Wondering how you can become an RN in Colorado in 24 months? ADN programs in Colorado include didactic and clinical classes that will prepare you to take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam in two years or less. As an ADN-prepared RN in the Centennial State, you can count on earning a salary of $86,690 a year. Whether you want to work in a hospital, a clinic, or a private physician’s practice, you’ll have many employment opportunities, and those opportunities will increase by 29 percent in the next 10 years. What are you waiting for? Get started on a dynamic new career path by reading through this list of the 10 best ADN programs in Colorado.
Based on our Ranking Methodology, the following are the 10 best nursing schools for ADN programs in Colorado. You can complete most of these programs in 2 years.
Program Details: Front Range Community College‘s ADN program is a perfect start to a thriving career in nursing. Counted among the best ADN programs in Colorado, the program comprises 71.5 credits that are completed over four semesters. Emphasizing topics such as the fundamentals of nursing, pharmacology, med-surgical nursing, and psychiatric mental health nursing, the program equips you with skills in critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and holistic care.
Why Choose This Program
• Front Range Community College’s ADN program is taught by a compassionate faculty who is dedicated to your success.Program Details: If you are keen on enrolling in one of the best ADN programs in Colorado, then Trinidad State College offers an excellent option. The college’s ADN program prepares graduates to meet the health needs of diverse patient populations. Leading to the NCLEX-RN exam, the program comprises a total of 64 credits. Students attend classes in human anatomy & physiology, fundamentals of nursing, basics of pharmacology, and human pathophysiology. You also learn about med-surgical concepts, maternal-child nursing, advanced concepts of med-surgical nursing, and psychiatric mental health nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Trinidad State College’s ADN offers dual enrollment where you can earn, both, an ADN and a BSN.Program Details: Another one of the best 2-year nursing programs in Colorado, Pikes Peak State College’s ADN program focuses on key nursing competencies such as patient-centered care, professionalism, leadership, communication, and holistic care. The program spans four semesters and requires completion of 56.5 credits. The coursework teaches concepts such as the fundamentals of nursing, basic concepts of pharmacology, med-surgical nursing concepts, psychiatric mental health nursing, maternal-child nursing, and pathophysiology. Upon completion of this 2-year nursing program in Colorado, you’ll be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Why Choose This Program
• Pikes Peak State College’s ADN is not only affordable but also offers generous financial aid and scholarship opportunities.Program Details: Arapahoe Community College is designed to prepare graduates for direct patient care in challenging healthcare environments. The ADN program in Colorado equips graduates with the skills and knowledge to work as entry-level nurses in hospitals, clinics, long-term facilities, and specialty clinics.
The program comprises a total of 71.5 credits, including general education and nursing courses. The general education courses, comprising 29 credits, teach you topics such as human anatomy & physiology, microbiology, human pathophysiology, and nutrition. The 42.5 credit nursing courses cover topics such as med-surgical nursing, the fundamentals of nursing, basic nursing concepts, maternal/child nursing, pharmacology, and advanced concepts in nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Arapahoe Community College’s ADN program boasts high pass rates on the NCLEX-RN exam.Program Details: Aims Community College’s ADN program is an excellent stepping stone for aspiring nurses who want to gain high-quality skills in patient care. The program comprises 69.50 credits and takes four semesters to complete. This 2-year nursing program in Colorado teaches you concepts such as microbiology, fundamentals of nursing, basic concepts of pharmacology, human growth & development, med-surgical nursing, maternal-child nursing, psychiatric mental health, pharmacology, and community health nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Aims Community College’s ADN program provides students with ample clinical training at its advanced nursing lab which is equipped with the latest simulation technology.Program Details: Pueblo Community College’s associate degree in nursing prepares graduates for a successful career as a registered nurse. The ADN curriculum comprises a total of 71 credits and includes rigorous theoretical courses and diverse clinical experiences. The two years of this 2-year nursing program in Colorado mainly entail completing courses such as the fundamentals of nursing, basics of pharmacology, pathophysiology, med-surgical nursing concepts, maternal-child nursing, psychiatric mental health nursing, pharmacology, and advanced concepts of med-surgical nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Pueblo Community College’s ADN program is taught by experienced faculty members who have practice experience in various nursing specialties.Program Details: If you want to launch your career as a registered nurse, then Denver College of Nursing offers an excellent ADN program. Leading to the NCLEX-RN exam the program emphasizes the core nursing competencies and equips you with skills in critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and communication. The coursework comprises a total of 110 quarter credits, including 86 in nursing and 24 in general education. To complete this ADN program in Colorado, you’ll take courses such as pathophysiology, nutrition, health assessment, the foundations of nursing, pharmacology, med-surgical concepts, mental health nursing, and maternal & child nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Denver College of Nursing’s ADN program seamlessly transfers to leading BSN and MSN programs in the state.Program Details: Another one of the reputable 2-year nursing programs in Colorado, Morgan Community College’s ADN is a great option if you want to obtain high-quality nurse training. The college’s ADN is a 67.5 credit coursework that comprises general education and nursing courses. The program covers a range of topics such as anatomy & physiology, fundamentals of nursing, basic pharmacology, med-surgical nursing concepts, pathophysiology, advanced concepts of med-surgical nursing, and psychiatric mental health nursing. Upon graduation, you’ll be fully prepared to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Why Choose This Program
• Morgan Community College’s ADN program not only reports an excellent pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam but also has more than 90% of graduates find suitable jobs within six months of graduation.Program Details: Lamar Community College’s ADN program is perfect for high school graduates who want to pursue a career in nursing. The program offers a high-quality curriculum that prepares graduates to meet the health needs of diverse patient populations in rural and urban healthcare settings. Emphasizing clinical reasoning, cultural competence, clinical judgment, and patient-centric care, this 2-year nursing program in Colorado requires the completion of 71.5 to 73.5 credits.
Why Choose This Program
• Lamar Community College maintains partnerships with leading BSN programs in the state. Therefore, ADN students will seamlessly be able to transfer credits to any of the partner four-year institutions.Program Details: The ADN program at Northeastern Junior College is a rigorous curriculum that includes theoretical knowledge and hands-on clinical experiences. Counted as one of the high-quality 2-year nursing programs in Colorado, the program is designed to meet the high standards of education and is aligned with the evolving needs of the healthcare industry. The coursework includes several courses such as the fundamentals of nursing, basic concepts of pharmacology, med-surgical concepts, maternal-child nursing, human pathophysiology, advanced concepts of med-surgical nursing, and psychiatric mental health nursing.
Why Choose This Program
• Northeastern Junior College’s ADN students will seamlessly be able to transfer credits to four-year universities such as the Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, University of Northern Colorado, and University of Phoenix.