11 Best Online Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs For 2025

Written By: Darby Faubion BSN, RN

Are you a registered nurse considering making a career move? Do you love children and like the idea of working in a more direct role as a pediatric healthcare provider? If this sounds like you, a dual pediatric NP program online can help make this a reality. Dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online are an excellent way to pursue a career as a pediatric care provider with dual graduate degrees. Are you interested but not sure where to start? No worries! The best online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs for 2025 featured in this article can help. As you continue reading, you will find information about the programs, including the cost, curriculum, clinical requirements, and admission criteria.

What Exactly Is the Goal of a Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program?

The goal of dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs is to prepare advanced practice nurses with graduate degrees in both acute and primary care pediatric nursing. These programs offer a curriculum that covers primary and acute pediatric needs and provide students with clinical experiences relevant to the concentrations. In the primary care portion of the dual degree program, students learn to assess, diagnose, and treat commonly occurring health issues related to the pediatric patient and to promote health and wellness. The acute care portion includes a focus on the diagnosis and management of acute, chronic, and often complex health problems of infants, children, and adolescents.

7 Big Benefits of Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs

Deciding to go back to school and earn a higher degree can be very exciting. There are so many things to consider, and you probably have lots of questions. You may be wondering if online dual-track pediatric NP programs are right for you. To give you a little more insight, here are seven benefits of these programs to consider.

1. Opportunities to work in diverse settings.

One of the great things about earning dual primary and acute care pediatric nurse practitioner degrees is that you will be qualified to work with patients and their families from different backgrounds and in various settings.

2. You will become an expert in the field of pediatric nursing.

As a graduate of one of the best online pediatric nurse practitioner dual programs, you will be an expert pediatric provider and provide care to pediatric patients who are well to those with acute and/or chronic health conditions.

3. Significant earning potential.

According to ZipRecruiter, registered nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing make an average annual salary of $75,000. Pediatric nurse practitioners who hold dual degrees earn over $123,000 yearly, nearly $50,000 more than BSN-prepared nurses.

4. Your marketability increases.

Anyone who wants to excel in their chosen career should have a plan to increase their marketability. Earning a dual-track pediatric nurse practitioner degree means you have gained the knowledge and mastered the skills necessary to provide care to patients anywhere on the wellness spectrum. The ability to do this makes you a valuable commodity to employers.

5. Earn two degrees in less time.

The thought of going to school for three or four years may not fit into the idea of “less time.” However, if you choose to pursue an accredited dual-track pediatric NP program online, you could earn two degrees at once and decrease the amount of time it takes to graduate by a few years vs. pursuing the degrees separately.

6. Increase your chances of long-term job security.

Like all business owners, employers in the healthcare industry love to hire people who are versatile on the job and want to stay with their company. This helps reduce employee turnover and helps establish stability for the business. The ability to perform in a primary or acute provider role means you can leverage your knowledge and skills to find a job that offers long-term stability.

7. You can save money on your degrees.

The decision to pursue online pediatric nurse practitioner dual programs can be cost-effective in the long run. Although graduate programs are not always cheap, many of the courses you will take are included in both the primary and the acute PNP curriculum. In this case, you would only need to take those classes and pass them once, which can significantly reduce your cost.

How Long Are Online Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs?

Before you enroll in an accredited dual pediatric nurse practitioner program online, you should realize it will require commitment. Admission to these programs is often competitive, and the curriculum is rigorous. To top it off, the average programs, like those mentioned in the table below, take three to four years to complete and require dedication to your studies. As you consider which program may be best for you, keep in mind that some schools may offer accelerated study plans that reduce the amount of time the program lasts. Additionally, some students may take longer than the estimated time to graduate.

School Total # of Required Credits Minimum # of Clinical Hours Length of Program
The University of Iowa 98 1,540 3- and 4-year program options
Rutgers University 85 1,000 4 years
The University of Florida 93 1,392 3 ½ to 4 ½ years
Johns Hopkins University 8 1,080 3 to 4 years
The University of Alabama at Birmingham 69 1,080 3 years

How Much Do Online Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs Cost?

Prospective college students often report that one of their main concerns when choosing a program is the cost. The best dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online cost from $25,000 to over $150,000. If you know you want to pursue a dual PNP degree but are unsure if you can meet the financial obligation, speak with a financial aid advisor at any school that interests you. There are options including federal grants and loans, private loans, scholarships, and employer-sponsored education programs that may help offset the expense. You can make your dream of becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner with dual degrees a reality.

Below are a few examples of the cost of some of the featured programs in this article.


Creighton University’s College of Nursing

, students in the dual-track pediatric NP program complete seventy-one credits. With a tuition rate of $955 per credit hour, the estimated tuition cost is $67,805. Students are also assessed university fees ranging from $153 to $305 and technology fees from $64 to $127 per semester, depending on the number of hours they are enrolled each semester.

Rutger’s University

offers the only doctoral-level dual pediatric NP program in New Jersey. The program includes a combination of online and in-person courses, including eighty-five credit hours. The tuition rate for New Jersey residents is $836 per credit hour, and out-of-state students pay $1,219. Depending on residency status, tuition ranges from $71,969 to $103,615.

Another of our featured online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs can be found at the

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

. Students complete sixty-four credit hours, including 1,020 clinical hours to prepare them for clinical work after graduation. The per-credit tuition rate is $443 for students who reside in Tennessee, and for non-residents is $1,117. This cost includes maintenance, program and services, health and technology fees, and malpractice insurance. The program cost averages $28,352 to $72,605.

The BSN to DNP dual online pediatric NP program at the

University of Florida

involves ninety-three credit hours, including 1,392 clinical practicum hours. Tuition is based on a per-credit basis at a rate of $625.99 for Florida residents and $1,350.71 for non-residents. The average cost of the program ranges from $59,469 to $125,616.


University of Iowa

calculates tuition for resident and non-resident students the same, at the cost of $1,250.25 per credit hour. With ninety-eight required credit hours, the program, one of the best online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs available, costs approximately $122,524.50.


The curriculum for accredited online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, and the use of technology relevant to nursing care. Students who successfully complete these programs are skilled at specializing in pediatric acute and primary care and meeting the healthcare needs of children and their families.

Below are a few sample courses and descriptions that students in dual online pediatric nurse practitioner programs may take.

Child Health:

Focuses on the unique health and developmental needs of pediatric patients; Students develop perspectives on health, wellness, and illness in children, emphasize family-centered care and learn to incorporate teaching, counseling, and health screening in their practice.

Acute Care of Children:

This class is designed to broaden the student's knowledge related to advanced principles and theories relevant to the delivery of nursing care of children with acute and/or chronic illnesses; Students are exposed to pediatric shock, sepsis, trauma care, non-pharmacologic pain interventions, pediatric cardiology and respiratory diseases, hematology, and oncology.

Human Growth and Development:

In this course, variations in normal and abnormal growth and development of patients from birth through adolescence are studied, including measures to appropriately screen, identify, and manage the cause of abnormal growth and development.

The following are examples of curriculum requirements at a few of our featured programs.


University of Alabama at Birmingham

offers an Acute and Primary Care Dual-Track Pediatric NP program. Students are engaged in a program of study that combines primary and acute didactic and clinical coursework and clinical practicum in both acute and primary care settings. Students participate in laboratory and simulation experiences designed to develop the essential skill sets of a pediatric nurse practitioner. The program curriculum includes sixty-nine credit hours of coursework, including forty-nine credit hours of didactic work and twenty credit hours of clinical practice.

Sample Curriculum:

◦ Interprofessional Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence
◦ Pharmacology and Therapeutics
◦ Advanced Pediatric Primary Care I, II, and III (Each of these classes has a corresponding practicum experience.)
◦ Advanced Pediatric Acute Care I, II, and III (Each of these classes has a corresponding practicum experience.)
◦ Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning for Advanced Nursing Practice


Catholic University of America

has designed one of our featured accredited dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online. Students learn to provide care to children and adolescents across the health continuum from wellness to primary needs and acute care. The program curriculum includes fifty-one to fifty-four credits, depending on the student's previous credits and 1,140 clinical hours.

Sample Curriculum:

◦ Complex Acute Healthcare Problems in Pediatrics
◦ Advanced Diagnostics
◦ Children with Special Needs
◦ Advanced Population Health
◦ Health Promotion


University of Mississippi Medical Center

offers an Acute/Primary Care Pediatric NP program taught by expert faculty. Low student-to-faculty ratios and personalized attention help make this program one of the best online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs. The school has state-of-the-art simulation labs used to teach pediatric procedures preparing students for hands-on clinical experiences. Students are offered individualized plans of study with special consideration given to their personal goals and geographic locations.

Sample Curriculum:

◦ Therapeutic Management of the Pediatric Client I, II, and III
◦ Health Policy and Population Health
◦ Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
◦ Therapeutic Management of the Pediatric Client
◦ Informatics and Healthcare Technology

The eighty-five-credit-hour dual pediatric NP program at

Rutgers University School of Nursing

combines coursework with a clinical practicum and DNP project experience. The four-year program is delivered in a hybrid format of blended online and in-person classes.

Sample Curriculum:

◦ Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology
◦ Pediatric Pathophysiology and Assessment
◦ Management of the Neonate and Breastfeeding
◦ Acute Care of Children
◦ Primary Care of Children with Chronic Conditions

Creighton University’s

BSN to DNP dual pediatric nurse practitioner program prepares students to manage the care of pediatric patients across the continuum of care. Graduates of this program are eligible to take the Primary and Acute Care National Certification examinations administered through the Pediatric Nurse Certification Board.

Sample Curriculum:

◦ Well Child Care Management
◦ Care of the Pediatric Patient in the Urgent or Emergency Setting
◦ Care of the Critically Ill Child
◦ Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Child
◦ Pharmacology Across the Lifespan for Advanced Practice Nursing

Clinical Training

As outlined in the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (DNP Essentials), doctorate nursing programs typically require students to earn at least 1,000 post-baccalaureate clinical practice hours. The DNP Essentials outlines recommendations for the DNP curriculum, including clinical experiences. The publication, states "In order to achieve the DNP competencies, programs should provide a minimum of 1,000 hours of practice post-baccalaureate as part of a supervised academic program." While some programs may require a higher number of clinical hours, it is rare for them to require fewer than 1,000.

The following are examples of clinical requirements at some of the featured programs from this article.

The accredited dual-track pediatric nurse practitioner program at the

University of Tennessee at Knoxville

prepares students to provide advanced care to infants, children, and adolescents from diverse backgrounds in various settings. Students must complete a minimum of 1,000 hours of post-baccalaureate clinical practice.

Drexel University’s

dual-track pediatric NP program online prepares students for roles as advanced practice clinicians, researchers, educators, and leaders caring for pediatric health and wellness. Students complete sixty-two credits, including 1,000 hours of direct patient care in a clinical practicum. The clinical rotations include exposure to primary well-child settings, acute/chronic care of pediatrics patients, the management of children and adolescents, and the care of medically fragile and technology-dependent children in the community.

Students enrolled at the

University of Iowa

BSN to DNP dual pediatric NP program are prepared for leadership roles as pediatric nurse practitioners. The study plan includes immersion in advocacy and public policy, change theory, specialty systems, economics, and finance. Graduation eligibility requires the completion of ninety-eight credit hours and 1,540 clinical practice hours.

The accredited online dual pediatric nurse practitioner program at the

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

is a sixty-four-credit hour program that requires a minimum of 1,020 clinical hours.

Admission Requirements

After deciding you want to earn dual pediatric NP degrees, the next step is finding a program and getting accepted. Although admission criteria may differ from one school or program to the next, there are minimum requirements that most programs observe.

For example, the renowned dual pediatric nurse practitioner online programs typically require students to meet the following criteria.

◦ Be a graduate of an accredited BSN program
◦ Possess an active, unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse
◦ Submit letters of professional reference
◦ Prepare an Admission Essay or Letter of Intent
◦ Provide a professional resume and/or curriculum vitae
◦ Pass a criminal background check and drug test
◦ Show proof of current immunizations

The following are a few of this article’s featured programs and sample admission criteria.

Johns Hopkins University

offers one of the best dual-track pediatric NP programs online, preparing students who are practice-ready by graduation.

Sample Admission Requirements:

◦ Entry-level nursing master’s degree or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from an accredited college or university
◦ One-year full-time RN experience working in an acute care setting providing care to the pediatric population by the start of the program (critical care, emergency department, intermediate care preferred)
◦ Interview with program faculty
◦ Submit a Personal Goal Statement

The dual-track pediatric NP program at the

University of Tennessee at Knoxville

is a hybrid online program that includes on-campus visits twice each semester throughout the clinical component. The program is designed for full-time enrollment. Curriculum plans are individualized and tailored to meet the student’s needs under the guidance of the program coordinator.

Sample Admission Requirements:

◦ United States degree holders must show proof of a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 on a 4.0 grading scale or a 3.0 average during the senior year of undergraduate study.
◦ Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation
◦ Submit transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended, even if a degree was not obtained.

Creighton University

strives to create strong nurse leaders. Their dual-track pediatric NP program is offered online with practicality in mind. Students gain advanced knowledge and practical experience necessary to provide effective hands-on care in advanced healthcare roles.

Sample Admission Requirements:

◦ Possess a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from a CCNE- or ACEN-accredited college or university
◦ Have an undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0 or higher
◦ Have a minimum of 2,000 hours of professional nursing experience before beginning clinical courses
◦ Successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course and a physical assessment course, both with a grade of "C" or higher


University of Florida

offers another one of the popular BSN to DNP dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online.

Sample Admission Requirements:

◦ Current, unrestricted Florida or multi-state RN license
◦ Upper-division nursing major with a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
◦ Bachelor of Science in Nursing from an ACEN-, CCNE-, or CNEA-accredited program
◦ Demonstrated ability or potential for clinical excellence in leadership


(These Dual Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs are ideal for individuals who wish to become a pediatric nurse practitioner with skills & knowledge in both acute and primary care.)

1. Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Primary/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

2. University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, AL

Programs Offered:


MSN Concentrations:

Pediatric Acute/Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

3. Drexel University - Philadelphia, PA

Programs Offered:


MSN Concentrations:

Primary Care/Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

4. University of Iowa - Iowa City, Iowa

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Primary/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

5. The Catholic University of America - Washington, DC

Programs Offered:


MSN Concentrations:

Acute/Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

6. University of Mississippi Medical Center - Jackson, MS

Programs Offered:


MSN Concentrations:

Acute/Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

7. University of Tennessee-Knoxville - Knoxville, TN

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Acute/Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

8. Rutgers University-Camden - Camden, NJ

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Primary/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

9. University of Tennessee Health Science Center - Memphis, TN

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Acute/Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

10. University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Acute/Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

11. Creighton University - Omaha, NE

Programs Offered:


BSN to DNP Concentrations:

Pediatric Primary/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner


Career Opportunities for Dual Pediatric NP Graduates

Graduates of dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online have the potential to find career opportunities in several settings. The type of setting that interests you most will likely determine where you apply and begin to work. Here are a few places dual pediatric NPs may work.

Pediatric Outpatient Clinic:

Typically works weekday schedules, must have strong communication and clinical skills, provides care to pediatric patients from newborn through adolescence, and offers support and education to their families/caregivers.

Pediatric Urgent Care:

Treats urgent, but non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries in a clinic setting.

School-Based Health Centers:

Some Pediatric Nurse Practitioners work in schools or on college and university campuses.

Youth Detention Centers:

Pediatric NPs in youth detention centers provide care to juvenile offenders who are incarcerated and require assessment and/or management of illness/disease

Pediatric ICU:

Provides care to pediatric patients requiring intensive healthcare efforts by assessing, analyzing test results, developing treatment plans, and evaluating their effectiveness

Average Salary for Dual Pediatric NP Professionals

The nursing industry offers great income-earning opportunities, and Dual Pediatric NP professionals are no exception. The average annual income for nurse practitioners with this dual degree is $123,300. NPs with prior pediatric work experience may be offered higher starting salaries. Also, with continued experience, income is likely to increase. Pediatric nurse practitioners who work in management or administrative positions often earn more, as well.


Job Outlook for Dual Pediatric NP Graduates

According to documentation from the Association of American Medical Colleges, there are approximately 58,000 pediatricians practicing in the United States. The U.S. Census Bureau reported the United States population on July 11, 2021, was over 332 million, and over 76 million of those people are eighteen years old or younger. These statistics indicate there is one primary care pediatrician for every 1,317 children in the U.S. After earning a degree from an online dual pediatric nurse practitioner program, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners are qualified to provide focused care dedicated to children, thereby filling the critical gap caused by the shortage of pediatricians. This information alone is sufficient to suggest the job outlook for pediatric nurse practitioners is favorable and will continue to be.

The Bottom Line

If you love nursing and desire to work with children, the best online dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs for 2025 can help you take your career to new levels. With dual degrees in primary and acute pediatric care, there are unlimited opportunities to broaden the scope of your practice while caring for the youngest and often most vulnerable patient population.


What do dual-track pediatric NP online programs look for in an applicant?

Admissions faculty look at several factors when choosing applicants for their programs. Successful applicants to dual-track pediatric NP programs typically have an undergraduate grade point average of at least a 3.3 on a 4.0 grading scale. Outstanding letters of recommendation are a must and should come from people with at least a master's degree who can speak to the applicant's likelihood of success in the program. Any evidence of past leadership experience is also helpful. Keep in mind, no two applicants are identical. Be yourself and be honest about why you chose this path.

Should students in dual pediatric nurse practitioner programs online continue working while in school?

One of the benefits of online dual-track NP pediatric programs is that you have more flexibility with your schedule than students in brick-and-mortar schools, making it possible for some students to continue working. The question is, though, should you? If you are the sole or primary breadwinner of your family, you may not have the option of taking a leave from work or cutting back on your hours. Talking with your family, your employer, and your academic advisor for insight and feedback regarding their expectations of you while you are in school, may help you decide the right option.

Do all accredited dual-track pediatric NP online programs require applicants to have previous pediatric nursing experience?

Each college or university reserves the right to determine admission criteria for their programs, and work experience requirements may vary. Typically, applicants who wish to enroll in a dual pediatric NP program are expected to have at least one year of experience in a pediatric clinical setting where they have provided hands-on nursing care. Speaking with an admission counselor at the schools that interest you will allow you to verify work experience requirements and verify the programs to which you may be eligible for admission.

Darby Faubion BSN, RN
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years' experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels.