50 Nursing Philosophy Examples + How To Write Your Own

Written By: Darby FaubionDarby Faubion BSN, RN

Darby Faubion is a nurse and allied health instructor with over 20 years of clinical experience. Darby lives in Louisiana and loves exploring the state’s rich culture and history. Darby has a passion for caring for veterans and a special interest in those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. In her quest to make a difference for veterans, she founded a non-profit called “Operation Battle Buddy.” Read Full Bio »»

From the first semester of nursing school, aspiring nurses learn about the ethics and values associated with becoming a nurse. However, there comes a time when each nursing student or nurse must decide what they value most and how to incorporate those things into their roles as nurses. This important step is often referred to as establishing a personal philosophy of nursing.

Perhaps you have heard of nursing philosophies but are unsure how to develop your personal philosophy. Have you wondered or asked, "What are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples?" If this sounds like you, keep reading! In this article, I will share some insight about nursing philosophies and provide you with information about 50 nursing philosophy examples + how to write your own.

What is a Personal Philosophy of Nursing?

A nursing philosophy is a statement that describes a nurse's ethics, values, and beliefs. It outlines a nurse's motivation to become part of the nursing profession. Additionally, a personal philosophy of nursing provides information about a nurse's perspective regarding nursing education, practice, and patient care ethics.

Does Every Nurse Have a Personal Nursing Philosophy?

Every nurse has a personal philosophy of nursing, whether they realize it or not. Our beliefs about what nursing is and is not, what we value as individuals, and what we hope to accomplish as nurses make up our philosophy of the practice.

What are the Key Components of a Personal Nursing Philosophy?

Although there are several elements of a nursing philosophy, the key components of any nursing philosophy are role, knowledge, values, and process. The following is a brief description of each component that should be considered when developing a personal nursing philosophy.

• Role:

Role relates to the provider or manager of care and their membership in the nursing profession. The role emphasizes the nurse’s responsibility to patients and the profession while providing and managing patient care.

• Knowledge:

Knowledge is concerned with the nurse’s academic and clinical experiences and how those experiences contribute to the nurse’s role.

• Values:

Values are the beliefs that guide the nurse's attitude, behavior, and moral judgment. Values may be personal or professional. They are impacted by cultural and social influences, individual needs, and relationships. Further, professional values influence the way the nurse acts concerning nursing responsibilities.

• Process:

Process is the system by which nurses implement and modify, when necessary, nursing interventions. The process of nursing philosophy considers the nurse's responsibility for using the nursing process on a continual basis to promote positive patient outcomes.

7 Reasons Why Having a Personal Nursing Philosophy is so Important for Your Career

There are several reasons having a personal nursing philosophy is important. The following are seven reasons all nurses should consider developing a philosophy of nursing.

1. A personal nursing philosophy serves as a guideline to help nurses live by standards they have set for themselves.

2. Having a personal philosophy of nursing can improve how you interact with patients, their loved ones, and your peers.

3. Personal nursing philosophies help guide ethical, competent, evidence-based, and science-driven nursing practice.

4. Personal nursing philosophies can keep you motivated when faced with a professional challenge.

5. If you have a personal nursing philosophy, you may be better prepared to answer nursing interview questions than nurses who do not have a personal philosophy.

6. According to American Nurse, which is the official journal of the American Nurses Association, a nursing philosophy helps nurses identify theories and beliefs necessary for everyday choices.

7. Your nursing philosophy is a means by which you capture your innermost beliefs and goals and identify ways to demonstrate them. Having a personal nursing philosophy will help you hold yourself accountable.

What are Some Good Personal Philosophy of Nursing Examples?

(The following are 50 good personal philosophy of nursing examples that you can refer to when you are writing your own.)

Each nurse’s idea of nursing philosophy examples may vary. A nurse's specialty preference, previous work experience, or desire for a specific job can influence their philosophy on approaching practice. The more experience you gain as a nurse, the more in tune you will become with the personal and professional values that drive you. Don't be afraid to develop your own philosophy instead of feeling you must fit into a "cookie-cutter mold" based on others' opinions.

Consider the philosophy of nursing examples below and how they relate to the type of nurse they are tailored for. Then, think about what is important to you as a nurse and what you want to offer to your patients and the nursing profession. Knowing what you value will help you develop your own nursing philosophy.

Category #1: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Students

1. “I believe it is important for everyone to strive to demonstrate the characteristics of honesty, persistence, and compassion. My philosophy on nursing is that if I use those characteristics, coupled with a desire for lifelong learning and a willingness to represent others in need, I can make a difference in the life of my patients and their families and become a strong member of the profession."

2. “As an aspiring nurse, I feel like it is my responsibility to develop an attitude of life-long learning and take advantage of every opportunity to develop skills that will benefit my patients. If I were to articulate my own philosophy of nursing, I would say I believe nursing is one of the most selfless jobs a person can have, and I intend to put everything I have into this pursuit so I can make a difference in the lives of others.”

3. “My nursing philosophy is that nursing is more than a career. It is a privilege accepted by people who are passionate about using their skills and knowledge to help others who cannot help themselves. I vow to be the best nurse I can be and dedicate my professional life to making the lives of others better."

Category #2: Nursing Philosophy Examples For New Grad Nurses

1. “My philosophy about nursing is that it takes diverse people with strong skills and dedication to help impact and improve the lives of patients. I intend to use the education and skills I've obtained in nursing school to establish myself in this profession. I believe if I dedicate myself to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, I can influence the profession of nursing and help improve outcomes for my patients and their loved ones."

2. "I believe in taking a holistic approach to nursing care, respecting my patients' cultural beliefs, ethnic background, and personal preferences. My philosophy of nursing is based on a desire to uphold the values and codes established by the American Nurses Association and to promote a sense of self-value in my patients as I help them reach their healthcare goals.”

3. “My personal philosophy of nursing is that all nurses, whether we are new graduates or nurses with years of experience, have something of value to offer to patients and nursing as a profession. My sincere desire is to develop strong clinical skills and be open to new opportunities to learn and grow so I may contribute to the well-being of my patients and the further development of this profession."

Category #3: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Registered Nurses

1. “As a registered nurse, I believe the care I provide should involve more than giving medicines or changing bandages. I want to treat my patients with the best care, making them feel respected, comfortable, and confident about the care they receive from my service.”

2. “My philosophy as a registered nurse is quite simple. I want to serve everyone I can by giving my best as a nurse and decent human being. I believe all patients, families, and colleagues are unique individuals with unique needs, and I aim to offer my best to them in service as a registered nurse.”

3. “I believe it is important for all nurses to provide safe, high-quality, patient-centered care. My personal philosophy of nursing is driven by a desire to recognize my patients as more than a medical diagnosis or room number. Instead, I desire to be the nurse who promotes the well-being of patients and helps improve outcomes, which will help support and further our profession.”

4. “I chose to become a nurse because I have a deep-rooted desire to help people in need. My personal philosophy of nursing is that I will use my education and clinical experiences to care for my clients and act as an advocate for them, encouraging them to be actively involved in their own care, which increases their feelings of self-worth and results in improved outcomes."

5. “I believe nursing is the truest version of living art a person can demonstrate. As I consider what I feel about my nursing philosophy, I realize the important role I have in improving the lives of others. I want my practice to reflect a genuine concern for every person entrusted to my care and to be a source of hope and encouragement."

6. “For me, there was never any doubt I would become a nurse. I love people and feel most fulfilled when I can do something to help others. I believe nurses are in a unique position to make significant differences in the lives of others. I have made it my personal philosophy to embrace every opportunity to enrich my patients' lives and contribute to this wonderful profession."

7. “My philosophy of nursing is based on the belief that, as a registered nurse, I am an educator, patient advocate, and promoter of good health practices. I feel being a nurse is an honor and privilege, and I desire to fulfill my role with the highest level of integrity and best practices, with the hope that I can contribute positive things to the lives of my patients and their families.”

8. “It is my strong belief that my job involves much more than performing a nursing assessment or administering medications. I exercise my role within the personal nursing philosophy that all clients are unique in their own right and deserve to have care as unique as they are. By viewing each client as an individual and providing care with a holistic approach, I hope to positively impact their healthcare experiences and outcomes."

Category #4: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Pediatric Nurses

1. “I always knew I wanted to become a nurse and had a strong desire to care for children, which is why I chose to specialize in pediatric nursing. I believe by combining compassionate and relational care that is centered around my patients and their family units, I can impact their lives and health outcomes.”

2. “To me, there is no greater joy than being involved in the care of pediatric patients and their families. My personal philosophy of nursing is based on the understanding that open communication, as well as respect and appreciation for the importance of family and each family member's role, can significantly improve my patients' outcomes and help me be a strong member of the pediatric nursing community."

3. “My philosophy of nursing may seem simple, but I truly believe it is possible to impact patient lives by using the power of human touch and emotional connections. I believe, as a pediatric nurse, it is especially important to develop trusting relationships with patients and their families so we can work together to reach positive patient outcomes.”

Category #5: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Psychiatric Nurses

1. “I originally chose to pursue a career as a psychiatric nurse because of my personal experiences with major depression and anxiety. The more I learned, the more I realized how important it is to have competent nurses willing to be transparent enough that patients can relate and feel comfortable seeking help. My nursing philosophy stems from a strong belief that by being the type of nurse I needed when dealing with mental health issues, I can and will help my patients learn ways to manage and overcome obstacles that impact their well-being.”

2. “My philosophy of nursing centers around a sincere desire to help others realize and obtain their desired health goals. Psychiatric nursing is a specialty that is truly personal for me, as I have experienced the loss of a close loved one due to mental illness. I believe nursing should incorporate a holistic approach that honors patient values and promotes positive outcomes."

3. "I can't remember a time when I did not feel a longing to care for others in need, which I believe is what led me to choose nursing as a career. Psychiatric nursing is important to me because I feel as a society, we are just now beginning to realize the true impact mental health and wellness has on every other aspect of our lives. I feel happy when I serve others, and my personal philosophy of nursing is centered on the desire to serve and be compassionate toward others.”

Category #6: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Neonatal Nurses

1. “I believe being trusted with the care of someone else’s child is a gift. As a neonatal nurse, I want to serve my patients and their families by using my skills to be actively involved in their journey of healing so they can recover and grow up to live healthy lives.”

2. “I feel like anyone would be hard-pressed to try and simplify nursing in just a phrase or two. Just like nursing is a complex system made up of many people, I believe our personal philosophies of nursing are often multi-faceted. For me, my nursing philosophy centers around a longing to care for others and help them realize their potential. As a neonatal nurse, that philosophy encompasses patients, families, and everyone involved in care.”

3. “I have a deep desire to care for neonatal patients and their families. My philosophy related to neonatal nursing is that it is my ethical duty to advocate for these patients who do not yet have a voice of their own. I intend to use every resource possible to learn and develop skills that will benefit my patients, comfort and educate their families, and be a strong partner in the neonatal nursing team.”

Category #7: Nursing Philosophy Examples For ICU Nurses

1. "I chose to become an ICU nurse because I feel patients with intensive care needs should have the highest levels of quality care and compassion possible. My belief and personal philosophy of nursing is that all patients, regardless of their prognosis, should be cared for by nurses with a heart for healing. I desire to bring that type of care and compassion to my patients and their families."

2. "Loved ones and I have received care from extraordinary nurses, which solidified my belief in the goodness of others, leading me to choose to pursue this role. Although I chose to become a nurse, I believe nursing is more of a calling, one I am glad I headed. My philosophy related to nursing is that if I can help make the life of one patient better, I will have achieved more than most."

3. “I feel honored to be a nurse, and I have intentionally developed a personal nursing philosophy that reflects the privilege. My philosophy as an intensive care nurse is that I will offer the highest quality in nursing care to my patients and deliver it with compassion as if they were my own family. After all, we all want to feel wanted and cared for, especially when we are unable to care for ourselves."

Category #8: Nursing Philosophy Examples For School Nurses

1. “I believe that school nurses can play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. My nursing philosophy is that I can positively influence those I meet and serve daily and that I will do everything I can to encourage their understanding of what it takes to be physically and mentally well. I feel strongly that when children learn the importance of health and wellness at an early age, they are more likely to make smart decisions about their health later. My personal goal in nursing is to have a positive impact on every client who crosses my path."

2. "I believe it is important for nurses to emphasize the value of every patient for whom we provide care. I understand a student's health can directly impact his ability to learn. My philosophy of nursing, especially as I practice as a school nurse, is to be a source of education and guidance to help students realize their physical and academic potential and to help them strive to achieve their attainable goals.”

3. “My personal nursing philosophy is built upon the belief that addressing the mental, physical, and social health needs of students is a responsibility that rests largely upon my shoulders. The job of a school nurse can be challenging but rewarding, and I am dedicated to always performing with the best interest of each student in mind.

Category #9: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Labor And Delivery Nurses

1. “My philosophy is that nurses have an obligation to provide safe, patient-centered care in a manner that supports individual patient choices, values, and beliefs. I feel, as a labor and delivery nurse, it is crucial to understand the concept of holistic nursing care and to implement it with each patient and family."

2. “I believe nursing is much more than treating illness or disease. Instead, my philosophy of nursing is that it should be focused on providing high-quality patient care tailored to the patient's individual needs. Working in labor and delivery means offering the same care and compassion to the patient's spouse or other loved ones and ensuring everyone's needs are met."

3. "My nursing philosophy is based on my knowledge of what it feels like to need a competent nurse to coach and support me as I labored and delivered my children. I remind myself daily what it meant to have someone in my corner, and I intend to be the same professional, compassionate supporter for all my clients.”

Category #10: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Home Health Nurses

1. “As a provider of nursing care with the privilege of serving in clients’ homes, I realize I am simply a guest who happens to have skills that could enrich my patients’ lives. Although some parts of my personal philosophy may change over time, the core of my personal philosophy on nursing is that I have a great responsibility to provide care for those unable to care for themselves. Knowing this, I am both grateful and extremely humbled."

2. "My beliefs about nursing and the philosophy I try to live by include acknowledging that all patient care should be based on respect for the value and dignity of the patient as an individual with rights. I desire to have a strong work ethic and demonstrate genuine compassion for those entrusted to my care."

3. “I believe effective nursing requires nurses to develop and adhere to strong personal and professional philosophies. My philosophy of nursing is that all patients, whether they are cared for in hospitals, nursing homes, another type of healthcare facility, or their own homes, deserve to feel respected and have their voices heard. I work hard to make sure my clients know their thoughts and feelings are important and promote an atmosphere of care conducive to positive outcomes."

Category #11: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Charge Nurses

1. “As a nurse with several years of experience seeking to work as a charge nurse, my nursing philosophy is based on my duty to provide compassionate, competent nursing care and to lead others in doing the same. I am committed to providing exceptional nursing care and being a role model for other nurses to follow.”

2. “My philosophy of nursing is firmly rooted in beliefs instilled in me as a child. The values and beliefs taught to me by family and others include the need for respect, trustworthiness, and compassion. These beliefs led me to choose nursing as a profession and why I now desire to work as a charge nurse. It is my hope to pass these values onto other nurses for generations to come.”

3. “I feel strongly that all nurses have a responsibility to provide personalized care to patients, regardless of the patient's background or beliefs, and respect the patient's right to autonomy. My philosophy as a charge nurse is to demonstrate the work ethic and professional values I want to see in my team and to support them as they pursue professional goals and strive to provide exceptional patient care."

Category #12: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Managers

1. "From the time I was in junior high school, I knew I would become a nurse. I love serving others and feel most successful when I help others succeed. My philosophy of nursing includes a belief that a few of the main factors in being a good nurse manager are the ability to effectively communicate with others and a desire to build solid teams, instead of promoting myself.”

2. “I have always believed nurses have a way of touching lives that others do not. As I embraced my career and began considering what is important to me, I began to develop a personal nursing philosophy based on the characteristics I value in others and how I can apply them to my life. To succeed as a nurse manager, I must treat every nurse with respect and appreciation and model the type of behavior I want for my patients, so my team has a strong leader to follow."

3. “I believe one of the most important jobs a nurse can do is be a strong support for patients and families. My nursing philosophy is grounded in the belief that by being a supportive advocate and giving clients a safe person to talk with and trust to provide their care, we can transform their healthcare experiences. I desire to become the kind of nurse manager who leads teams of nurses equipped to handle even the most delicate situations and who are viewed as assets to patient care."

Category #13: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Directors Of Nursing

1. “I feel being a competent Director of Nursing requires active participation with the nurses on my team and the patients we provide care for. As a registered nurse serving as a nursing director, I believe in establishing an atmosphere of collaboration that fosters growth and a renewed commitment to our common goal of patient care"

2. "I sincerely believe nursing is the most rewarding career I could have chosen. I have a strong philosophy based on the idea that by exerting positive influence, promoting quality nursing care, and facilitating collaborative communication among the disciplinary team, we can be a strong nursing force. As a Director of Nursing, I intend to put those ideas into practice every day."

3. “My personal philosophy of nursing is that we all have the power to significantly impact and improve patient outcomes and promote the furtherance of our profession. I believe a solid education and continued learning are essential for the success of nurses. I also believe any nurse in a directorship position should promote the growth of every nurse on her team. That is something I vow to do."

Category #14: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Practitioners

1. “As a nurse practitioner, my philosophy of nursing is to provide individualized care to my clients by acknowledging their unique situations, educating patients and their families, and providing unconditionally compassionate, high-quality care. I believe my success as a nurse practitioner requires me to accept accountability for being a strong advocate for my patients and their loved ones, as well as being a strong representative of advanced practice nursing."

2. “My personal nursing philosophy is grounded in a conviction that I am in a unique position to positively impact my patients and help improve their outcomes. I believe in the importance of creating an atmosphere that supports strong provider and patient relationships based on respect for my patient’s beliefs and desires for their health and their freedom of choice.”

3. "To me, being a nurse practitioner is more than prescribing medications or treating a specific illness. If I could describe my personal philosophy of nursing from the perspective of a nurse practitioner, I would say it is my duty to promote a healthcare environment that is respectful of and therapeutic for all patients and their families. I will take the role of being a nurse practitioner, representing my patients and the nursing profession to the best of my ability.”

Category #15: Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Educators

1. “As a nurse educator, I value the opportunity to pour into the lives of student nurses. I believe being a nurse educator is a true calling, and if I serve in my role to the best of my ability, I can help change the trajectory of my students' lives and the lives of every patient they ever encounter."

2. “I have based my personal philosophy of nursing on the belief that one of the greatest gifts I can give to my profession is a willingness to impart knowledge to, and encourage learning among, aspiring nurses. I have dedicated my life to improving the lives of others and will continue to do so as a nurse educator, with the hopes of impacting student nurses, the patients we care for, and this profession."

3. “My philosophy of nursing is that we all have a role to play in the health and wellness of ourselves, our families, and our communities. I experienced some of the greatest influence in my life from nursing educators who prepared me for this career. I now intend to give back to the profession and society by demonstrating a strong work ethic and providing patient-centered care, with the hope of helping patients achieve wellness and students achieve professional goals."

How to Write Your Own Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement?

Writing a personal nursing philosophy may feel like uncharted waters. The following steps will guide you to write your own personal nursing philosophy statement.

1. Define what nursing means in your perspective.

Begin writing your nursing philosophy by determining what nursing means to you. Think of times when you were the patient. How did the nurses providing care for you impact your outlook on the profession?

2. Ask yourself what personal experience relates to your passion for nursing.

Expand on your thoughts about that experience, including insight into values and traits relevant to nursing, and create a "story" about that experience.

3. Consider how you want to impact patients, families, and communities through your role as a nurse.

Think little and think big at the same time. Consider how you want to use nursing to promote positive patient outcomes or changes in healthcare delivery. Share some information about how you want to affect society and what the impact means for you personally.

4. Highlight your skills.

List skills that mean the most to you and explain why you feel they are essential. Think about ways you can use those skills in future experiences as a nurse.

5. Define your personal and professional values.

Be prepared to express how you will combine your values and skills to promote your practice and affect change.

8 Questions to Ask Yourself When Developing Your Own Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Developing a personal philosophy of nursing can feel a bit intimidating, especially if it is your first time. Keep in mind that even if you have never written your idea of a nursing philosophy, or if you have never thought of it, you already have some sense of a personal nursing philosophy. Your ideas, thoughts, and beliefs related to nursing help make up your philosophy. Below are a few questions to ask yourself as you develop your own personal philosophy of nursing.

Question #1: Why did I choose to become a nurse?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

The first and most crucial step in developing a personal nursing philosophy is to determine why you want to be a nurse. Be honest with yourself about what led to your decision. Then, be willing to be transparent with others about why nursing is so important to you.

Question #2: What are my personal beliefs about nursing?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

As you begin to develop your personal nursing philosophy, reflect upon what nursing means to you. What beliefs do you hold about the profession and your role as a nurse? Do you feel nursing is just a job, or do you view it as an opportunity to touch the lives of patients and their families or influence society and healthcare?

Question #3: What qualities make someone a great nurse?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

It is possible to have good clinical skills and the academic background necessary to become a nurse, but those are not the only things that make a good nurse. Think about the qualities you like to see in others. If you became sick and needed a nurse to care for you, what qualities would make you feel comfortable with them? Honesty, integrity, compassion, and the ability to sympathize with patients are qualities that may come to mind.

Question #4: What skills should all nurses have?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

Consider the skills you believe are essential for nurses to have and why. Think about how you would use those skills in your own nursing practice. Some skills that nurses should strive to have include excellent communication, an ability to work well within an interdisciplinary team, critical thinking, and strong decision-making. When you identify skills you feel are essential, mention them in your nursing philosophy statement.

Question #5: Why is nursing important to me?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

If you want to develop your personal philosophy of nursing, it is necessary to understand why nursing is important to you personally. Did you have an experience where you saw how a nurse cared for a friend or loved one? Perhaps you were once the patient in need of care and felt drawn to the nurse who cared for you. If you can identify a personal experience that caused your interest in nursing, you can use that experience and the way it made you feel to establish your nursing philosophy.

Question #6: What theories do I have about nursing?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

Nursing theories are knowledge-based concepts or ideas used to define the scope of nursing practice. These theories provide a framework for nursing practice at all levels of education and comprehension. A few examples of nursing theories are the following.

• The Theory of Interpersonal Relationships: This theory focuses on the benefits of building strong nurse-patient relationships.
• The Care, Cure, Core Theory: This nursing theory is based on elements of nursing that are believed to be essential. Care refers to the role of nurses as caregivers to patients. Cure is the attention and treatments patients receive from non-nursing healthcare professionals. Core refers to the care patients receive from nurses or the outcomes they may experience when the treatment plan is effective.
• The Self-Care Theory: This theory addresses a person’s ability to care for themselves.

Question #7: What values should nurses consider important?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

A personal philosophy is typically built upon one's ideas about what values are important or necessary. What values do you feel nurses should have, and why? To answer that question, think about how you want to be treated as an individual. Do you want others to be honest with you or dishonest? Are patience, empathy, and compassion important? The values you appreciate in others are values that your patients will appreciate from you.

Question #8: Would I choose this career again?

How to Find an Answer to this Question:

Nursing is a rewarding career, but it does not come without difficult days. You may cry with or for patients and their loved ones. You could feel frustrated because a patient does not have a good prognosis even though you give it your all. Despite the challenging days and the moments you wish you could take away, is your love for nursing and desire to care for others strong enough that you would choose this career again?

Useful Online Resources to Learn More About Nursing Philosophy

There are several avenues to obtain information about developing a personal philosophy of nursing. The following are a few examples of journals, blogs, websites, YouTube videos, podcasts, and books where you can find information about developing a nursing philosophy.


Nursing 2022 is a peer-reviewed journal of clinical nursing excellence. The journal offers several resources for nurses, including nursing philosophy and theory articles.
Lippincott Nursing Center offers nursing articles and publications to help nurses succeed in clinical practice.


DailyNurse is a site featuring nursing news, reviews, and career information. The site also offers resources for nurses, including tips on creating resumes and writing a personal nursing philosophy.
Off the Charts is the official blog of the American Journal of Nursing (AJN). The blog offers various articles on topics for nurses of all specialties and experience levels, including the current state of the nursing profession.
Fresh RN is a blog site focused on offering new registered nurses guidance as they begin their careers.

YouTube Videos

Creating a Philosophy of Nursing for Everyday Use: Pat Clay, MSN, RN, CPN, CWON, narrates a PowerPoint to help nurses and nursing students develop their own philosophy of nursing.
Philosophy and Theories of Nursing-Values, Conceptual Models, and Approaches: Ashly Elizabeth Emmanuel describes how nursing theories help nurses develop their own nursing philosophies.


Daily Nurse- NurseCasts: This podcast is hosted by Joe Morita, senior acquisitions editor of Spring Publishing. The podcast features interviews with nurses who discuss daily life as nursing professionals.
The Nurse Keith Show: Nurse Keith is an RN and board-certified nursing coach who specializes in holistic healing. Nurse Keith’s podcast is dedicated to helping nurses grow, learn, and make wise decisions for success.


Developing a Philosophy of Nursing: In this book, nurses will find answers to questions about nursing philosophy, why it was developed, its importance, and how to develop a personal nursing philosophy.
The Essence of Nursing Practice- Philosophy and Perspective: Author, Hesook Suzie Kim, provides an in-depth analysis of nursing and addresses different levels of nursing, nursing perspectives, and a guide for developing a personal nursing philosophy.

BONUS! 5 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Writing Your Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement

Having a nursing philosophy is important, but it does not have to be difficult to create. Consider the personal philosophy of nursing examples shared in this article for some ideas. Also, here are a few important things to keep in mind when you begin writing your personal philosophy of nursing statement.

1. Keep it simple.

Your philosophy of nursing statement should be one to three sentences.

2. Show you are prepared for action.

Use action verbs in your philosophy statement. Using statements that reflect action or the intent for action will show others you are motivated and help you follow the steps of your philosophy.

3. Be yourself.

When you write your personal philosophy of nursing, do not try to impress others or create a false sense of self. Be genuine about who you are and why nursing is important to you.

4. Be open to change if needed.

The chances are that your first nursing philosophy statement will not be your last. You may find new interests or decide to pursue a different nursing specialty. If so, you may want to update your nursing philosophy statement to reflect your new interests. That does not mean you throw your previous values or goals aside. You are simply growing and expanding your nursing reach and updating your philosophy statement is a way of reflecting that.

5. Make a copy for yourself and keep it visible.

This may sound elementary, but my experience has always been that when you keep your dreams and goals in front of you, the likelihood of achieving them increases. Just take a moment to job down your philosophy on a piece of paper or sticky note. Then, place it somewhere that you will see it each day.

My Final Thoughts

As nurses, we all have a personal philosophy of nursing. Throughout this article, I have explored answers to the question, “What are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples?” and shared 50 nursing philosophy examples + how to write your own. There are many resources to guide you as you prepare a written nursing philosophy statement. Remember to be true to yourself and honest about your personal beliefs, values, and goals, and you will find that creating a personal nursing philosophy statement is an easy task.

Frequently Asked Questions Asked by Our Expert

1. What Was Florence Nightingale's Philosophy Of Nursing?

Florence Nightingale believed nursing was a spiritual calling and nursing should be practiced with the belief that each patient had a personal, spiritual dimension and should be treated as a holistic individual. Because she believed in the spiritual realm of individuals and that nurses were called to care for others, Florence Nightingale also felt nurses could be a source of help to patients in spiritual distress.

2. Is There A Set Format OR Right Way To Write A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Statement?

There is no one set format or specific way to write a personal philosophy of nursing. However, it is necessary to be specific and include theories that you personally relate to and hope to incorporate into your nursing practice.

3. How Do I Start My Nursing Philosophy Statement?

To start your personal philosophy of nursing, prepare an introduction which is a strong sentence clarifying who you are.

4. How Can A Nurse Determine Whether Her Nursing Philosophy Is Good?

Typically nurses approach practice with a set of values that are important to them. If a nurse identifies values and beliefs that are important to her and implements them into her theory of nursing practice, she can usually feel confident that her philosophy is good. It is important to remember that you are a unique individual with your own beliefs, goals, and values. Your nursing philosophy should reflect what is important to you.

5. How Long Should A Personal Nursing Philosophy Statement Be?

A philosophy of nursing statement should ideally be no more than three or four sentences. Keeping the philosophy brief will make it easier for you to remember and use in nursing interviews or include it on your resume.

6. When Should I Write My Nursing Philosophy?

Often, nursing students write their first nursing philosophy statement while in school. As you advance in your career, there will be times when it seems appropriate to formally update your nursing philosophy. For example, if you gain specialized experience and as you overcome professional challenges, your perspective on nursing may change. This is a perfect time to update your written nursing philosophy statement.

7. Can I Change My Nursing Philosophy From Time To Time?

Your personal and professional experiences will change through time and will continue to shape your philosophy, which means your nursing philosophy may change as you progress in your career. As your insights and career experiences change, it is natural and acceptable to want to amend your philosophy.

8. How To Write The Introduction Of My Personal Nursing Philosophy?

The introduction of your personal nursing philosophy should focus on what interested you in becoming a nurse and why it is important to you.

9. Should Nursing Students Have A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing?

Because a nursing philosophy is based on one’s ideals, values, and beliefs, it is good for nursing students to develop a personal philosophy of nursing. Nursing students who have a personal nursing philosophy often find it helps them interact with patients, families, and other healthcare providers effectively. As happens with all nurses or people of different professions, the student's philosophy may change with time, but this is good as it is a sign of growth.

10. Does An Informatics Nurse Have A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing?

It is a good idea for all nurses, including informatics nurses, to develop a personal philosophy of nursing. Keep in mind, your philosophy will change over time, but developing one is one way to help yourself maintain focus on your goals and beliefs.

11. Do Nursing Organizations Have Their Own Philosophy Of Nursing?

Nursing organizations do typically have their own philosophy of nursing or statement of purpose.

12. How Does Nursing Philosophy Influence Nursing Practice?

Nursing philosophy has proven to be instrumental in developing sound nursing practice. Philosophy in nursing encourages nurses to think critically, reflecting on how our values influence our personal practice and own well-being.

13. Is It Required For Every Nurse To Have A Personal Nursing Philosophy?

Having a personal nursing philosophy is not a requirement, per se. A personal philosophy is a set of principles, values, or beliefs that we each live by. Therefore, although the philosophy may not be written or even articulated verbally to others, all nurses have a personal nursing philosophy, whether they realize it or not.

14. What Happens If A Nurse Does Not Have A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing?

While some sources argue that having a personal nursing philosophy is not essential, most people agree it is quite important. A nurse’s personal philosophy outlines their personal values and beliefs related to the profession and serves as a driving force behind how they conduct themselves in practice. When nurses do not have a personal philosophy of nursing, it becomes easier to lose sight of their reason for choosing the career and what is important about being a nurse, both of which can negatively impact patient outcomes and the profession.

15. What Are Some Famous Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Quotes?

The following are some famous personal philosophy of nursing quotes by well-known nursing icons such as Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Dana Basem, and Patch Adams.

“I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them." (Clara Barton)

“I am of certain convinced the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.” (Florence Nightingale)

“You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome.” (Patch Adams)

“Being a nurse means to hold all your tears inside while drawing smiles on the faces of others.” (Dana Basem)

Darby Faubion BSN, RN
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).