15 Best Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions – 2025

Written By: Darby Faubion BSN, RN

Are you interested in becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) but need help getting started? Perhaps you have been considering options but need clarification about when schools accept applications or the deadline for applying. Maybe you’ve found some schools that accept applications year-round but wonder, “what are the best online FNP programs with rolling admissions?”

This article will discuss important information about FNP programs with rolling admissions and share a list of the 15 best online FNP programs with rolling admissions for 2025. As you continue reading, you will find specific program details, jobs you can obtain after graduation, tuition costs, and more.

What Exactly is the Goal of an Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions?

Online FNP programs with rolling admissions aim to prepare students for a career as an FNP. When schools offer rolling admissions, you can apply at any time throughout the year, as applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Is an Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions Hard to Complete?

Even the best online FNP programs with rolling admissions can be challenging. That does not mean they are impossible to complete. You can improve your chances of success by being fully aware of the program requirements and planning ahead. For example, if you know you need to work, discuss scheduling options with your employer and your academic advisor. Then create a study schedule that meshes with both your work and school responsibilities.

5 Most Important Skills and Abilities You Will Gain in an Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions

As a student in online FNP programs with rolling admissions, you will gain in-depth knowledge about family care and develop essential skills and abilities to implement in your practice. Below are five of the most important skills and abilities you will gain in an online FNP program with rolling admissions.

1. Leadership:

One of the top skills you will acquire when you pursue your degree through online FNP programs with rolling admissions is leadership. This skill is essential as you may choose to have your own practice or work in collaboration with other FNPs or physicians in a larger clinic or hospital setting. Your ability to be a strong leader will help promote positive characteristics and behavior within your team and lead to better patient outcomes.

2. Effective Communication Skills:

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, you will communicate daily with patients, their loved ones and caregivers, physicians, and other staff. Therefore, another essential skill you should master is the art of effective communication. The best online FNP programs with rolling admissions will incorporate communication techniques into every aspect of instruction and patient care.

3. Critical Thinking:

It is not uncommon for Family Nurse Practitioners to be faced with caring for patients in need of acute care, which means they need to recall the knowledge they obtained in school and their clinical experiences to make quick decisions. Suppose you earn your degree through accredited online FNP programs with rolling admissions. In that case, you will learn methods for applying your knowledge and skills to think critically and make decisions for your patients.

4. The Ability to Educate Others:

The curriculum offered in FNP online programs with rolling admissions is designed to help you not only learn content but to retain information and articulate what you’ve learned in a way so your patients and subordinates can understand. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, you will educate patients and families about illness, disease, medications, and possible treatment plans.

5. How to Use Evidence-Based Research to Promote Positive Patient Outcomes:

Evidence-based practice is the act of translating and applying evidence based on research to daily patient care. In an online FNP program with rolling admission, you will learn methods for collecting and analyzing critical data to determine the best care plan for patients and improve patient outcomes.

5 Main Advantages of Pursuing an Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions

When considering FNP online programs with rolling admissions, it is natural to wonder about the pros and cons. The following are five main advantages of pursuing a Family Nurse Practitioner degree through one of these programs.

1. Job security and growth:

The demand for highly qualified, skilled healthcare practitioners is greater now than in years past. Because there is such a need for healthcare providers, one of the main advantages of online FNP programs with rolling admissions is because they accept applications year-round, you can possibly speed up the time it takes to get accepted, helping position yourself for professional growth and job security.

2. The ability to work in different care settings:

As an FNP, you can work in several different settings, including outpatient clinics, school-based clinics, private practice, hospitals, and more. Because Family Nurse Practitioners care for patients of all ages across the lifespan, you will have opportunities to work in a wide variety of healthcare settings. FNP online programs with rolling admissions can help you get a step ahead in the application process so you can begin planning your steps toward finding the perfect job in a setting you prefer.

3. Greater Autonomy in Practice:

One of the great things about nursing is that there is always room to grow and advance in your career. An example is the opportunity for more independence in practice when you pursue a graduate degree and become a Family Nurse Practitioner. While there are many benefits to nursing programs, like the online FNP programs with rolling admissions, the one advantage that all FNPs tend to mention is the increased autonomy that comes with the degree. Many states now allow FNPs to work with full practice authority without collaborating with a physician. This is advantageous not only to the FNP but to patients as well because it increases the number of practitioners capable of providing care. FNP programs with rolling admissions, like those featured in this article, often create an avenue for you to begin your studies faster, which means you are on the road to more independent practice!

4. Give Yourself a Raise!:

Another great advantage of FNP online programs with rolling admissions is that you can get ahead of the game, so to speak. You can apply to several programs before the deadline for admission, increasing your chances for acceptance and getting you on the road toward making better money. In fact, once you earn your degree and become certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner, you can see a significant pay increase. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses earn an average of $77,600 per year. Nurse Practitioners, on the other hand, earn approximately $118,040. That’s a difference of more than $40,000 per year!

5. Personal Satisfaction:

Online FNP programs with rolling admission are an excellent option for people who like to get things done. You can get your application complete and submitted at any time, which can give you a sense of satisfaction. As if getting an application done early weren’t enough, the satisfaction you feel when you complete one of these programs is also great! When you earn your degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner, your patients and peers have respect for your accomplishment, but you will also undoubtedly have a sense of personal satisfaction. Considering the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish the goal of becoming an FNP, you deserve to feel some satisfaction.

Who Accredits FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions?

One of the most important things you should look for when choosing from available online FNP programs with rolling admissions is accreditation. When you find an accredited program, you can feel confident the education you’ll receive meets high standards. As you search for the right program, look for accreditation by either the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) supports the interests of nursing practice, nursing education, and healthcare consumers by promoting accreditation among nursing schools and programs. The ACEN provides specialized accreditation for nursing education at all levels and supports transition-to-practice programs in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and internationally.

The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) is an independent accrediting agency focused on contributing to improved public health. The CCNE ensures the integrity and quality of bachelor’s and graduate nursing programs, residencies, and fellowships.

S.NO.Accrediting Agency
1Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
2Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)

When Do FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions Start?

Specific start dates for the best FNP online programs with rolling admissions vary and are determined by the schools offering the programs. While all of our featured programs offer rolling admission, the number and frequency of start dates differ. The following are a few examples of schools offering an FNP program with rolling admission and start dates.

The Simmons University Online FNP program has five start dates throughout the year, in January, March, May, September, and November.

The Medical University of South Carolina online FNP programs with rolling admissions offer two start dates yearly in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Georgetown University offers another FNP program with rolling admission. The program accepts applications year-round and admits students once yearly in May.

The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, offers three start dates yearly in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

The University of Cincinnati’s online FNP program with rolling admissions offers two start dates each year, one in the Fall semester and another in the Spring.

How Many Credits are There in FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions?

Depending on which online FNP programs with rolling admissions you are considering will determine how many credits are required. The number of credits can vary between programs depending on if they follow quarters, semesters, or other unique course formats. Here are a few examples of how many credits you will need in your FNP program:

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston offers an MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner program that requires 41 credits. The school also offers a BSN-to-DNP FNP program that includes 79 credit hours.

At DeSales University, students in the FNP online program with rolling admissions complete 50 credits through 13 courses and Portfolio completion.

The University of Texas at Tyler offers a Master of Science in Nursing program with an FNP specialization. The program features a 47-credit hour curriculum.

Regis College has three options for its online FNP programs with rolling admissions. The MSN program requires 46 to 64 credits, depending on whether you have an associate degree in nursing, a bachelor’s degree in nursing, or a non-nursing bachelor’s upon entry. The BSN-to-DNP pathway includes a 73-credit hour curriculum. Students in the MSN-to-DNP Family Nurse Practitioner program complete 58 credits.

The Lincoln Memorial University online FNP program is a 43-credit hour pathway.

How Long are FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions?

The amount of time it will take you to complete your FNP degree varies. Factors affecting how long it will take you include choosing a part-time or full-time program, how many credits you are transferring, and your previous degree type. Many FNP online programs with rolling admissions offer flexible options to meet your needs. Here are a few examples of how long it may take you to complete your FNP degree:

You can complete the Vanderbilt University MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner online program with rolling admissions in four semesters.

At Georgetown University, you can earn your MSN as Family Nurse Practitioner in 27 months or seven-terms.

The Medical University of South Carolina offers its BSN-to-DNP online Family Nurse Practitioner program with rolling admission with a three- or four-year study plan.

Frontier Nursing University offers an MSN-FNP pathway that takes eight terms to complete.

If you choose the University of Cincinnati FNP program, you can complete your degree in just two years.

How Much Do FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions Cost?

One of the first questions people ask when deciding on a college program, like online FNP programs with rolling admissions, is how much it will cost. The cost of earning your FNP can vary significantly, with programs costing anywhere from $14,000 to $75,000 or more. The following are some examples of our featured programs' costs.

The University of Missouri- Columbia charges $435.30 per credit hour for in-state students and $1,191.90 for non-resident students. Therefore, the 72-credit hour program costs between $31,341.60 and $85,816.80, depending on your state of residence.

Tuition at George Mason University is $850 per credit hour for base tuition. Online students pay an additional $35 per credit hour, making the per-credit rate $885. Therefore, the 49-credit program costs approximately $43,365.

The MSN-FNP program at the University of Texas Health Science Center costs $357 per credit hour for in-state students and $1,155 for out-of-state students. The program consists of a 41-credit hour curriculum, making the total cost between $14,637 and $47,355, depending on your residency status.

Regis College offers three pathways for its FNP online programs with rolling admissions. You will complete between 46 and 61 credits depending on your chosen pathway. At a per-credit-hour rate of $1,025, for both in-state and out-of-state students, the program's total cost ranges between $47,150 and $62,525.

DeSales University’s per credit cost is $910. The program requires completing 50 credits, making the total cost of the program average $45,500.

What Kind of Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Tuition Waivers are Offered by Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions?

Now that you know a little more about what to expect for the cost of completing your FNP program, let's look at some ways you can reduce or offset the total amount you can expect to pay at some of our featured online FNP programs with rolling admissions.

Students pursuing a degree through the online FNP programs with rolling admissions at Vanderbilt University can apply for various scholarships and grants to help offset the expense of the program. The School of Nursing offers scholarships such as the Julia Hereford Alumni Scholarship, Laura Catherina Rankin Memorial Scholarship, and the Bass Military Scholars Program.

At the University of Cincinnati, students enrolled in the online FNP programs with rolling admission may apply for need-based grants, Perkins, Nursing, & Health Professions Loans. Many students are eligible for tuition reimbursement, military benefits, and scholarships.

The University of Texas at Tyler offers several avenues for receiving financial aid. A few examples include the Texas Public Education Grant, Education Affordability Grant, and federally funded subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The school also offers a graduate scholarship with priority given to new students with an undergraduate GPA of 3.25 or above.

Simmons University has a variety of resources for students enrolled in the online FNP programs with rolling admissions. A few options include merit scholarships, online learning funding opportunities, and student loans.

At Felician University, most incoming students receive some type of scholarship or grant. The university offers several scholarships such as the Presidential Scholarship, Felician Scholarship, St. Francis Scholarship, and Falcon Grant. Some students also qualify for federal and private grants and loans.

What is the Minimum GPA Required to Get Into Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions?

Once you find FNP online programs with rolling admissions that interest you, you must determine if you meet the admission criteria. All colleges or universities have a minimum grade point average requirement for their programs. Examples of the minimum GPAs required at some of our featured programs are the following.

DeSales University requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grading scale from your baccalaureate nursing program.

At Regis College, a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is preferred. However, some applicants may be offered conditional admission based on a holistic review of the application.

Vanderbilt University requires applicants to submit official transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended. A minimum 3.0 scale is preferred for admission to the FNP program.

Frontier Nursing University requires a GPA of 3.0 or above but will consider applicants with a GPA between 2.8-2.99 for admission. If you have a lower GPA, you must submit a written statement explaining why you should still be accepted.

At the University of Missouri- Columbia, students desiring admission to both the MSN and BSN-to-DNP online FNP programs with rolling admissions must have at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA for all undergraduate coursework.

What are the Admission Requirements For Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions?

It is essential that you follow directions carefully when applying to online FNP programs with rolling admissions. Be sure to verify the required documents you need to submit and turn everything in on time. The following are examples of the admission requirements for a few of the programs featured in this article.

To be considered for admission to the Vanderbilt University FNP program, you must provide official transcripts for all completed academic courses, have a minimum college GPA of 3.0, complete all prerequisite courses, and have a current, unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse. You must also provide three academic or professional reference letters (at least one of these must be from someone who holds a master’s level degree or higher) and a written statement of purpose.

George Mason University requires you to hold a BSN degree from an accredited program and have an unrestricted RN license for admission to their FNP program. You must also provide official transcripts from previous academic programs and have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above. Additionally, you will need one year of work experience as an RN and a current CPR certification. You must provide a current resume, three letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.

Suppose you’re interested in the FNP program University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. In that case, you must have a BSN from an accredited nursing school, an active, unencumbered license to practice as a registered nurse and at least one year of clinical experience as an RN. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 for the last 60 hours of their BSN program and completion of a statistics course. You must provide official transcripts from your previous education programs, three professional or academic references, one of which must be from a faculty member in your BSN program, and your resume, which should document your previous RN experience.

What Kind of Courses Will You Take in Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions?

Although the curriculum FNP online programs with rolling admissions may vary from one school to the next, accreditation ensures the depth and content of instruction remain the same. Depending on your pathway to becoming an FNP, you will likely take core courses, some electives, and FNP-specialty courses. The following are examples of some classes in the curriculum for three of our featured programs.

At George Mason University, you will take classes including Decision Making & Pharmacologic Management in Practice, Nursing Research & Biostatistics, and Physiology & Pathophysiology in Advanced Practice.

At the University of Colorado- Colorado Springs, the curriculum includes MSN core and specialty-focused classes. Some of the courses included in this pathway are Gender Health in Primary Care, Primary Care of Chronic Health Conditions, and Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics.

The Medical University of South Carolina FNP program includes Advanced Pathophysiology, Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Advanced Clinical Assessment & Reasoning classes.

What Kind of Practical Training Will You Undergo in Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions?

All online FNP programs with rolling admissions require you to complete clinical or practicum hours before graduating. The number of hours required varies by school. There are also some differences in how the practice settings are acquired and where they occur.

Students at the University of Texas at Tyler FNP program participate in laboratory simulations and hands-on clinicals. The program includes 50 clock hours of lab and 625 clinical hours. Clinicals are arranged with the help of clinical faculty and, when possible, occur close to your home region. You will have opportunities to care for patients in family practice clinics, school settings, and residential care facilities.

The Lincoln Memorial University, MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner program includes 660 clinical practicum hours. Clinicals are arranged by clinical faculty and designed to ensure you have a broad range of experiences in various healthcare settings providing care to patients from birth to old age. Lincoln Memorial University FNP students complete most clinicals within commuting distance of the school. If you reside further away from the school, faculty will help identify appropriate clinical sites and preceptors close to your home. Clinicals occur in private practices, public health centers, and community health centers, to name a few.

Students in the Frontier Nursing University MSN-FNP program work with faculty to find clinical sites and preceptors near their homes. Frontier Nursing University offers clinical outreach and placement services to assist you in identifying clinical sites and preceptors. Clinical staff work with you to support your search for sites and preceptors, helping ease some of the burden associated with accomplishing clinical requirements. The program includes 675 hours of clinical practice.

What are the Best Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions in the Nation?

(Based on our ranking methodology, the following are the 15 Best Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions in the nation for the year 2025.)

1. Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN

Programs Offered:


2. University of Texas at Tyler - Tyler, TX

Programs Offered:


3. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs, CO

Programs Offered:


4. University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, OH

Programs Offered:

MSN and BSN to DNP

5. University of Missouri-Columbia - Columbia, MO

Programs Offered:

MSN and BSN to DNP

6. Frontier Nursing University - Versailles, KY

Programs Offered:


7. George Mason University - Fairfax, VA

Programs Offered:


8. Regis College - Weston, MA

Programs Offered:

MSN (RN to MSN, Direct Entry MSN, & BSN to MSN), BSN to DNP, and MSN to DNP

9. DeSales University - Center Valley, PA

Programs Offered:


10. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston - Houston, TX

Programs Offered:

MSN and BSN to DNP

11. Felician University - Rutherford, NJ

Programs Offered:


12. Simmons University - Boston, MA

Programs Offered:

RN to MSN and MSN

13. Medical University of South Carolina - Charleston, SC

Programs Offered:


14. Georgetown University - Washington, DC

Programs Offered:


15. Lincoln Memorial University - Harrogate, TN

Programs Offered:



5 Best Jobs For Graduates of Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions

As a graduate of one of the best FNP online programs with rolling admissions, you will select from multiple career options. Here are five of the best jobs you can apply for:

1. Physicians’ Office or Independent Practice:

One of the most popular work settings for FNPs is a private physician’s office or independent practice. Some of the benefits of working in this setting are the schedules and the benefit of building relationships with patients that often last for years.

2. Health Department Provider:

Public health departments are tasked with managing care for the people in their community. As an FNP you will bring valuable knowledge and expertise to a health department where you can implement and oversee health policies and practices.

3. Correctional Facility FNP:

Family Nurse Practitioners who work in jails or detention centers assess patients, prescribe medications as needed, and determine if or when a patient needs to be seen at an outside facility for emergency care.

4. Hospice Nurse Practitioner:

FNPs who work in hospice care settings perform admissions assessments, monitor patient statuses, and work with interdisciplinary team members to ensure patient comfort in their last days. You may evaluate the effectiveness of pain medications or change dosages, correspond with the attending physician or medical director and work closely with the family as they prepare for the death of a loved one.

5. School Nurse Practitioner:

Another setting that is attractive to FNPs is schools. FNPs may work in elementary, junior high, or high school settings. Others work in university health centers. In these settings, FNPs may provide preventive screenings, give immunizations, or assess students for acute illnesses.

What Starting Salary Can New Graduates of This Program Expect?

Graduates of online FNP programs with rolling admissions have an average starting salary of $79,470 per year. This breaks down to $6,620 per month, $1,528 per week, and $38.21 per hour.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

What Average Salary Can Graduates of FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions Expect?

With some experience, graduates of FNP online programs with rolling admissions earn an average of $118,040 annually. This means you can expect to make $9,840 per month, $2,270 per week, or $56.75 per hour.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

10-Year Job Outlook For Graduates of FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions

An important indicator of your future career success is the projected job outlook for your chosen field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the 10-year job outlook for family nurse practitioners from 2021-2031 shows a projected 45.68% increase. This projected increase indicates the long-term job outlook for graduates of online FNP programs with rolling admissions is quite promising.

(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Is the Cost of an Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions Worth the Return On Investment (ROI)?

If you’re trying to decide on whether to pursue your degree through FNP online programs with rolling admissions, you naturally want to know if the income you’ll earn is worth the amount of money you’ll spend earning the degree. Consider that these programs range from $14,000 to more than $75,000, and the starting salary is $79,470, which means you can pay for your degree in the first year of work. After that, the average annual income of graduates is $118,040, indicating the cost of the program is well worth the Return on Investment.

Bonus! 5 Expert Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting Accepted Into the Best Online FNP Programs With Rolling Admissions

If you have decided to apply to one of these online FNP programs with rolling admissions, read below for five tips on how you can improve your chances of getting accepted:

1. Highlight any relevant volunteer or work experience.

You want to stand out from the other applicants, and an easy way to do this is with a relevant volunteer or work history. If you have previously worked or volunteered in a healthcare setting caring for patients across the lifespan, make sure you include it in your cover letter, resume, or application when applying.

2. Craft an unforgettable personal essay.

Another way to set yourself apart is to write an excellent, attention-grabbing essay. Write something that causes the reader to remember you, such as personal experiences or stories that have drawn you to a career as an FNP. Make sure you edit your submission for grammar and spelling mistakes so they stay focused on the quality of your written work.

3. Get excellent letters of recommendation.

Your letters of recommendation should be from people who know you personally and professionally and who can speak to your likelihood of success in the program. Former nursing instructors and supervisors are great sources. Be sure each letter has the writer’s correct name, title, and contact information.

4. Exceed the minimum requirements for admission.

Make sure you review the admission requirements before applying. Please mention areas where you exceed their minimum requirements. These details will make you stand out and increase your chances of being accepted into the program.

5. Be prepared for your interview.

This is another chance for you to shine, so it is crucial to be prepared. Choose an outfit that is professional and suitable for a business setting, even if the interview is conducted online. Make sure you are on time and come ready with a few questions of your own if there is time left at the end.

My Final Thoughts

Throughout this article, we have discussed what an FNP online program with rolling admissions is and answered the question, “What are the best online FNP programs with rolling admissions?” While there is much to consider, with the information presented here about the 15 best online FNP programs with rolling admissions for 2025, you can choose a program best suited to your goals and academic needs. Remember, the first step is usually the most difficult. I encourage you to take that step and begin your journey to becoming an FNP!

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert

1. What Is The Best Online FNP Program With Rolling Admissions In The Nation?

Based on the current rankings, Vanderbilt University is the best online FNP program with rolling admissions in the nation.

Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN

2. What Is The Minimum GPA To Get Into FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions?

The minimum GPA for admission to online FNP programs with rolling admissions is generally a 3.0.

3. What Is The Typical Cost-Per-Credit For FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions?

The typical cost per credit hour varies from one school to another. When comparing the cost of the programs featured in this article, the average per-credit rate is $750.

4. Can I Work Part-Time And Successfully Complete This Program?

Yes, it is possible to work part-time and successfully complete the program.

5. Can I Work Full-Time And Successfully Complete This Program?

Working full-time while completing an FNP program with rolling admissions may be difficult, but it is possible. Consider the time you need to dedicate to studying and clinicals and how much you need to work. Discuss options for scheduling with your academic advisor and employer to determine how much flexibility you have with each schedule.

6. How Much Do New Graduates Of This Program Make?

New graduates of FNP online programs with rolling admissions can expect to make around $79,470 a year.


7. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of This Program Make Per Hour?

On average, graduates of online FNP programs with rolling admissions make approximately $56.75 per hour.


8. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of This Program Make Per Month?

The average monthly income for graduates of FNP online programs with rolling admissions is $9,840.


9. On An Average, How Much Can Graduates Of FNP Online Programs With Rolling Admissions Make Per Year?

On average, graduates of online FNP programs with rolling admissions make $118, 040 per year.


Darby Faubion BSN, RN
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).