clinical doctorate and research doctorate degrees. Doctoral nursing degrees are terminal nursing degrees, which means they are the highest nursing degrees you can achieve. With these degrees, you will be eligible for some of the most advanced leadership opportunities in nursing in diverse settings.

3 Main Disadvantages of Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs

While online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs offer several advantages, there are also disadvantages you should consider. The following list reflects three of the main disadvantages of the programs.

1. A Ph.D. in nursing is not clinically focused:

DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs prepare you for research-focused careers. If you enjoy hands-on patient care, earning a Ph.D. in nursing may not be worth it to you. One thing to keep in mind is that, although you are earning a non-clinical degree, that does not void your clinical degree as a Doctor of Nursing Practice. So, should you decide to engage in a clinical nursing role, you can still choose to do so.

2. The curriculum in online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs requires a shift in thinking:

When you begin your pursuit of your Ph.D. in nursing, you will be pushed to think about topics in a more analytical way. You must learn to engage the material you study, not memorize it, which can take serious effort. For many students, changing their mindset is challenging and may be seen as a disadvantage.

However, if you take the time to look at the bigger picture, you may come to realize that learning new ways of thinking and approaching situations in healthcare is one way to demonstrate an attitude of continuous learning, which is vital for success in nursing and healthcare services.

3. A dissertation is not optional:

One of the biggest disadvantages of DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs is that you are not exempt from completing a dissertation. Your dissertation could take a year or longer to complete, which can be frustrating and may leave you feeling overwhelmed.

As frustrated as you may feel at times when working on your dissertation, keep in mind that it lays the foundation for how you will conduct research in your career. Your dissertation offers an excellent opportunity to showcase your research abilities and strengthen your skills in presenting and defending your findings.

Who Accredits DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs?

As you research programs to find the one that best fits your needs and aligns with your goals, one of the most important things to look for is accreditation. In nursing, accreditation ensures that nursing programs are held to high standards of quality. The best DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

S.NO.Accrediting Agency
1Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
2Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)

When Do DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs Start?

When considering online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, one of the first things you should verify is their application deadline and program start dates. Some programs offer multiple start dates each year, and others only begin once a year. The following are examples of start dates at five schools offering our featured programs.

Students at Duquesne University begin the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program in the summer semester.

Barry University offers four start dates each year, one in the fall, one in the spring, and two summer start dates. The date you begin classes will be determined by your academic counselor and is based on the classes you need and when they are offered.

The online DNP to Ph.D. program at Texas Woman’s University online DNP to Ph.D. begins in the fall semester annually.

Walden University’s program begins in the spring semester.

At Nova Southeastern University, the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program starts in the winter yearly.

How Many Credits are There in DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs?

DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs will have some variation in the number of credits they require, so it is wise to do some research. Most programs require anywhere from 30 to 40 credit hours for completion. Be sure to check how many credits the dissertation portion is worth, as some will list this separately from the rest of the curriculum. Also, be sure to verify which of your previous college credits may be transferable.

The following are the credit requirements for some of the top DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs in the nation.

At Duquesne University, students in the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program complete 38 credits. 29 credits are earned through coursework and nine through the dissertation.

Barry University’s curriculum requires you to complete a minimum of 30 credits, depending on the number of transferable credits you have.

Students at Texas Woman’s University complete 42 semester credit hours, including 12 semester credit hours dedicated to research tools.

Walden University’s online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program features an 81-quarter credit curriculum. You will earn credits through foundation, core, and research courses, doctoral seminars, focus area courses, and Ph.D. residencies.

At Nova Southeastern University, you will complete 36 credit hours to earn your Ph.D. This credit requirement includes nine credits of dissertation.

How Long are DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs?

Online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs take between one and three years to complete, on average. However, some schools allow students six to eight years to meet all program competencies and graduate. The number of credits you pursue each semester and the time you dedicate to earning your degree will be the major determining factors of how long it takes to earn your Ph.D.

You can complete the online DNP to Ph.D. program at Duquesne University in two and a half years (2.5).

At Texas Woman’s University, you can pursue your post-doctorate Ph.D. part-time or full-time. Full-time students can complete the program in as few as two years. Part-time students typically take three years to graduate.

Walden University’s online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program can be completed in seven quarters or two and a half years if you enroll full-time. However, you may take up to eight years to complete the program if you pursue the degree part-time.

At Indiana University of Pennsylvania, you can graduate in eight semesters, including two summer sessions.

William Carey University’s online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program is designed to be completed in eight terms or two years.

How Much Do DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs Cost?

One of the greatest investments you can make is an investment in your future, which includes paying for a higher degree. The cost of DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs varies. Some programs cost as little as $24,000. Others can cost as much as $140,000 or more.

As you search for the perfect program, comparing the cost can help you decide which program is right for you. Some schools charge the same tuition rate for all online students, while others determine cost based on whether you live in-state or out-of-state. A few examples of program costs include the following.

Duquesne University charges $1,699 per credit hour for the Ph.D. in nursing program. The DNP to Ph.D. pathway consists of 38 credits, making tuition cost $64,562.

Barry University’s doctoral tuition costs $1,125 per credit hour. Students complete a minimum of 31 credits, which means the program can cost as little as $34,875.

At Walden University, the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program costs between $50,780 and $140,170. The price you pay is determined by how long it takes you to graduate. These price estimates include tuition for coursework credits, dissertation credits, residency, and technology fees.

Tuition at Nova Southeastern University costs $936 per semester credit hour. The program requires students to complete 36-semester credits, making the program cost approximately $33,696. This amount does not include application fees, seat deposits, nursing access, or student services fees.

William Carey University’s online DNP to Ph.D. program is a 40-credit hour pathway with a tuition rate of $610 per credit hour. Therefore, the cost of the program averages $24,400.

What is the Minimum GPA Required to Get Into Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

One of the first criteria admission faculty evaluate is your college grade point average. The best online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs featured in this article require applicants to have GPAs between 3.0 and 3.5. For example, Walden University and Nova Southeastern University require applicants to have a cumulative college GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Barry University and Duquesne University require 3.3 and 3.5 grade point averages, respectively.

What are the Admission Requirements For Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs require prospective students to meet specific criteria to be considered for admission. If you plan to apply to more than one program, and I recommend doing so, be sure to review the admission requirements for each program carefully. Make a note of application deadlines and try to apply early. The following are examples of the admission requirements for five of the nation's best programs.

At Duquesne University, you must have a DNP degree earned at an accredited nursing school and a current, unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse to apply to the online DNP in Ph.D. program. In addition to an online application, you must provide three letters of recommendation (two professional and one academic), a current curriculum vitae, an admissions statement, a scholarly writing example, and your official DNP transcript. You may also be required to participate in an online interview with a member of the Ph.D. committee.

Admission to Barry University’s Ph.D. bridge program requires meeting the following criteria. You must have a valid RN/APRN license and a DNP from a regionally accredited or internationally recognized nursing school with a minimum 3.3 grade point average. You need to submit a statement of intent, an admissions essay, proof of completion of a DNP Capstone or Scholarly Project, and two professional recommendations. You will be asked to provide evidence of professional activities and participate in an admissions interview, as well.

Walden University requires candidates to have an accredited DNP degree and an active RN license. You must fill out an online application and provide copies of official transcripts.

Nova Southeastern University's admission criteria for the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program include having a DNP from an ACEN-, CCNE-, or CNEA-accredited program and an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. You must have and maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout the program. All applicants must submit a professional resume, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and two letters of recommendation. You will participate in an interview with the program director and must attend the mandatory on-campus Summer institute.

At Indiana University of Pennsylvania, you must first complete an admissions profile online to begin the application process. You need a DNP with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and an active, unrestricted RN license. Along with your application, you must provide official transcripts from all colleges and universities you attended, a goal statement, and three letters of recommendation.

What Kind of Courses Will You Take in Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

The curriculum for online DNP to Ph.D. programs is focused on developing competencies and skills needed to integrate nursing knowledge and other health-related disciplines to create and evaluate nursing research. Some of the classes offered in these programs are similar, although course names are different. Your curriculum plan may differ from someone else's depending on whether you choose a specialty track, for example, nursing education. The following are some examples of classes for some of our featured programs.

Duquesne University offers Ph.D. in nursing students a rich curriculum plan. Classes for this program include State of the Science & Discovery, Philosophy of Science & Theory, Methods of Scientific Inquiry, Statistics, Measurement Issues, and Applied Qualitative Practicum.

Barry University’s online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program includes courses such as Scholarship Development, Role of the PhD Nurse, Philosophy, Science & Theory Development, Qualitative Methods of Inquiry, Structure of Nursing Knowledge, Alternative Paradigmatic Inquiry, and Mixed Methods Research.

Texas Woman’s University offers students classes, including Philosophy of Nursing Science, Measurement & Instrumentation in Nursing Research, Quantitative Nursing Research, Exploring Scientific Literature, Nursing Research Proposal Development, and Introduction to Clinical Investigation in Nursing, a Dissertation.

The curriculum for the online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program at Walden University includes classes such as Advanced Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis, Research Theory Design & Methods, Effectively Leading Organizations in Quality Improvement Initiatives, Advanced Theoretical Scientific Perspectives in Nursing, and Transforming Nursing & Healthcare Through Technology.

At Nova Southeastern University, you will take classes, including Philosophy of Science, Biostatistics, Quantitative Research Design, State of Science, Advanced Nursing Research, Theories of Education, Instructional Design, and Curriculum.

What Kind of Practical Training Will You Undergo in Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

The practical training for DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs differs from the clinical training in other nursing programs. Because these programs have a research focus, your practical training will, as well. Most programs offer curriculum plans which include opportunities for supervised research and the development of a scholarly project or dissertation. The following are a few examples from five of the nation’s best programs.

At Duquesne University, online DNP to Ph.D. students participate in four residency requirements. The residencies include orientation, writing intensive, study abroad, and defense of your dissertation. The third residency, which is the study abroad residency, gives you the opportunity to study abroad in locations such as Dublin, Ireland. Each practicum lasts one week. Additionally, you will complete a 3-credit hour Applied Quantitative Practicum.

At Nova Southeastern University, you will complete at least nine credits hours of Ph.D. dissertation. The dissertation provides you with opportunities for engagement with the dissertation committee and is focused on the design, implementation, completion, and defense of a scholarly research study.

The online DNP to Ph.D. program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania includes practical training through research seminars and the development and defense of a dissertation. Research seminars involve developing skills in nursing education research and approaches to data analysis, development of proposals, and grant writing. You will develop a dissertation proposal and have opportunities for peer review. The dissertation will culminate with your presentation of a research project demonstrating an area of interest.

At Texas Woman’s University, you will complete a Nursing Research Feasibility Practicum, which includes one lecture and four to eight research practicum hours each week. You will also complete a Ph.D. Dissertation and present an oral defense of the dissertation.

Walden University’s online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program includes at least 20 credit hours of dissertation and four Ph.D. residency sessions. Each residency session features a distinct focus, with the residencies culminating in a dissertation intensive. Residencies include experiences in proposal writing, qualitative & quantitative methods and data collection, and publishing & presenting research findings.

What are the Best Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs in the Nation?

(Based on our ranking methodology, the following are the 7 Best Online DNP to Ph.D. in Nursing Bridge Programs in the nation for the year 2024.)

1. Duquesne University - Pittsburgh, PA

2. Barry University - Miami Shores, FL

3. Texas Woman's University - Denton, TX

4. Walden University - Minneapolis, MN

5. Nova Southeastern University - Fort Lauderdale, FL

6. Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Indiana, PA

7. William Carey University - Hattiesburg, MS


3 Major Challenges Students Face in Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs and How to Overcome

Online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs are excellent options for busy DNP nurses who want to earn a Ph.D. However, the programs are not without challenges. If you are aware of possible challenges, you can develop a plan for addressing and overcoming them, which will improve your chances of success. The following are three challenges you may face if you choose to pursue this academic path.

CHALLENGE #1: Admission is Very Competitive!

About the Challenge:

Perhaps the most challenging thing about online DNP to Ph.D. programs is something that happens before classes begin- the admissions process! It is common for some schools to limit the number of Ph.D. students to less than 10 for any given class. Because of strict admission criteria and limited classes, getting a spot in a class can be quite competitive.

How to Overcome:

The best way to beat competitive admission is to exceed minimum admission requirements. For example, if the program accepts students with a 3.0 GPA, you should strive to get a higher GPA. Strengthen your resume by participating in research opportunities or submitting a piece of your written work for publication. Turn in a complete application, and make sure you do it early. If the school offers workshops or meet-and-greet opportunities for interested applicants, be sure to attend. While you are there, introduce yourself to faculty members and express your excitement about coming to their school.

CHALLENGE #2: You Must Maintain High Grades Throughout the Program

About the Challenge:

You may have heard the phrase, “C’s get degrees.” While this humorous statement may be true for some undergraduate-level programs, you will be expected to maintain a higher GPA standard in a Ph.D. program. In fact, most online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs require students to have and maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average (“B”) throughout the entire program.

How to Overcome:

The best thing you can do to overcome the challenge of maintaining high grades is to develop a study plan and schedule and remain consistent. When you receive assignments, begin working on them as soon as possible to prevent the risk of falling behind, which can negatively impact your grades. Finally, do not be afraid to reach out to your instructors or academic advisors when you need help.

CHALLENGE #3: The Dissertation at the End of the Program Can Be Daunting

About the Challenge:

If you are familiar with Ph.D. programs, then you probably know about the dissertation requirement. In many cases, a dissertation can take a year or longer to complete. It takes true commitment to follow the guidelines for completing your dissertation in an online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program. You will identify an area of interest, develop your dissertation project through research and defend it. The defense of your dissertation involves presenting your findings to an examination panel.

How to Overcome:

The primary goal of your dissertation is to analyze a question or topic in so much detail that you can offer a new perspective. The best way to overcome this challenge is to start early and be thorough. Think about possible topics you wish to pursue and familiarize yourself with the program’s guidelines for completing your dissertation. Create a timeline of goals to help you stay on track. Gather and analyze data, making sure to verify and cite sources. Study the data you collect until you feel comfortable having an in-depth conversation about it. Remember, although your dissertation may feel daunting, with good preparation and consistency, you can succeed!

Where Do Graduates of Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs Mostly Work?

After graduating from online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, you can choose to work in several settings. Some program graduates work for agencies developing health policies, government and state agencies, hospitals, or clinical care agencies. The following are three of the most common places graduates may work.

1. Medical Research Companies:

Graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs often work for large healthcare or medical research organizations and are involved in contributing to medical breakthroughs. In these settings, you may perform research that helps with advances in patient care, disease management, and healthcare policy.

2. Colleges and Universities:

With a degree from an online DNP to Ph.D. bridge program, graduates are well-qualified to work in academic settings. If you desire to teach others and influence the future of healthcare, this setting would be an excellent option to find work!

3. Government Agencies:

Another top setting where DNP to Ph.D. online bridge program graduates work is for the government. You may use your degree to work as a health policy nurse and provide insight into how healthcare laws and policies affect the public. Other possible roles in government agencies include working for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, military branches, or the National Institute of Health.

5 Best Jobs For Graduates of Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs

There are many job opportunities for graduates of DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs. You may want to work in a corporate office, academia, a government setting, or research. Whatever your interests, you are sure to find a job that suits you. The following are five of the best jobs for program graduates.

1. Nurse Scientist:

One of the top jobs for graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs is nurse scientist. As a nurse scientist, you will provide subject matter expertise in the development, design, and implementation of nursing research projects. You will guide, collaborate with, and support research team members and promote the use of evidence- and research-based practices, leading research teams in translating research findings for practice.

2. Research Manager:

With a Ph.D. in nursing, you can work as a research manager. In this job, you will supervise a team of researchers and research assistants. Some responsibilities of this job include coordinating and scheduling research staff, identifying research goals and setting deadlines, preparing and implementing budgets, and writing grant proposals.

3. Healthcare Improvement Analyst:

If you like the idea of using your knowledge and skills to improve healthcare and access to services, the role of a healthcare improvement analyst could be a great option. In this role, you will use your knowledge of research, statistics, and evidence-based practice to identify issues in healthcare delivery and drive improvements in healthcare safety, quality of care, and patient experiences. You will review the performance of healthcare providers, identify opportunities for improvement, and create and implement solutions to address healthcare needs.

4. Health Policy Analyst:

With a degree from one of the best online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, you can become a health policy analyst. Your clinical nursing experience and knowledge of research will be helpful as you review healthcare and community health policies. In this job, you can use your skills to influence changes in healthcare and positively impact individual, community, and population health.

5. Pharmaceutical Research Nurse:

Another excellent job for graduates of DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs is Pharmaceutical Research Nurse. This job involves overseeing the use of research protocol associated with pharmaceutical studies, including appropriate drug dosing and handling. In this role, you will collaborate with doctors, pharmacists, and clinical researchers. Your knowledge of advanced pharmacology and pathophysiology coupled with the knowledge of research, statistics, and evidence-based practice you will gain in these programs make you an excellent candidate for this job.

What Starting Salary Can New Graduates of This Program Expect?

New graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs earn approximately $63,290 per year. This pay equals an hourly wage of $30.43, a weekly wage of $1217, and a monthly pay of $5,270.

(Source: Payscale.com)

What Average Salary Can Graduates of DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs Expect?

After gaining some experience, the average salary for graduates of DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs is $45.19 per hour, $1808 per week, or $7,830 per month. This pay is equivalent to an annual salary of $94,000.

(Source: Payscale.com)

10-Year Job Outlook For Graduates of DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs

The ten-year job outlook for graduates of DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs is excellent. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts jobs for this profession will see an increase of at least 45.68% between 2021 and 2031. This job growth rate is much faster than all other professions, indicating it is a good time to earn your Ph.D. in nursing.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Is the Cost of an Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Program Worth the Return On Investment (ROI)?

The decision to go back to school and earn your Ph.D. is not one to be taken lightly. There are many things to consider. One of the most important factors is whether earning the degree is worth the time and money you must invest. The best way to determine that is to compare the cost of earning your degree to your potential salary.

The school you choose and the price you pay is up to you, which means you do have some say in determining the return on your investment. Consider the following to give you an idea of whether you will see a positive return:

You can earn your degree through DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs for as little as $24,000 up to $140,000 or more. The starting salary for graduates is approximately $63,290. The average yearly income with experience is $94,000. These numbers suggest that, even if you choose one of the more expensive programs, you can still see a return on your investment within a few years. Additionally, most jobs you will find after graduating offer excellent benefits packages, which can be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

When you consider all these factors, it is safe to say the cost of online DNP to Ph.D. programs is well worth the return on investment.

Bonus! 5 Genius Ways to Make Your Application For the Best Online DNP to Ph.D. Bridge Programs Stand Out

DNP to Ph.D. bridge online programs are known to have strict acceptance standards. If you know what admission teams look for in candidates, you can focus on those areas and improve your chance of getting into a top program. The following are some tips on things you can do to stand out.

1. Grades Matter!

Perhaps the most key factor admissions faculty consider is your college grade point average. When you review admission criteria for online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, you will find that most programs require candidates to have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.5. However, if you want to be a competitive applicant, you should strive to exceed the minimum required grade point average. Ph.D. in nursing programs require a lot of hard work, and having a good GPA indicates your ability to meet the requirements of the program.

2. Take the Graduate Record Examinations (and score well).

The GRE is an exam used as a standardized measurement of your logical skills and academic preparation. Each school determines the minimum scores needed on the GRE, but the higher your score, the more attractive you become to the ones reviewing your application. Keep in mind that, although some programs may not require the GRE, if you take it and score well, you can still submit your scores to make your application more attractive.

3. Prepare a Professional, Current Curriculum Vitae.

Although some people use resumes and CVs interchangeably, they are different documents. A curriculum vitae (CV) is primarily used to detail your academic accomplishments. When admission teams review applications for DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs, they look for activities that reflect research experience and/or published works. So, be sure to include any research experience or written work, whether it is paid or volunteer experience.

4. Prepare a Stand-Out Diversity Statement.

A diversity statement is an essay designed to depict your past experiences and how they contributed to your professional and personal growth. The diversity statement is your opportunity to explain your qualities and how your experiences make you a viable candidate for admission. Remember, admission to DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs can be competitive. So, do not sell yourself short on experience. Any experiences you have that are relatable to the Ph.D. program, especially research, should be included.

5. Wow Admissions Faculty in Your Interview.

Typically, the final step in the application process is to have an interview with the program coordinator or other program faculty. The admissions interview gives faculty a chance to get to know you face-to-face. Prepare for your interview the same way you would prepare for a job interview. Think about why you want to pursue your degree through online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs, why a research-focused career appeals to you, and why you believe their school is the best place for you to earn your degree.

My Final Thoughts

If you have a DNP degree and want to transition your career to a more research-focused path, a Ph.D. bridge program is an excellent option. Earning your degree online can make the transition easier, and knowing that may leave you asking, “What are the best online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs?”

In this article, we discussed the 7 best online DNP to Ph.D. in nursing bridge programs for 2024 and offered insight into the advantages, disadvantages, what the programs involve, and possible career opportunities. If earning a Ph.D. in nursing truly interests you, there is no time like the present to get started and pursue the career of your dreams! I encourage you to review information about our featured programs and begin your journey today!

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert

1. What Is The Best Online DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Program In The Nation?

Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is home to the best DNP to Ph.D. online bridge program in the nation.

Duquesne University - Pittsburgh, PA

2. Is It Easy To Get Admission Into Online DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

Admission to online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs is competitive. However, if you have strong grades, good references, and relevant experience, you can improve your chance of admission.

3. What Is The Minimum GPA To Get Into DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs?

The minimum GPA to get into online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs is 3.0. However, programs prefer students with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

4. Can I Get Into DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs With A Low GPA?

Because admission to DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs is competitive, it is difficult to be admitted with a low GPA.

5. What Is The Typical Cost-Per-Credit For DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs?

The cost per credit for online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs varies, ranging from $800 to $1,700 per credit.

6. Can I Work Part-Time And Complete This Program?

Some students work part-time while enrolled in DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs, so it is possible that you can work and complete the program successfully.

7. Can I Work Full-Time And Complete This Program?

Although it is possible, working full-time while completing online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs can be challenging. The programs require a considerable time commitment to performing research and completing a dissertation. If you feel you need to work full-time while in the program, part-time study may be a better option. It is always best to discuss work and school schedules with your academic advisor and employer to work out a plan that accommodates both.

8. What Are The Hardest Classes In Online DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Programs?

Opinions vary as to which classes are the hardest in online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs. Many students report Qualitative and Quantitative Nursing Research, Clinical Investigations in Nursing, and the dissertation requirement are the most difficult classes.

9. How Much Do New Graduates Of This Program Make?

New graduates of DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs earn an average of $63,290 per year.


10. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of This Program Make Per Hour?

On average, graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs make $45.19 per hour.


11. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of This Program Per Month?

The average monthly salary of graduates of online DNP to Ph.D. bridge programs is $7,830.


12. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of DNP To Ph.D. Bridge Online Programs Make Per Year?

Experienced graduates of DNP to Ph.D. online bridge programs earn an average annual salary of $94,000.


Darby Faubion BSN, RN
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).