11 Best LPN-to-RN Programs in Oklahoma – (Online & Campus-Based)

Written By: Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA

Are you a licensed practical nurse in Oklahoma looking for ways to open doors to new career opportunities? As a graduate of one of the LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma, you’ll have many more professional options. An associate nursing degree program will teach you critical thinking and patient assessment skills that will equip you with the tools you need for specialty positions. Your pay will be 60 percent higher on average: RNs in the Sooner State average $76,920 a year, while LPNs only make $48,090. Demand for your services as an RN will increase by 12 percent in the next decade. There’s lots more information in this guide to the 11 best LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma.


Based on our Ranking Methodology, the following are the 11 best campus-based and online LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma.

1. Seminole State College - Seminole

Program Details: Seminole State College is home to one of the best LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma. At SSC, you will learn to utilize critical thinking skills in nursing, apply the nursing process at an advanced level, and use evidence-based practice to provide high-quality patient care. The program admits students twice per year in the spring and fall and is designed to be completed in four semesters. Didactic classes are delivered in an online format, and clinicals are in-person.

The LPN-to-RN program is a 54-credit pathway, which includes general education, support, and core nursing courses. As an LPN, you can earn up to 19 credits toward the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree through credit by exam and obtain advanced standing in the LPN-to-RN program. Credits for advanced standing through prior learning assessments are awarded after successfully completing your third-semester nursing courses with a grade of “C” or better.

In addition to classes like Nursing Pharmacology, Psychosocial Nursing, and Medical-Surgical Nursing, you will complete a minimum of 300 direct patient care clinical hours, including a two-week preceptorship with a registered nurse. Program faculty arrange clinical assignments and determine appropriate clinical preceptors to ensure you have adequate experiences to prepare you for your transition from the LPN role to the RN role.

Why Choose This Program

• The LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma at Seminole State College promotes the professional growth and development of student nurses through several outlets, including having its own chapter of the Seminole State College Student Nurses’ Association. The SSCSNA contributes to nursing education by providing programs of professional interest and concern, aiding in developing well-rounded, professional nurses, and assisting students as they move into their roles as healthcare providers for people from all walks of life.
• Not only does Seminole State College pride itself on having faculty who are readily available to assist and guide students as needed throughout the program, but the school also offers tutoring and mentorship programs for students who need extra help. This is especially helpful for students who struggle with getting back into the habit of studying after being out of school for a while.

2. Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology - Okmulgee

Program Details: At Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, licensed practical nurses can earn an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree in two years or less. You will experience campus-based learning opportunities in state-of-the-art classrooms and simulation labs, where you will practice a broad range of hands-on skills to prepare for advanced nursing as a registered nurse. You will prepare to function as a member of the interprofessional healthcare team, providing high-quality, evidence-based care to patients of all ages.

The program admits students once per year in the summer semester. To earn the AAS, you must complete 72 credit hours. Upon successful completion of the LPN-to-RN Transition Course, you will receive 16 credits toward the total credit requirement.

At OSUIT, you will learn to integrate clinical expertise with current evidence to provide quality care to patients, coordinate care, and function within the interdisciplinary team to promote shared decision-making and positive patient outcomes. You will have opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in various clinical settings throughout the program. Clinicals are arranged by program faculty at clinical affiliate sites and are completed under the supervision of program faculty or approved preceptors.

Why Choose This Program

• Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology boasts program faculty who are experts in healthcare with profound real-world nursing experience in diverse specialties. As a student in the LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma at OSUIT, you will learn the most current nursing practices from some of the most experienced leaders in the industry!
• OSUIT LPN-to-RN program is one of the most affordable programs of its kind in the state, making it possible for more nurses to go back to school and earn a higher degree!

3. Northern Oklahoma College - Tonkawa

Program Details: The LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma found at Northern Oklahoma College is another excellent option for LPNs ready to advance their careers. Using an approach that combines critical thinking and reasoning and the nursing process, the program will prepare you to provide holistic nursing care to patients of all ages across the health spectrum. You will learn to evaluate health issues using a culturally competent approach, cultivate therapeutic nurse-patient relationships, and provide high-quality, evidence-based nursing care.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with LPN to RN candidates admitted twice yearly, in the summer and fall semesters. The features a blended format that combines interactive television and on-site classroom instruction. The LPN to RN Bridge option can be completed in as few as two semesters.

The associate degree in nursing program is a 68- to 70-credit pathway. Candidates for the LPN-to-RN program must take the course Transition to Registered Nursing the semester before matriculating into the associate degree program. The Transition course is offered in the summer and fall.

After completing general education, pre-nursing courses, and the Transition to Registered Nursing course, you will complete four nursing courses: Fundamentals of Nursing, Nursing of Adults I, Nursing of Adults II, and Maternal-Child Nursing. Each of the four nursing courses has a corresponding clinical practicum. Clinicals are arranged by program faculty and held in various settings, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, physicians’ offices, and long-term care facilities.

Why Choose This Program

• Northern Oklahoma College has been educating nursing students since 1971. This long history of nursing education is a true testament to the school's dedication to students and the profession!
• Students enrolled in the LPN-to-RN program at Northern Oklahoma College can apply for scholarships and grants designed for students in the associate degree program. These financial aid opportunities are offered by the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Foundation.

4. Redlands Community College - El Reno

Program Details: Redlands Community College is home to another of our featured best LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma. The program admits students once each year in the spring semester. Qualifying LPNs who have completed all necessary prerequisites receive advanced placement or articulation credits for the first semester of the nursing program, reducing the time it takes to earn the associate degree in nursing to three semesters, instead of the traditional four semesters.

The associate degree nursing program is a 70-credit pathway that utilizes in-person theory classes and direct care clinicals. Of the required credits, 15 are earned through prerequisite coursework. Additionally, if you took Nursing I and Pharmacology in your practical nursing program, you will receive articulation credit for those courses, instead of having to retake them in the LPN-to-RN pathway.

The curriculum is designed to prepare you to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the nursing profession through professional and personal responsibility. You will learn to apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to help provide evidence-based approaches to patient care with compassion and respect.

Why Choose This Program

• Redlands Community College offers several scholarships exclusively to nursing students. If you are looking for an LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma where you may find some financial assistance, this school is a good option to consider!
• Redlands also offers service-learning opportunities. Service learning is a method of allowing you to participate in organized service experiences that prepare you for leadership roles, which you may pursue later as a registered nurse.

5. Murray State College - Tishomingo

Program Details: If you are an LPN searching for an accelerated pathway to become a registered nurse, Murray State College could be just the place for you! The college offers an Online Career Mobility Hybrid Program that allows LPNs to advance their careers to the next level. The program will help you broaden your knowledge and skills by learning to provide care with an evidence-based, patient-centered emphasis.

The program is designed to be completed in 12 months. However, if you have graduated from your LPN program within three years of beginning the Career Mobility program, you will receive nine credits for the courses Health Promotion and the Nursing Process, and you can enter the program in the third semester, reducing the time it takes you to complete the program to just two semesters.

At Murray State College, you will be immersed in a rich curriculum formatted to complement your previous experience as an LPN. The program is a total 70-credit pathway, including 19 general education requirements. You will also have diverse clinical experiences where you will provide direct patient care under the supervision of program faculty or clinical preceptors.

Why Choose This Program

• Graduates of the Murray State College LPN-to-RN program have consistently exceeded state and national averages for NCLEX-RN pass rates among first-time testers for the past five years. These exceptional pass rates reflect quality education and preparation in the program.
• At Murray State College, you will have an academic advisor assigned to you who will mentor you throughout the program, helping guide and assist you as you navigate your way to earning your associate degree in nursing and becoming a registered nurse.

6. Western Oklahoma State College - Altus

Program Details: If you are looking for LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma, Western Oklahoma State College has an outstanding program worth considering. The program has start dates in the spring and fall semesters. As an LPN, you may receive credit for up to two semesters of coursework in the associate degree nursing program, making it possible to graduate in just two semesters.

The LPN-to-RN program is available in both online and face-to-face formats. The online pathway features asynchronous coursework and clinicals one day per week. The face-to-face pathway consists of campus-based learning on Mondays and Thursdays and clinicals one day each week. All students must complete General Psychology and the LPN-to-RN Transition Course, which is a four-week hybrid course requiring three days of campus attendance, before beginning the first semester of the program.

The LPN-to-RN program at Western Oklahoma State College is designed to help you develop cultural awareness and the ability to exhibit compassion and empathy as you provide individualized patient care to patients across the lifespan. Under the guidance and supervision of faculty and preceptors, you will learn to utilize concepts of teaching and learning to help facilitate competent, safe patient care and informed decision-making.

Why Choose This Program

• Western Oklahoma State College established its nursing program in 1981 and has continuously educated nursing students since that time. With more than 40 years of experience preparing students for entry-level RN positions, you can feel confident that the education you will receive at WOSC will be what you need to succeed!
• Students of the LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma at WOSU work closely with academic and career advisors throughout the program. Your advisor will be there to help you with any needs and to mentor you as you complete the program and prepare to embark on your new journey as a registered nurse.

7. Eastern Oklahoma State College - Wilburton

Program Details: At Eastern Oklahoma State College, you can choose to pursue an associate degree in nursing through either a campus-based or hybrid online pathway. The program the school offers is among the top LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma. New cohorts are admitted for both the hybrid online and campus pathways in the spring of each academic year.

With a current, unencumbered LPN license, you may challenge the first-year nursing courses. After successfully passing the challenge exams, you may apply and enter into the second year of the program. LPNs must complete a minimum of 34 general education credits, and all second-year nursing courses to earn the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree. Some of the classes you will take in the program include Physical and Mental Illness, Current Issues in Nursing, Microbiology, and Human Physiology.

The LPN-to-RN program will prepare you to demonstrate evidence-based practice related to current nursing theory, knowledge, and nursing research and apply responsible, competent nursing care. You will build upon your previous nursing knowledge and experience to develop and hone more advanced nursing skills, including leadership, clinical decision-making, collaboration, and managing care.

Why Choose This Program

• Almost all students at Eastern Oklahoma State College receive some type of grant or scholarship assistance, including students in the LPN-to-RN program! Having access to these types of financial assistance can relieve a lot of stress related to school, so you can focus on more important things.
• EOSC works hard to keep low faculty-to-student ratios in the classroom and in clinicals to promote a better learning experience for all students.

8. Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College - Miami

Program Details: Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College is home to another of our featured LPN-to-RN programs in Oklahoma, which is designed to propel licensed practical nurses to a higher level of education and practice in just twelve months. Classes begin in the summer semester and include online and in-person lectures, campus-based lab simulations, and in-person clinicals.

Fast Track Coordinator for the LPN/Paramedic to RN program, Jan Allen, states the program is offered in a hybrid format. Classes and clinicals are each offered one day per week, making this program an excellent option for working nurses.

Once you complete all general education, physical and biological sciences, and psychology courses, you may transition into the LPN-to-RN program, which awards an Associate in Applied Science degree. To earn the degree, you must complete a total of 66 credits. The curriculum includes classes such as Nursing Care of Patients with Multisystem Disorders, Mental Behavioral Health Nursing, Chemistry for Health Sciences, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, and Health Assessment.

You will participate in hands-on patient care in hospitals, community health centers, assisted and long-term care facilities, physicians’ offices, and outpatient clinics. Clinicals are arranged by program faculty at designated clinical sites with approved preceptors.

Why Choose This Program

• Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College is dedicated to the success of its students. The school offers academic and career advisement and counseling, career readiness workshops and professional network opportunities to help students in the LPN-to-RN program broaden their networks and improve their chances of gaining employment after graduation.
• The college reports high retention and completion rates for students in the LPN-to-RN program. Good retention and completion rates are typically a strong indicator of student satisfaction, support, and success.

9. Connors State College - Muskogee

Program Details: Connors State College is home to another excellent LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma. The program, referred to as the Career Ladder Program, is designed for LPNs and Paramedics who wish to become registered nurses. The program admits students twice yearly, in the fall semester and spring semesters.

The LPN-to-RN pathway is a 72-credit program, but you can earn up to 18 advanced standing credits through advanced standing placement tests. The Career Ladder Program features a blended learning format that combines traditional campus-based classes with independent study using the internet and email for theoretical learning. Additionally, you will participate in diverse clinical experiences to help hone more advanced skills and prepare for your new role as a registered nurse.

Connors State College is partnered with Oklahoma State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation, providing students the unique opportunity to engage in interprofessional education. Because of this collaboration, you will have opportunities to engage with medical students in simulation labs and participate in seminars designed to enrich your learning experience.

Why Choose This Program

• The associate degree nursing program at Connors State College began more than 40 years ago. Since its start, the program has grown to include a state-of-the-art Nursing and Allied Health building where you will learn and practice advanced nursing skills as you prepare for clinicals and practice.
• At Connors State College, you will learn from nursing faculty with a wide variety of expertise in the nursing profession. Additionally, the college has a large group of support faculty to help prepare you for the transition from the role of an LPN to an RN as you progress through the program.

10. Rose State College - Midwest City

Program Details: If you are searching for an LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma that you can complete in a short time, Rose State College may be the place for you! At RSC, licensed practical nurses can complete the LPN-to-RN Career Ladder Program in just two semesters once all general education and support courses are completed. The program offers a variety of teaching and learning techniques, including options for traditional day classes, evening and weekend classes, and online classes.

The program will prepare you to provide and evaluate competent, comprehensive nursing care, incorporating compassion for your patient’s preferences, needs, and values. At Rose State College, you will learn to function as an integral part of the interdisciplinary healthcare team and implement essential leadership skills relevant to the registered nurse’s role.

Students must earn a minimum of 69 credits to earn the Associate in Applied Science degree and graduate from the LPN-to-RN program. You will study in classes, including Clinical Microbiology, Concepts for Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice, and Advanced Professional Nursing Concepts.

Clinical practicums take place in a variety of sites within the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Clinicals are arranged by program faculty in collaboration with clinical facilities based on their availability and needs. In the first semester clinicals, you will attend at least one day per week of clinicals. In the final semester, you will have two consecutive days of clinicals weekly.

Why Choose This Program

• Rose State College works to ensure small clinical group sizes, usually consisting of 8 to 10 students. This small group size makes it possible for you to work closely with preceptors and clinical faculty and get hands-on experience performing diverse tasks in each setting.
• Rose State College believes that education is a partnership between educators and students and, therefore, works collaboratively with students to promote an environment conducive to learning and success.

11. Tulsa Community College - Tulsa

Program Details: The Career Mobility Track at Tulsa Community College is another awesome LPN-to-RN program in Oklahoma. The program admits new cohorts in the spring and fall semesters annually. The program is designed to prepare you with the ability to demonstrate teamwork and collaboration, apply safety measures, best practices, and nursing informatics, and provide patient-centered, evidence-based patient care.

After completing the required prerequisites, you can complete the program in three semesters. Classes for the LPN-to-RN program include classroom, lab, and clinical activities and blended online learning resources. The associate degree nursing program is a 65-credit program, which includes 25 prerequisite general course credits and 40 core course credits.

The program also includes five clinical practicums to give you a broad range of experiences. You will have opportunities to provide patient care in maternity, pediatric, mental health, hospital, and community health settings. The final practicum of the program offers a particular focus on nursing leadership to help you experience the transition of role to an RN.

Why Choose This Program

• Tulsa Community College has an outstanding high-fidelity simulation lab where you will practice nursing skills in preparation for clinicals. The lab provides a safe place where you can learn ways to advance the skills you achieved as an LPN and apply them in your new role as a registered nurse.
• TCC graduates have excellent job placement rates after completing the LPN-to-RN programs. According to post-graduation surveys, most graduates report having jobs as registered nurses within three to six months of graduating and taking the NCLEX-RN.


Seeking Advice On LPN-To-RN Programs In The State Of Oklahoma? Darby Faubion Has Insights For You

Oklahoma has a growing healthcare industry. The strength of the state’s healthcare industry, coupled with a nationwide shortage of nurses, makes Oklahoma a great place to pursue a nursing degree and practice. My advice to you is to consider more than one school. Review program goals and expected student outcomes for each program. Find out about retention rates, NCLEX pass rates, and employment rates for graduates, as all of these indicate whether the program prepares students for the real world. Once you find a school that aligns with your goals and that has a good reputation for producing successful graduates, the rest is up to you! Start applying and go make your dream of becoming a registered nurse a reality!


1. Starting LPN VS. RN Salary In Oklahoma: How Much More Can You Earn As An RN?

RN Average Starting
Annual Salary
LPN Average Starting
Annual Salary
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

2. Experience-Wise LPN VS. RN Salary In Oklahoma: How Much More Can You Earn As An RN?

Level of ExperienceRNLPNDifference
1-4 Years of Experience$67,460$46,040+$21,420+46.52%
5-9 Years of Experience$78,760$50,510+$28,250+55.93%
10-19 Years of Experience$89,410$58,330+$31,080+53.28%
20 Years or More Experience$101,390$61,680+$39,710+64.38%
Average Salary$82,110$51,880+$30,230+58.27%
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

3. Metro Wise LPN VS. RN Salary In Oklahoma: How Much More Can You Earn As An RN?

MetroRN Average
Annual Salary
LPN Average
Annual Salary
Oklahoma City$82,020$52,240+$29,780+57.01%
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

4. LPN VS. RN Job Outlook In Oklahoma: Is The Job Outlook For RN Better Than LPN?

OccupationEmploymentNew Employment
Growth (2020-2030)
(Source: Careeronestop.org)

5. LPN VS. RN Job Openings In Oklahoma: Are There More Job Openings For RN Compared To LPN?

OccupationNewReplacementAnnual Job Openings
(New + Replacement)
(Source: Careeronestop.org)

6. Average LPN-to-RN Salary In Oklahoma VS. Average LPN-to-RN Salary In The Nation: Who Earns More?

Average Oklahoma
LPN-to-RN Annual Salary
Average National
LPN-to-RN Annual Salary
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Her work history includes clinical experience in pediatrics, mental health, addiction and behavioral disorders, geriatrics, wound management, and communicable disease. Darby has worked in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health and hospice agencies. Darby also has experience as a nursing and allied health educator at both community college and university levels. Her love for nursing and nursing education led to her becoming a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach.

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  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
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  • Virginia
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  • Wisconsin