15 Best LPN Programs in New Jersey – (Online & Campus-Based)

Written By: Editorial Staff @ NursingProcess.org

In the state of New Jersey, LPNs are some of the highest paid in the country. In fact, practical nurses in this state make an average of 11 percent more per year than their counterparts in other states. With more than 40 New Jersey Board of Nursing approved LPN programs from which to choose, you want to be sure to find the courses that will best prepare you to succeed once you are on the job. We are providing you with information on the 15 best LPN programs in New Jersey so that you can find the right education to help you to reach your goals.


How long are LPN Programs in New Jersey?

How long it will take to get your certificate or degree will depend on where you obtain your training. In most cases, you should be able to get a diploma or a certificate in 18 months or less. If you have your eyes set on an Associate degree, it will take you about 2 years to complete.

Type Length
Certificate / Diploma 12 to 18 Months
Associate Degree 2 Years
(Source: In-House Research)

How Much do LPN Programs in New Jersey Cost?

While obtaining your certificate or diploma can cost you just under $3,000 at the low end of the scale, it may cost upwards of $45,000 depending on the education you choose. The same applies for an Associate degree, which can cost you anywhere from $9,000 to more than $67,000 to complete.

Type Cost
Certificate / Diploma$2,980 - $47,330
Associate Degree$9,130 - $67,950
(Source: In-House Research)

Why NCLEX-PN Pass Rate is an Important Factor While Selecting an LPN Program in New Jersey?

In order to obtain your nursing license in New Jersey, you must pass the NCLEX-PN exam. This examination ensures that all prospective LPNs have the training that is necessary to do their jobs while keeping patients safe across the state. Because graduates from NJ practical nursing programs have a lower passing rate on the NCLEX-PN exam than the national average, it is vital that you choose your courses from a school that has a high pass rate to ensure that you will be well prepared to pass the exam in the very first attempt and become employable in the job market.

NCLEX-PN Pass Rates
Year New Jersey National
Taken % Passed Taken % Passed
2013 2,477 73.44% 58,575 84.63%
2014 1,891 68.27% 55,491 82.16%
2015 1,902 70.35% 50,979 81.88%
2016 1,438 75.94% 47,345 83.70%
2017 1,505 78.87% 46,948 83.85%


Based on our Ranking Methodology, the following are the 15 best nursing schools for LPN programs in New Jersey.

1) Rowan College South Jersey – Vineland

Rowan College South Jersey
Counted among one of the well-known LPN schools in NJ, Rowan College South Jersey is at the forefront of leading the change in nursing education. The college makes use of modern technology to help students stay ahead and develop into well-rounded personalities.

This one-year practical nursing course consists of 34 credits which are further divided into program credits (24 credits) and general education credits (10 credits). The course curriculum educates you on a range of nursing care aspects including surgical operations, health and nutrition, human anatomy, pharmacology, and psychology among others. During the training, you will receive theoretical knowledge in classrooms while for the practical experience; the college has arranged clinical sessions in a variety of healthcare settings including hospitals, nursing homes, and private clinics. To graduate, you are required to score at least “C” grade in every nursing subject.

2) Eastwick College – Hackensack

Eastwick College
The LPN program offered by Eastwick College has a rotational clinical policy, which is very helpful to provide students quality exposure to the real-world working conditions. The college constantly updates its curriculum, and the devoted faculty help students to stay ahead of the learning curve.

Diploma: The diploma in practical nursing is offered in both day (12-month) and evening (21-month) formats. The program consists of 85 quarter credits and has been divided into four terms for the day program and seven terms for the evening program.

Associate: The bilingual practical nursing is an associate degree program that is offered in the day (18-month) as well as evening (27-month) format. It is a 118 quarter credits course and has been divided into six terms for the day program and nine terms for the evening program. You will receive training in special classrooms which are built to resemble real-world healthcare centers. In addition to covering a range of nursing subjects, students enrolled in the bilingual format need to complete an additional 432 hours ESL curriculum.

3) Best Care College - East Orange

Best Care College
The LPN program offered by Best Care College focuses on preparing practical nurses who recognize the diversity and cultural differences while providing care to the sick and needy. The college helps students to achieve their professional goals while aiding them to contribute effectively to the community.

Practical nursing is a 50-week course which is available in both day and evening formats. The curriculum contains a total of 1,488 program hours and has been divided into four levels - level I (375 program hours), level II (375 program hours), level III (369 program hours), and level IV (369 program hours). Your education will start from fundamental concepts of nursing care, and then the training will move on to advanced aspects of pediatrics, geriatrics, and leadership. For the hands-on experience, clinical sessions in a variety of healthcare settings have been scheduled. In order to graduate, you have to score a minimum of 80% in each nursing subject.

4) Jersey College – Teterboro & Ewing

Jersey College
The LPN program offered by Jersey College is a well thought out combination of theory and hands-on training exercises. The course helps you to become a qualified healthcare professional by training you rigorously on the important aspects of nursing and surgical care.

The practical nursing is a four-term program with each term lasting approximately 12-week. The curriculum contains a total of 1,459 hours, and the program is available in both day (44-week) and evening (66-week) formats. Classes for day program are scheduled from Monday to Friday while in the evening format, classes will be held from Monday to Thursday. In the course structure, theoretical classes will help you to achieve conceptual clarity while clinical sessions will equip you with real-world working experience. Upon graduation, you can start working as an entry-level practical nurse in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and infirmaries, among others. Alternatively, you can opt for higher education in the field of nursing.

5) Holy Name Medical Center - Teaneck

Holy Name Medical Center
The practical nursing course offered by Holy Name Medical Center helps students to make their mark in the nursing field. The course rigorously covers all important aspects of nursing care while motivating students to collaborate and embrace the approach of learning through experience in their life.

This LPN Program in New Jersey is a 12-month course which is offered in both day and evening formats. The program is divided into four semesters - first semester (15-week, 255-class hours, 90 clinical hours), second semester (15-week, 180-class hours, 270-clinical hours), third semester (9-week, 135-class hours, 150-clinical hours), and fourth semester (7-week, 75-class hours, 135-clinical hours). You will receive conceptual knowledge during the classroom instruction while the clinical hours will provide you an opportunity to apply those concepts into practice. Upon graduation, you can either start working as an entry-level practical nurse or pursue higher education in the field of nursing.

6) Monmouth County Vocational School District - Neptune

Monmouth County Vocational School District
If you are exploring an opportunity to become an LPN in New Jersey, then the practical nursing program offered by Monmouth County Vocational School District could be considered. The school holds an impressive NCLEX-PN examination pass rate record for the last five consecutive years, which testifies its credentials on imparting quality education.

This practical nursing course is offered in two formats – accelerated format (10.5-month) and extended-pace format (15-month) and is divided into three phases. The phase I is focused on to help you gain conceptual clarity on the fundamentals of nursing care while in phase II, you will receive education on surgical and medical aspects through classroom instructions and clinical sessions. In the final phase III, the training will get you through advanced aspects of nursing care. Some of the healthcare settings where you will receive hands-on training include Riverview Medical Centre, Bayshore care center, and Neptune Medi center, among others.

7) Salem Community College - Carney's Point

Salem Community College
Salem Community College with its low student to faculty ratio provides personalized LPN training backed with the latest facilities and technology, which includes a modern simulation lab.

The 44-week practical nursing certificate program at SCC is divided into four terms of 10 weeks each and a session of 4 weeks. The curriculum, consisting of 36 credits, is delivered through classroom lectures and simulated lab training. You will learn about primary nursing care, pharmacology, and other healthcare related subjects that will polish your nursing skills. You will also gain hands-on clinical experience at a variety of healthcare settings. After completing the course, you will be able to provide enriched and quality care to the patients. Also, you will be eligible to appear for the NCLEX-PN exam and obtain your practical nursing licensure.

8) Universal Training Institute - Perth Amboy

Universal Training Institute
Universal Training Institute aims to bridge the gap between demand and supply of efficient practical nurses through its LPN program. The course curriculum is extremely comprehensive, and the Institute constantly updates it by incorporating feedback from a variety of stakeholders, including industry representatives.

The practical nursing program is offered in both day and evening formats. While the day program takes 12 months to complete, 18 months are required to complete the course in the evening format. The curriculum contains 1,196 clock hours, and the course is structured into five different tiers – basic, moderate, intermediate, advanced, and actualization. Thanks to the low student-faculty ratio of 30:1, you will be able to strengthen your conceptual knowledge by receiving personalized attention. The ratio comes down further to 10:1 during the clinical sessions, which is extremely beneficial for receiving and imbibing practical exposure under the supervision of trained instructors.

9) Camden County College - Camden

Camden County College
Stressing on the need for job-ready skills, the LPN program offered by Camden County College focuses on providing experiential learning to nursing aspirants. Besides, the college also stresses strengthening technical skills, which are equally important for students to have a rewarding career in the healthcare field.

The practical nursing program is a four-semester program with a total of 51 credits. In the first semester (13-credit), you will receive education on the fundamentals of nursing care in addition to gaining knowledge of medical terminology, while in the second semester (14-credit), the focus will shift on to aspects of pharmacology and psychology. Semester III (14-credit) and semester IV (10-credit) will get you through the concepts of health, nutrition, and microbiology besides helping you to prepare for the NCLEX-PN examination. The college has been associated with a variety of healthcare settings for providing students practical exposure through clinical sessions.

10) Ocean County Vocational Technical School - Toms River

Ocean County Vocational Technical School
Ocean County Vocational Technical School is committed to providing quality training to nursing aspirants. The focus of its LPN program is to equip students with practical knowledge while helping them to inculcate moral and professional values required for a successful career in the healthcare field.

Practical Nursing is a 10-month program which begins in September every year. To provide individualized attention, the school follows a small class size policy. Around 40% of the curriculum hours are devoted to theoretical instructions and lab practical, while the remaining 60% will be utilized in providing practical exposure to students through clinical sessions. Some of the clinical sites where you will receive practical training under the supervision of trained instructors include Hampton Ridge, Goddard Schools, Trenton psychiatric hospital, Southern ocean center, Ocean medical center, and community medical center among others.

11) Middlesex County Vocational & Technical School - East Brunswick

Middlesex County Vocational & Technical School
The practical nursing training offered by Middlesex County Vocational & Technical School is based on scientific principles and helps students to gain both conceptual knowledge and practical experience. The school enjoys a strong relationship with the industry which helps nursing aspirants to learn the latest happenings in the field of healthcare.

This full-time LPN program in New Jersey is a 15-month, day-time course that starts in February and September every year. The curriculum covers the theoretical and practical aspects of nursing quite comprehensively and consists of subjects such as human anatomy, psychology, pediatrics, microbiology, nutrition, surgical nursing, and behavioral science, among others. During your training, the classroom teaching will be held Monday to Friday for around six hours per day while clinical sessions will be delivered under the guidance of trained instructors in a variety of healthcare settings. After graduation, you will be able to provide holistic patient care to sick and needy.

12) Essex County College - Newark

Essex County College
To provide quality nursing education to aspirants, Essex County College has established an impressive infrastructure of classrooms, simulation rooms, and laboratories. In addition, the college provides a conducive learning environment to students where values like team-work, collaboration, and leadership are stressed upon.

The 1-year LPN program starts in the month of January every year. The course consists of 49 credits and is delivered in four semesters - semester I (15-credit), semester II (15-credit), semester III (9-credit), and fourth semester (10-credit). Equal emphasis is placed on the theoretical and practical aspects with the course structure combining theoretical instructions, lab practical, simulation room exercises, and clinical sessions in a very proficient manner. In order to graduate, you have to score at least "C" grade in each nursing subject and after graduation, you will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).

13) Mercer County Technical School Health Career Center - Trenton

Mercer County Technical School Health Career Center
The LPN program offered by Mercer County Technical School Health Career Center has a sharp focus on producing quality nursing professionals. The center emphasizes on building a strong conceptual base and equips students with necessary values and skill-set required for a successful nursing career.

The 11-month practical nursing is a full-time program which starts in August and ends in July every year. The curriculum covers the fundamental and advanced aspects of nursing in a comprehensive manner and to facilitate the learning process; the course is delivered in three different phases. In the Phase-I (12-week), you will receive education on fundamental concepts of nursing while in the phase-II (17-week), the focus of the education will shift to various health issues in adult care. The phase-III (15-week) will provide you exposure to nursing care in different specialized areas. Upon graduation, you can start working as an entry-level nurse in a hospital, private clinic, nursing home, or infirmary, among others.

14) Lincoln Technical Institute – Moorestown & Iselin

Lincoln Technical Institute
Lincoln Technical Institute focuses on engaging students through collaborative projects and experiential learning activities. In addition to academics, the institute offers a lot of community-focused initiatives which help nursing aspirants to evolve into better human beings.

The practical nursing program is available in two formats; Day program (52-week) and Evening program (104-week). The 1500-hour curriculum consists of a range of courses and educates you on fundamentals of nursing care, physiology and psychology, surgical nursing, pharmacology, personality development, diet and nutrition, pediatrics, maternal care, and leadership behavior. The legal and ethical aspects of nursing are also part of the course structure and prepare you to successfully face the challenges of the ever-changing healthcare field. The practical aspect of your training will be taken care of by the lab practical, clinical room exercises, and clinical sessions, which will go a long way in ensuring your holistic professional development.

15) Union County College – Plainfield

Union County College
The LPN program offered by the Union County College aims to make nursing aspirants conceptually strong and practically professional in their approach. The curriculum is designed in a way to aid experiential learning that in turn helps students to evolve holistically.

This practical nursing is a 16-month program consisting of 52-53 credit hours and is available in a day, evening, weekend, or distance education formats. The curriculum has been divided into four semesters - semester I (15 credit hours), semester II (13-14 credit hours), semester III (12 credit hours), and semester IV (12 credit hours). The program structure has been prepared diligently as it features a balanced combination of theory and practical exercises. You will receive theoretical knowledge during classrooms sessions while for practical training, the college will schedule clinical sessions. In sum, the training prepares you to provide complete patient care while taking on challenges of healthcare field successfully.


How to Obtain My LPN License in New Jersey?

The New Jersey Board of Nursing handles the licensing aspect of becoming an LPN in NJ. Here are the steps you will need to complete to obtain your LPN license.

• Complete a practical nursing program in NJ that has been approved by the Board.
Register with the New Jersey Board of Nursing and apply for your LPN license.
• Have your school send your transcript to the Board.
• Pass a background check.
• Get your CPR card.
• Pass the NCLEX-PN exam offered through Pearson VUE.

How Much Will I Earn?

The average rate of pay for an LPN in this state is just over $61,990 per year. This is about $6,130 more annually than the average pay in the U.S. LPN salary in New Jersey can range from $51,000 to $72,000. This translates to an hourly rate of anywhere from $24 to $34 per hour. Practical nurses who work in major care facilities and in larger metropolitan areas tend to make more than those who work in private physicians' offices or in less-populated regions.

Type Salary Range Average Salary
Hourly$24.71 - $34.78$29.80
Monthly$4,280 - $6,030$5,170
Annual$51,390 - $72,340$61,990
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

LPN Earnings in this State vs National Average

New Jersey National Difference
Number %
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Job Outlook for LPN Graduates in New Jersey

By the year 2030, there are expected to be nearly 17,000 LPN jobs available in the state of NJ. This is an increase of 8.5 percent, making practical nursing a viable job opportunity. This increase in employment is expected to be mainly in the long-term care sector, including within care facilities and for in-home caregivers. With a boom that continues to occur with technology in the health field, residents are anticipated to live longer. However, it will take someone with the skills and training of an LPN to ensure that this life-extending technology is delivered in a competent and compassionate manner.

Employment 10 Year New Job Growth
Projection (2020-2030)
2020 2030 Number %
(Source: careeronestop)

Projected LPN Annual Job Openings in New Jersey (2023-2027)

Year New Jobs Replacement Jobs Annual
Job Openings
(New + Replacement)
2023 135 1,245 1,380
2024 195 1,305 1,500
2025 230 1,340 1,570
2026 260 1,370 1,630
2027 300 1,410 1,710
Total Job Openings in the Next 5 Years 7,790
(Source: In-House Research)

4 Best Metro Areas in New Jersey to Work as an LPN

The Trenton metropolitan area is the largest employer of LPNs in the state. University Hospital has more than 500 medical personnel on staff at this academic hospital. Sinai Post Acute Nursing and Rehab Center is known for hiring top-quality nurses who wish to work in skilled nursing care. If you prefer to work in the Camden area, Cooper University Health Care has high ratings for patient satisfaction. The Hammonton and Bridgeton metropolitan areas also hire a significant number of practical nurses, with jobs available in major hospitals, nursing care, and the private sector.

Rank Metro Area Current
Average Salary
Hourly Monthly Annual
1 Trenton 800 $28.98 $5,020 $60,280
2 Atlantic City-Hammonton 650 $26.88 $4,660 $55,920
3 Vineland-Bridgeton 350 $27.74 $4,810 $57,690
4 Ocean City 180 $27.77 $4,810 $57,760
(Source: In-House Research)

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