ANCC VS. AANP – Which FNP Exam Should I Take?

Written By: Donna ReeseDonna Reese MSN, RN, CSN

Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing. She utilizes her personal experiences to write from the heart to apply to her writing for various health publications, including BLOGS, newsletters, and educational materials and videos. Read Full Bio »»

Congratulations! You have made it through your family nurse practitioner program (or are near the end). It has been a long, hard journey, and you are ready to get started in practice. You are almost there and now need to think (and may perhaps worry) about your final test, the FNP certifying exam. This is the test that family nurse practitioners need to take to be certified as an official provider.

With this all-important exam just around the corner, you should know that 2 national entities administer these tests: the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Credentialing Board (AANPCB) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). With 2 exams to choose from, how can you decide which is best for you? You may wonder what are the similarities and differences between ANCC vs. AANP certification?

You are wise to investigate these credentialing tests before making a choice. Each test is slightly different, and there may be one better suited to your future career plans and educational background. Here, I will break down the key similarities and differences between ANCC-FNP vs. AANP-FNP certification exam so that you can decide which test to take for your FNP certification.

ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Who Administers the Exam?


The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) administers the ANCC-FNP exam. The ANCC is a branch of the American Nurses Association.


The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) administers the AANP-FNP exam. This independent nonprofit credentialing organization is recommended by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). Although this certification board is now autonomous from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, it was initially formed by this organization.

ANCC-FNP vs. AANP-FNP: What is the Purpose of the Exam?


The purpose of the ANCC FNP exam is to recognize the education and preparedness of a family nurse practitioner program graduate. A new grad FNP does not have years of experience to provide essential qualifications. Thus, it is critical that a national certifying board evaluates the readiness to serve as a competent provider.


The AANP FNP certification purpose is similar to the ANCC's. The AANP certification board has now been renamed The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB). The AANPCB aims “to provide a valid and reliable program for nurse practitioners to recognize their education, knowledge, and professional experience”. Through this certification, new grads from a family nurse practitioner program can validate their readiness to perform as a qualified FNP.

ANCC vs. AANP: Since How Long Has the Exam Been Around?


In 1990, the ANA founded its credentialing center, the ANCC. By January 1, 1991, the ANCC was operational and offering certification testing to nurses.


In 1993, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners developed the AANP FNP certifying examination. However, in 1999, the certifying board incorporated separately and is now an independent entity. The new name is listed as the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) and is no longer a branch of AANP.

ANCC vs. AANP: Where is the Exam Conducted?


ANCC partners with Prometric testing centers to offer onsite examinations in many convenient locations throughout the US. Prometric provides testing centers all over the US and regularly adds more locations.

Readiness exams can be conducted online with your computer and camera.


AANP tests are also administered through Prometric. Prometric makes the process easy and convenient by online scheduling through They offer flexible scheduling 6 days a week and evenings, making it easier to work the exam into your busy life. However, you do need to take the test onsite at the Prometric center of your choice.

ANCC vs. AANP: When is the Exam Conducted?


The ANCC FNP certifying exam is conducted Monday through Saturday during Prometric’s business hours. Contact Prometric at 1-800- 742-8738 for more details.


Since Prometric also conducts the AANP test, the hours and days are the same for testing for both exams. The hours will be listed when you sign up online for your examination.

ANCC vs. AANP: What are the Requirements to Apply for the Exam?


The requirements for the ANCC exam are as follows:

• Hold a current US RN license
• Have acquired a post-graduate FNP degree
• Have taken each of these post-graduate nursing courses: advanced physical assessment, advanced lifespan physiology/pathophysiology, advanced pharmacology, health promotion, differential diagnosis and disease management
• Must submit education verification documents and validation of education form


The main requirement for the AANP FNP exam is that you are an NP graduate from an accredited university and FNP program. You must hold an active and unencumbered RN license in the US and provide your FNP college transcripts and documentation of 500 clinical hours. The details are listed in the AANPCB FNP & AGNP Certification Handbook.

*For both the ANCC and AANP application process, please carefully review the testing website for exact details on qualifications and requirements for the exam.

ANCC vs. AANP: How to Apply?


Once you meet all the qualifications and have gathered what is required for your ANCC FNP examination, you may apply online at the official ANCC website (previously listed above in the requirement section).


You may apply for the AANP exam once you meet the requirements above. You must set up an online account with AANPCB at their official website. You can then sign up to take the FNP exam by applying online at AANPCB.

ANCC vs. AANP: What is the Cost of the Exam?


The ANCC offers several discounts for those taking the ANCC FNP exam. The original price is $395. For the American Nurses Association members, the fee for a test application is $295. For nurses who have joined the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the cost is $340. For those members of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners with a student membership, you pay $290.

Be aware that there is also a non-refundable $150 administration fee charge.


The fee for the online application version of the AANP FNP exam is $315. For nurses who have joined the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, you receive a member discount for the exam. Your fee would be $240.

If you choose to take the paper application for the AANP FNP test, AANP members pay $290. The non-member fee is $365 for this avenue.

ANCC vs. AANP: How Long is the Exam?


You are allotted 3.5 hours to complete the ANCC FNP exam. Of course, you can be done sooner if you complete the exam before the maximum allowed time.


When taking the AANP FNP test, you are given 3 hours to complete the test.

ANCC vs. AANP: What is the Exam Format Like?


Although there are 25 pretest questions in the ANCC exam, you cannot tell which is a scored question or those of the pretest (non-scored) variety.

The format of the questions on the ANCC exam can be varied. The questions consist of multiple-choice questions where you can mark multiple answers as correct. There are also drag-and-drop-type questions. There are also images at times that you need to mark.


The AANP exam only asks multiple-choice questions with one correct answer. This format allows you to move quickly from one question to the next.

ANCC vs. AANP: What Topics Does the Exam Cover?


Topics covered in the ANCC FNP exam include the major systems of the body, drug agents, and all age groups, from infants through frail elderly. Although the ANCC test content outline does not mention prenatal questions, some sources indicate that there are some included in this category.

The test is geared toward entry-level NP clinical knowledge and skills.

The ANCC FNP test asks questions about the following areas:

• Assessment - 29 questions
• Diagnosis - 26 questions
• Planning - 29 questions
• Implementation - 43 questions
• Evaluation- 23 questions


The topics covered by the AANP exam are quite expansive and similar to the ANCC test. The AANP breaks down the questions to fit the following domains:

• Assess - 27 questions
• Diagnose - 26 questions
• Plan - 25 questions
• Evaluate- 22 questions

These areas total 135 questions.

The FNP knowledge areas covered include anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, physical assessment, and evidence-based practice such as clinical decision-making and diagnosing. Questions may pertain to any age, from prenatal to elder adult.

ANCC vs. AANP: How Many Questions Does the Exam Have?


The ANCC FNP exam is 175 questions. However, only 150 of the questions are scored as 25 items are considered to be pretest questions.


The AANP exam has 150 questions, with 15 questions not scored (pretest questions). The scored and unscored questions are intermixed and are not identified as pretest or actual questions. So, 135 questions are actually scored.

ANCC vs. AANP: What Type of Questions Does the Exam Have?


IN 2022, the ANCC FNP examination underwent some changes. The new exam consists of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation domains. Each area is weighted differently. All body systems and age groups are included, along with numerous medication categories. See the ANCC test content outline for more detailed information.


The AANP has multiple choice questions about all body systems and all age groups, including prenatal and pharmacology. Questions include scenarios about assessment, diagnosis, planning, and evaluation.

ANCC vs. AANP: How Long Should You Study for the Exam?


There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how long you should study for the ANCC exam. But I can say that practice makes perfect. Don’t be fooled. You will need to study (a lot) for the FNP certification exam. It would be best to study until you feel comfortable with the content and feel prepared enough to do well on the practice test. This translates to months and hundreds of hours of study and practice.

Many sources recommend 3 months for proper preparation for the exam. It would be best to allow a few hours each day over several months to study instead of cramming right before the test.


Unless you have a photographic memory and are a whiz in NP school, you should resolve yourself to the fact that you will need to spend many hours studying for the AANP FNP test.

I took this examination and spent any extra time I had reviewing the necessary content and practicing questions and tests until I was reasonably confident that I was thoroughly prepared. Everywhere I went, I took my practice books with me to squeeze in study whenever possible. I recall sitting in a little rowboat with my cumbersome FNP exam-prep handbook and notepad in hand while my husband fished for hours.

Of course, many nurses study online or even prefer to watch podcasts on their phone to prep. However, having an actual book on hand made it a portable means to cram wherever I could with my busy lifestyle. In my case, I was working full-time with a family while I was in NP school, so I needed to make use of every extra moment possible for exam prep.

There are numerous approved study courses online (or in books) that you can purchase. They typically include a timeline for studying that will help you to organize and plan your strategy. Many of the courses offer a money-back guarantee if you do not pass. For those worried about passing the FNP certification exam or having trouble with time management, one of these courses may be worth the money.

ANCC vs. AANP: How is the Exam Scored?


The scoring for the ANCC exam is a bit complex. Your raw score (determined by the number of correctly answered questions) is converted to a scale score. You need to achieve a scale score of 350 or higher to pass the exam. The highest score on this exam is 500 (perfect score).


The AANP scoring also has a somewhat obscure scoring. The total number of correct answers is multiplied by a statistical procedure equivalent to create a score between 200 and 800.

ANCC vs. AANP: What is the Exam Pass Score?


The ANCC test is a pass or fail-only exam. You need to achieve a scale score of 350 or higher to pass the exam.


You must obtain a “scored” number of 500 to pass the AANP exam.

If you do not achieve a score of 500 or higher, you have failed the exam.

ANCC vs. AANP: What is the Exam Pass Rate?


The ANCC site provides certification data on the number of nurses who take the FNP test and pass. For 2022, 8,192 nurses took the FNP exam. Those who passed the exam totaled 7,040. This translates to a pass rate of 85.9% for the FNP ANCC exam in 2022.


According to the AANPCB 2022 statistics report, 74% of the participants passed the FNP exam. This pass rate was considerably lower than in past years. For example, in 2019, the AANP pass rate was 86%. This yearly pass data can be easily found on the AANPCB website.

By researching data on the AANP vs. ANCC exam in the past few years, the pass rate has been about the same for the past 10 years (except in 2022).

ANCC vs. AANP: If You Fail, Can You Retake the Exam?


If you fail the ANCC test, don’t worry; you can retake it.


As disappointing as a failed exam may be, don’t give up. You may need to brush up on a few areas. You can retake your AANP FNP exam. Give yourself time to become confident in your knowledge and register for a retake of the AANP FNP exam.

ANCC vs. AANP: When Can You Retake the Exam?


You can try retaking the ANCC FNP exam 60 days after a failed test. This interlude should give you time to brush up on the areas where you need additional review.


If you fail, you will receive a score report. You must take 15 CEs in the area of weakness outlined in this report to retake the test. This requirement will help strengthen areas where you did not score well.

However, no specific waiting period is outlined on the AANP website for retakes.

ANCC vs. AANP: How Many Times Can You Retake the Exam?


FNP certification exams are challenging. That is why the ANCC allows nurses to take the ANCC FNP test up to 3 times in a 12-month period. You can retake the test as many times as needed.


Although there is no limit on how many times you can retake the AANP FNP exam, you cannot take the test more than 2 times per calendar year.

ANCC vs. AANP: How to Retake the Exam?


When you schedule an ANCC FNP exam after your initial try, the process is the same as when you applied for the test the first time. The qualifications and paperwork you need to submit are identical, so hopefully, you kept copies of everything you submitted the first time.

You will apply online at the same ANCC website as you did previously.

By the way, the retest fee is $270 for the FNP ANCC exam.


To retake the AANP exam, complete the 15 hours needed for retakes (outlined above). Go to the official AANP website and apply for an exam retake, choosing the online option or paper retake application.

The AANP FNP certification retake exam fee is $240.

ANCC vs. AANP: What are the Continuing Education Requirements?


The ANCC provides a handbook that outlines the continuing education requirements for renewal of your ANCC FNP certification. It is advisable to keep this document handy after you pass your certification test.

NPs holding an ANCC certification must complete 75 continuing education credits. These credits must relate directly to your certification. In addition, 25 of the CE credits must be related to pharmacology.

Sometimes, college credit, presentations, research, and authored publications in approved peer-reviewed journals or books may fulfill some of the continuing education requirements. It is advisable to carefully read the ANCC credentialing handbook listed above regarding specific details about the continuing education requirements.


AANP requires that an NP must provide documentation of the following continuing education every 5 years for certification renewal:

• 100 contact hours in your specialty, with 25 being in pharmacology
• Preceptor hours, academic coursework, etc may be substituted according to the guidelines listed. Refer to the AANP website for details.

The AANP handbook is an essential resource for continuing education requirements.

ANCC vs. AANP: When Should You Renew Your Certification?


You must renew your ANCC FNP certification every five years. After 5 years, your certification will lapse if you do not apply for renewal.


To keep your AANP FNP certification current, you need to renew your certification every 5 years.

ANCC vs. AANP: What are the Requirements to Renew Your Certification?


To renew your ANCC FNP certification, you must hold a current and active US RN license.

In addition, you must provide verification of:

• Previous ANCC certification
• Complete the continuing education requirements listed above. Maintain a record of completed CEs in your ANCC portal for verification.
• Pay the renewal fee
• Submit a renewal application through ANCC

You may also renew by taking and passing the ANCC test once again.


You can renew your AANP FNP certification by either meeting the renewal requirements or retaking the exam.

If you decide to renew by meeting the necessary requirements, you will need to submit proof of the following:

• 1000 practice hours in the specialty area of your certification
• 100 contact hours in your specialty with 25 being in pharmacology
• Preceptor hours may be substituted in some instances. Refer to the AANP website for details.
• Hold a current RN license
• Pay the renewal fee
• Submit a renewal application through the AANP official website

You must also perform work in one of these categories for renewal:

• Assessment
• Publication or research
• College credit
• Professional service
• Preceptorship

Check the AANP recertification handbook for details.

ANCC vs. AANP: How to Renew Your Certification?


The actual process is easy once you have completed all of the ANCC FNP certificate renewal requirements. To renew your ANCC FNP certification, begin at the ANCC official website. Log in, go to the renew your certificate page, and follow the prompts.

You must provide documentation of your current RN license and completed CE’s by uploading these documents to your account. You can make renewal much easier if you upload your documentation to this site after each completed CE. Pay the renewal fee listed in the prompt, and you are good for another 5 years.

Once your application and documentation are approved, you will receive your new certification, pin, and letter by mail.


To renew your AANP certification, make sure that you have successfully completed all of your CE requirements and meet all of the renewal prerequisites (listed above).

Be certain that you have completed all that is necessary for recertification by checking the AANCB recertification handbook prior to starting your application.

Log into the official AANPCB website and choose the FNP recertification option. Upload all of your required content and pay the recertification fee.

Paper applications are also an option, but be aware that the turnaround time may be slower than the online option.

Recertification fees are $120 for a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and $195 for non-members.

ANCC vs. AANP: Apart From the FNP Certification, What Other Certifications Does It Offer?


ANCC offers a variety of certifications for RNS and NPs. The choices can change, so check out their website for its certification offerings.

The current NP certification exams that ANCC features in addition to FNP are as follows:

• Adult-Gerontology Primary Care
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Also, there are many RN certification exams to choose from, as well as some for clinical nurse specialists.


AANP only offers 2 types of entry-level NP certification exams. In addition to the FNP certification test, you can take the adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner (AGPCNP) test through AANP. In addition, AANP does offer one specialty certification exam, emergency nurse practitioner (ENP).

AANP does not offer any certifications for non-NP candidates such as RN or clinical specialists.

ANCC vs. AANP – What are the Key Similarities?

(The following are the 12 key similarities between ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP certification.)

SIMILARITY #1: Both Recognized and Accepted

The most important similarity between AANP and ANCC is that both exams are equally accepted and recognized by your state, employers, and academia. Which certification you hold should not make any difference when it comes to employment, licensing, and future education.

SIMILARITY #2: Topics Covered

Another key similarity between AANP and ANCC is that each test covers 4 domains of nursing. These include assessing, evaluating, planning, and evaluating all body system conditions. The only difference is that the ANCC exam adds a section on implementation.

SIMILARITY #3: Renewal

The renewal time frame is the same when weighing the ANCC vs. AANP test. Both certifications need to be reinstated every 5 years to remain active.

The easy online renewal process is another one of the similarities between the AANP and ANCC exams. You must load up your required documentation, pay the online renewal fee, and hit submit.

SIMILARITY #4: Longevity

The difference is minimal when weighing how long the ANCC vs. AANP exams have been around. Both were established in the early 1990s and have been around long enough to be equally accepted and prestigious.

SIMILARITY #5: Testing Centers

Both the ANCC and AANP exams are conducted at the same group of testing centers, Prometric. Therefore, it does not matter which test you choose when it comes to where you take the exam.

SIMILARITY #6: Discounts

Both the ANCC and AANP offer discounts for the exam. However, they are from different organizations. Membership through ANA and AANP will entitle you to a test discount for the ANCC exam. If you are leaning towards the AANP exam, membership through The American Association of Nurse Practitioners will entitle you to a discount for the AANP exam.

SIMILARITY #7: Retaking the Test

For many test takers, it is fortunate that one of the similarities between AANP and ANCC is that you can retake either test if you fail. You must log into the website test retake pages to find the details on specifics for taking another shot at the exam.

SIMILARITY #8: Practice Tests

ANCC offers an FNP readiness test for $85.

The AANP offers practice tests for $50 to ascertain if you are ready to take the exam. You may take the test as often as you wish, although you must pay the fee each time. There are 3 different versions of the AANP FNP exam, so retaking the test may be a good idea to practice a different set of questions.

For some, taking more than one practice test may seem like overkill, which may be true occasionally. However, numerous nurses had to take the exam 3 times before finally passing. You know yourself best and what you must do to become competent for a passing test score.

SIMILARITY #9: Nurse Satisfaction

The nursing response about which exam is better or easier is ongoing. Some NPs are team ANCC, while others are pro AANP exam. Nurse satisfaction of the 2 certifying bodies appears to be about equal. There does not appear to be one real winner here, with both tests garnering a fair share of support.

SIMILARITY #10: Pass Rates

When it comes to the bottom line, what matters most is that you pass the test. Knowing the pass rates is critical in deciding which exam to choose. However, with the exception of 2022, both exams boast a similar pass rate of about 85%.

SIMILARITY #11: Instant Results

It is a relief to know that you have access to instant results upon completing your ANCC and AANP exams.

I recall the killer wait for my mail results when I initially took the AANP exam. I was a nervous wreck by the time I received my envelope with the all-important pass-or-fail news. Years later, it was a relief to take my exam and have an immediate sigh of relief when the results were quickly spewed out via computer at the test center.

SIMILARITY #12: Continuing Education

When comparing the continuing education required for the ANCC vs. AANP test, you will notice that they are pretty much the same.

AANP requires 100 credit hours in your specialty. However, 25 hours must be in pharmacology.

ANCC also requires 100 hours in your certification area, with 25 hours in pharmacology.

ANCC vs. AANP – What are the Key Differences?

(The following are the 12 key differences between ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP certification.)

DIFFERENCE #1: Your credentials will look different.

Have you ever wondered why some FNPs use the credentials FNP-C vs. FNP-BC? What’s the difference? For a long time, most of us just signed our names with an FNP following our names. However, the credentialing exam that you take can make all the difference in how you display your FNP credentialing.

One of the more apparent differences between AANP vs. ANCC is how you list your NP credentials. For the NPs who pass the ANCC exam, you will display FNP-C. For those who are credentialed through the AANP exam, you will include FNP-BC after your name.


When you think about the many thousands of dollars you have invested in your education, a few dollars difference in test enrollment fees may seem insignificant.

However, if you want to save money where you can, you may want to compare the different costs for each exam to find the best deal. Overall, the AANP exam and renewal are less expensive than the ANCC.

DIFFERENCE #3: Questions

Many sources indicate that the ANCC test has more theory, cultural, and insurance-type questions than the AANP test. The AANP exam questions are strictly clinical-based. However, since the ANCC reformulated their test, the questions appear to be more similar to those in the AANP exam than in the past.


Both the ANCC and AANP exams have multiple-choice questions. However, the ANCC exam offers various question formats, such as drag and drop, illustrations, and multiple correct answer questions. AANP test questions are multiple-choice only with only one correct answer to choose.

You may want to examine your learning style to decide which of these test formats best suits your test-taking abilities.

DIFFERENCE #5: Prenatal Questions

One difference in the questions on the AANP vs. ANCC test is the category of prenatal. AANP lists prenatal as one of the lifespan areas covered, while the ANCC test outline does not mention it in its content.

For those who are not overly familiar with prenatal nursing, the ANCC omission of this content area could save time when studying for the exam compared to the AANP version. However, I would double-check the content outline of the ANCC exam before studying, as they could always add this area in the future.


Many FNPs who have taken their certification test agree that the AANP exam is more clinically focused compared to the ANCC exam.

On the other hand, NPs interested in academia and are more nursing policy-focused may feel more comfortable taking the ANCC test.

With the recent changes to the ANCC exam, these exams are more similar than in previous years.

DIFFERENCE #7: Organization Longevity

The ANA has been around much longer than the AANP. The ANA was founded way back in 1896.

It makes sense that the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) has not been around long since our profession emerged in 1965 when Loretta Ford bravely created the world’s first NP school. Subsequently, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners was founded in 1985.

Late to the game is the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (once a branch of AANP), which became the independent entity to certify NPs in 1999.

DIFFERENCE #8: Length of Exam

For aspiring NPs who want to get the test over, the length of the exam may be a deciding factor for your choice of certifying bodies. This difference between the AANP and AANP exams means that you may finish faster if you take the AANP test. With 150 questions and a 3-hour time limit, you should finish up faster than those taking the ANCC exam (3.5 hours and 175 questions).

DIFFERENCE #9: Requirements for Exam

When comparing the requirements for application of the ANCC vs. AANP exams, it appears that the AANP is a bit less stringent.

This difference between ANCC and AANP application requirements may give those choosing to take the AANP exam a bit of an early advantage. Sometimes, getting bogged down in initial paperwork and having to dig up numerous documents can be challenging for those with a busy life (as most of us are). As we all know, work-life-balance as an NP student is practically non-existent. By trying to find ways to make life easier, we might be able to better survive this sometimes stressful time in our lives.

Both the ANCC and AANP exams require that you hold a current RN license and be a graduate of an accredited FNP program. You must submit your transcripts for proof. However, ANCC specifies certain courses that are a prerequisite for the exam and require validation for the entry form to be completed.

DIFFERENCE #10: Certifying Bodies

As you are now well aware, there are 2 choices to obtain your FNP certification: the AANP and ANCC exams. Although the certifying bodies of AANP and ANCC are different entities, both are well respected and have proven results regarding the FNP certifying exams.

DIFFERENCE #11: Certification Offerings

One noticeable difference between ANCC and AANP certification offerings is the availability of varied content. Although both entities offer an FNP certification, the ANCC has more certifications in other specialties than the AANP. AANP only offers FNP and adult-gerontology NP certification exams.

DIFFERENCE #12: Passing Score

To avoid confusion, it is essential to remember the difference between AANP and ANCC passing scores. Both use a conversion based on the total number of correct answers. However, the passing score for the ANCC exam is 350, while the AANP test needs a 500 to pass.

5 Useful Free Study Resources for the ANCC-FNP Exam

STUDY RESOURCE #1: ANCC Study Prep Guide

I must say that I am very impressed with the ANCC study guide that is provided for free on their official website. This offering gives practical advice on how to study and pass the test. It even offers guidance for the day before the test and the day of the test. According to the professionals, these last-minute offerings may help eliminate test jitters by knowing you have prepared the best you can.

ANCC also offers a study aids page where you can quickly locate information this entity offers to prep for the ANCC FNP certification exam.

ANCC also has a free resource page to download that offers a variety of advice and resources regarding certification, including study prep.

STUDY RESOURCE #2: University Blogs

Colleges that offer FNP programs typically provide study advice and test prep info on their nursing blogs. Reading several college blogs on this topic is helpful for various advice. You never know when that one bit of advice will tip the test score to the passing side.

STUDY RESOURCE #3: Networking

It is beneficial to network with colleagues/peers/professors to obtain their opinions on how to study for the ANCC test. When I was near graduation from my FNP program, our professors discussed their recommendations for studying for the AANP vs. ANCC test. Their input was precious to us, fledgling and floundering soon-to-be FNPs.

Some of the students from my graduating class formed study groups to help keep us interested and on track for the exam. This was a fun way to study and stay in touch with the NP student nurses we spent so much time (and angst) with over the past 2 years.

In addition, it would not hurt to ask if your university also offers study programs for test prep.

STUDY RESOURCE #4: Facebook Groups

NP Facebook groups have much to say about the AANP vs. ANCC test. “Nurse Practitioner New Grads and Students” Facebook page is a great group to begin your search for study tips. You can take a clandestine view of all the questions and answers or actively participate, asking your questions about the test and how best to prepare. Either way, use the search button in the group to research previous threads on this topic.

There even is a Facebook AANP vs. ANCC Nurse Practitioner Board Review Networking Group that may interest you. It can be liberating to network with other NPs going through the same test stress as you.

STUDY RESOURCE #5: Nursing Certification Support Organizations

Nursing certification organizations besides ANCC and AANP also offer advice on studying for the FNP exam. A Google search will populate numerous advantageous sites for test prep. Just be aware that most will try to sell you a prep program (which, in many instances, can be quite helpful). Typically, some sage test prep advice is intermixed with the sales pitch.

5 Useful Free Study Resources for the AANP-FNP Exam


The AANPCB website gives a few free titbits of helpful information when studying for the exam. Look in the FAQ’s section understudying for the exam”. Otherwise, they do not supply or provide any other study resources. However, overall, the website seemed lacking on this all-important topic. After scouring the site, I could not find a guide for exam prep. This was a little disappointing as the rest of the AANPCB is quite thorough and easy-to-find topics.

The best study AANPCB resource is not free. The practice tests offered through AANPCB require payment, but most nurses agree that the cost is worth the peace of mind that comes with doing the practice tests.

STUDY RESOURCE #2: Libraries

Don’t forget to check out your local community library's free NP certification study guides. If they do not stock what you are looking for, university and hospital libraries should have a good stock of FNP study guides for the AANP exam.

You may be able to borrow FNP exam study guides from colleagues who have gone before you in this challenging endeavor. Just make sure that it is the current issue geared towards your exam.

Although you may need to pay a small price, there is a market for used nursing books, including exam prep guides. I have seen some of the most popular exam prep books (Fitzgerald) on sale on eBay for as low as $15.

STUDY RESOURCE #3: Nurse Practitioner Blogs

Dozens of NP blogs pertain to studying for the FNP certification exam. Google “blog study FNP certifying exam,” and many helpful sites pop up. ThriveAP offers numerous free advice blogs for certification exam test prep. Topics include study plans, 6 step plan for success, timelines for the study, and information on live review sessions.

STUDY RESOURCE #4: Allnurses. com is the largest online nursing community in the world. This popular site offers opinions by nurses and resources on all types of topics. You should be able to glean quite a bit of helpful, personalized information about the FNP certification exam by searching the site under the topic of “NP students AANP certification exam.” You can also ask your own questions and other nurses will respond with their own thoughts and advice.

STUDY RESOURCE #5: The American Association of Nurse Practitioners

The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) provides numerous resources for student and new-grad NPs. The AANP Student Success Guide is a free resource for NP students who are about to launch their careers. By joining AANP as a student (for a discounted rate of $55), you can peruse the many offerings this prestigious organization has to offer fledgling NPs.

For those who prefer to listen to a podcast, The Nurse Practitioner Podcast is an on-the-go resource for test advice.

*With the exception of the ANCC and AANP website study resources, all of the free resources listed in this article can pertain to both the ANCC vs. AANP exams.

Also, numerous online FNP certification test prep programs are geared specifically to each exam, with many offering a “guarantee” of a passing score. These almost always cost money to purchase.

My Final Thoughts – ANCC vs. AANP – Which FNP Exam Should I Take?

Now that I have clearly answered the question of what are the similarities and differences between ANCC vs. AANP certification?, you should be able to make an informed choice about which exam to take. With the key similarities and differences between ANCC-FNP vs. AANP-FNP certification exam broken down, you can weigh what is most important for you when deciding which test to choose.

The bottom line of which FNP certification test to take is quite individual. Reviewing the test outline that each test entity provides shows that the content is quite comparable. And they are even more so now that the ANCC exam has been revamped. However, some still feel that the ANCC exam is less clinically based than the AANP test.

Most RNs are primarily concerned about passing whichever test they choose. Although there are some minor differences in the ANCC and AANP FNP exams, essentially, their pass rates are very close.

Look at the types of questions and ascertain which format you prefer. Do you do better with multiple-choice questions, or would various question types suit your learning style more closely? Before you make a final decision and enroll for your exam, explore a few sample questions from both of these certifying bodies. The questions from one exam entity may feel a bit easier than the other.

You may also want to ask what test your colleagues and professors recommend for future career goals. As you may have figured out, the decision is not cut and dry.

Whichever test you choose, I wish you the best as begin your professional NP career. Good luck with the test!

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Our Expert

1. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Is More Prestigious?

The answer to this question varies according to which site you query. However, you need to be aware that BOTH the ANCC vs. AANP exams are equally accepted everywhere. Some still contend that the ANCC exam is more respected in academia, while the AANP certification is considered more clinically based.

2. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Has Been Around For Longer?

The ANCC exam has been around 2 years longer than the AANP test. This short time frame is hardly mentionable since both have been around for over 30 years.

3. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Is More Expensive?

Fees for the exam depend on your professional nursing memberships (which offer discounts). However, in general, the ANCC test costs more. For example, non-members pay more for the ANCC exam ($395) compared to the AANP test ($315).

4. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Is Longer?

The ANCC exam is longer since it has more questions, and more time is allotted to take the test.

5. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Is Harder To Study?

There is no straight answer about which exam is harder to study for. It is fair to say that both exams are challenging and deserve a good bit of time to prepare for.

6. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Is Harder To Pass?

The 2022 test pass data for the ANCC exam showed that its pass rate was better than the AANP exam. However, in years past, both exam types had a pass rate in the mid-80 percentile. I am not sure why there was such a startling difference in pass rates this past year, but history shows that both exams have similar results.

7. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Exam Allows More Number Of Retakes?

You can retake both exams as much as you want. However, with the ANCC exam, you can only take 2 tests in a 12-month period, while AANP allows up to 3 shots at their test in a year.

8. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Certification Has Tougher Continuing Education Requirements?

The continuing education requirements are the same for both exam types.

9. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Certification Requires To Be Renewed More Often?

Both the ANCC and AANP certifications need to be renewed every 5 years.

10. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Certification Is Harder To Renew?

It depends on what you are doing during your 5-year certification period. Both ANCC and AANP require similar CE requirements for renewal.

However, there is one big difference between the 2 certifications. AANP requires that you submit documentation of 1000 practice hours in your certification area. ANCC allows you to pick from an extensive list of “other required options,” such as preceptorship, research, or practice hours. This variety may better suit an NP who is not in clinical practice.

11. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Certification Is More Expensive To Renew?

The ANCC certification renewal fee of $375 (non-member price) is more expensive than AANP ($195 for non-member price).

12. ANCC-FNP VS. AANP-FNP: Which Certification Do Employers Prefer?

Both types of certifications are respected and accepted by employers. However, some believe that the ANCC certificate is preferred in academic jobs. Conversely, some employers in clinical areas may prefer the AANP certification.

13. Can I Get Certified In Both ANCC-FNP And AANP-FNP?

Yes, you can be certified by both testing bodies, although it is unnecessary. Some NPs take both tests with the thought that it may look more prestigious to be certified by 2 different organizations. Especially when changing your career from clinical to academia or vice-versa.

Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN
Donna Reese is a freelance nurse health content writer with 37 years nursing experience. She has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in her local community clinic and as an RN in home health, rehabilitation, hospital, and school nursing.