15 Least Stressful Healthcare Administration Jobs (That Also Pay Well)

Written By: Caitlin GoodwinCaitlin Goodwin DNP, CNM, RN

Caitlin Goodwin is a Certified Nurse-Midwife who has been a nurse for 12 years, primarily in women’s health. She is passionate about caring for children with developmental disabilities, as her son has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Caitlin loved working as a camp nurse for a summer camp for those with special needs. Read Full Bio »»

Healthcare administration jobs are essential to the healthcare industry because they ensure that medical services and community healthcare run smoothly. However, having a crucial role in health administration does not mean that you must have a high-pressure career. Many healthcare administration job-seeking professionals whether new or experienced ask the question, “What are the least stressful healthcare administration jobs that pay well?”

Some healthcare administration roles are less demanding and stressful than others and still pay well. Choosing a profession that aligns with your interests, skills, and long-term professional goals is still crucial in finding a low-stress occupation. Here are the 15 least stressful healthcare administration jobs that also pay well in 2024, offering a spectrum of options for those seeking a rewarding and high-paying career.

What Exactly is a Low-Stress Healthcare Administration Job?

While the perception of stress varies for every individual, many options exist to find a satisfying and rewarding career. A low-stress healthcare administration job is a role that involves less pressure, fewer time constraints, and lower levels of responsibility than other positions in the healthcare industry. These positions often feature a flexible schedule and rewarding roles with plenty of support among colleagues.

Low-stress healthcare administration jobs offer a better work-life balance, leading to higher job satisfaction. In contrast to more demanding roles, these positions typically involve less patient interaction, decision-making, and responsibility. The following healthcare administration roles are the perfect options for individuals looking for a less stressful work environment.


3 Advantages of Low-Stress Healthcare Administration Jobs

Low-stress healthcare administration jobs offer several advantages that provide significant professional and personal benefits and can improve your overall well-being and career satisfaction. Whether you are looking for an entry-level or expert role, there are benefits for every healthcare administrative professional.

1. Reduced stress levels:

High stress levels negatively impact physical health by increasing the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other chronic health problems. Working in low-stress healthcare administration jobs decreases overall stress. Overall mental health improves when there is less responsibility and pressure on employees inside and outside work.

2. Better work-life balance:

When working in lower-stress roles, healthcare administration professionals can often work a flexible schedule, giving them more time to relax. They can also take off work when a personal family vacation or a professional development conference demands it.

3. Increased job satisfaction:

Working in some of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs means increased career satisfaction, which can overflow into the personal life of the employees, as well. These roles allow you to avoid stress and instead focus on the joy and rewarding factors of the profession.

What are the Least Stressful Healthcare Administration Jobs That Also Pay Well?

(The following is a list of the 15 least stressful healthcare administration jobs that also pay well in 2024. All the salaries below are based on data from ZipRecruiter.com)


About the Job:

Healthcare compliance officers ensure that healthcare organizations comply with all required laws, policies, and regulations related to healthcare. Compliance officers create compliance programs and policies to prevent, detect, and fix violations. They train employees on compliance requirements, perform audits, and respond to compliance-related complaints. Compliance officers monitor real-time changes in healthcare laws and regulations and update policies accordingly. Their role promotes ethical, responsible, and legal quality patient care.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

This role is ideal for introverted people who prefer to work with little oversight and engagement. Healthcare compliance officers have one of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs because they do not participate in direct patient care. Patients and families are significant stressors for those in healthcare administration jobs, but compliance officers spend more time working with regulations than people.

Compliance officers experience freedom because their jobs grant them the authority to perform audits to ensure their organization is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. They have a degree of independence and can make recommendations to management regarding policy changes or quality improvement practices following the conclusion of their investigation.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $24,000 to $145,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $27$24,000
Top-Level $43.50 $145,000
Average $36$78,982


About the Job:

Medical and health services managers plan, supervise, and coordinate health services. They work in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and other facilities. Everyday tasks include creating policies and procedures to improve the quality of medical services, maintaining budgets, hiring and supervising staff, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals. Medical services managers must have significant attention to detail, practical communication skills, and a strong understanding of healthcare operations and regulations.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Medical and health service managers play a crucial role in healthcare facilities by helping ensure that they operate efficiently and cost-effectively and that patients receive quality healthcare. Medical and health service managers have autonomy and can choose the amount of work and stress they take on, then delegate the rest to team members. The level of control reduces stress because they can manage their workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Medical and health service managers strategically plan and make decisions that create a clear vision and roadmap for achieving professional and organizational goals.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $22,500 to $127,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $11$22,500
Top-Level $61$127,000
Average $35 $72,566


About the Job:

A healthcare assistant administrator is an essential team member who assists with the administrative tasks and organization of the daily operations of healthcare facilities and organizations. They perform administrative duties and help with everyday activities to ensure that healthcare facilities run smoothly. Healthcare assistant administrators work at hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and public health departments.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

While working in administration can be stressful for many, working as a healthcare assistant administrator is a low-stress healthcare administration job. This role is less high-pressure or time-sensitive than others because it has a relatively predictable routine. The job responsibilities of a healthcare assistant administrator focus more on managing processes and tasks than developing complex solutions.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $17,000 to $40,572 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $8$17,000
Top-Level $19.50 $40,572
Average $17$35,884


About the Job:

Clinical research coordinators (CRC) manage and oversee clinical trial participants, develop protocols, and implement new policies for research studies in healthcare organizations and facilities. CRCs identify, recruit, and screen potential study participants to understand the purpose and risks of the research study and ensure that all participants are eligible. CRCS may manage the budget, comply with challenging regulations, monitor research trial progress, and communicate with all participants and stakeholders.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Being a clinical research coordinator can be a less stressful career because there are fewer physical demands and risks for infectious diseases. CRCs typically do not perform physically demanding tasks or come into direct contact with bodily fluids, which may be stressful for some. Many CRC positions offer a predictable and consistent schedule, which is ideal for those who prefer a stable routine. There is also a decreased emotional burden as they are not making life-or-death decisions, reducing the personal and professional obligations that some healthcare administrators face.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $21,000 to $75,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $10$21,000
Top-Level $36$75,000
Average $25$52,547


About the Job:

Health information managers (HIM) collect, store, and use private healthcare data. They work in various settings, such as hospitals, clinics, medical offices, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare facilities. HIM professionals work with medical data, including electronic patient health records and additional private healthcare information. To maintain data privacy and security, they ensure patient information is encrypted, complete, and confidential. HIM also works to ensure healthcare professionals have access to the up-to-date information they need for patient care and collaboration. Finally, HIMs may provide training and ongoing support to healthcare information system users to ensure the process runs smoothly.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Health information managers have a less stressful job because HIM professionals have less direct contact with patients, which is less emotionally taxing than other roles. The technological focus of the career also means the job is more predictable and may even be remote, which allows HIM professionals to have a solid routine for work-life balance. Finally, HIM professionals are responsible for ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies and laws related to privacy and security which provides a clear framework for decision-making and problem-solving.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $26,000 to $94,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $12.50$26,000
Top-Level $45$94,000
Average $30 $61,506


About the Job:

Healthcare analyst consultants advise health organizations about finance, operations, and management. They possess analytical, financial, and writing skills to excel in this field. The healthcare analyst consultant conducts research and data analysis to prepare insightful reports and presentations for their clients. They adhere to appropriate professional standards while balancing risk and compliance. Healthcare analyst consultants Identify and communicate quality improvement opportunities and ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations. Healthcare analyst consultants help organizations to optimize operations and improve patient outcomes by leveraging their skills and expertise.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Healthcare analyst consultants typically have a different level of responsibility than higher-level administrators. Another aspect that makes it one of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs is that consultants can often create their own schedules and may even be self-employed. Healthcare analyst consultants often collaborate with other analysts and do not generally manage staff or make crucial life-threatening decisions.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $20,000 to $136,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $10$20,000
Top-Level $65.50$136,000
Average $33$68,000


About the Job:

Clinical administrator coordinators assess claims information, review case notes, discuss case status with clients, determine whether authorizations are needed, and identify the appropriate resources to respond to medical quests. Also known as administrative coordinators, they will communicate with the clinical team to ensure adequate communication, enter data into relevant computer systems, and follow the status of crucial requests.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Clinical administrative coordinators have an incredible role, a structured work schedule with normal hours, a collaborative team-based environment, and the ability to delegate tasks. A major way this job is less stressful is the ability to delegate tasks to the team and forward complicated matters to other team members, making this one of the low-stress healthcare administration jobs. Also, working regular business hours reduces stress and improves work-life balance.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $19,500 to $53,500 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $9.50$19,500
Top-Level $26$53,500
Average $18$38,232


About the Job:

A patient services coordinator (PSC) manages the administrative and patient support activities in a healthcare facility or organization. The main role of the PSC is to help patients receive high-quality care, facilitate care delivery, and address patients who are scheduling appointments, asking questions, and checking in or out. PSCs manage medical supplies, work with other professionals, and support the patients and healthcare team.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Patient services coordinators enjoy several factors that make the job less stressful, such as set working hours during the typical business day, which provides stability to work-life balance. Patient service coordinators work as an integral part of a larger team. The collaborative team provides additional support and decreases the overall workload of the patient services coordinator. With technical tools at many healthcare facilities, like scheduling software, electronic health records, and digital calendars, patient service coordinators can streamline their workday and decrease stress levels.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $18,081 to $47,187 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $9$18,081
Top-Level $23$47,187
Average $17$36,281


About the Job:

Technical writers in healthcare create content to communicate concise information for healthcare professionals and the public. Healthcare technical writers may work with researchers to create journal articles about the results of research studies, clinical trials, or educational materials to help people understand complex medical concepts and procedures. They may draft emails for healthcare professionals or create policy materials like white papers, presentations, employee handbooks, procedures, and protocols. Healthcare technical writers create press releases and social media posts to communicate health-related news and updates to the public. According to the American Medical Writers Association, technical writers in healthcare need to understand medical terminology and organize complex information in a way that is easy to understand.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Being a healthcare technical writer is one of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs because they have one of the most flexible careers. Writers often have the flexibility to work from home, choose their own hours, and avoid commutes. They often have a definitive workload where each assignment has a defined deadline.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $26,901 to $104,517 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $13$26,901
Top-Level $50$104,517
Average $32$63,869


About the Job:

Medical practice managers direct the daily operations of medical practices, from staffing to finances to patient care. They play a critical role in the success of medical practices because they coordinate aspects of the business, like managing budgets and financial operations, negotiating contracts with insurance providers, and providing quality care. They also may have responsibility for marketing and promoting the practice to attract new patients, maintaining positive relationships with existing patients, and supporting collaborations with other healthcare professionals and organizations.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Medical practice managers enjoy reduced stress because of the streamlined process to reduce manual tasks, such as billing software, scheduling software, digital calendars, and electronic health records. Since practice managers can delegate their workload to others, including administrative tasks, appointment scheduling, phone calls, and patient inquiries, they can automate many daily functions because the role can be automated and decrease their overall stress. Medical practice managers also typically have a predictable work schedule.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $30,000 to $102,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $14$30,000
Top-Level $49$102,000
Average $32$66,650


About the Job:

Healthcare human resources managers oversee the recruitment, hiring, training, and management of healthcare employees in hospitals, clinics, health systems, and other health facilities. Healthcare HR managers ensure the health workforce is adequately staffed, trained, and equipped to provide quality patient care.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Overall, healthcare HR management is considered one of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs for those who enjoy social communication or are extroverted. People with these traits find the role a bit easier and less stressful because HR managers directly support healthcare employees and empathize and listen to their problems and concerns. People who work in healthcare are the heart of the community, and this role can directly bolster the morale of others. When employees feel joy and experience social interaction daily at their job, they will experience lower tension levels.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $27,000 to $104,076 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $13$27,000
Top-Level $50$104,076
Average $36$74,185


About the Job:

Healthcare facilities managers manage the physical facilities of health organizations, such as hospitals and clinics. They supervise the maintenance, construction, and renovation projects. These professionals ensure the facilities comply with regulations and safety standards and oversee construction or renovation projects. They must stay current with rules and work closely with other departments or stakeholders to meet the needs of the facility. Healthcare facilities managers may also work to support the relationship between the facility and the community.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

This job can be low in stress for those who work for the correct organization. These supportive groups that include efficient systems and processes decrease the overall workload of the healthcare facilities manager. Facilities managers often are part of large organizations where they have colleagues and a strong support network to learn and grow. Finally, existing strategic and contingency plans solve the most challenging events in this job. Maximizing the use of these prior plans can provide a map of the best next steps, which can decrease overall stress.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $19,845 to $102,312 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $9.50$19,845
Top-Level $49$102,312
Average $31$64,408

LEAST STRESSFUL HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION JOB #13: Healthcare Social Media Marketing Manager

About the Job:

Healthcare social media marketing managers develop marketing campaigns and strategies to promote health services, facilities, and programs. They will develop marketing strategies through collaboration with colleagues and management of campaign metrics. They must know how to utilize the changing trends of each social media platform. Also, healthcare social media marketers at large organizations may conduct market research. Social media marketing is nuanced and always changing, so it is crucial to stay up with the trends.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

In-house healthcare social media marketing managers are some of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs because social media marketing managers have plenty of options that contribute to work-life balance. Healthcare Social media marketing managers can work remotely or on-site. They can also work as a freelance contractor or a full-time employee who receives benefits. The different opportunities in the work setting ensure that employees can minimize their total stress by creating the work schedule that works best for their life.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $22,050 to $109,368 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $10.50$22,050
Top-Level $52.50$109,368
Average $34$70,674


About the Job:

Healthcare administrative assistants play a crucial role in their work with the daily operations of a health organization or department. Beyond answering phone calls, greeting patients, and scheduling appointments, they address employee scheduling and staffing issues and assist with special projects. Healthcare administrative assistants function in a management role and act as a liaison that improves coordination between clinical teams and providers. They ensure all stakeholders work toward a common goal by facilitating effective communication and streamlining administrative tasks. Healthcare administrative assistants support a more efficient and effective health system.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Working as a healthcare administrative assistant is one of the low-stress healthcare administration jobs because they have a set of clearly defined tasks and responsibilities. By knowing their role and sticking to a regular series of functions, healthcare administrative assistants can reduce their ambiguity and uncertainty about what their employers expect. Healthcare administrative assistants often work typical business hours, promoting schedule predictability and work-life balance. Overall, the work as mentioned above along with the environment and nature of the job create synergistic benefits that work together to provide a stable daily routine and employment.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $19,000 to $63,000 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $14$19,000
Top-Level $25$63,000
Average $18$36,786


About the Job:

A healthcare risk manager identifies and assesses potential risks for health organizations. Next, they implement strategies to mitigate those risks through policies and strategies that minimize potential negative outcomes. Healthcare risk managers ensure patients receive safe, quality care through direct actions and collaboration with other departments and stakeholders. This role is crucial to enable hospitals to adhere to regulations and ensure the best possible patient outcomes. Some professionals get certified as professionals in healthcare risk management.

What Makes this Job Less Stressful:

Healthcare risk managers have low-stress healthcare administration jobs. Due to the legal and economic implications of properly managing risk in healthcare, health facilities, and organizations establish carefully considered guidelines and protocols to mitigate risks. Entire executive boards, practices of lawyers, and many other stakeholders carefully review each of these guidelines and protocols to ensure they are the best practices for the industry. Having a set response plan to all circumstances can decrease the stress of trying to create a new solution.

Earning Potential:

You can earn a salary ranging from $25,500 to $127,500 per year.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Entry-Level $12.50$25,500
Top-Level $61$127,500
Average $42$87,000

Are Low-Stress Healthcare Administration Jobs Hard to Find?

Finding low-stress healthcare administration job openings may take effort, but jobseekers can find these roles by taking a deep breath and implementing a strategy. The availability of the least stressful healthcare administration jobs varies, but professionals can find the perfect position if only they know where to look. There are several ways to find low-stress healthcare administration careers when pursuing hiring websites like Indeed. Search using relevant keywords like “administrative tasks” and then filter the jobs by remote preference and entry-level experience to help identify less demanding positions.

Another approach is to research job posts on career websites or job boards. These resources can provide positions that require no experience and less responsibility. Network with healthcare professionals in your community to be the first to find out about upcoming less stressful openings and make helpful connections with other professionals. Finally, joining professional organizations related to healthcare administration gets you early access to new low-stress healthcare administration jobs on their site-specific job board.

My Final Thoughts

This article answered your pressing questions about, “What are the least stressful healthcare administration jobs that pay well?” If you are pursuing a low-stress healthcare administration job, you will enjoy incredible advantages, including work-life balance, reduced stress levels, and increased job satisfaction. The 15 least stressful healthcare administration jobs that pay well in 2024 listed in this article offer you competitive salaries with opportunities for growth and professional advancement.

Despite being less demanding than other roles, choosing a low-stress healthcare administration job provides you with a fulfilling and rewarding career path. You will still have ample opportunities for promotion and growth. In conclusion, for those considering a career in healthcare administration, consider exploring one of these roles that align with your passion, talents, and dreams.

Caitlin Goodwin DNP, CNM, RN
Caitlin Goodwin is a Certified Nurse-Midwife who has been a nurse for 12 years, primarily in women’s health. She is passionate about caring for children with developmental disabilities, as her son has Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is currently working as a freelance writer and consultant and is passionate about advocating for her patients, students, and profession.