20 Best Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs – 2024
Written By:
Donna Reese
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »» MSN, RN, CSN
Telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs are on the rise. If you are looking for a lucrative and convenient career, telemedicine is an ideal option. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners fully supports and recognizes telehealth as a viable option for health services. That is wonderful because there are a lot of telemed NP jobs to pick from at present. But what are the best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs? Read on and find out what the 20 best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs for 2024 are and find out if your next career move will be in telehealth.
What Exactly Does a Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Do?
A telemedicine nurse practitioner provides health consultation, education and treatment for patients via a remote source such as webcams, online patient portals, phones, email, and other forms of online communication. Telemedicine NP jobs can involve a virtual examination or be primarily a verbal consultation. Treatment is basically the same as an in-person visit where medication and services are prescribed. However, hands-on procedures such as vaccinations and wound care obviously cannot be accomplished remotely.
Telemedicine nurse practitioners can work from an office or home, depending on the position. For telemed NPs working from home, in addition to webcam patient appointments, virtual staff meetings and peer consultations may occur throughout the day.
Are Telemedicine Nurse Practitioners Satisfied With Their Jobs?
A recent
study by NIH indicates that overall, nurses are happy working in telehealth jobs. Patients also report satisfaction with remote services, which translates to higher provider job gratification.
In addition, telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs are in demand, making them a lucrative career choice due to the need to fill these positions. Telehealth NP jobs are one of the
top work-from-home career choices due to a long list of advantages, including excellent work-life balance. Read on to find out the many reasons why telemedicine is a great career to consider.
What NP Specialties are Ideal for Telemedicine Jobs?
All NP specialties are optimum for telemedicine. These last 2 years, where virtual medicine has dominated our health system, have proven that all types and specialties of medicine can be accomplished remotely. The exception would be surgical practices where only specific circumstances allow for virtual monitoring.
However, one area stands out among the others and that is in the field of psychiatry.
Psychiatric nurse practitioners find that their patients prefer video visits to in-person visits overall. This includes the area of substance abuse and recovery also.
As the field that offers the best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs, telepsych is very much in demand and PMHNPs can command top salaries and have their choice of jobs to pick from.
Reasons for the robust patient “buy-in” for virtual mental health counseling and treatments are:
• Less stigma - Patients do not have to worry about feeling awkward or stigmatized while in the waiting room or by lay staff.
• Convenience - Those with anxiety and depression may find it taxing to leave home, drive to a psychiatric appointment and wait for medical care. Telehealth takes the sting out of provider visits, therefore increasing patient compliance for appointments.
• Hands-on-care is generally unnecessary for mental health visits making psychiatric online consultation and treatment a thorough and comparable alternative to in-person medicine.
What are the Top 5 Pros of Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs?
A position in telemedicine is a dream job for many NPs who are able to work from home. But are there other advantages of nurse practitioner telemedicine jobs? The answer is a resounding yes!
Here are a few more great reasons why telemed NP jobs are popular:
1. Time Efficient System -
Providers are able to see more patients in a day when you can simply hit a button and the patient immediately pops up on your screen and is comfy at home ready to talk to you at a second’s notice. From my experience with telemed visits, chit-chat is at a minimum and the virtual visit is quicker than in person. According to an
article published in the American Association of Family Physicians, “studies showed reduced wait times, reduced time to treatment, and an increase in the number of patients receiving indicated diagnostic tests or treatments”.
2. Timely Scheduling of Patient Appointments -
For most, scheduling a virtual visit gets you an appointment sooner than in-person visits. Being able to have speedy access to a provider makes patients happy. For the remote nurse practitioner, you are dealing with a more pleasant patient for this reason. In addition, timely appointments generally translate to less urgent issues for the provider to deal with as you can nip the problem in it’s early stages.
3. Safer Visits -
Depending on your clientele, operating virtually can eliminate the potential for unsafe work environments or violent patient encounters. In addition, remote visits eliminate the potential to transmit viruses and illness, especially Covid-19.
4. Work-from-home Benefits -
Not all telemedicine NP jobs are fully or even hybrid. But those who are offered the opportunity to work from home, get the best of both worlds. The
benefits of working from home as a nurse practitioner are endless.
A few reasons why working from home is fantastic are:
• Cost-effect- Commute, parking costs, and eating out expenses are eliminated with remote work, to name a few.
• Reduced Staff Drama
• Quiet Environment to Work
• Less Distraction
5. Flexibility -
Whether you work at home or in an office environment, telemedicine provides much more flexibility in scheduling and patient visits when compared to in-person medicine. Many offices offer hybrid options to their providers to help you work around your busy home and job commitments. With the ease of hopping onto a computer for virtual visits at any time, you can work from the office, home, vacation location, board room, or hospital. Whenever and wherever necessary you can get the job done, hopefully in a manner that suits your all-important
work-life balance.
What are the Top 5 Cons of Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs?
Telemedicine is a specialty in itself. Certain personalities thrive and are an excellent fit for remote telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs, while others may be challenged working remotely.
Some of the cons that some telemedicine NPs may experience are as follows:
1. Frustration with Technology -
Not all NPs are tech-savvy and for those in this category, a position in telemed may cause frustration.
2. Difficulty Working Independently -
For NPs who are challenged in the area of self-drive and organization, remote work may not be a suitable choice. In addition, for new grad NPs, working without direct guidance and supervision is not recommended.
3. Patient-Provider Relationship Concerns -
Understandably, there are concerns that the more personalized area of medicine and the patient-provider relationship can be hindered when foregoing in-person visits.
4. Not On-Board with Telemedicine -
Telemedicine is a relatively new option in many fields of medicine. For NPs who do not do well with change, the idea of working in telemedicine may cause some discontent. Furthermore, some nurse practitioners simply do not see the virtues of telemedicine and prefer to stick to live interactions with their patients.
5. Work at-home Dissatisfaction -
Extroverted NPs may be lonely while working at home. They thrive when in the presence of others and without the companionship of colleagues and live patients, may be unhappy. In addition, some home environments are not ideal for work, such as lack of a private area to work, frequent family interruptions, and poor internet service.
6 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Sure You are a Good Fit for Telemedicine NP Jobs
When seeking employment as an NP, you will want to ensure that your new position suits you before making a final commitment.
Hopefully, by asking yourself the following questions, you will feel confident in your choice of telehealth jobs.
1. Will this job be a good fit for my life outside of work?
2. Is my personality suited for the telemed environment?
3. If I must work at home, is my home an optimal space to work effectively?
4. Am I familiar with how telehealth works?
5. Am I adept at and open to new technology?
6. What do I know about this company and will it align with my values as an NP?
If you can positively answer the above questions, then it is a good chance that you should consider telehealth nurse practitioner jobs for your next career move.
What are the Best Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs?
(The following are the 20 Best Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs for 2024.)
1. Concierge Service
Patients love concierge medicine as it lends itself to prompt and thorough individualized care. Providers offering concierge medicine have determined that this type of practice is well suited for telemedicine. Nurse practitioners specializing in concierge services find that they can make more money via remote visits. Due to quicker patient visit turnaround times and fewer cancellations, concierge NPs turn higher profits than in-person medicine.
Some telemedicine concierge services have expanded their reach beyond one primary location. These innovative NPs can then increase their revenue by expanding their practice through non-local patient growth. NPs can own their own concierge medical practice or be a provider for a more extensive practice.
2. Pharmaceutical
Comprehensive medication management (CMM) programs are a new and unique way to assist patients with access to cost-effective and appropriate medications. In addition to the cost savings, the ease of online ordering and personalized door-to-door delivery make CMM a popular choice for those who do not have convenient access to their medications and/or prefer online services.
Nurse practitioners can work for a CMM organization or be in a
collaborative practice agreement with them to provide virtual medication guidance and answer any questions associated with their prescriptions. CMM entities hire all types of nurse practitioners for this position.
3. Private Telemedicine for Insurance Company
Insurance companies hire NPs to assist with cost containment and patient support. These corporations can now utilize nurse practitioners for the same work via telehealth. Companies like My Doctors Live supply HMOs and insurance and medical management companies with providers available to their clients for online medical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Telemedicine NPs who work for corporations comparable to
My Doctors Live typically are required to be licensed in numerous states. For those looking for job opportunities as remote telemed NPs in the insurance sector, companies like My Doctors Live advertise on Indeed.com. Nurse practitioners in these positions have the potential to earn a salary of over $200,000 per year.
4. Primary Care Telehealth Clinic
Local and national private telehealth businesses are popping up all over the country. Telemedicine jobs for nurse practitioners in freestanding or virtual practices are primary employers for the telehealth industry. NPs in this position assess, diagnose and treat patients the same as any family clinic position with the only difference being that they are working virtually.
Primary care telehealth clinics can be utilized instead of a freestanding family physician practice. Many find this virtual relationship convenient for ongoing medical care and day-to-day sick care treatment. Family nurse practitioners are ideal providers for this type of virtual practice.
5. Senior Care
Many senior facilities do not have 24-hour care provided by a doctor or nurse practitioner. A cost-saving alternative is to contract with a company that provides medical care via telehealth whenever the need arises. This service could be either 24 hours 7 days a week or primarily utilized on “off hours” when the resident physician is not in-house, depending on the medical coverage set-up by the particular facility.
Adult-gerontology nurse practitioners would be a perfect fit for these types of telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs.
Companies such as
Theoria Medical provide after-hours care via telehealth to support the staff at long-term care facilities when their in-house physician is not available. They hire NPs to be just a phone call away for the evenings, overnight and weekends to answer staff questions and provide consultation for emergencies.
6. Aesthetics
Surprisingly, telehealth NP jobs can be in the field of aesthetics. It seems that healthcare for skin would require in-person visits. But in this optimum time for telehealth, aesthetics has figured out a way to utilize NPs via technology.
aesthetic nurse practitioners perform hands-on skills such as:
• Botox
• Chemical Peels
• Laser Skin Treatments
• IV Hydration Therapy
In addition, NPs assess, prescribe and monitor treatments for aesthetic patients.
As a telemed NP hired by aesthetic companies such as
Facey Stacey Luxury Skincare Suites, telemed NPs are hired for virtual consultation and clearance for IV hydration therapy. NPs in this role are paid by contract and have an earning potential of up to $151,000 per year.
One of the top telemedicine jobs for nurse practitioners with a psychiatric background is in the area of ADHD. Attention deficit disorder virtual clinics and telemed options for on-site psych practices are popular care options for patients and their families. Typically staffed by
psychiatric nurse practitioners, the field of telehealth ADHD medicine is well suited for phone and webcam consults and treatment. Since it is not necessary to actually treat an ADHD patient in person, virtual care may be here to stay in this clinical area.
Companies like ADHD On-line and Donefirst.com offer telemed services for ADHD clients such as:
• E-visit assessments
• Development of treatment plans
• Prescribing ADHD medication
• Patient counseling
• Medication monitoring
8. Covid
In this current climate of the pandemic, there is a tremendous need for NPs to fill the gap in Covid care. Telehealth has jumped on the bandwagon and has developed virtual options to test and treat Covid patients remotely. The majority of these Covid medical establishments require that NPs hold numerous state licenses to treat patients nationwide. Positions can be part-time, full-time, temporary or contract, depending on the company.
Some companies treating Covid are specifically designed to treat Covid patients exclusively. Other corporations such as Doctors Studio treat various conditions and have recently added service for Covid patients to their already existing general practice. As one of the newer telehealth nurse practitioner jobs, Covid care is a hot NP career option that (hopefully) may not be around once the pandemic subsides.
9. Genetics
The area of genetics utilizes virtual providers who can supply consultation and answer questions regarding genetic testing and conditions related to genetic traits. In particular, nurse practitioners are in demand for
genomic testing consults.
Genetics consultation is one of the best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs for NPs with a background in oncology.
Oncology nurse practitioners are knowledgeable about many areas pertaining to genetics. However, since this specialty area is uncommon, NPs seeking employment in the field of genomics may want to take a
CE course to learn more. In addition, NPs specializing in obstetrics may find work in genetic testing that works explicitly with pregnant women and high-risk women who wish to get pregnant.
10. Pediatrics
Children’s healthcare can at times be handled virtually. Telemedicine specializing in pediatric care has become mainstream in the last year or two. Although much of the necessary child visits, such as immunizations and yearly physical exams, must be accomplished in person, there are times that virtual care is sufficient. Telehealth pediatric clinics are popping up locally and nationwide. In addition, many pediatricians offer hybrid care to best suit the families that they serve.
Family and
pediatric nurse practitioners are hired for virtual emergency consults for illness and injury as well as ongoing care for medical management. Telemedicine practices may exclusively cater to children or may be more generalized with a division for pediatrics.
11. Lab Interpretation and Consultation
Companies that offer lab testing are now seeking nurse practitioners to assess client complaints and refer them for appropriate testing. In addition, an NP is required to be available to interpret and discuss results and give guidance for appropriate follow-up. These free-standing or virtual lab facilities many times request that the NPs provide consultation on healthy lifestyle and preventable actions to promote good health.
The great aspect of this job is that most types of NPs are familiar with basic lab test interpretation, making this job opportunity viable for most specialty NP areas. If an NP needs a refresher, there are
CE courses available on lab test interpretation.
12. Urgent Care
Although it would make sense that urgent care visits be in person, there are numerous acute ailments that can be treated virtually. In addition, patients do not have to leave the comfort of their home while ill or injured making this service very handy during a time of patient distress. Family nurse practitioners and those with an emergency background are ideal for urgent care telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs.
Telemedical for
urgent care is one of the primary leaders and utilizers of virtual care. When the need to see a physician quickly arises, a provider is just a phone call away, making this option very popular with patients.
13. Telepsych
A newly coined specialty area of behavioral health, telepsych consists of mental health services via online meetings. Psychiatric care via video call is an effective manner of providing behavior and mental health treatment. Patients who resist in-person treatment or have difficulty accessing mental health services will benefit from this type of service.
Companies like Lifestance Health offer
telepsych appointments where nurse practitioners provide assessment, counseling and medication treatment for patients from the convenience of their home. As one of the top telehealth nurse practitioner jobs in mental health,
psych NPs should reap all of the benefits of the specialty such as high pay and flexibility, with an additional perk of working from their home office.
14. Substance Abuse
The development of telemedicine to treat and monitor substance abuse care has made it easier for those who have difficulty accessing appropriate treatment. In the past, suboxone clinics and rehabilitation treatment for addicts could be challenging to obtain for those in rural and medically underserved areas. Recently, nurse practitioners have been pivotal in increasing access to care for substance abusers. Telehealth in this field has furthered care availability to almost any country region.
Telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs in substance abuse are plentiful for psychiatric NPs and those who have a background in addiction treatment. Telehealth companies like PursueCare offer virtual addiction treatment in addition to other mental health conditions such as depression and insomnia. NPs provide assessment, counseling and care pertaining to substance abuse and psychological issues over the phone or computer.
15. Weight Loss Program
Popular weight-loss programs such as Weight Watchers, Noom and Jenny Craig have proven that virtual dietary programs are a successful way to lose weight. Nurse practitioner-run weight loss programs are transitioning over to a mix of in-person and digital programs to fit the client’s preference.
Opening a
medical weight loss clinic can be one of the more profitable nurse practitioner jobs in telemedicine. For independent thinking NPs with a good business sense, being a weight loss clinic owner can be an exhilarating and fulfilling career. Having a background in nutrition is helpful for this field. However,
NP courses are available to help augment your knowledge in diet, weight loss and nutrition, if needed.
16. Men’s Health
Many men are reluctant to discuss certain male-related health issues in person with their doctor. Conditions such as low libido and testosterone levels, balding and erectile dysfunction may go untreated due to hesitancy to vocalize these more embarrassing topics. However, with the development of telemedicine, sensitive matters are addressed more frequently due to the somewhat impersonal environment of telehealth. Thus, private teleclinics catering to men’s health concerns are thriving.
Nurse practitioners are prime candidates to work or own a telehealth men’s wellness practice. Concierge medicine, private men’s practices and primary care are jumping on this lucrative bandwagon of men’s health and wellness via remote care.
17. Women’s Health
As with the men’s health virtual practices, the field of women’s telehealth is also thriving. Most specialize in all issues related to women’s health. However, more delicate matters such as hormone replacement, sexual dysfunction, contraception and cosmetic problems are the most in-demand issues discussed via telemedicine.
Some niche down their practice even further to deal with a single women’s issue alone, such as contraception. According to a
study in the National Library of Medicine, contraceptive counseling via telemedicine has been well received, with most women satisfied with this method for receiving guidance and treatment.
Family or women’s health nurse practitioners may find women’s health telehealth to be one of the top nurse practitioner jobs in their field due to the overall satisfaction and flexibility of the position.
18. Oncology
It may seem odd that oncology can be treated via telemedicine. In some respects, that is true. However, much of what is accomplished at an oncology visit can be done virtually, aside from receiving chemotherapy. Patient consults, medication monitoring and treatment progress can essentially be handled virtually much to the convenience of the worn and tired cancer patients.
Christian Otto, director of teleoncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, implies that teleoncology is the future wave of oncology medicine due to the convenience aspect of virtual care for the patients. In addition, with more and more patients surviving cancer, the demand for follow-up care will increase. Telehealth is one effective way to meet the growing need for post-cancer monitoring.
Oncology nurse practitioners are ideal for follow-up care and virtual appointments are a viable option in this day and age of technology.
19. Cardiac Monitoring
Monitoring pacemakers virtually has been common for a long time. However, in recent years cardiac surveillance technology via telehealth has expanded exponentially. From detecting heart attacks to
improving outcomes for those with heart failure, new remote cardiac technology is being developed and rolled out quickly.
Cardiology practices offer hybrid visits to include in-person assessment and procedures and virtual home visits for medication management and follow-up care. Private cardiac monitoring and technology companies hire telemed NPs to train and monitor staff and patients with their current devices. In addition, virtual cardiology companies offer assessment and medical management via 100% zoom appointments. Telehealth can be one of the top jobs for cardiac NPs due to the exciting new cardiology technology and devices on the market currently.
20. Integrative Medicine
The field of
integrative medicine, otherwise termed alternative medicine, is a new yet old sub-specialty. Natural healing methods have been a part of eastern and to some extent, western medicine for years. However, integrative medicine is just beginning to be recognized in the US.
Nurse practitioners design their care around patient-centered holistic treatment and therefore, their methods are ideal for the practice of integrative medicine. Telehealth natural wellness clinics employ family nurse practitioners and other specialty areas for alternative medicine evaluation and treatment. In addition, NPs can run their own telehealth practice in integrative health quite successfully.
What are the Best Telemedicine Companies for Nurse Practitioners?
(Find out about the 10 Best Telemedicine Companies to work as a Nurse Practitioner in 2024.)
1. Virtual Med Staff
Deemed to be one of the best companies for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs, VirtualMed Staff is also one of the largest employers for telehealth.
VirtualMed Staff hires NPs to work from home as providers in any number of environments. You will be paid by VirtualMed Staff but will fill in as a telemedicine provider for hospitals, clinics and private practices across the US.
This brilliant idea is designed to augment staff wherever needed. VirtualMed Staff has developed a simple yet innovative solution to attain providers to safely care for patients in this current environment of staffing problems.
Designed as a flexible coverage model for providing medical personnel, VirtualMed hires NPs in the areas of psychiatry, neurology, and hospitals to fill in for telemedicine as needed.
2. ADHD Online
ADHD online is ahead of the curve in telehealth. Founded prior to the pandemic, ADHD online has proven that virtual services can be successful and convenient. Providing medical care in all 50 states, this company is the leading telehealth service for those who reach out for virtual ADHD assessment and management.
ADHD Online offers telemedicine jobs for nurse practitioners that pay well and are flexible and convenient. They usually hire nurse practitioners to perform video consults and follow-up visits and pay per consult. ADHD Online is seeking NPs with 4-5 years of clinical experience. They employ a large number of family and psych NPs via Indeed.com.
3. Cerebral
Mental health care should be easy to access due to the nature of psychiatric illness. Patients with depression, anxiety, phobias and other crippling psychiatric disorders are not likely to make a great effort to seek regular psychological support. Therefore, telehealth mental health services such as Cerebral can reach out to patients virtually 24-7 when they need it the most.
A popular, fast-growing telemedicine practice, Cerebral specializes in anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and depression. They provide convenient virtual consultation, counseling and even send monthly prescription medication delivery right to the door of their patients.
Cerebral offers telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs for PMHNPs or those with psych experience. They also employ new NP grads. If you want more information about positions with Cerebral, they hire through Indeed.com.
4. Wheel
Wheel offers a full-service virtual care platform and workforce to any health entity venturing into telehealth. This telehealth company provides all of the technology and software for a telehealth service and the staffing for virtual visits. Wheel is an all-encompassing organization that is truly a one-stop telehealth shop. Wheel covers all of the US and is one of the largest national employers of telehealth nurse practitioners.
Wheel hires NPs with a primary care and family health background. Although many national telehealth companies require multiple state NP licensure, Wheel employs NPs by state. Therefore, you would not need to hold multiple licenses to apply.
5. PursueCare
PursueCare is a telehealth service for substance abuse disorder and recovery. With a convenient phone app, patients literally can receive care at their fingertips.
Services PursueCare offers are:
• Medication-assisted Treatment
• Addiction Counseling
• Mental Health Therapy
• Toxicology Screening’
• Medication Delivery
PursueCare hires PMHNPs mainly but at times needs primary care NPs for their medication-assisted treatment team. PursueCare provides a complete benefits package to entice NPs looking for great nurse practitioner telemedicine careers.
6. LifeRx.Md
Are you looking for a telemedicine company for nurse practitioners that hires for just a few hours per week? Then
LifeRx.MD would be a great fit. This weight loss and nutrition telemed company is urgently hiring NPs for their growing practice. With the focus on anti-aging, hormonal imbalance and nutrition, this job would be a great fit for family and women’s health nurse practitioners.
Hiring through indeed.com, LifeRx.Md pays per 15-minute appointment making this position an ideal side job or an inside look into telemedicine without a full-time commitment. By merely working 5 hours per week, you can sign onto LifeRx.Md to explore whether or not you will like telemedicine NP jobs.
7. Lifestance Health
Located across the US, Lifestance Health is a hybrid practice helping those who live with mental health conditions. Offering a slightly different twist than most virtual psych practices, Lifestance includes couples counseling in their services.
Lifestance Health employs psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners to establish and carry out treatment plans, including psychotherapy for any mental health condition. Lifestance Health is one of the best companies for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs as it gives their NPs complete autonomy to treat and provide therapy as they see fit, along with a generous sign-on bonus! In addition, you do not need to apply for licenses in various states as they hire you to work in your own state.
8. Meditelecare
Meditelcare provides behavioral health services to individual patients and long-term care facilities. Working mainly in rural and underserved communities, Meditelecare has found a way to reach those needing mental health services who have had trouble accessing quality care in the past.
Listed as one of the more local telemedicine companies for nurse practitioners, you will still work virtually from home. However,
Meditelecare hires within individual cities to ensure local providers care for those in their communities. This unique take on a national telehealth practice helps patients feel as if their local physician is treating them.
9. Vault Health
Offering a variety of services, Vault Health is a leader in digital healthcare platforms. Not your typical primary care telehealth, Vault Health specializes in a specific subset of health issues and provides a unique twist on health solutions.
Services that Vault Health offers are:
• Covid services
• Research studies
• Occupational health
• Specialized male health care for issues such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, and increased belly fat
As a new and flourishing corporation,
Vault Health is seeking nurse practitioners to augment their staff as they grow. Vault Health is expanding their specialty areas to include mental health and women’s medical issues. Now is a great time to get in on the ground floor as this company grows.
10. Doctors Studio
As many telehealth practices have found recently, their businesses have taken off and are flourishing. Doctors Studio is no exception since the Covid pandemic began and telehealth became the norm. They offer telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs for NPs interested in a wide range of specialty niche areas such as:
• General wellness
• Male and female sexual wellness
• Hair loss
• Skincare and aesthetics
• Supplement sales and counseling
• Covid health
• Detox and weight loss
As an up-and-coming telemedicine company for nurse practitioners,
Doctors studio hires remote NPs through indeed.com, offering part-time, flexible hours. Multi-state licensing is preferred as they cover most of the US territory.
Do You Need Additional Training to Practice as a Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner?
Actually, you do not need any additional training for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs. However, it is helpful to be skilled on the computer and working in the telehealth system, in general. In addition, it is wise to investigate ways to
effectively present yourself virtually so that you can be heard and seen clearly while online.
Many smart NPs enroll in
telemedicine workshops to help them become more skilled at virtual healthcare. We are just starting to see a variety of continuing education,
certificate courses, and seminars on this topic. It is interesting to note that graduate nurse practitioner programs are sensibly beginning to
integrate telehealth into their curriculum.
Are There any Licensing Requirements to Practice as a Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner?
Nurse practitioners who plan to work in telemedicine need to work within the
scope and practice of their state as with any NP job. However, in telehealth, you will need to be mindful of the home location of your patients as they may be calling from out of state. If this is the case, new rules may be in effect as far as your practice regulations as an NP.
Telemedicine jobs for nurse practitioners treating patients out of state can be a bit trickier for an NP. The patient's location is considered to be the place of treatment, so NPs need to work within the guidelines of the patient’s state and of the state where you are licensed. This extra layer of potential regulations can hinder a nurse practitioner's telemedicine practice. I have seen job ads requesting that NPs be licensed in multiple states to work in certain national telemedicine companies for this reason.
7 Tips to Stand Out During Your Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Job Search
You will want to be a highly qualified and memorable candidate once you begin to look for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs. But how can you stand out and shine above the possible sea of other applicants? Read on to find out ways to emerge as the best contender in your future telemed job.
1. Prepare a top-notch resume -
It is a good idea to research resume writing advice and templates to figure out what is expected to formulate a quality resume. Better yet, pay an expert to write a first-rate resume to help you get your foot in the door.
2. Boost your qualifications -
Most of us do not have the perfect background for many jobs that we apply for. If you think that you may not be the top candidate for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs based on your experience, think about improving your chances for success by augmenting your experience and qualifications. Additional coursework or CEUs in your field of potential work is a great way to help. Another way to boost your qualifications is to take on part-time, contract or side jobs that will impress your future boss by adding relevant work experience to your professional history.
3. Obtain excellent letters of recommendation -
Well-prepared and insightful letters of recommendation can really sell you to a prospective employer. Research how to prepare an outstanding letter of recommendation and then choose your recommenders wisely.
4. Prepare for the interview -
It is wise to research and practice answering some of the more common NP and basic job interview questions. Having well-thought-out and intriguing answers highlighting your best qualities will keep you from bombing the interview.
5. Research your prospective employer -
In addition to preparing answers about yourself for the interview, you should also investigate your future employer. Research and become familiar with as many aspects of the company as you can to come across as an interested and well-prepared candidate for the job.
6. Prepare insightful questions -
Once you are familiar with your potential employer, you should have some quality and insightful questions about the job. Prepare a list of queries and bring the list along for the interview. Your future administrator will be impressed by your forethought.
7. Let your passion show -
Don’t forget to let your personality and excitement for your patients and NP career shine brightly during the interview. Even if you are not the most qualified candidate, your love and dedication to nursing may just land you the telemedicine job of your dreams.
How Much Do Telemedicine Nurse Practitioners Earn on an Average?
Nurse practitioner telemedicine careers can be quite lucrative. According to ZipRecruiter, telemed nurse practitioners make approximately $113,883 per year. That is $54.75 per hour. This wage is similar to what the average NP makes overall for many positions. So why not conveniently work from home or an office while virtually seeing patients since you make a comparable wage as nurse practitioners who work in-house with patients? For these reasons, my thoughts are that telemed NP work can be an excellent opportunity for many of us.
Hourly | Monthly | Annual |
$54.75 | $9,490 | $113,883 |
(Source: Ziprecruiter.com) |
In Addition to Salary, What Other Benefits are Included in a Telemedicine NP Job Pay Package?
In general, telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs come with all of the bells and whistles of any NP position with the addition of more flexibility. The exception may be that of contract or part-time work. If the benefits are slim, you may be able to negotiate higher wages.
That being said, here are the perks that you can expect with a telemedicine NP job package:
• A generous salary, many of which can be negotiated higher
• Average to good medical insurance for you and your family to include health, dental, and vision
• School tuition reimbursement
• Life insurance
• Most should provide all technical equipment necessary to adequately administer telemedicine services (some may require that you use your own computer)
• 401 (K) or other retirement options
• Paid time off
• Flexible schedule
5 Factors That Can Greatly Influence Your Salary as a Telemedicine NP
As a telemedicine nurse practitioner, you are in an optimal position to find a job that is both fulfilling and lucrative. Here are a few tricks to help influence your salary and land that dream job.
1. Capitalize on your experience -
It is a known fact that salary increases with experience. For seasoned NPs, make sure that your new employer considers your years of nursing expertise when discussing pay.
2. Pick a high-paying field of medicine or location -
Certain NP specialty areas pay higher, such as psychiatry. If you are considering what field to specialize in, you may want to consider if high pay is your goal. In addition, metropolitan locations and certain states offer higher pay for all NP jobs than others.
3. Don’t accept the first job offer immediately -
There are a lot of great telemedicine NP jobs available. So don’t pigeonhole yourself into the first opportunity that you find. Higher salaries could be out there if you look around a bit before committing to a new position.
4. Negotiate a higher salary prior to accepting a position -
Nurse practitioners are very much in demand in today's job market. You may be able to drive up your salary through negotiation once you are offered a telemed job.
5. Prove that you are worth more -
Once you are employed as a telehealth nurse practitioner, you may be in an optimal position to negotiate a pay raise at your 6-to-12-month evaluation. Making yourself invaluable to your new employer will hopefully make your boss realize that you are worth more than your current salary.
5 Reasons Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs are Here to Stay
Telemedicine is definitely here to stay. Remote telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs should remain in demand for the following reasons:
1. Proven to be cost-effective -
Although there is not much research yet on the
cost-effectiveness of telemedicine, early results so far have been positive.
2. Time conserving -
Being able to literally flip a switch and have your next patient virtually ready for their appointment saves the provider time over the course of the day.
Studies have proven that patient visits increase when employing video conference calls vs. in-house visits.
3. Convenient for patients -
Patients who want to schedule an appointment quickly are more apt to use telemedicine. In addition, the convenience of seeing your doctor from home or work makes virtual visits popular with patients.
4. Increased accessibility -
Telemedicine has been a huge blessing for patients with accessibility challenges or who live in rural or provider-deficient areas. Due to virtual visits, these patients now have access to much of the care they need right at their fingertips.
5. Providers like it -
In general, providers love the option of telemedicine. Due to flexibility, the potential to work from home and all-around convenience, the majority of telemedicine jobs for nurse practitioners are satisfying. For all of the above reasons, nurse practitioners have put their stamp of approval on virtual healthcare.
My Final Thoughts
Virtual healthcare is the wave of the future and here to stay. Now is an optimum time to be a telemedicine nurse practitioner. As you can see from this article, “20 best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs for 2024”, there is much opportunity to find a well-paying and satisfying job in this field. I hope that I have given you ample incentive to look into telehealth and have answered your question of what are the best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs? If you want autonomy, flexibility and still have the opportunity to work in the field you love; telemedicine might be your next career move.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert
1. What is the Difference Between A Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner And Telehealth Nurse Practitioner?
Many people wonder if there is a difference between telehealth and telemedicine. Therefore, these terms are commonly used interchangeably. However, there are subtle differences.
Telehealth is a broader entity encompassing the whole virtual health system where patients are enrolled. This includes online services such as:
• Clinical services
• Electronic medical records such as patient visit summary notes, vaccinations and x-rays
• Online patient booking
• Online payment option and billing summary
• Patient online reminders
• Educational materials and offerings
• Electronic sharing of records
Patients who have signed onto their patient portal should have access to various services through telehealth options.
Telemedicine consists of only the clinical services that a provider gives remotely. The term telemedicine is the consultation and treatment between a provider and patient.
Thus, a telemedicine NP provides the traditional patient visit such as medication management and counseling, except that it is virtual. A telehealth nurse practitioner utilizes telemedicine for patient visits but also works within the larger telehealth system for much of the job. Examples are electronic sharing of records, texting and emailing patients, and the use of telehealth to accomplish administrative work.
2. What Are The Highest Paying Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner Jobs?
Nurse practitioner jobs commonly pay equally for telemed and in-house positions. Therefore, the highest paying telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs are similar to those listed in this article “
63 Highest Paying Nurse Practitioner Jobs”. Many of the more lucrative jobs such as cardiology, psychiatric mental health and bilingual NP positions can be accomplished via virtual medicine. Take a peek to get more ideas about profitable telemed NP opportunities.
3. Can A New Grad Work As A Telemedicine NP?
Oh yes. The beauty of being a nurse practitioner is that you typically are not a green nurse, straight out of school. The majority of NPs come with all kinds of beneficial experience as a nurse, which makes you a desired commodity as soon as you graduate as an NP. Telemed is no exception. In fact, some of the best telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs hire new grad NPs. Based on my NP experience though, it may be wise to find a position with a team of other providers and forego solo work for a bit until you get your feet wet as a nurse practitioner.
4. Do All States Allow Nurse Practitioners To Practice Telemedicine And To What Extent Do They Enjoy Autonomy?
All states do allow NPs to practice telemedicine. However, there are stipulations to consider. Nurse practitioner telemedicine jobs many times require multiple state licenses, depending on the locale of where the patient lives. Taking this into consideration, you will also have to be cognizant and follow the scope and practice of the state that you are practicing and the state that the patient lives. You will need to work within the guides set forth by both your state and the patient’s state. These at times may differ and you will need to stay within the more stringent state’s regulations to legally practice.
5. Is It Easy To Get A Good Telemedicine NP Job?
Fortunately, there currently is a great demand for telemed NP jobs. So, therefore, your chances of being hired as a telehealth nurse practitioner are good.
6. As A Telemedicine NP, Can I Work Part-Time?
Browsing through the job boards, I found ample and an equal amount of full-time and part-time job opportunities for telemed NPs. There is also contract work available where you can work as much or as little as you want.
7. Is Video Required For A Telemedicine NP Job?
Although some patients prefer a phone consult to a video call, the majority of telehealth visits are via video. So, therefore, video is required for the majority of telemedicine NP jobs.
8. What Are The Popular Platforms That Telemedicine NPs Use To Deliver Care?
At present, technology companies are scrambling to develop and make a substantial profit on software to deliver telemedicine. There are literally hundreds of platforms to suit a provider’s specific needs for telehealth. Capterra has listed the
top telemedicine software tools to help make the decision easier when choosing a platform. Programs such a Mend, UvoHealth and Updox lead on the top 10 list.
8. How Has COVID Changed the Telemedicine Industry for NPs?
The pandemic has proven that NPs are crucial in all states to fill in the widening healthcare gaps. This included telehealth where NPs were essential in reaching patients who could not or were hesitant to have in-house visits with their provider. In addition, telehealth and hybrid practices and platforms have exploded in growth since the pandemic, lending itself to a higher demand for NPs to fill these roles.
9. How Can an NP Find a Telemedicine Job?
Possibly your current employer may already be offering hybrid and telemedicine opportunities. If you are looking for a new position, there are plenty of telemedicine jobs listed. Just google telemedicine or telehealth nurse practitioner jobs and a substantial list should pop up. That list is a good place to start on your search for telemedicine nurse practitioner jobs. There are also many nursing employment agencies that specialize in telemedicine and nurse practitioner opportunities.
Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.