5 Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter Examples + How to Write

Written By: Donna ReeseDonna Reese MSN, RN, CSN

Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »»

Leaving a job as a nurse practitioner is difficult, no matter the circumstances. In these instances, a well-prepared resignation letter is recommended to maintain your professional reputation and protect yourself from unforeseen complications when leaving an employer. Knowing how to construct a proper resignation letter is the first step in the resignation process. You might find this task daunting and may be surfing the net, wondering what are some great examples of nurse practitioner resignation letters? Look no further, as this article, “5 great nurse practitioner resignation letter examples + how to write” should answer all of your questions about preparing a professional resignation letter and get you going on your way out your employer's door without a hitch.

What is a Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter?

As a nurse practitioner, you may want to leave your job for one reason or another. In the current healthcare “great resignation” environment, nurse practitioners are retiring early or resigning in high numbers.

The standard protocol when quitting a position is to submit your intentions to your superior via a nurse practitioner resignation letter. Verbally informing your boss about your plans to leave is acceptable, but you must also include your resignation in writing to formalize your intent. This letter typically is brief but should detail your official intentions to leave and the last day of work at your current position. Depending on where you work, the letter may be written to human resources, administration, or a superior. You would have to find out the policy for resignation in your organization and make sure that the letter goes to the correct person.

3 Reasons Why Writing a Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter is So Important

Whether you are desperate to leave a job or sad to be parting ways, a professional nurse practitioner letter of resignation is a must.

Here are a few reasons why:

1. You need to give 2 weeks’ notice-

Most employers expect at least a 2-week notice when an employee leaves. Many prefer longer, especially when trying to replace a provider. You should check with your human resources department or your contract to determine the specifics of this timeframe.

One employer where I worked required a 3-month notice which is quite excessive. If they found a successor for me sooner than 3 months, they would release me before the end date specified. With the demand for nurse practitioners increasing, finding a replacement provider may prove difficult. Therefore, NPs may be held longer than nurses or those in other professions.

2. You do not want to burn bridges-

Even if you can’t stand your job, boss or administrators, you do not want to leave on a negative note. Keeping your reputation in good standing by adhering to the company protocol for resignation, which includes a nurse practitioner resignation letter, is one way to show your respect for your employer. It is always wise to maintain a professional relationship as you most likely will need to use your past employers for future job references.

Even though I may have had differences with my administrators and gripes about my job, I made sure that my resignation was positive and professional. By keeping a cordial tone and open communication, I felt confident that my employer would still give me a high recommendation for future jobs once I left.

3. It protects you-

By detailing in writing when your last day of work is planned, you are ensuring that your employer will not try to make you work beyond that date. A resignation letter is an official employee document that human resources store in your personnel file. It will show that you adhered to the policy for leaving and serve as a record of employment in the future.

What are Some Great Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter Examples?

(Below are 5 great nurse practitioner resignation examples to help you write your own.)


Dina Joyner is an experienced pediatric nurse practitioner who is leaving her position at a pediatric practice due to an unsatisfactory change in leadership. Dina keeps her letter professional and to the point in this nurse practitioner resignation letter example, despite her displeasure with her new work environment. She does not include a reason as to why she is resigning as it is not necessary and may bring up hard feelings. Dina sticks to a formal business letter format which is recommended for this type of correspondence.

Dina Joyner
6500 Hornerstown Road, Hornerstown, NY 13507
Tel# 123-123-1234

April 8, 2023

Sandra Johnson
Medical Director
Olivera Pediatrics
24 Main Street
Frankfort, NY 18970

Dear Ms. Johnson,

This letter is my official notice of resignation as a PNP at Olivera Pediatric Practice. My last day will be May 8, 2023.

As an NP at Olivera for the last 10 years, I have had the pleasure of serving our community alongside a professional staff at a highly respected practice. I want to thank you for allowing me the privilege of being a part of this exceptional team.

During my last 4 weeks at Olivera, I would be happy to assist in any way to make the transition of my replacement a smooth process.

I wish you well in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Dina Joyner


This nurse practitioner resignation letter example illustrates how to write a 2-week resignation memo. Danielle Barren is a new grad NP who has struggled at her job at the retirement community. She has had numerous unpleasant encounters with the staff, who have been rather abrupt and rude to her due to her inexperience. Fortunately, Danielle’s contract does not specify requirements for giving notice of resignation. Since it is customary to allow at least 2 weeks' heads up when quitting, Danielle is doing so to maintain her professional reputation.

Danielle did not give a reason for quitting as it is not necessary. She kept her letter short but included all of the essential details of a professional nurse practitioner resignation letter.

Danielle Barren
12 Locust Lane, Detroit, MI 48201
Tel# 123-123-1234

April 9, 2023

Patrick Nost
Medical Director
John Thomas Retirement Community
Detroit, MI 48211

Dear Mr. Nost,

This letter serves as a formal notification of my 2 weeks notice of resignation as a nurse practitioner at John Thomas Retirement Community. My last day of work will be April 23, 2023.

I appreciate all that I have learned while employed at John Thomas and will miss the residents. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity of employment at your facility.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in the hiring or training of my replacement. Do not hesitate to call me at 123-123-1234.


Danielle Barren


It is not recommended that you quit a job without giving at least a 2-week notice (or whatever your contract dictates). Doing so may damage your reputation or compromise your qualifying for unemployment. However, there are occasionally reasons to quit immediately, such as non-payment for your services, unsafe circumstances, harassment, or a life crisis. If you are pursuing unemployment, it is recommended that you research “unemployment qualifications when quitting a job” to ensure that you can take advantage of this essential benefit.

As you will see in this sample nurse practitioner resignation letter, Jessica Marshal had to quit her job right away. An immediately effective resignation still needs to be accompanied by an official resignation letter addressed to whoever is designated at your employer to receive such a document. She did go into some detail as to why she had to quit suddenly, which is a good idea in this instance. However, it is wise to use common sense and choose your words carefully when giving a reason for resigning immediately. Once again, if there are hard feelings or a sticky situation involved, it is best to leave out the cause of your departure.

Jessica Marshal
1516 Parver Lane, Unionville, NC 28601
Tel# 123-123-1234

April 1, 2023

Milton Jershey
Human Resources UPMC
10 Galeon Way, Charlotte, NC 28201

Dear Mr. Jershey,

It is with regret that I have to resign my position as a nurse practitioner in the cardiac unit at UPMC East immediately. As you are aware, I am pregnant and had planned to begin my maternity leave in approximately 1 month. However, due to an unfortunate medical turn of events with my pregnancy, I must immediately leave my job at the direction of my doctor. In addition, I am saddened to inform you that testing has shown that my unborn child will have ongoing medical needs, which necessitates my presence to care for my child after I deliver.

Due to these unforeseen circumstances, today, April 1, 2023, is my last day of work.

I apologize for leaving you without notice and will submit any necessary medical documentation you request. I would appreciate it if you would please let me know what is needed to finalize my resignation.

Thank you for the opportunity to work at UPMC. I have enjoyed interacting with the patients and staff immensely and will miss my job.

I wish you the best.


Jessica Marshal


When you retire, you still need to submit a resignation letter. This sample nurse practitioner resignation letter illustrates how to write such a correspondence correctly.

Jo Jo Rogers is an NP who has had a fulfilling career at a major hospital for her entire career. Her retirement is both a celebration and a sad departure from her department. Due to the extensive paperwork necessary to prepare for retirement, it is recommended that you give your notice well ahead of time. It is best to meet with your HR director when you decide to retire to formalize a timeline for a proper exit. Jo Jo’s HR department recommended that she give 3 months’ notice so that they could prepare her retirement paperwork adequately. This timeframe also allowed the opportunity for a replacement to be found and trained.

Retirement resignation letters can be brief and to the point, but most times, they are lengthier than a typical resignation letter. In this instance, you need to give a reason for leaving due to retirement. Jo Jos had a lot to say in her letter as she had a long and happy career at her hospital with life-long friendships established with staff.

Jo Jo Rogers
222 Pinnacle Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336
Tel# 123-123-1234

April 11, 2023

Douglas James
Human Resources
Red Rock Hospital
10 Aliquippa Lane, Red Rock, AZ 86339

Dear Mr. James,

With mixed emotions, I am submitting my resignation letter as a CRNP at Red Rock Hospital. I am retiring after a remarkable 30-year career in the gastroenterology department. My last day will be July 11, 2023.

Red Rock Hospital is a special place that will always hold a piece of my heart. Dedication to our patients, professionalism, and team spirit has truly been inspiring. I have enjoyed working alongside the exceptional staff on my unit and will miss them greatly. I am grateful for my administrators, who have always stood behind me, and to those who have taught me so much over the years. It is difficult to leave Red Rock Hospital as it has become my family, and I highly value all it stands for.

During my last weeks as an employee at Red Rock, I will gladly do whatever is needed to help in this transition.

Thank you for taking a chance on me many years ago as a new graduate NP. I am very grateful for this opportunity. I wish you and the staff well, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Jo Jo Rogers


In this sample nurse practitioner resignation letter, Lisa Summers is an experienced NP working in a school district school-based clinic. She clearly has enjoyed her career in this capacity and highlights that fact in her letter. Since Lisa is resigning on what appears to be great terms, she does include why she is leaving in her resignation letter. Her spouse’s job transfer is considered a non-negotiable and reasonable grounds for giving notice.

She is sure to include her last day of work, as is essential for any resignation letter for nurse practitioners. In a school district, lengthy notice is typically required when quitting. So, make sure to familiarize yourself with contractual requirements for giving a notice of resignation. Lisa happened to make her last day of work the day that school lets out for the summer, so she is within her contractual agreement and makes it easier to complete her duties for the school year.

Lisa Summers
10 Joette Drive, Linglestown PA 17112

March 8, 2023

Ken Matthews
Director of Medical Services
Central Dauphin School district
1009 Eisenhower Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111

Dear Mr. Matthews,

I write this letter to inform you of my resignation from Central Dauphin School District as a nurse practitioner in the high school health clinic. My final day will be June 8, 2023.

For the past 20 years, I have enjoyed a rewarding career at Central Dauphin School District. However, due to my husband transferring jobs, we will be relocating out of the area soon. I will greatly miss working with the students and staff.

I appreciate having the tremendous opportunity to work as an NP at the high school. I want to express my gratitude for this once-in-a-lifetime nursing opportunity.

I will assist in any way to make my departure a smooth transition. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

With Best Wishes,

Lisa Summers

How to Write a Great Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter?

Writing a nurse practitioner resignation letter should follow the same business letter format as any other business letter. This format includes spacing and font guidelines. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the professional business letter format if you are not comfortable writing this type of correspondence.

In addition, if you are leaving due to a bad work situation, I recommend that you take some time to let your emotions settle to avoid writing a letter that you may regret.

The following are 5 key steps to guide you through the process of writing a great nurse practitioner resignation letter.

1. Heading and salutation-

Similar to that of a nurse cover letter, a nurse practitioner resignation letter needs to include a proper heading and salutation. At the top of the letter, list your name, address, email, and phone contact information. Skip a line and write the date of the letter. This date is significant as it signifies the start of your 2-week notice (or however long the notice is). Skip another line before the last portion of the heading, where you then list the full name of the person you are addressing and their address.

*Make sure the salutation is proper, meaning that you need to include Mr./Mrs./Ms. before the first and last name of the person you are greeting. For instance, Dear Mr. Jamison is the correct way to address someone in your salutation.

2. A statement of resignation-

The first paragraph of your letter of nurse practitioner resignation should include a simple statement of what position you are leaving, the name of the company or institution where you work, and the date of your last day on the job. The last day you plan to work is the most essential part of the entire letter.

This paragraph is to be a concise and clear sentence or two. For example, “This letter is to formally give notice that I am resigning my position as a nurse practitioner at Jennings Hospital. My last day of work will be May 28, 2023”.

3. A reason for leaving-

This point is entirely optional but, in some instances, it is a good idea. If resigning due to an unhappy work environment, I highly recommend that you do not include a reason for leaving in your nurse practitioner resignation letter. However, some circumstances are more acceptable for resigning, such as child-rearing, moving out of the area, promotion, or retirement. Including reasons such as these may actually shed a positive light on your resignation.

Fortunately, I have never left a job on an unpleasant note. I have resigned over the years due to my husband’s job transfer, to care for my aging parents, and to work fewer hours as I changed career paths. I briefly gave a reason for my resignation in these instances as there were no hard feelings on either side of the working relationship. My reason for leaving was an acceptable choice, and I still maintain a connection with my employers from my past.

4. A statement of thanks-

Even if you are not happy with your job and do not feel gracious towards your employer, it is wise to thank them for the opportunity to work for them anyways. A resignation letter for nurse practitioners can include a sentence or two as to why you enjoyed certain aspects of this position. Thanking them for their support is another way to show your gratitude.

Example phrases are:

• I am grateful for your support as I change direction in my career
• The knowledge I have gained at Brown University Hospital will prove invaluable
• I appreciate all of the support and exposure to the CCU that I have experienced during my employment.

You can wish them success and even offer to train a new NP (if you desire).

5. Closing-

Your nurse practitioner resignation letter can end at this point with a brief closing sentence. This sentence should include your contact information and a word or 2 to wrap up the letter. I typically just write, “If you have any questions, please contact me at 123-123-1234. Thank you for your consideration in this matter”.

Then write a salutation such as “Sincerely, Regards or With Best Wishes”. Skip a space and sign your full name.

That’s it! Your resignation letter should be easy to write and very straightforward.

5 Don’ts of Writing a Great Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter

When preparing your nurse practitioner letter of resignation, there are a few key elements to avoid.

These “don’ts” may save you grief in the long run:

1. Do not give a reason why you are leaving-

Unless you have a universally acceptable reason for leaving, such as relocation or retirement, do not include why you are resigning in your letter. Since the reason may likely be an unpleasant topic of discussion, it is best to keep the letter simple, to the point, and not include an explanation of the circumstances of your resignation.

2. No complaints-

A resignation letter is not the time to complain or be negative. Keep it professional and light.

3. Don’t burn bridges-

One of the main reasons for a letter of recommendation is to make your exit in a professional manner. Never pen off a quick resignation letter while you are angry or frustrated with your job. You may emote your feelings onto paper while in this state and burn a few bridges in the process. Keeping good relations with previous employers is essential for future job references, so keeping your negative vibe in check is always wise in this instance.

4. Failing to give an end date-

Every nurse practitioner resignation letter should include the last day you intend to work at your current job. It is not wise to leave it up to your administration to determine this date as they may not have your best interest in mind.

5. Stating your new position-

There is no reason to put in writing where you are going and what your next job will be. It is none of your employer’s business. If you are friends with your administrators, there is no hard-set rule against verbally discussing this detail with them.

In addition, do not tell your colleagues that you are retiring before you submit your resignation letter. Word of your resignation is sure to reach your superiors quickly, and you do not want them to be caught off guard.

I have witnessed this exact scenario, and I must admit, the situation was not pleasant. My colleague informed an NP friend about her plans to leave her position and details of her new and lucrative NP job working for a competitor. Unfortunately, word spread through the staff, reaching our medical director. He was livid about the NP going to a competitor but even more angry that he was the last to know about this upsetting news. Even though a quality NP replacement was found quickly, he made this employee work out the entire 2 months of her notice, perhaps out of spite.

This example highlights why it is important to continue maintaining a professional relationship and good communication even as you end your work relationship.

5 Do’s of Writing a Great Nurse Practitioner Resignation Letter

A proper nurse practitioner letter of resignation is a professional courtesy that will benefit you on many levels.

Be sure to include the following points to cover all of the necessary elements of a well-written letter.

1. A statement of intent that you are resigning
2. The name of the position that you are resigning and the institution where you work
3. A brief statement of appreciation or thanks
4. The last day that you intend to work
5. Keep the tone positive and professional, and the letter concise

This type of correspondence should not take very long to prepare, but it is essential that you include all of the points listed above to ensure that your resignation is processed without problem.

My Final Thoughts

This article should have answered the question “what are some great examples of nurse practitioner resignation letters”? However, leaving your employer can be stressful or unpleasant and, in some instances, with hard feelings on both sides. You will want to make this life transition as stress-free for yourself as possible while still maintaining a professional relationship with your previous employer. This article 5 great nurse practitioner resignation letter examples + how to write has provided different scenarios and ideas on how to prepare your well-written letter for each situation. Do you see an example that is similar to your specific circumstance? The letter preparation should be a snap when following these examples and plugging in your unique information. I wish you the best as you move on to your next goal in your career.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert

1. When Should I Write My NP Letter Of Resignation?

Check your contract or human resources to see how long notice is required when leaving employment at your organization. Once you know how much notice is needed, you can determine when to write your NP resignation letter. In general, you do not want to give too much notice but need to stay within your contract's parameters. For example, if you must provide 6 weeks’ notice, it is recommended that you submit your letter 6 weeks before your last day of work. If you are only required to give 2 weeks’ notice and leave on a good note, as a professional courtesy, you can provide a little extra notice as finding a replacement in that time frame may be difficult. But in reality, you only need to write your letter 2 weeks prior to your last day of work.

2. How Much Notice Do I Have To Give To Resign My NP Job?

The answer to the amount of notice you need to give is the same as when to submit your NP resignation letter (listed above). Please refer to #1 above for further guidelines on this topic. If you do not have a contract or resignation notice is not outlined in your agreement, you usually do not have to give notice. However, it is in good faith and professional to always give at least 2 weeks unless you have an unusual circumstance. See #14 below in FAQ’s for an expanded explanation.

3. Should I Put A Reason On My Resignation Letter For Quitting My NP Job?

The answer is yes and no, and it depends. You usually do not need to give a reason. However, it would help if you gave a reason for retirement so that the HR department can process your retirement benefits. The rule of thumb is not to explain if it involves negativity and hard feelings and issues. If parting on good grounds and the reason is unavoidable, such as relocation, you may want to offer an explanation.

4. As A Nurse Practitioner, What Is The Best Reason For Resignation?

The answer to this question is subjective. Best for who; the employer or the NP? I would say that the most straightforward and least stressful reason that will impart good feelings on both sides is for relocation or retirement. Also, if you are leaving to further your education, or are taking a different type of job to allow more time with your family, your boss should not be resentful, and the parting should be amicable.

5. How To Write An NP Resignation Letter To A Hospital?

Please see sample nurse practitioner resignation letter #3 and #4 above in the resignation letter example section. As you can see from these prototypes, a letter to a hospital is not much different than other types of NP resignation letters. You may want to add what unit you worked on. Also, typically larger institutions such as hospitals require that the correspondence be addressed to the Human Resources Department. You would need to investigate that detail when you prepare your resignation.

6. How To Write A Per Diem NP Resignation Letter?

A per diem NP letter of resignation may be the same as a full-time contractual employee. It all depends on what your contract specifies on the subject.

7. How Should I Submit My NP Resignation Letter?

You may submit your nurse practitioner resignation via inter-office mail, email, or in person.

8. Can Nurse Practitioners Resign By Email?

Yes, you can resign by email. This method is now commonplace, especially with so many working remotely.

9. How Long Should My NP Resignation Letter Be?

An NP resignation letter does not need to be very long. It can be 100-250 words, including headings and signature lines. There is no reason to go over one page for this type of correspondence.

10. What Should I Avoid Saying In My NP Resignation Letter?

As discussed above, there is no need to say why you are leaving in some instances. There is no reason to include where you are going if you move on to another job. Never include negative issues or name any names you have concerns/problems about.

11. Can I Write My NP Resignation Letter In Any Font OR Color?

For a nurse practitioner resignation letter, stick with a professional business format which is black font color and 11 or 12 font size.

12. Can I Ask Someone Else To Write My NP Resignation Letter?

You can ask someone else to write your NP resignation letter. However, it is a simple letter that should not cause great worry to write. By following the examples and guidelines listed above, you should be able to prepare your letter quickly and correctly.

13. Can I Use Ready Online Templates To Write My NP Resignation Letter?

Sure, there are plenty of examples and templates online to follow for your letter. However, many charge for the use of their templates. On the other hand, by plugging in your situation to one of the examples listed in this article, your individualized letter will be a breeze and at no cost to you.

14. What Happens If An NP Does Not Give A Resignation Letter?

If you do not provide a resignation letter, you are in jeopardy of losing credibility with your employer. They may not give you a positive recommendation for future employers due to this fact alone. Leaving your employer in a predicament due to an unexpected resignation will undoubtedly leave a bad taste in their mouth for you as a professional. This letter will also cover you when making your exit as your last day is in writing. It may help to cover you legally or when seeking unemployment in some circumstances.

Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.