50 Reasons Why Nursing is a Good Career Choice
Written By:
Jennifer Schlette
Jennifer Schlette MSN, RN
Jennifer Schlette is a registered nurse in pediatric critical care in New York City. She is the former Director of Undergraduate Nursing at a college located in New York. After obtaining her BSN from the College of Mount Saint Vincent, she went on to complete her MSN. Jennifer also freelances as a fact-checker for a mother’s advice publication. Read Full Bio »» MSN, RN
Do you know what the number one job in America is? It is not a doctor, or a lawyer, or an accountant. It is a nurse! In fact, nursing is one of the most versatile and in-demand professions around. According to U.S. News & World Report, nursing is the number one job in America. Nurses are the backbone of the medical profession and play a vital role in patient care. If you are looking for a good career choice that will always be in high demand, nursing is definitely it. If you still need help answering that burning question, is nursing a good career choice, well then, this article is for you. Below you will find the 50 reasons why nursing is a great career choice. These 50 reasons will show you why pursuing a career as a nurse may be the right path for you.
Why Nursing is a Good Career Choice?
(Here are the 50 reasons why nursing is a great career choice.)
1. You will make an excellent salary.
Nursing is a good career choice because you will make a great living. The salary that you will be earning as a nurse is one of the most essential factors in making this career choice. Of course, there are other things that you should consider as well. Still, pay is always an important factor to consider before beginning a new job. The annual salary for nurses will vary depending on where you work, but the average
yearly salary is generally around $80,010 or more. For example, In New York, the average salary that you can expect is approximately $89,760. That is not too shabby at all.
2. Your income will be steady.
Another significant aspect of a nursing career is that your income will be steady. You can rest assured that you will always have a paycheck. Your paycheck will also be for an expected amount of money on payday. This is a great feeling because there is no wondering if you will have enough money for bills, etc. You will be able to budget for everything going on in your life.
3. Your salary could increase with your length of service to an organization
As a nurse, your salary may increase depending on the number of years you have worked. For example, in the state of Texas, the starting hourly wage is around $26.35. Now, if you have 10 years of experience or more, then your hourly wage will jump to $49.54 an hour. That is great to know that your dedication to the profession will be rewarded monetarily.
4. You could work full-time or part-time.
Nursing is a great career choice because it is a career where you do not have to make a full-time commitment. You can choose to work full-time or part-time. Full time is defined as working 40 hours a week. Working part-time means that you work less than full-time hours. You can choose to work the number of hours that suit your lifestyle.
5. You could work per-diem.
You can also choose to work another type of nursing position that is not full-time; it is per diem.
Per diem nurses typically work on a day-by-day or shift-to-shift basis. You may have a home unit or be floated to a different location each shift. As a per diem nurse, you will be able to make your own schedule and work the days that you are available. Many per diem nurses work three to four shifts a week, and some only work one or two. Having the ability to schedule your own shifts makes it incredibly easy to schedule your personal life around working.
6. You can choose what population you want to work with.
One of the top reasons why nursing is a good career choice is the fact that you can choose which population you want to work with. If you feel that you are best suited to work with children, pediatrics may be your calling. Maybe you feel like you can make a difference by working with the elderly, then geriatrics may be the field for you. Perhaps you like the type of care you would provide to middle-aged adults, then adult health may be the field for you.
No matter what your beliefs are, there is a population that needs nurses in their lives. They need care and compassion for whatever they are going through in life. It takes a particular person to be able to provide the best care possible.
7. You can work in various environments within a hospital.
Another one of the reasons why nursing is a good career choice is that you will have your choice of what department you want to work in in the hospital. Nurses work in a variety of departments in the hospital. You name a unit, there are most likely nurses working in it. You can choose to work in the delivery room, intensive care unit, operating room, perioperative services department, or any other number of different departments.
8. You can work in various settings in the school system.
As a nurse, you have the ability to work within the school system. You could have a career as a school nurse, a school nurse’s aide, or even a teacher in a nursing program if you want to expand your nursing career.
As a school nurse, you can work with sick or injured students in many different settings; you may even visit them at home. As the school nurse, you will also be responsible for establishing health policies and writing up reports about any infectious diseases like colds, cases of flu, etc...
Another option is to become a school nurse’s aide. This position is less intense than being a school nurse, but you will still be expected to administer first aid and help students who may be sick.
If you become employed as a
teacher in a nursing program, you will be responsible for teaching student nurses about the basics of the profession. Your job could also include; giving them lectures on advanced topics, administering tests, grading, and helping students plan their future academic courses.
9. You can work in various settings in the outpatient setting.
Nursing is a great career choice because you will find that you can work in various settings in the outpatient setting. For instance, you can work in a doctor's office, a rehabilitation center, or a diagnostic center, to name a few. Each location has its own set of requirements and things to consider when looking for employment. You will find the right fit for your personality and aspirations with so many options available.
10. You can have a job where you do not practice on people
As a nurse, you can actually hold a position where you will never lay a hand on a patient. Yes, that is right, never laying a hand on a patient. You could pursue a career in research, you could work in case management, or even as a coordinator for different services.
11. You can hold a job outside of the box.
As a nurse, you could hold a job that does not conform to the traditional nurse jobs out there. You could work as a nurse expert on court cases by becoming a legal nurse consultant or becoming a forensic nurse. As a forensic nurse, you will treat victims of abuse and violence and act as a consultant and expert witness for the legal system. You could work as a medical script nurse and help ensure the medical accuracy of some of your favorite shows and movies.
12. You could work in some pretty exciting settings.
Nurses can find themselves working in some rather unique places. Some of these places that you could work in could be on a
cruise ship or work for a theme park. You could also work on television sets. Hey, people will need care everywhere.
13. You can work four to twelve-hour days.
The best thing about nursing is that depending on your preference, you could work anywhere from four to twelve-hour days. If you feel like you do not want to work every day, well then working a 12-hour shift may be for you. If you do not have the stamina for that, well then, a short 4-hour day may be best for you.
14. You will be in high demand.
One of the biggest reasons why nursing is a good career choice is that you will always be in high demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for a nurse is expected to grow by 8.9% by 2030. As the population is aging and people live longer due to better health care, the medical industry is becoming busier than ever before. Even though there are not enough nurses at the moment, the need for more nurses is expected to rise dramatically over the next few years.
Another reason nurses are in such demand is that many more nurses are leaving the
profession at a rapid rate. This rapid decline in the number of nurses has left a void that needs to be filled.
15. Your career is recession-proof
The economy might be in decline, but this does not mean that people are any less ill. The career of a nurse is a profession that is essentially recession-proof. You will never need to worry about receiving a pink slip during challenging economic times. Your job will be safe.
16. You can find a job anywhere.
One of the biggest reasons nursing is a great career choice is that there are no geographical limitations. No matter where you live, you can always find a job as a nurse. Every place on earth utilizes the knowledge and skills of nurses.
17. You can travel and work.
One of the reasons that nursing is a good career choice is that you can have the option to be a
travel nurse at any time. The flexibility to move around the country and work in different places is one of the most significant benefits of being a nurse. Being a
travel nurse will allow you to see the entire country while working to support yourself.
18. There is a great deal of career advancement.
As a nurse, you will find that there are many different career advancement opportunities that you could take. Nursing is an exciting profession with tremendous growth, advancement, and always being in demand. If you choose, you can earn an advanced degree and slip into another role in the world of nursing. Some examples would be earning a
master's degree, becoming a
nurse practitioner, or working in management.
19. You could earn an advanced degree for free through your employer
If you decide that you want to pursue an advanced nursing degree, your employer may foot the bill for it. That is right. Many employers will offer free tuition reimbursement for nurses who wish to earn a graduate degree at an accredited university.
Many companies know that nurses will benefit from having advanced skills and knowledge. The company benefits as the nurse gains these skills and knowledge because then the nurse can contribute more effectively and efficiently. So, they cover those costs through their tuition assistance programs.
20. You can find an abundance of scholarships to earn your degree.
If you want to pursue a career as a nurse, but you have no idea how you would ever be able to pay for it, well, I have some good news for you. If you are pursuing a career as a nurse, one of the perks of this career is that there are plenty of
scholarships available to help you pay for school.
21. You can earn your degree online.
One of the reasons nursing is a great career choice is that you can earn your
bachelor’s degree online. The flexibility of earning your degree online is an excellent perk as you can plan around your other commitments and work. After earning your bachelor's degree online, you can further your education by earning a
master's degree in Nursing online. Hey, you can even earn your
doctorate online.
22. You can have a flexible schedule.
Another one of the reasons that nursing is a good career choice is that nurses are able to have much more flexibility in terms of scheduling than many other professions. Some nurses do not work a standard 40 hour, five-day-a-week schedule. They are able to arrange their schedule in a way that works best for them. This may include working days, nights, weekends, or any other combination of hours needed. They are also able to take off time for vacation or personal reasons when they need it.
23. Your schedule could allow you to have a second nursing job
The schedule that you may be working as a nurse would allow for you to hold a second job if you wanted to. There are a lot of nurses who have a second job because they need or want to make more money.
24. Your schedule could allow for you to have a side hustle.
One of the great things about the career of nursing is that your job will allow you to have a side hustle if you want to earn some extra money. Some common side hustles that you will see nurses working on are nurse coaches, nurse writers, or a tutor, to name a few.
25. You could work the shift that best fits your life.
Having the ability to work a shift that best fits your life is another one of the reasons to consider a career as a nurse. You can choose whether you work - days, evenings, or nights. Some nurses like to work all three shifts, and others prefer to stick with one. This flexibility means that the nurse is in control of her working life.
26. You could have a fantastic benefits package.
As a nurse, your employer will offer you a substantial benefits package. You and your family will be entitled to medical, dental, and in some cases, vision insurance. Having insurance will make you feel good knowing your family will be taken care of.
27. You could get paid time off.
You must think about how a job will affect the quality of life when you are considering if nursing is a good career choice. It is essential to know that nurses get paid time off, so it might be worth considering!
Once you join the nursing profession, you will also get paid holidays. You can use these days for your own personal pleasure. You will also get a set number of vacation weeks so you can really sit back and relax.
You will also get sick time from your employer. If you are a part of a Union, this may vary. Still, depending on your institution, you will get paid time off from work for those really gross viruses that everyone seems to catch.
28. You could be paid out if you do not use your paid time out
Depending on what institution you work for, you may be able to get paid for time off that you do not use. Some companies allow nurses to accrue sick days or personal days over several years. While other institutions will pay out unused leave yearly or when nurses resign from their post.
29. You could have a retirement plan.
Having a retirement plan for your future is always a smart move. There are so many different plans out there it is hard to choose one. Luckily for nurses, their employers often have retirement plans available for them. This should make you feel good knowing you will have a safety net when you are no longer working.
30. You have the opportunity to make extra money.
As a nurse, you can make extra money through overtime. Not all careers will give you the opportunity to make extra money through overtime. You can substantially increase your income by working overtime.
31. You could work from home.
Working from home sounds like a luxury to some people. As a nurse, you too could have this luxury. If you are not aware, some jobs let you
work from home. If this was your dream, it just got closer to becoming a reality. Some of the work from home jobs for nurses will include patient education, coordinating patient care, and quality assessment reviews as examples.
32. You could work from any destination.
If you are a nurse and work from home, you can have another reason to love your career. You can work from anywhere! Whether you prefer to be on a beach, pool, or by the beach volleyball court, you can enjoy your work and your life.
33. You can specialize
When deciding if nursing is a great career choice, you should take into account that you can specialize. There are plenty of specializations out there that you can choose to master. For example, you can become an oncology nurse or a
labor and delivery nurse, to name a few.
34. You can become certified.
As a nurse, you will have the option to become certified in your field. You could become a certified critical care nurse (
CCRN) or a certified oncology nurse (
ONCC). Certification shows others that you are dedicated and serious about your work and specialty. As a nurse, you will have the opportunity to become board certified in an area of nursing that interests you.
35. You will always be learning.
One of the top reasons why nursing is a great career choice is that it is a profession that never stops learning. Every day you will be faced with a new challenge, a unique situation, and a new opportunity to learn. You might think that after 4 or 5 years of experience, this would stop, but it does not – every shift brings up different challenges for nurses to overcome.
36. You will make a difference in people’s lives.
If You choose to become a nurse, you will be making positive impacts on people's lives every day. If not for nurses, patients would suffer needlessly and die because they cannot receive care without help from nurses. Sometimes it takes someone who understands what it takes to nurse people back to health to truly appreciate what good nurses do.
37. You could save a life.
Not everybody can say that they get up and go to work to save lives. But as a nurse, you will have that privilege every day. Nurses are the backbone of the medical world. Without them, people would not be able to receive treatment for their injuries or illnesses. Nurses are some of the most influential people in society today.
38. You will be well respected.
One of the top reasons why nursing is a good career choice is because as a whole it is a very well-respected career. When you are a nurse, your opinion will be valued and held in high regard. As a nurse, you will be seen as a valuable asset to society.
39. You will be in a career that is the most trusted profession
Nurses are viewed as one of the most
trusted professions. This is mainly because they are seen as the first line of care for anyone who is ill, injured, or in need. Nurses are the most visible health care providers to society. They interact with people from all different backgrounds, ranging from young to old and rich to poor.
40. You can be proud of your career.
Nursing is a good career choice for those who want to be proud of their profession. Not everybody can do what you do. Not everybody can handle the many different tasks that a nurse performs on a daily basis as well as handling the physical and emotional demands that will be placed on you. You should be proud of what you have accomplished.
41. You will never be bored.
Many people tend to get bored in their jobs because every day is the same. As a nurse, your every day will be different. At first, you may be intimidated by the fact that there is always something new and exciting happening. You will also always be meeting new people. Your work life can get pretty interesting.
42. You will not have a sedentary job.
You will not be sitting much during your workdays. You will not be working in a quiet, still office. As a nurse, you will not have a sedentary job. You are always on the move helping patients during your work hours. There is a lot of physical effort involved in this career, but it is worth every minute!
43. Your job may keep you physically fit.
Nursing is a great career choice because it is a profession that will keep you physically fit. If you are not physically fit before getting into the field of nursing, you will definitely become active and feel the burn on some days. If you are already active, you will become a superhuman athlete.
This is because working as a nurse is hard work physically. You have to stand for long periods of time and walk a lot. Nurses also lift, push and pull patients all the time.
44. You will be a vital part of the healthcare team.
Another one of the top reasons why nursing is a good career path is because as a nurse, you will be a vital part of the healthcare team. Most healthcare facilities cannot function without you. From start to finish, you provide crucial services that allow hospitals and doctors' offices to function. You also help patients cope with their medical conditions. You are the glue that holds it all together.
45. You can receive discounts.
One of the career perks of being a nurse is that you will get discounts on certain items for just being a nurse. Many hospitals will offer discounts to nurses for services like medical supplies, continuing education courses, or even free flu shots. Other companies such as clothing companies or rental cars for example will also give discounts to nurses.
46. You may not have to dress up for work.
Another significant aspect of a nursing career is that you will not have to get dressed up for work, depending on where you work. You will get to wear scrubs. Scrubs are great, comfortable to wear, and rarely wrinkle. It is effortless to get ready for work.
47. You may have your uniforms paid for
Depending on where you work as a nurse, the management of the healthcare facility might pay for your uniform. In some cases, it may be a requirement to have a specific type of clothing for working. Some facilities will provide their employees with multiple uniforms each year.
48. Your coworkers may become like family.
As a nurse, your coworkers will become like family. There is no better feeling as a nurse than to start a shift with at least one friend to count on. In the medical field, life and death situations happen every day, and it is crucial for nurses to have each other's backs through everything. Nurses form bonds without even realizing it because, after long nights and crazy shifts, you will definitely feel like family.
49. You will be seen as an expert.
One of the reasons nursing is a good career choice is that you will be seen as an expert. Nurses are the 'go-to person when it comes to healthcare. Nurses are a trusted source of information and advice, even in areas beyond their expertise - which is a good thing most of the time! Our patients expect us to know everything; after all, we have been at school longer than they have!
50. It is never too late to become a nurse.
The great thing about the nursing profession is that it is never too late to be a nurse. Many people will make nursing their second career. People come from all walks of life. You will find older adults who were enticed to become nurses through their friends or family that are already in the profession. You will also find people who felt like they still had something important to offer, which is why they decided to try out nursing for themselves.
8 Reasons That Make Nursing a Not So Good Career
1. You may end up working short-staffed.
One of the reasons nursing may not be such a great career choice is that you will find yourself working short-staffed on numerous occasions. Being short-staffed can be a very frustrating experience for any nurse who is working in the nursing industry. The healthcare facility can become highly
unsafe at times.
2. Not all your patients will treat you well.
One of the downsides to being a nurse is that your patients may not always treat you well. Some patients you encounter may be rude and disrespectful. They may yell at you, and even say hurtful things.
3. You may have to work weekends or holidays.
Missing memory-making opportunities with your loved ones can be upsetting for all those involved. Unfortunately, for nurses, this is a reality. There are many times when they have to miss holidays, family functions, and so on. It is hard for any nursing professional to work during these times. Still, their employment obligations mean that they will often be required to do so.
4. Your job could make you sick.
One thing you need to think about if you are considering becoming a nurse is that there is a high chance that you will be exposed to some pretty nasty pathogens. These pathogens can make you sick or even make your family sick. Most people do not think about this aspect of nursing, but you need to be prepared.
5. Your salary may depend on where you live.
A nurse's salary will depend on where you live. In some states, your salary will be much higher than in others. There is no uniform answer of what a nurse should be getting paid, as this depends on your state. Each state sets its own rates for what hospitals can pay their nurses, and it is up to the hospital that you work at to determine what percentage they want to give towards your salary.
6. You may sustain a work injury.
Nursing is one of the most physical professions, yet it is easy to forget that nurses are prone to get injured at work too. Some of the most common injury areas are the back, shoulders, neck, eyes, and knees. Musculoskeletal injuries are the leading cause of work-related illness and injuries. Low back pain is the number one issue.
7. You may not get a break.
We talked earlier about how you will be working with short staffing, which will lead to you rarely having a break during your workday. The demands of your patients and the amount of work you will have to do as a result of being short-staffed may keep you from getting a break during your shift.
8. You may get burned out.
One of the significant detriments to nursing is burnout. Burnout is different from feeling tired, overwhelmed, or stressed. It is a state of emotional exhaustion and detachment that can lead to mistakes in judgment and poor decisions resulting in patient harm. Nurse burnout can lead you to want to leave the profession and even make you "hate" your job.
7 Ways to Find Out if Nursing is the Right Career Choice for You
1. You could shadow a nurse for a day
One way to determine if nursing is a good career choice for you is to shadow a nurse for a day. This way, you can feel what it is really is like to be in this profession. You will be exposed to the responsibilities of this job, the working environment, and the people that are part of it.
2. You could work as a volunteer
Another way you explore in order to determine if you should be a nurse is by working as a volunteer in a healthcare facility. The experience will give your insight into what it is like to work in this field and what your day looks like at the hospital or nursing center.
3. You could pick the brain of a nurse
Picking the brain of a nurse is an excellent way to get all your pertinent questions answered. Nurses are very giving of their time and knowledge. They will be happy to tell you what is good about the career they love, as well as any not-so-great aspects about it. Having this valuable information will help you decide if you yourself should be a nurse.
5. You could audit a nursing class
If you are having trouble figuring out what to do after graduation, you might want to consider auditing a nursing class. This will allow you to get an inside look at what your life would be like in this field without it being too much of a time commitment. When you audit a nursing class, you are essentially sitting in on the class without paying for or taking the exams.
6. Take to the internet
Another way to determine if you want to become a nurse is to read the nursing forums and blogs. However, this can be a double-edged sword. If you read the positive ones, you will see how extraordinary a career as a nurse is. If you read the negative ones, you will see all of the problems nurses have to deal with on the job. Reading both types of forums and blogs will help give you an idea about whether or not you should pursue this career.
7. You could work as a companion
Working as a companion for a disabled or elderly person before becoming a nurse may give you a feel for the profession. Many of the responsibilities and activities you would undertake as a companion could transfer over to nursing, such as: communicating with the patient, maintaining their independence and dignity, and providing emotional support and reassurance. Enjoy caring for others in this capacity. Becoming a nurse may be rewarding for you on many levels.
My Final Thoughts
Is nursing a good career choice? Nursing is a good career choice for many reasons. Some of the most compelling are these 50 reasons, which highlight why nursing can be an excellent way to make money and do meaningful work at the same time. If you are looking to join the nursing profession, I hope this blog post has provided some insights into why it may be the right choice. The job outlook is favorable, and there are plenty of opportunities available in all types of settings- hospitals, clinics, schools, etc. I also touched on how nurses can impact by providing care when people need help most - both physically and emotionally. I hope the 50 reasons why nursing is a great career choice is the insight on the career that you have been waiting for to make this career choice.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert
1. Where Do The Majority Of Nurses Work?
You will find the majority of nurses working within the healthcare setting. Majority of nurses, 1,729,200 work in the general medical and surgical hospitals. Around 192,300 can be found working in a physician’s office. Home health care services account for 169,630 nurses and the outpatient care setting has around 150,380 nurses working within it. Nursing care facilities employ around 143,250 nurses.
Workplace | Employment |
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | 1,729,200 |
Offices of Physicians | 192,300 |
Home Health Care Services | 169,630 |
Outpatient Care Centers | 150,380 |
Nursing Care Facilities | 143,250 |
2. How Much Do Nurses Make?
The average annual salary for a nurse is around $80,010 a year, $38.47 an hour, or about $6,670 a month. An entry-level salary is about $53,410 annually. That is an hourly rate of $25.68 or $4,450 a month. A nurse who has worked 1 to 4 years can expect an annual salary of $61,630 a year or $29.63 an hour. Your monthly earnings will be $5,140. An experience level of 5-9 years will earn about $36.22 an hour, $7,800 a month, or an annual salary of about $75,330.
Having 10-19 years of experience will have you earning $93,580 a year. This is $45.00 an hour or $7,800 a month. At 20 years, you can expect to be earning roughly $116,230 a year or about $55.88 an hour. This will translate to you earning $9,690 a month.
Level of Experience | Annual | Monthly | Hourly |
Entry-Level | $25.68 | $4,450 | $53,410 |
1-4 Years of Experience | $29.63 | $5,140 | $61,630 |
5-9 Years of Experience | $36.22 | $6,280 | $75,330 |
10-19 Years of Experience | $45.00 | $7,800 | $93,590 |
20 Years or More Experience | $55.88 | $9,690 | $116,230 |
Average Salary | $38.47 | $6,670 | $80,010 |
3. What Is The Job Outlook For Nurses?
The job outlook for a nurse is expected to grow in a positive direction. In 2020 the employment number for nurses was 3,080,100. This number is projected to grow by 8.99% to 3,356,100 by the year 2030. That is an increase of 276,800 nurses.
Employment in 2020 | Projected Employment in 2030 | New Employment Growth (2020-2030) |
Number | % |
3,080,100 | 3,356,800 | 276,800 | 8.99% |
4. How Many Annual Job Openings Are There For Nurses?
There are a total of 194,500 annual job openings for nurses.
Annual Job Openings (New + Replacement) |
194,500 |
5. Do I Need To Be Smart To Be A Nurse?
Nursing is a career that is centered around people’s lives. Remember a life is not replaceable. So, to be a nurse, you will need to have command of the sciences and math. You will need to have exceptional critical thinking skills. So, the short answer to this question, is yes, you do need to be smart to be a nurse. You will need to be able to apply the knowledge base that you have gained in your schooling to the clinical setting.
6. Is Nursing A Good Career For A Male?
Nursing is a career that is not just specific to certain genders. Yes, I know that stereotypically a nurse is considered female, but there are many male nurses that excel in the career. There are many male nurses who are glad that they pursued this career path.
7. Is Nursing A Good Career For Someone Who Is Afraid Of Blood?
Not all nursing career paths will require that you come in contact with blood. If you work as a clinical coordinator or a case manager, for example, you will never come in contact with blood. So, if you are afraid of blood, the career as a nurse is not off the table for you.
8. Do Nurses Ever Get Grossed Out?
At some point in your career, you may encounter a sight, smell, or sound that is just a bit much for you to handle. Everybody will get grossed out over something. This is not specific to the career of nursing. At the end of the day, it is not a big deal.
9. Is Nursing A Good Career For Someone Who Is Disabled?
The great thing about nursing is that it is a career that has many different areas that you could work in. Your disability should not limit you in career choices. This is especially the case for nursing. You could choose a specialty of nursing that will enable you to achieve your dream job, but also accommodate any disability you may have.
10. Is Nursing A Good Career Choice For People With ADHD?
Once again, nursing has so many avenues that you could pursue. If you are somebody living with ADHD, you will have a wide variety of paths that you could take in regard to which type of nursing specialty to work in. This is great because you will be able to find a specialty that will interest and focus you.
11. Is Nursing A Good Career For Someone Whose First Language Is Not English?
The career of nursing does not discriminate. If English is not your first language, well, no big deal. If you feel confident enough in reading, writing, and speaking English then you should go for it. I mention these skills because remember, you will need to pass your state boards which are in English. All that matters at the end of the day is that you are able to safely care for your patients.
12. Is Nursing A Good Career For Introverts?
Nursing is a career that does not demand that you be an extrovert. I myself am an introvert and I have excelled in this career. As long as you are competent in your knowledge and skills, then that is all that should matter.
13. Do Nurses Make Good Money?
Yes, nurses make an above-average wage. As a nurse, you can expect to be paid very well. You will also have the opportunity to increase your salary through education, overtime, and specialization.
14. What Type Of Nurses Make The Most Money?
There is no one specific type of nurse that makes the most money. Your earning potential will depend on your years of service to an institution, the state you live in, and what the payment structure of an institution is.
15. Is A Career In Nursing Recession-Proof?
Yes, a career in nursing is recession-proof. There will always be sick and injured people who will need your expertise. So, the country may go into a recession but the amount of sick and injured will not slow down.
16. Are Nurses Immune To Layoffs?
Unfortunately, nurses are not immune to layoffs. Layoffs occur because of many reasons such as restructuring, or an institution closing. If this is the case, then your job will not be salvaged. The good news is, that if you are laid off. Then you will easily find another job.
17. Is Nursing A Stable Career?
Yes, nursing is an extremely stable career. Think about it, you are in high demand, so you can find a job anywhere. You will make a great salary and will be able to budget your life. If you choose a career as a nurse, well then you have made a great choice.
18. Is Nursing A Fun Career?
Nursing can be a fun career. Even though you are working, you will always be learning. You will never be bored. You will also form bonds with your co-workers which will lead to fun experiences inside and outside of work.
19. Are Nurses Happy?
Nurses are generally happy with what they do for a living. You of course will find those in the career that are not. Overall, though, the majority of nurses are happy that they made the choice to become a nurse.
20. Is Nursing Worth It In 2024?
It is definitely worth becoming a nurse in the year 2024. You will essentially be able to gain your dream job due to so many nurses leaving the career. If you choose to travel and become a travel nurse, well the salaries for this line of work are only increasing. You have the upper hand when it comes to the terms of your employment.
Jennifer Schlette MSN, RN
Jennifer Schlette is a registered nurse in pediatric critical care in New York City. She is the former Director of Undergraduate Nursing at a college located in New York. After obtaining her BSN from the College of Mount Saint Vincent, she went on to complete her MSN.