Enrolling in one of the ADN programs in Minnesota is an excellent career move for anyone interested in making a positive difference in other people’s lives. As a registered nurse in the Land of Lakes, you’ll make $88,860 annually on average and enjoy solid career prospects: Demand for ADN-educated RNs in Minnesota is expected to rise by 7 percent over the next decade. Most associate degrees in nursing only take two years or less to complete. If you decide to continue your education later, you can apply those credits toward a bachelor’s or graduate nursing degree. Find out more by reading through the list below of the 10 best ADN programs in Minnesota.
Based on our Ranking Methodology, the following are the 10 best nursing schools for ADN programs in Minnesota. You can complete most of these programs in 2 years.
Program Details: Normandale Community College’s associate degree in nursing is counted as one of the best ADN programs in Minnesota. The program is a 64-credit program that prepares you to work in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, long-term facilities, etc. The coursework includes topics such as the foundations of health assessment, health promotion, parent-child nursing, chronic & palliative care, pharmacology, and acute & complex care.
Why Choose This Program
• Normandale Community College’s ADN program lays a strong emphasis on teamwork. This ADN program in Minnesota fully prepares graduates to work as a part of an interdisciplinary healthcare team.Program Details: Rochester Community and Technical College’s ADN program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge required for professional nursing practice. The program is a four-semester coursework that prepares students for a seamless transition into the workplace. This 2-year RN program in Minnesota comprises a total of 64-credit coursework that includes 34 credits in nursing and 30 credits in general education courses. The program covers topics such as the fundamentals of nursing, anatomy & physiology, mental health nursing, adult nursing, microbiology, pediatric nursing, and nursing leadership & management.
Why Choose This Program
• Rochester Community and Technical College offers a student-centric learning environment where students are well supported right from enrollment until they graduate.Program Details: Pine Technical & Community College’s associate degree in nursing should be on your list if you are keen on enrolling in one of the best 2-year RN programs in Minnesota. The college’s ADN program fully prepares graduates for the NCLEX-RN exam. The ADN program is 64-credit coursework that covers topics such as med-surgical nursing, professional nursing leadership, maternal-newborn nursing, and nursing care for individuals & families across the lifespan.
Why Choose This Program
• Pine Technical & Community College’s ADN program offers one of the lowest tuition rates, making it one of the most affordable 2-year RN programs in Minnesota.Program Details: Alexandria Technical & Community College’s ADN is open to high school graduates who are aspiring to a career as a registered nurse. The college offers a well-rounded nursing curriculum that comprises a total of 64 credits. This 2-year nursing program in Minnesota covers a broad range of topics in liberal arts and nursing science. Students learn about human anatomy & physiology, nutrition, microbiology, advanced nursing concepts, nursing pharmacology, family nursing, and concepts in professional nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Alexandria Technical & Community College’s ADN program offers flexible schedules to allow for work-life balance.Program Details: Another one of the best ADN programs in Minnesota, the ADN program at Minnesota State Community and Technical College prepares graduates for a successful nursing career. The program focuses on key competencies such as nursing judgment, patient-centered care, teamwork & collaboration, safety, quality improvement, and professionalism. The ADN program is a 64-credit coursework comprising general education and nursing courses. The program includes topics such as human anatomy & physiology, medical microbiology, nursing fundamentals, reproductive health, nutrition, reproductive disorders, mental health nursing, and nursing leadership. Upon completion of this ADN program in Minnesota, you’ll be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Why Choose This Program
• Minnesota State Community and Technical College’s ADN program has partnerships with Minnesota State University Moorhead to allow a seamless transition to the BSN program.Program Details: St. Cloud Technical & Community College’s ADN program is a rigorous curriculum that fully prepares graduates for the complex challenges of healthcare. The program provides a solid foundation in core nursing topics and comprises a total of 64 credits. The coursework includes courses such as professional nursing concepts, clinical nursing courses, transitional nursing concepts, psychology, microbiology, and human anatomy & physiology.
Why Choose This Program
• St. Cloud Technical & Community College’s ADN program takes pride in its exceptional placement rate. This 2-year RN program in Minnesota equips graduates with job-ready skills, making them rather sought after by healthcare employers in the region.Program Details: North Hennepin Community College’s ADN program prepares you for competent patient care in diverse types of healthcare settings. This ADN program in Minnesota focuses on holistic nursing care and includes courses in health assessment, fundamentals of nursing, pharmacology, chronic & palliative nursing, nursing leadership, and acute & complex nursing care. To graduate, students must complete a total of 64 credits.
Why Choose This Program
• North Hennepin Community College’s ADN program not only reports an excellent placement rate, but the program also has a track record of an impressive pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam.Program Details: Northland Community and Technical College’s ADN program produces highly skilled registered nurses who provide compassionate care. Another one of the 2-year nursing programs in Minnesota, the program is a 64-credit coursework that covers a range of topics. The well-rounded curriculum includes courses that teach you concepts in the fundamentals of nursing, med-surgical nursing, pharmacology, maternal-child nursing, psychiatric nursing, and community health nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Northland Community and Technical College’s ADN program starts twice a year in the fall and spring. Further, this 2-year RN program in Minnesota also offers part-time and full-time options to accommodate the busy schedules of working students.Program Details: Lake Superior College’s ADN program is a sought-after 2-year nursing program in Minnesota. The program not only prepares you for a thriving career as a registered nurse but also lays a strong foundation in core nursing concepts. The nursing program comprises 64 credits and leads to the NCLEX-RN exam. Throughout this program, you’ll learn about concepts such as the fundamentals of nursing care, pathophysiology, pharmacological interventions, behavioral health nursing, family nursing, advanced nursing care, and leadership & management in nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Lake Superior College’s ADN program has a partnership with The College of St. Scholastica. The partnership allows ADN students to take BSN courses in the last semester of the ADN program.Program Details: Among the well-known ADN programs in Minnesota, Riverland Community College’s ADN program is aligned to meet the changing needs of the healthcare industry. The program produces highly skilled nurses who are committed to patient-centered care. The 64-credit coursework starts in the fall and takes four semesters to complete. The required courses cover a wide of topics such as nursing fundamentals, pharmacology, med-surgical nursing, health assessment, family nursing, and acute care & leadership. The program also offers elective courses such as transcultural nursing and complementary therapies.
Why Choose This Program
• Riverland Community College’s ADN program is one of the more affordable options in the state.